tv [untitled] June 6, 2011 10:00am-10:30am PDT
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and those suggestions are reflected in the action that i have just reviewed. we agree wholeheartedly with the suggestions. at the same time, we respectfully disagree with the suggestion that we should do these have instead of building the feeders. we recommend doing them in tandem. we believe building an infrastructure increases the opportunity to strategically and cost effectively build strong and effective middle schools that will accelerate achievement for all students. tonight, we recommend distant assignment system for middle school. our less -- our last presentation focused on that. we agreed that student assignment alone will accomplish very little. the action item before the board
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tonight that as part of this policy is about changes to the infrastructure of student assignment that will help the quality schools everywhere. we will focus on the student assignment peace because that is what we're asking the board to take action on. one key question raised is how they meet a priority goals for student assignment. a cut would be helpful for us all to review what the goals listed in the policy for student assignment are. in the presentation will go into greater debt and illustrate how the infrastructure shift will help us achieve these goals. one of the goals is to facilitate student diversity in the parameters of current law. another isoçd work with district initiatives to avoid isolation of underserved students. the third is to support the
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strategic limited resources and quality schools in every neighborhood. the fourth is to provide equitable access to the range of the opportunities. creating robust enrollment at all schools. to be simple and easy to understand and provide transparency at every stage of the assignment process. offer families a degree of predictability. minimize the degree that families must invest. prevent the cost effective use -- implement and sustained over time. these are the policy goals of the the board unanimously approved for student assignment in march 2009 after years of debate, discussion, review of data.
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the next part of the presentation will illustrate the proposal to create the feeder infrastructure. i am now going to cost to christina who will present the next portion of the presentation. >> in regards to facilitating student diversity, we have heard that they are very concerned that the patterns themselves don't seem to achieve the goals for student assignment with particular concern a student from the east side of the city would be blocked from gaining admission to the higher performing schools on the west side. the next couple of slides will show you the demographic data of the students that are currently enrolled. this shows where students enrolled in the middle school in
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october of 2010 lived. for the next slide, and this matter shows where all children attending the elementary schools will ft. these are the k-four students. these are the fifth grade. the children live all over the city. elementary enrollment data does not suggest that students will be blocked from gaining a mission. this is just the example of one particular middle school. all of the other matters will be posted on the web. this is very contingent of the enrollment at the elementary school level. as long as the progress minimizes diversity, the schools will be the verse. we're looking at the ethnic data
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in october of 2010. it is difficult to predict what will happen over the coming years since we expect to see enormous changes. diversity at that level will determine the diversity at the middle schools. this data was compiled using 2010 data and promoting currently enrolled students to create a theoretical picture of what enrollment would look like if elementary enrollment stayed on course. there is an increase of african- american students by 6%. and also led to the students by 2%. if we further look at, based on the current enrollment of the feeders look at achievement disparities, currently there is a disparity between achievement levels of incoming sixth graders. based on current enrollment, feeders narrow the range of
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values across schools. we expect a change. but if we were to look at the current scores as a percentage as well, you would see that the range narrows. for the next slide, it will support diversity created in elementary schools. but we also expect enrollment to change. there will be the first annual report of the student assignment system published in january of 2010. -- 2012. the next set of slides is actually in line with the fourth goal of the policy insuring that we provide equitable access to the range of opportunities offered by students. this map shows where the middle
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school students live. and the fact that where they live doesn't match up with where the schools are located. as you can see, the circles indicate that the five largest middle school buildings are on the west and north side of the city. the largest concentrations of students live in the southeast side of the city. the current concerns are that there is a mismatch between where students live and of families do not have the same opportunity to participate in the process. not all students can get assigned to the school of their choice. we are going to experience a 33% growth in middle school enrollment. if we look at this growth, the
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middle school enrollment will increase by 33%. a lot of this is based on the early 2000 housing growth. and the inevitable significant increase in enrolment over the long term. these projections were developed over 500 simulations based on historical patterns. the report was issued in 2010 and is posted on the web page. in looking at the next slide, as you can see here, we have more middle school capacity than students. by 2015, we will be operating at more than 100% of current building capacity. there is a gap between enrollment forecast and the current capacity. to prepare, we need to revisit how facilities are used. we will need to open by 2015 and
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take a close look at locations and how to maximize our existing mill school space. the last slide providing equitable access, he take a look at this particular chart. 86% entering sixth graders received one of their choices and 14% cannot get assigned to a school that they chose. this graph shows the joys of march in 2011 has a green color. the families that not get one of their choices to the closest school was the yellow color. as enrollment grows over the years, students will be getting assignment offers the schools that are currently under and roll. it shows where surplus building capacity currently exists. this particular year, every
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sixth grade student got a middle school offered the applied. some don't have a middle school assignment because they are not happy with the offer that they received and chose not to accept it. given the current demand patterns, it cannot be assigned to a school of their toys. fewer and fewer families will get assigned to a school of their choice. what can we do to shift this demand pattern? we believe the assignment structure is one of the things that needs to change. changing the infrastructure assignment by moving beefeater pattern will help change the public perception and reality of some of our middle schools. we need to do what we can to raise awareness of our schools.
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we work to implement our quality middle schools initiative. knowing who we are observing and enhancing our opportunity to reflect the voices of the specific plans. and providing those services at the middle school. >> of the next few slides will outline the board goals three, nine, 10. they are regarding strategic use of limited resources, cost effectiveness, and sustainable. >> we need a place high quality and high demand programs for schools and we need to support of reach and positive communication efforts. working to address community issues. we could not agree more with
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these recommendations and that is in part why we're recommending k-eight feeders. it will allow us to be more strategic and cost-effective. if you look at the graph, you can see the middle schools receive students from between 28-54 elementary schools. this is a barrier to a strategic approach creating quality middle schools that reflected the desires of the committee and the unique needs of incoming students. our mandatory choice system of limited connection to where students live has resulted in the dispersion of students throughout the city. this lack of predictability makes it very difficult for the district to develop projections for strategic planning purposes. to use facilities efficiently
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and create pre-k and structural coherence and equitable access to programs and services. if a small number of elementary schools feed into middle schools, and we can articulate and coordinate programming for all students. whether we're talking about a project based learning arts programs, or language pathways, the key is articulation between the middle schools and elementary schools feeding in the them. making transitions seem less for our students. currently, our centralized of reach and recruitment efforts must be limited to telling families about the key dates and went to were our schools. we cannot market one middle under our current system,
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families, teachers, and students make decisions based on public perception. there are ones they don't even visits or considered. the conversations can start earlier and outreach efforts can be tailored to highlight the strength of a specific school. the whole community can be part of the partnerships with the middle school committees as early as when families start kindergarten. the infrastructure also provides an opportunity for greater transparency and accountability. imagine the types of conversations if a particular middle school does not draw students from their elementary feeders. the exploration of why this is not happening could be very focused and specific. we can know each year which students are choosing not to attend. the current infrastructure is
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too dispersed to make this type of specific follow-up feasible. we are undergoing a redesign of special education services. this will happen whether we have k-eight feeders or not. will the infrastructure, making it easier and more cost- effective? staff believes the answer is yes. it is reassuring for families and students and also provides the district with an opportunity to cost effectively place special education services. it also permits the efficient and cost-effective use of school facilities and transformation. another key question is if the district has the resources for this program. we have made a substantial investment in building
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elementary language for over 35 years. the board of education has made a commitment to expand through middle school and high-school as evidenced by the multi-level policy. and literacy. we believe the board is committed to expanding pathways hand it will happen whether or not they create a k-shaved infrastructure. we agree with the community feedback that it does not make fiscal sense for the district to invest and language pathways' at the elementary level if it does not plan to continue them to the secondary level. 31% of the kindergarten seats available in march 2011 were for language path use. 6% at the twelfth grade level. we believe the decade-8
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infrastructure provides a cost- effective and stable environment for building language pathways. the ability to predict the number of students that feed to the pathways is very important. and the opportunity to have a critical mass of students has a significant budget implications. enrollment matters in the context of school quality because with enrollment comes resources. this is in regards to goal no. 5. despite the fact that there are located in densely populated neighborhoods, the district is constrained in its ability to provide under enrolled schools with access to the variety of programs and services available have robust and rolled schools. more robust enrollment and greater articulation from elementary ho to expand
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opportunities and offer enriched learning environments. this is in regards to goals 6, 7, and a. regarding transparency, predictability, and minimizing efforts. they are easy to understand providing transparency at every stage of the assignment process. there is a degree of predictability regarding where children will attend and families must invest to enroll in their students -- to enroll their students in school. we want to emphasize that feeder patterns of families the option to continue with their communities which is the norm in many schooldhi districts acrosse country. they support community schools at a very important that will provide an opportunity to
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facilitate transition between elementary and middle school. intrusted support network is formed providing familiarity and comfort with the adults around the children and consistent messages that make their way to the parent community. a sense of community can be difficult to find in an urban setting. consistent messages on how to support the school's position, issues such as discipline. first and foremost, a feeling of being part of a community. >> staff is proposing revisions to the student assignment policy based on community feedback. some of the key changes from what was initially proposed in
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august and most recently in february, we changed the school configuration. this is the second model that was reviewed. we are not recommending a middle school attendance area based on feedback we receive and other key changes that we are recommending full of implementation of the feeder pattern to be delayed which means that the students currently enrolled a elementary school would be impacted. they're a be a tiebreaker between now and the point which we provide an initial offer to students based on where they attend school. this to elaborate a little more on what that means, that might be helpful if i described what currently happens with middle schools. and requests for non-language
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pathways, it is the under siblings that live. there was a tie-breaker if children were currently enrolled. those were how the tiebreakers very of the language patterns. just to explain a little bit more about how tiebreakers work, the preferences used to assign students schools, is it possible to give everyone what they want? what we're finding is that there is a lot more demand than there are things available. the messages designed to be equitable to fill up space. the tiebreakers that we have by looking at all possible combinations, the highest tiebreaker always trumps any combination of tried -- tiebreakers.
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it is allocated by random number. let me give you an example. in march 2011, there were over 3300 applicants. because you can list as many choices as you want, we had over 10,000 requests. this slide shows a 70% of the tiebreakers -- the random piece is a strong element of the current process. 18% had one tie-breaker. 3% had the younger sibling tiebreaker. this illustrates what that would mean for three of our schools. they had over 1200 requests. 36 have sibling tiebreakers.
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201 and 901 did have any. that is the same for presidio. that is have the choice process works. it does have these tiebreakers that give preferences to siblings living in low test score areas. we are proposing that maintaining the choice process and to modify the tiebreakers so that after the younger siblings have been involved, it would be those enrolled in the elementary schools. this is part of the infrastructure designed to support the creation through choice. we want to shift demand patterns through a choice process by having this tiebreaker that will actually encourage and support families that make that choice. but also reorganize our outreach and recruitment efforts to strategically raise awareness about the opportunities in this school.
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and the elementary schools would be able to immediately begin working together to create a pathway is and create coherence and a sense of community. it would still be a choice using it as a tiebreaker. for any kind of program pathway that exists, it would be the younger siblings of the students and the middle school tiebreaker. if people are currently enrolled, it would be the low test score area and a random numbers. from now, starting with the fall of 2012 to the fall of 2016, beginning in 2017, the first year that children entering kindergarten will be going in the sixth grade, we would promote sixth graders into a school and program pathway based on elementary enrollment.
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there would be a choice process. the tiebreaker would be starting with anyone promoted to middle school but not in the desired pathway. if a student a general education pathway was interested in the language pathway or any other in middle school, their request would be considered home for children from other schools. their children also say, they would get an initial offer based on elementary schools and their program pathway. if they chose to go to a general education pathways, that is what this tie-breaker would be for. younger siblings are already enrolled and in wishing to continue at school.
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that is what the tiebreaker choice process leader pattern proposal is. we have other modifications to that policy that we are recommending to the board in the red line document. one is to remove the density tiebreaker. it is not working as expected. there are fifty eighth elementary attendance areas. we believe that has diminished its value. we are recommending them not to continue with that. we're also recommending that we amend the designation guidelines. we mean making offers to families that didn't get a choice. it is important and of the families that did not get choice, families and students that were not assigned assigned after the choice process are
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closest to where they live. for middle schools, it will be the middle school feeder. we are recommending that we add language to the policy that will say on the application form, parents or guardians can allow to be designated to the closest language program instead of the closest school buildings. the change would be on the application form so that they would be able to let us know if we are designating the closest school with openings are the closest family. we're also recommending an adjustment to the time line changes. currently, revisions need to be acted on six months before launching the enrollment process. we believe this prohibits the board from the flexibility of making changes year to year. the letters go out in march and
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it would be difficult for the board to approve a change for the following year. we're still trying to figure out the implications of the march assignment. we would like to propose that three months before launching the process is sufficient time for staff to translate to the materials needed for enrollment. that is the primary reason for the lead time, making sure there's enough time to print and translators materials. the next steps are deputy superintendent taking us through the next step. >> commissioners, we're almost at the end. just to remind you that you curiously approved and adopted a strategic plan in 2008 that prioritizes the achievement gap and putting excess and accountability at the forefront of everything we do and
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everything we are committed to doing. student assignment alone will never close the achievement out or create quality middle schools. however, it can be part of a combination of strategic long- term actions that we can take towards this goal. as you know, san francisco has the highest achievement gap in california. it is not even close. we heard from many committee members this year and years - prior that is essential to keep the dialogue. high-value choice. i want you to know that i am sending my children to the best possible schools and i want to assure you that
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