tv [untitled] June 6, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT
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francisco. it was a $39 million project and it came in under budget. we are doing it effectively and efficiently. we do appreciate the folks who worked on it. it is part of the $4.6 billion water system improvement program. this is about a half with point in that program. it is the last major project in san francisco that has been completed. there are a few more projects to be done. this is the last major one. san francisco is more safe than before these projects were done. there are a lot of projects that happened in district 11. the first was a tank replacement project that started a number of years ago. it is fitting we are in district 11 because we're finishing the major work on our program in district 11.
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we're happy to be joined by supervisor john avalos. he has been supportive of all of our programs and was a leader on having local jobs for people who need them. the work is happening to provide those jobs. in fact, at the end of this week, we will have six kids out worth $18 million that will help the new local hire ordinance legislation. we are certain the pilots for how to expand local hire. supervisor avalos? [applause] >> thank you. i want to congratulate you and the public utility commission, san francisco water, power, so were for your great work on this project and throughout the head ceci -- throughout the improvement program. we have projects being done across northern california and
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it speaks volumes about the puc staff, being able to bring these projects to fruition. these are paid for by our tax dollars. we owe it to the ratepayers to make sure that our public investments are made efficiently and a sound way for the budget. congratulations. i am excited about the track record of the puc on hiring locally in san francisco. for this project alone, we have 60.5% of the residents who are around the area working on this project. we have 6.5% -- it is 27.5%, sorry, much better. 27.5% of the workers are local residents. that is above what our current mandate is for the local hire ordinance that we passed last year at the board of supervisors. i wanted to congratulate you on
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that effort. 54.5% are from the bay area. 60.5% of the workers are apprenticeships workers, new workers, who are getting new jobs into this industry. the project helps to make that happen. congratulations on that. we are hiring carpenters, cement workers, and landscape professionals. we know we are providing employment opportunities for this project. i look at this as providing so many benefits to san francisco. we're providing reliable water. we are making our water system safe. we are also improving the process for many san francisco workers and businesses. those workers will go and spend money for their basic needs in san francisco. congratulations to the puc. i look forward to more of the work being done on our local
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monuments. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you, supervisor. don't we love this almost summer weather? it is a wonderful place to be, isn't it? this is part of a larger improvement program and it is good when you have these ceremonies to have somebody who knows what is happening in back of us as opposed to those who come for the celebrations. julie is the head of the program and she will be talking about what we're doing here. thank you. julie? >> thank you. i am thrilled to be here this morning to commemorate the completion of this key retrofit project as well as to celebrate the construction completion of 29 other projects here in the city of san francisco. the university mount reservoir is the fifth to be retrofitted as part of the water system improvement program since 2003.
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i think it is important to remember that every time we complete a project like this, we are a step closer to making our system completely seismically reliable and to ensure our 2.5 million customers have drinking water, and that we have an adequate supply to fight fires following a major seismic event. how did we seismically retrofit this 125-year-old structure? we installed a number of super frames to support the roof structure. we added multiple sheer walls and stained -- and frames. we also drilled 500 miles through the bottom of the reservoir to anchor it to the bedrock to prevent it from sliding. we completely sealed and waterproofed the roof. with all of these upgrades
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completed, this reservoir will be possible of heating be -- feeding the entire city following a major earthquake. be completed some improvements to the inlet-outlet piping of the reservoir that will allow us to backseat our transmission system so that customers in the upper peninsula do receive water following an emergency. i am really proud of the hard work of our project team. there to be commended for successfully delivering the project and also for their dedication to the program. i also wanted to highlight the pretty impressive track record of the regional project manager, howard fung. job well done, howard. [applause] thank you. >> thank you. just to make sure we understand,
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this is a partnership of a lot of folks. the general manager of the puc, the general manager for infrastructure, the assistant manager for external affairs, and a lot of you who have worked hard for the puc, we appreciate it. we also have the leadership of the puc, the commissioners to make the decisions. we have the president and the vice president of the commission. francesca is here to make another announcement today. [applause] >> i am so happy to be here to celebrate this project. i think it is appropriate, the weather we are having, as we dedicate the reservoir. it is a little strange to be getting this rain, but we appreciate every drop of it and we are happy to have a big reservoir. i am excited to announce that we have plans to install three small hydroelectric generators here on site. that is a clean, renewable
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energy source, something that we are committed to. it will replicate on a smaller scale of our large scale hydro project up that hetch hetchy dam . we are thrilled that will be on line. that will be done by 2013. 200 kilowatts per day will be generated by those three facilities, those three generators, enough to power approximately 200 homes. we are excited about that as part of our efforts to move away from dirty, empowered -- imported power sources in san francisco, and an example to our commitment to a clean, renewable energy future. we are excited about that. i want to congratulate the power enterprise staff for this project. they are doing everything they can on the efficiency front to make us a clean, green city. i want to acknowledge them as well.
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it is a team effort. not only the water enterprise, but the power enterprises making this a success. thank you to them and to everybody at the puc for making this happen. [applause] >> now we have a few gifts for the people who are speakers. then we will walk down and turn the valve. when it is totally open, it will bring in 2.5 million gallons a day into this reservoir. it holds 80 million gallons. it will take a month to fill up completely. you are welcome to come down. watch your step. we will make the last turn of the vowels. you will start to hear the rush of water going into the reservoir. [water rushing]
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mayor lee and explain a little bit about the panels and how we'll be presenting the findings. [applause] >> welcome, mayor lee. today we are pleased to present you with the recommendations of five community panels that have been working with me and the department of environment on the city's climate action plan. and these panels consist of businesses, community organizations, advocates and nonprofits. so they're going to come up and each one of them is going to introduce themselves, read you their short recommendations and hand it to you so that you can keep it in perpetuity. or keep it for reference the next time we come back asking for questions. the first one we have is energy
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independence. [applause] >> my name is karrie, and i'm the managing director and a member of the energy independence advisory panel. and i'd like to read our findings to you. forgive me for reading from this, but i want to make sure i get it right. the city and county of san francisco recognizes that energy use in buildings is the single largest contributor to the city and county of san francisco's carbon footprints. therefore, the san francisco department of the environment has brought together two sets of stakeholders to advise the city on building with energy
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issues. the first is the renewable task force. the second of which, we, the undersigned are members is the energy independence advisory pafpblet as advocacy organizations and businesses connected to the property, buildings and energy industries, we have focused on energy use, particularly natural gas use in buildings, and energy efficiency in green buildings. our main discussion was the need for discussion among stakeholders in the economy, academics, building scientists, tenants, policymakers, and property owners and managers. inceased access to the latest research and information about energy efficiency and green building and the financial benefits would boost the energy efficiency sector through more
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effective green and social marketing and the creation of a critical mass of awareness. we are committed to working with the city to foster this type of communications. our recommendation is that the city establish a quarterly information exchange to be managed by the department of the environment. by collating requests from parties across the building sectors for relevant scientific data to support the marketing and implementation of energy efficiencies, then streamlining and submitting those requests to its academic partners on a quarterly basis and distributing the resulting data, the city could invigorate the industry and provide valuable tools for all its partners in the field. we look forward to our city's strong next steps on this front. sincerely, the energy independence advisory panel to the san francisco climate action strategy. myself, also, zakary brown, also the building owners and managers association of san francisco, chris chapel from
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sun water solar, and jonathan from whole systems consultants. thank you. [applause] >> next up, we have emma pickering representing the transportation panel. [applause] >> hello, mayor lee. it's my pleasure to present the recommendations of the new century transportation advisory panel. our organization is concerned with the san francisco transportation sector. we are writing to express our support for the city and county of san francisco greenhouse gas emissions control and specifically for the transportation actcy's climate action strategy for the
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transportation sector. we recognize that the transportation sector is responsible for 30% of san francisco's greenhouse gas emissions. it will be crucial for public transportation is prioritized. because human mobility is essential to our economy and to the life of every citizen, it will take organizations like ours working with the city to realize m.t.a.'s vision for the future transportation of san francisco, a safer, more efficient and lower carbon vision. we remain committed to advocacy, communication and developing existing and new businesses to support the transportation infrastructure of the 2 sst century. -- 21st century. i'd like to thank the other panelists.
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thank you. [applause] >> next up, we have julia. [applause] >> good afternoon, mayor lee. i am very pleased to read the letter from the gray to green advisory panel. as organizations concerns that the climate will have on green infrastructure and as panelists on the greater green advisory panel to the san francisco climate action plan, we
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appreciated the opportunity to learn about the city's climate action strategy. we are writing to express our support for the city and county of san francisco's greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets and to recommend that the city incorporate urban greening and green infrastructure into its larger climate planning efforts in regards to both greenhouse gas mitigation and adaptation to climate change. we have a number of specific recommendations, and they are guided by these principles. one, the city, when forming green-space management policies, should consider local ecosystem functioning and climate science, first of all. two, the city should work towards managing and investing in its green infrastructure with the same policy, vigor and performance expectations as it
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does its man-made infrastructure when addressing ecosystem functions for climate mitigation and adaptation. and he three, when planning for urban green space, the city should support the activities of neighborhoods and community groups in their roles as local stewards of our green spaces. our specific recommendations as far as how the city should organize these efforts are, one, the mayor's office should coordinate an interdepartmental panel on green space policies in order to increase communication between city departments and identify synergies and land management practices and to establish a unified process for community greening of public parcels, and, two, when sfpuc efforts toward watershed-based planning include recommendations for green infrastructure improvements, all land-owning
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city agencies should collaborate on implementation of their findings and grants distributed by city department of the environment should include requirements that the grantee spend granted money locally whenever possible. so we really look forward to the continued work with the city as we move together into a new era of integrated and eek logically-based urban and climate planning. so thank you. the greater green advisory panel includes myself and anna alvarez, the chair of the san francisco department of recreation and parks, karen kidwell at the san francisco parks, casey allen at s.f. landscapes. victoria bell, the neighborhood parks council, john bella at rebar, that's a big committee,
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the unified school district's schoolyard alliance, jeffrey boettcher at gardens initiative, peter at nature in the city and dan flanagan at doug wildman at friends of the urban forest. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, two more to go. economic prosperity and environmental -- [applause] >> hello, mayor lee, thank you for being here very much. i'm with the center on race poverty and the environment. today i am representing the economic pros period of time jobs and environmental justice -- prosperity jobs and environmental justice program. the city and county of san francisco recognizes that poor
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neighborhoods have been burdened by the pollution generated by the fossil fuel-dependent economy and continues to suffer from high unemployment rates. as such, the san francisco department of the environment climate program recently convened two meetings of the economic prosperity jobs and environmental justice panel to create policy structure and directives that support the growth of the new local green economy. members of this panel represented a community activists, nonprofit organizations and job-training programs dedicated to addressing the economic and environmental concerns of low-income residents from underserved marginalized communities. the economic prosperity jobs and environmental justice advisory panel supports the city's climate action planning efforts and recommends that the city formally link climate planning to social equity and job opportunities in the following ways -- i'm going to read an excerpt here. integrate social equity goals
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and environmental justice into the city sustainability and climate action planning efforts, include a public participation process aimed to reach the communities most impacted by pollution and climate change. and for any planning and decision-making during implementation of the city's climate action strategy. continuing supporting and incentivizing businesses to go green, with a focus on san francisco's small local businesses with an eye toward their expansion and the resulting local job creation. and finally, leverage the city's climate planning actions to achieve health benefits in community addition proportionally impacted by toxic pollution. given the long-term and complex nature of climate planning policy and economic environmental justice issues in the city, we recommend the city create an independent panel to maintain accountability at city departments and others. this group would meet regularly over a multi-year time scale and report back on the city's
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progress integrating climate planning and environmental justice. the members of the advisory panel look forward to working with the city and private sector employers in identifying further specific actions to promote green jobs in san francisco. on behalf of the panel, which includes myself, kevin daniher, laurie bernstein with goodwill industries, teresa, and elliott hoffman with true market solutions , inc. thank you. [applause] >> and last, but not least, we have our representatives from the business advisory panel, christina page with yahoo and melissa. [applause]
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>> good afternoon, mayor lee. we were asked to just comment very briefly before sending our letter on the experience that companies had in the advisory panel. on behalf of yahoo, in addition to finding this dialogue both inspiring and thought provoking, it doesn't sound very reassuring because we discovered that the stea's climate action plan shares a lot of the beliefs that we have in constructing our corporate environmental strategy about how you attack this proper of climate change. the first is, how urgent is this problem? the action on climate change is not a good business strategy. inaction on this issue is going to be very costly to businesses and society. by taking a stand, by saying we're going to get to 25% reduction by 2017 on community greenhouse gas emissions, the city is recognizing the urgency of this problem. number two, i think we found that if you do this properly, you can save money, you can
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generate jobs, you can create new markets, contrary to a lot of popular beliefs and things you see in the press. if you have a good energy efficiency program with great incentives, you see your utility bill shrinks and that goes to the company's bottom line. if you have good transit programs that reduce traffic congestion, that's good for employee productivity, because you have people not sitting in traffic on the way to work and not circling the block endlessly looking for parking, instead of getting to work. so that's good for us. number three, there's the cross-sector dialogue that we've been hearing all of the different panels really experience. i learned a lot from my colleagues in business that i'll take back to my own company and we were able to communicate to the city that we want to see more carrots than sticks. we'd like to see programs like if you get caught in the process of properly using the carpool lane, then you get registered automatically for a raffle ticket for a giants game, programs like that. although after the performance
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against the marlins, i'm not quite so sure about that. and last, but not least, we really are going to see good public-private partnerships come out of this and that's where the real effectiveness is going to be. sharing both the costs and benefits to program and putting a lot of thought into the -çptem.lf we're reminded of the riddle of how do you eat an elephant? you eat an elephant one bite at a time. what the city has done and what s.f. environment has done is you've identified the elephant. you wrestle him into the room and then you invited us all to sit down and share our recipes. so we look forward to dialoguing with y'all. thank you. [applause] >> hi, mayor lee. my name is melissa. i'm the director of environmental affairs for gap , inc. as members of the san francisco business community, we're writing to express our support for the city and county of san
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francisco's greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal. as participants on the business advisory panel to the san francisco climate action plan, the 12 businesses listed below appreciate the opportunity to learn more about climate change and to seek solutions that benefit all of us. we recognize that the commercial sector comprises approximately 40% of san francisco's greenhouse gas emissions and that as such, businesses play an important role in meeting our community's emission reduction target. excuse me, i'm pregnant and i can't catch my breath. business advisory panel members include small and large businesses across a range of sectors, including some who have committed to addressing their corporate carbon footprints. we believe that cross-sector efforts have a greater impact than acting alone. through organizations such as the business council on climate change, we seek to engage the city, counties and other businesses
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