tv [untitled] June 6, 2011 7:00am-7:30am PDT
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please. >> good evening, commissioners, superintendent, members of the community. my name is ellie rossiter, i'm a parent of children and mira loma and james glick. >> hello. [speaking foreign language] >> good evening, board members. i am representing pac, the parent advisory council. >> [speaking foreign language] >> i have two children attending school. one is in 2nd grand the other is
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i -- grade, the other is in 4th grade. >> i'm chair of the pac this year, i have a second grader and a fifth grader. >> i will get us started. " we wanted to do is give you a chance to have more dialogue with us. we have prepared a couple of questions. there are three questions. we would like to offer you a chance to ask us any questions either about the process that we went through, some of the comments, our reports, our recommendations, or any reports we have given since then. we have been able to follow what the initial report with a number of board meetings since then. before i get started with the questions, i wanted to ask you, would you rather we read all
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three questions first or would you like to take each one at a time? >> i would prefer that you read each one first and the sub questions so that everybody has the information. then the board will have any questions like to talk to you about. -- any questions they would like to talk to you about. >> [speaking foreingn language] >> i would like to ask these questions to the board. are we missing something? are we seeing some things that we are not addressing? or have your priorities changed?
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>> [speaking foreign language] [inaudible] [speaking foreign language] >> the proposed feeder patterns do not seem to achieve your priority goals. first of all, and racial isolation and the concentration of underserved students in the same schools have an equitable access to the district's range of opportunity.
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>> [speaking foreign language] >> and having systems that are very transparent and having systems that work for families. and having access to the range of opportunities. in fact, many of the feeder patterns seem to do just the opposite. >> [speaking foreign language] >> for example, some of the feeders would concentrate from lower performing elementary schools and the same middle school. >> [speaking middleforeign lang] >> others will block students
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from getting into higher performing schools in the west side. our question is, are we missing our question is, are we missing something? >> thank you, pac and parents. >> in the recommendations presented on may 9 of district staff, we needed time to develop plans for the master schedule. including services for special education students. plans to address these issues
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should be in place before you adopt this policy. [applause] people ask a lot of questions at the community forums. we expect the district's proposal to address them. we still have a lot of the same question. are you willing to adopt the system without knowing these things? what resources are needed? what will the trade-off be to expand the proposed language programs? what are the criteria and priorities for which language to expand? what will it take to make sure that all middle school students have access to high-quality electives including proposals to at seventh or eighth periods to each school. whether expanding language programs will result in
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dismantling arts and music programs already in place at middle schools like presidio. >> and the thrid questio - -thir d -- and the third question. predictability is a major priority for some families. in community conversations over the past five years, we found that most parents have ideas about the school that will work for their family and want to be able to choose from among those schools. in our experience, when parents express the desire for predictability, they have land -- linked this with two things. they want to attend the neighborhood school, and they perceive the neighborhood school as meeting their needs. the district cozy own analysis of the assignment process shows that the vast majority of families are choosing schools outside of their attendance
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area where they would have been given preference. almost 80% of these families are not emphasizing predictability and are requesting schools they believe will be a better fit for their family. could you tell us why you believe predictability is a priority for parents that you are trying to meet by establishing feeder patterns? >> i don't know how you would like to do this, i will ask preference from the board members. you can respond to some of these questions if you like. my preference is to take the public input before we start the board discussions that we can have that in mind and be responding to that at the same time that we respond to these. does anybody object to that? >> we have some closing comments that are not included in this conclusion. if we are going to wayait --
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>> do you want to that after the board discussion? we have one little problem. we can hear the public comment, but we will have to squeeze a bunch of people up there. we can figure it out as we do the public comment. ok. thank you. yes. that can be your job. [laughter] 9y>> [inaudible] >> there's a clock there. it's used for that purpose. if you would like to comment on the presentation are making a public comment on the issues before us tonight, come to the podium. i don't know how many of you want to speak, but i would like to be able to get a sense for
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how many of you there are. and we are going to -- i think we will give a minute to each person so we can hear as many as possible. most of you want to say i like it or i don't. one minute should be an adequate time. >> i'm anne, i was going to speak on behalf of a couple of parents. can we combine time? how does that work? >> there are too many of you. i hope that if you are just for it or against it, you can tell us that.
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if people want to bring up stuff, take the time to tell us what they are. >> thhow many people? >> i won't give you more than three minutes, i don't care how many people there are. >> i am the parent of a second grader and a fifth grader, i am also the pta president. i am speaking on behalf of the number of fifth grade families that are sitting without assignments for next year. we are big advocates of the feeder pattern and we believe it is important for all the reasons that the staff gave tonight. we all wanted to give you a sense of our stories. many of you have seen our stories. personally, i did not get the elementary school that i wanted
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six years ago, but i got out of their grade school in the neighborhood. i became pta president and we love our school. many of us are here tonight. we feel it is important for us to be able to stay together and move together in the middle school. and especially because i live within walking dis÷8g of the middle school. there were no other people that we knew. instead of going into a lot of our stories, we have been extremely saddened and frustrated the last couple of months. we tried as much as we could to work within the system. we have been writing letters. we want to make it work. we are public school advocates and we are extremely active in our schools. we invested lots and lots of time. we also donated money and we want to stay within the public schools. we feel like we're being pushed
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out because we are not willing to accept going across town with nobody we know. when we only have three years and that sort of thing. we feel like we're being as or we are being pushed out to look for private schools. charter schools, home schooling, all of that stuff. i never called a private school until last week when i saw how dismal the situation was. the new plan would basically be prejudicial against any of us that were going to try to wait it out. now we're being told that waiting it out is not an option anymore. we have a few simple questions for you. i am not sure if you are able to answer questions, but we have some suggestions. is it true that there is a
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significant number of sixth graders without an assignment? and we know how many? we have heard lots of rumors across the board. we also heard about the middle schools not at capacity. i was told that there were only two middle schools with any openings at all. the biggest thing is that we have been given hints that they are considering opening spots to accommodate the on placed children. >> you need to summarize. >> if you're going to be opening spots and some of the fully enroll the middle schools, prioritize families that did not receive any of their choices. those that received no choices in round 1. and we would like for that to take place before august 1. many of our children are the only ones that don't have
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placements and it is very difficult for these children. we would like to have some sort of plan to accommodate the families that have not received any place but so far. thank you. [applause] >> [speaking spanish] >> good evening, first of all, i wanted to let you know that it is very hard for us to have to come here and talk to you again. it feels like you're not listening to us and it is very frustrating. goshaw>> [speaking spanish]
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>> i am here representing the families and we want to tell you that really don't want hoover to be the only option for our children. >> [speaking spanish] >> who want to let you know that we should be able to select a school that we want. i don't know what the board is thinking, but the parents should be able to select the schools that they think is good for the children. >> [speaking spanish] >> i know latino students are
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parents. and one of the problems that we have is transportation. it takes for your 50 minutes to be able to get to school. since a lot of them have younger children, it is hard for them to take their kids how to the school so far away. the middle school. >> a lot of these children are in the immersion program to start at 8:00 in the morning. how are they going to get there
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so early to school that they are going to have to take care of them? >> [speaking spanish] >> we also think that the school is very big. a lot of our children need assistance. they need a lot of help with their academics. a smaller school would be able to provide a better academic hellhole high for our children. >> thank you. [applause] >> while we understand the need
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to use it as an example, things that are happening this year. i remember that the proposal before us is to change. what are most useful or comments about the proposed changes to the policy before us. >> i am following up to the parents because we did a survey and we wanted to ask how our community what the thought is being said. i will probably e-mail it to you as an attachment, but i basically want to give you a quick summary. more families prefer -- or we are kind of split. our chinese families prefer hoover hand-to-hand english and spanish speaking families preferred choice. most chinese speaking families
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prefer hoover whether or not they have a car. most families that live in the furthest is a cutaway from hoover preferred choice. most families that live over a 20 minute drive want a bus. very few of the families that live in the dakota have cars. 95 percent of those want a bus. that is regardless of language, program, and preference for hoover or toys. to make this work, we need support for transportation. a question for you is, and of the community is not alone. a question to you is, that is going to cost a significant amount of money. i want to know what you have in place to evaluate the cost of
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what needs to be put into place before as these folks have said. before you put into place and pass this proposal. i want to encourage you to go back to the language you adopted in march before the proposals were added on. i also want to encourage you to think about building middle schools in the region. have 17% of all middle school students and we need a middle school in that neighborhood. a good one. monroe is bursting at the seams. we want a k-h monroe in our neighborhood. please. we want you to build schools in our neighborhood. [applause]
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>> my name is.rodriguez, and i am here to talk about the buena vista school. in the beginning of the year, there was an agreement made with the school and with the educational placement center that this year would be like a feeder program, a preschool into the kindergarten, and i was actually number two for the tie breaker, as well, and the pre-k students are pretty much made up of low-income, latino people. i was told that, no problem getting into, as well as me and other families were to access into the program. to this day, they told us it
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would be fixed by the may placements, and that did not happen, and as of now, i was told we would be put on a priority for the august placement, so i just have that fear that it will not happen for the august placement, as well. [applause] >> hello, my name is -- i live in the sunset. forén$áup'd, these people came up with the idea, in new adopted it, right? is that right? so they are not here today to defend this idea. anyway, why are we sending our children away when they are literally next door to the school boat instead of what miles away? [applause] i do not know. it seems to me that you are not trying to make it easy for us.
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i am married, and both me and my wife work. one of us would have to quit a job. otherwise, he would have to transfer. what happened to community? remember, community, community, a community? let's be honest here. why do i want my kids to go to chinatown or in the mission district? i have no problem with that. my time is over? [applause] >> hi, my name is -- i do not have a translator, but i am a minority, believe it or not.
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i have heard some people talking about it, and it is important to some people. my kid is 11. he is crying a lot because he has to go around town, away from his friends. anyway, the sense of community, how am i going to go to another school? i cannot go there. i am sorry i am not addressing the feeder program. that is not the most important thing to me. i do not want to send my son on muni and having to transfer twice. would you? when any of you send your 11 year-old? [applause] >> hello, my name is sylvia.
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i have a child in a neighborhood school. i have to say the i am a product of the 1970's experience of busting your child picking around the city, and i do not think i benefited from that. but it took one hour, two hours out of my day is for school. unfortunately, my parents did not have the option at that time. they did not have the options i can provide, and i will not send my kid out side to another school. another thing that mr. garcia mentioned is that we will continue to get what we get if we continue the system, and quite obviously, the system is not working, so let's make the change. i think we have been functioning under this system for decades now. let's make a change and see if we can improve the school.
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thank you. [applause] >> good evening. my name is camille, and i have a third grader and a fourth grader in the sf unified school system. all of us here, all of the parents are here at least until the in part because we're trying to secure what allows our children to opt out of a broken school. the choice proponents want to avoid being channeled, and the feeder ones want to avoid being sent across town to one, so we're all almost unloaded here because we're trying to make a broken system work for our individual families, but how we work around a broken system should not determine how we fix it -- how you fix this system. the district middle school and k-8 plan is reasonable, and this
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is a long time to lose momentum. if you are going to do it, why delay the implementation? [cheers and applause] . >> hi, my name is lisa, and i am the parent of an elementary school student. for parents to choose to stay in san francisco and pinchot's public over a private placement, i was very pleased to wind up at lafayette, where two years i have been very involved in the community. my daughter feels supported by not only the teachers and administrators and parents, but i feel supported by those parents, as well, and i look forward to moving into a school together where we can use our combined strength to continue to make that middle school better, and i am a strong proponent of the k-8 feeder. [applause]
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