tv [untitled] June 7, 2011 11:00am-11:30am PDT
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one? >> we continue to make good progress all around in the program. our construction documents are 100% -- 100% of them are still on schedule to be delivered by the end of the year. since the bulk behalf we're doing now is involved construction, you hear more about our construction progress in a moment, but in the meantime, i did want to report that at our last board meeting, a member of the public asked about whether or not the transport authority could work with the various city agencies regarding pedestrian safety at the crosswalks in district six. and we know that the san francisco municipal transportation agency is working with supervisor kim in
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assessing the pedestrian safety priorities for the entire district, and we're also working with them as well on that. in addition, i did want to mention that, with respect to our construction and we'll have more of an update on that in a moment, but one of the things we've been removing are piles from the old transbay terminal foundation, and they've been removed what what will eventually be the buttress zone. they're made of a structure that's not commonly found anymore in the lumber market today. in keeping with our sustainability mission, one of the things that we were able to do is find entities that were willing to take the lumber and haul it off and recycle the wood, and one of the persons is taking the lumber away, is actually going to use it for a sailboat, so that's pretty interesting. you're also going to receive a presentation on the bus design with respect to our temporary terminal, everything is in good order, the temporary facility, and on the rail component, we continue meeting with cal train
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and high-speed rail on the design elements. and we're making good progress there. nance you has an update on funding. >> very briefly on our funding update, as we reported before, we have more than $800 million in allocations toward our phase one project of $1.6 billion. today we're going to do an action on your calendar to re-send some funding. we'll talk about that later. and then the other thing that we've been doing is continuing to look for additional sources of funds, and today on your agenda, we're going to be asking for permission to apply for some park funds for the city park. so we're continuing to do that, and we will continue to look for funding to back fill or to augment our phase two work as we go ahead. that's all i have for today. if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer. >> i'd like to get our construction update.
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>> good morning, directors. steve rule with turner construction, construction management oversight. there we go. we had another great month of progress. we continue the demolition work, 46,000 hours now without any accidents or injuries to the workers. we completed the turnover of zone three, which used to be the old central portion of the old terminal to the subcontractor for staging of their shoring material that they've started construction on. and we completed the main demo on the bus ramps by completing the harrison overpass in the first week of may, so that is the end of our long closures and street closures there for the demolition. now it's just a lot of clean-up and processing of that material. with utility relocation package, good progress continues to be made with
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those. the natomis street sewer installation between free mount and first is completed, and the tie-in to the main sewer is in progress. water line snalmings is completed. -- installation is completed. and we anticipate that work, the natomis street utility relocation work being completed by the end of july. one of the other packages, 4.3 also good progress. we're working with sfwd on all the tie-ins and coronations of the water system there, anticipate completion at the end of august. 4.4 is water and sewer lines are in progress on natomis street between first and second. those water tie-ins will be done this week or next depending on scheduling with sfwd, and anticipated completion also in the end of august. 4.4 is natomis between first and second streets. i'm sorry, 4.5.1 is the ministry joint trench, sewer and water. and as of this last week, at&t
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started putting in their work into the joint trench, so we're almost off that area, and the final completion, with all the tie-ins, will be done in august as well. or end of july. and then the potholing work, 4.6, which is the work for sewer and sledge on beale street, is just getting started. that was approved, i believe at the last board meeting. and they have an anticipated completion of august. the temporary wall at 301 mission continues. they've put up the steel support. they've now completed the framing and will start putting the north face of the wall, the side that faces millennium, they'll start putting the plaster and metal panels and stone on. hopefully we'll be able to take down the temporary barricade and finish up that north face by the end of june. and finish up the whole project there by the middle of july. the transit center that buttresses the main thing going on there, and in zone four is
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the main work. they've been pulling piles, the wood piles that executive director just spoke about. we're about 70% to 80% through with that and should be completed by the end of next week. as i also said, they're staging their fabrication of their structural steel for their shoring system, shoring wall systems in the central area, and started refabbing all that. and they're starting the pretrenching this month for the shoring wall, so they'll be going around the entire perimeter of the project, removing any obstructions prior to the installation of the shoring wall, which is scheduled to begin at the end of may. again, the demolition timeline, we are scheduled to complete the original demolition by the first week in june. on your agenda today is the approval of a change order for evans brothers to do some additional building demolition, and that will add some time to the final completion of their contract, but the original contract completion or
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substantial completion is still scheduled for the end of june for the original demolition. we completed all that ramp work ahead of schedule, so we're excited about that, and as i said before, that stops us from having to close streets, which was the big risk there. here's last month's and this month's view of zone four, where they're working on the wood pile extraction. and the middle and west sections are zones three, two, and one, as you head west and see the change over that, and there's balance four starting to stage their equipment in the right hand photo to start building their steel support structures for their shoring wall. picture on the left shows where we were with the ramp demolition at the end of march and now through the first week in may. we're all the way up, and by may 3, they took down the harrison street overpass, and so all that rubble starting to get cleaned up and recycled. by the way, we've repsyched about 38,000 cubic yards of concrete, which, to put it in
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simpler terms, is about 10 to 11 olympic-sized swimming pools full of concrete. just a little fact. the removal of the bus ramp over folsom, there's a shot of that, and then the harrison street removal as well, they both went according to plan, and again, no injuries or incidents with the public. i mentioned utility relocation packages all winding up in july and august of this summer. with the exception of 4.2, which the pricing on that comes in tomorrow, i believe. and this is a continued sewer work on the joint trench work on minner, which is now where at&t is starting to put their portion of the joint trench work in. and the completion of it on second street. water and sewer work continues, howard first, free mount, natomis streets. and while i said the structural steel framing went up this last month, and when these pictures
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were taken, they were preparing for the metal framing that fills in between the white structural steel and will support the new exterior wall. it's a very heavy structure, but, you know, part of it is to prevent any vehicles from accidentally going into the hole that will be on the other side of it. and this is a shot of the controlled wood pile extraction in zone four, as i said, we'll be completing that at the end of next week. and the archaeologists that started below the 201 mission street building where the headquarters project office is got finished up this month, and there's one archaeology pit left to do at the west end of the project. and finally, just to give you an idea behalf you'll see next, if you come down and visit at the end of may, before the next board meeting will be the start of cdsm, or concrete deep soil mixed shoring wall system, and that will start in the far east end of the project, and that's a view of what the equipment will look like there. on the local labor side, demolition contractor has
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completed 46,000 hours, 41,000 of those being completed by local labor. and on the web corps and their trade subcontractor side, about 18,000 hours a day also with no incidents or injuries, and about 16,000 of those by local labor. that's the end of my presentation f. there are any questions? director ayer di-kaplan: now we'd like to give you an update on -- i'm sorry. go ahead. >> i'd like to -- director ayerdi-kaplan: we just wanted to do a presentation on the bus storage design for transit. to do that presentation is phil sundry.
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storage project. so my update this morning, i've got about a dozen slides. we'll talk about -- give an overview, an update, talk about the current layout. i have a scum of slides on the landscaping, lighting, and then finish up with the schedule. >> we have completed the concept design and moved into -- as well as schematic design, and move in through design development. so as part of that, we've completed the underground surveys. we have analyzed excavation requirements. we need to excavate about 2/3 of the site in order to provide adequate head room for the buses to stage and store, and weave also completed the -- and we've also completed the layout
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of the facility. we continue our coordination with caltrans. we have been working on a seismic analysis for the west approach. as you know, caltrans put a lot of effort into upgrading the west approach over the last couple of years, and so we're going through a fairly lengthy effort to demonstrate our excavation in that area will not inhibit their structure that they recently upgraded. as part of that project effort, we have also submitted a p.s.r., project study report at the end of december, and now we're continuing to work with caltrans to supplement that with foundation reports, turnover analysis, and other supporting documents that will then allow caltrans to ultimately approve this project study report.
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slide here is a schematic layout showing what was shown in the original feir. the key things i want to point out is the project was shown to be bounded by sound walls. in blue, you see there were noise walls called for 10 to 12 feet high. there were also calls for a ramp particularly called for over second street. we made a fairly large effort to stay true to those requirements. we're working with the community on that, too. the layout you have before you now is the layout as it stands now. the site, as i noted, is bounded by the sound walls, 10 to 12 foot high. we're working with caltrans on these, and we're basically adhering to a standard caltrans
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wall, but then trying to make these morass net i canly appealing to the neighbors by providing some landscaping on the outside. i've got some slides of those. the other things i'd like to point out that have changed since my last presentation, if you look at the entrance on third street, one of the items that came up as part of our value analysis is that was identified as kind of a problem area as far as circulation for buses coming in, as well as the private vehicles that you still -- that use perry street. so we're redesigned that so segregate the bus traffic from the private vehicle traffic, and we've kept perry street as a two-way street. so we think that's a much better configuration and a lot safer. the other item that we have changed since our last presentation is we've moved the caltrans -- the a.c. transit administration offices over one bay, so they're one bay closer
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to second street. what that has allowed us is to provide tandem parking for the buses in the previous spot, so that increases our bus counts a little more, and we're currently at 50 buses. this is an image of some of the items that we're thinking about in terms of the sound walls. like i mentioned, we're looking at standard caltrans walls, but then we want to put a living wall in front of it, so this would be a metal grid structure or wood structure, and have planted vines on it. it softens it up for the neighbors and also helps with maintenance. makes it more graffiti- resistant. this is a slide on landscaping. we have begun to start thinking about a landscaping, different
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types of bonds. we have different conditions on the site. the site facing stillman is a lot sunnier, which differs from the side facing second and third, on the west approach, which tends to be more shaded. the other item on landscaping is we hired an arborist to look at the trees. there are trees along stillman street. our concern was when we did the excavation, it could inhibit the rootballs of existing trees. so the arborist report showed that excavation will impact the rootballs of existing trees. they have also said that most of the trees were in very poor condition. they recommended that we replace these. we have met with the community, last month, and went through theis with them, explain that it
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was recommended that they be removed. they asked us to come in with some new street trees, so we will be working with dpw on that. this is an image from the arborist report. you can see in yellow, those are the trees on stillman street. the various conditions of those trees. lighting, we have done a lighting analysis. we are proposing to supplement some of the high pressure sodium lights that caltrans has under the west approach with led lights in key areas. this is the entrance from third straight -- third street. that is a critical location because buses will be coming and going, during the tiger
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terminal, so we need to have that well lit. on the left is the existing conditions. on the right is the proposed. the next slide is another key area which is also on stillman street, near second. this is a secondary exit. we want to provide adequate lighting. it is also where the ac transit administration offices are. skindell. -- schedule. caltrans will continue to lease the error out for private vehicle parking. we will continue to negotiate least negotiations with caltrans and then we will complete the seismic analysis and obtained approval on the psr and complete construction
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documents. my last slide is a schedule showing the nativity. we start the west seismic analysis last fall. we continue to work through that. this august, we will complete the advanced planning studies in support of that. then we hope to have the psr approved by this december. in parallel, jacob is working on the other documents. so we will have 65% cd's in october, 95% in april. procurement will happen from may 2012 through august 2012. we are targeting construction to start in august 2012, and should be completed in october 2013. >> any questions? >> i have a question. who is responsible for the maintenance of those walls?
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>> we will probably have a maintenance contractor. we have not finalized the lease negotiations but caltrans or ac transit, so that is something that we would have to finalize as part of our discussions. >> maybe i should have asked that yesterday, but is there a bathroom in the administration building? >> yes. one of the things that we were looking at 0 1/5 wheat are proposing to go to a modular buildings. we have demonstrated these can be portable enough to remove, but the benefit is, it allows us to consolidate these office spaces and we would have an area for restaurants in there. it provides ac transit a better facility, rather than a series of trailers where you have to go
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in and out two different buildings. >> i was just wondering, drivers coming back needing access. >> yes, we have restrooms there. >> that concludes my report, directors. >> the next item on your agenda is item six. public comment period and opportunity for the members of the public to address directors on item not on today's calendar. >> good morning, director. james brooks. the summary of my comments are before you in a letter. i would like to read through it and make some general comments regarding it. at our cac meeting on april 12, a presentation was made by staff regarding public artwork for the new transit center. as you know, there are five
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works of art for the transit center. four of the artists -- that artwork had been presented to our cac. we had met with staff regarding it over the last 16 months. we feel those four works of art sit well and fit within the goals that the directors have said already, of artwork on a both small and large scale, that will focus on particular areas of the center, and will enhance the experience of everyone passing through its doors. however, the work of the fifth artist, timothy hawkinson, who was selected to design a landmark entry sculpture at the northeast corner of the center had not been before our cac until april 12 of this year. during staff presentation, we were told the board of directors
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had already commissioned this work with the advice and consent of the severed his go arts commission. we take issue with the vetting process that was used in selecting this artist and more importantly, the choice of the sculpture itself. as a cac, we were created by you to provide community-wide input, review and support the various parts and processes that make up the transit center. in this case, the director's desire to create a one-of-a- kind landmark entry sculpture, and this cac was excluded from the process and only after the award had been made where we briefed. that is of concern to us and we will certainly work through that with staff. in addition, putting aside our concerns regarding the process, the cac has several issues with the commission's design concept, which is on the overhead, at
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this time. this landmark sculpture is to be a sculpture that is new, out of the old friends a terminal. the incorporation or recycling of the elements from the old was presented to us as a unique time-and with respect to the sculpture. it was reported that the artist had already picked of different pieces for the sculpture and was working with contractors. we would like to take particular issue with several of those concepts. i believe you have all seen the mockup of the art work. we feel the use of a lamppost that can be found on any freeway or street in california to be of no significance or relation to the transit center we are currently talking about. the use of demolished krail, the concrete barrier, to be of no significant relation to the
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transit center. the use of reinforced concrete pillars produced in the 1960's to be of no significance or relation to the transit center. in addition, we feel this sculpture presents significant liability and copyright infringement issues. the sculpture, as visually presented, looks like one of the multimedia transformers, that is the creative property of the hasbro toy company. we encourage you to go home, talk to your nieces and nephews and kids, and you will see that the proposed design is not unique, and in fact, may be construed to be promoting the hasbro toy company movie, a game, and franchise. issues of copyright and trademark infringement should be addressed by legal counsel, sooner than later, if you are to continue with this sculpture. you may also want to hear from your legal counsel regarding
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what options and financial penalties would be involved, if the board changes course of the sculpture and returned to the drawing board. it is our advice to the tjpa border of directors that you do just that. the cac would like to see this item put on calendar for a more thorough discussion. the cac continues to work with staff and we would like to call to your attention the wonderful work that has been done by our staff liaison and harassed secretary, who worked well with us. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> [inaudible] >> okay, moving into the consent calendar. >> [inaudible]
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