tv [untitled] June 8, 2011 5:30am-6:00am PDT
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called back. there is no blight on my property. me and my roommates worked on it, and we think that this is a nice addition. if they think there is a blight on my property, i would like to speak with them. i do not appreciate not having my calls returned. thank you. president chiu: thank you. any other members of the public who would wish to speak, please step up. >> good afternoon, members of the board. i am speaking to the building located on -- street. i have a picture right here. this building was purchased by myself in 2007, and it took almost 1.5 years -- the city
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allowed me to change views on this building. this is a blight. when i completed this building in 2010, i had invested more than $1 million. to be precise, about $1.25 million. a building accumulating graffiti, trash, people bordering -- loitering. i have turned this into what i think is a nice building, and is currently employing about 65 to
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70 people right now. this building was sitting there close to five years, employing no one. so i received this notice on the building saying there was this graffiti on the building, and occasionally, the building would get graffiti, but then with in time, within a reasonable amount of time, i would go ahead and clean up the graffiti, and as you can see, this building is well maintained and well kept. [bell] president chiu: thank you very much. you will have an opportunity to speak with the representative from dpw in a moment. does anyone else want to speak? next speaker. >> , walter. i just want to say
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♪ good luck with the bride and property -- the blighted property who could put a price on you? it is a new day, and still we are going to fix you, good luck to the blighted property is -- properties who could put a price on new? when you wake up and it is a new day, still we are going to fix you ♪ president chiu: next speaker, please. >> we what are building to look always to attract customers. when we see graffiti, we take care of it right away.
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i went outside asked about the building. at the time, we had not read -- removed the graffiti. i told them we had removed all of the graffiti, and then an employee showed some graffiti that we thought was a painting. the city said it actually was graffiti, and the next day was removed. we have spent more than $700 this year for the graffiti, and in the future, we want the city to help us remove the graffiti. i have a picture to show.
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thank you. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. president chiu: if you can pull the microphone to your mouth, it is easier for us to hear you. >> my name is -- and we are here for six under 58, 6 under 56 post st.. -- 658, 656 post st.. there has been a gradual increase in graffiti over the years, and someone will put their initials on a building, and then the next week, we have something else in addition, and we have tried very, very hard to keep the graffiti in a beige.
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it is on an hourly -- keyed the graffiti in abate. we just have a paint brush that we try very conscientiously. i was in a hospital in february, and i moved up to sacramento, so my son is taking care of the property for me, but i do not think this notice -- pardon me. all right, 30 seconds. it was not justified, so i will close with that. president chiu: 80.
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next speaker. >> basically, we did not have enough time to see the notice. since we do not live here, we did not have one month's notice. we did try to call kenny bruce. president chiu: and your name again? ? you will have an opportunity to speak to dpw staff. >> my name is -- , and i am talking about the property on to visit their wrote -- on divisidero. i got the bill for january 16. i received the penalty notice and was not aware about the graffiti fix up. we have three commercial tenants in the building, and they have
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been touching up the pay their because there seems to be a 24- hour nightclub across the street, and it is kind of messy up to 2:00 in the morning, and then we have two contractors, builders, and the construction company with the right colors touching up all of the properties. we have 600 between the sonic and the central, so we try to take care of it, but we are hard to keep up with the, and there are all of the dead heads coming in for their summer graffiti boom. that is all i have to say. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> ok, my name is wong. i have a property on geary. i, as well, try to call kenny
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bruce, and i was trying to find out what we were being cited for. the only thing to think of is that there is a mural on the side of the building of the art gallery uses as a promotion for their showings. that is the only thing that i could see, but definitely not blight. it is quite artistic and beautiful. thank you. president chiu: next speaker. >> my name is -- a property is on -- i am sorry. i had become very nervous. ok. my name is -- of property is on third street in san francisco. in the last 10 years, we always
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received a bill from the government, and this year, we do not think this is there. every year, people paid to the graffiti on a property co and we went to the department and talked to someone and left my name and number, and no one returned my call. i do not think that is there, you know? someone every year, you know does this on our property, and then we have to pay a bill. i do not think that is fair or correct. government should. thank you. president chiu: thank you.
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next speaker. >> ok, my name is andrew. we have a new business on 11th street. i am here to speak about the fact that we have actually had three graffiti notices since we took ownership of the business in september of last year. we had some pink graffiti, and we had some green graffiti, and we had some blood graffiti, and we receive notices for all of those. on the first notice, there is an indication there is graffiti on the rooftop and on the front of the building. this was the epigraphy that we noticed and cleaned immediately within the week, and there was also some graffiti over in pervez, which i had assumed the rooftop right side was referring to, so i made an attempt to clean that, as well.
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it turns out that the person who was inspecting was referring to some other graffiti which was a bit hard to see and obscured by the building next to us. we got a notice a month later for now the dream graffiti on the front of the building as well as, the inspector said, the old graffiti is on the rooftop. we cleaned the green graffiti. we went back out and looked as hard as we could. i think it must have been 10- year-old graffiti that was on the right rooftop of the building. it was on the fire escape. we scrub off all of the moss and clean that up, and then i called ed n abatement for both of those within the time specified. i think there's just a misunderstanding. we did not see the other graffiti up there. we thought we had cleaned it up, and we received a fine for that.
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we have been trying to get in touch with the city to its claims simpson. president chiu: -- the city to explain since then. president chiu: next speaker. >> we manage the building professionally. there was an odor on vacation for six months. once we received notice, we started calling the office of public works and to date still never received a return phone call. the graffiti was up the top left-hand side of the roofline, not accessible to from the building 135, 139. we needed permission to access the rooftop from the building next door.
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that business had gone out of business, and the owners are out of the area. we have never wrote and gotten a response to any of our communication. the graffiti on your list for graffiti removal. nobody would do it without permission to access the roof. on our fourth attempt, we finally got one group from your list, and they access the roof without a permit, so the graffiti was removed. we would like to have a fine of that removed from the record and the address updated to our office. thank you. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> mayor lee and members, i am
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here to object to the fee that is levied against my property. this has been an ongoing problem formate, and i have reasons for not having responded as soon as i should, because of illnesses, because of my own personal illness, and also because of the inclement weather in that region of san francisco. i was told to make no attempt to paint over a building at that time, and so i collected the blight. i would say for the past 10 years, i have had nothing but problems, and the blight is also resulting from the adjoining property, where the vandals can climb upper and scribble all of their tags on the building, and i think that should be addressed. i do not think these vandals are
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being effectively dealt with, and i think there are more effective ways that can be handled in the removal of the graffiti rather than to victimize the landlords or the homeowners. they are victimized twice, first by the vandals and secondly by the fee that is levied against us. i cannot afford that. i have been responding. i take pride in my property. it is incumbent on me. i think this is inappropriate and should be rescinded. thank you very much. >> good afternoon. my name is ravens. i represent the building on third street, blight number -- i have represented the building
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for about five years and have painted over graffiti about five times, at great expense, and this is the first we have received. we believe this is an overlap and believe there is an overlap in the notices, as well. we are requesting that the city assist in helping us pay for the cost by dismissing this charge against our count, and that is our request. thanks. president chiu: thank you. are there any other members of the public wish to speak on this item? ok, at this time, we are going to keep the hearing opened, and i would ask the representatives from dpw, if you can proceed out into the hallway, and all of the members who came here, he will have a brief conversation with each of you about the property situation and try to resolve the matter as best as we can today, and then we will ask you to come up. we will ask you to report back
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on those conversations. ok, at this time, why do we not proceed to our 3:00 special order related to the north beach library? and let me first start off by saying that on today's calendar, there are a number of hearings associated with each of the marshall playground and project because many of these items require hearing in front of the full board -- with the joe dimaggio played wrote -- playground. in order to do that, the first item of business is to take agenda item 60, which is a motion for the board to sit as a committee as a whole. colleagues, if we can take that item first. let me first see if there any members of the public who wish to speak against item 60, which is whether or not we should sit as a committee on the whole today. there will be ample opportunity
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for public comment on the substance of all of the other items that we're having. if anyone simply wishes to speak on whether we should approve item 60 of whether we should set as a committee as a whole, to consider amending the zoning for lombard street? seeing none, public comment on this is closed. would you like to speak on this? >> sorry, this is confusing, but this is the street rezoning? >> -- president chiu: this is just about the zoning for the property on lombard. this is simply a question of whether we should sit as a committee as a whole. you can comment, if you won. ok, and let me ask our clerk to
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read item 60. item 60. >> item 60 is whether or not to sit as a committee as a whole. >> i have no objection. this is confusing. i do have something to say of your consolidation of the items though. i have a lot of papers here. president chiu: you are welcome to say whenever you wish. >> where is it? we're supposed to get on record that we object to the consolidation, and we want to preserve our rights. i represent the coalition for a better north beach library and playground. all of the hearings are consolidated into one. i would like to add this following statement.
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we object to the consolidation but state for the record bobby, the eir process having to do with the master plan, and as testify today, which you were here, we object to each of the items before you today. thank you. thank you. any other members of the public who would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed is closed. colleagues, can we approve this motion without objection? this is approved. now, at this time colleagues, i would like to motion had to consolidate these items. could i have a motion to that effect? a motion by supervisor farrell, seconded by supervisor mar.
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we will take that. now, we will look at what we are doing. mr. clerk, if you could please read agenda items 45 through 54. >> and no. 45 for the proposed library and playground. item 46 is a motion affirming the certification of the feir. item 47 is a reversing of the certification for the north beach boy library and the playground. item 48 is a preparation of findings. item 49 is a preparation of findings. item 52 is it about the zoning. item 51 is a hearing of persons
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of interest about the vacation of a one-block portion of a street for purposes of the north beach public library and the playground. item 52 is an ordinance for ordering the vacation of one block of mason street for the purposes of the north beach public library and the playground master plan. item 53 is a public hearing about the property located on lombard street. this is consistent with the playground-library master plan project, and i did 54 is a resolution authorizing the use of real property located at 701 lombard street. -- item 54. president chiu: ok, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, here is my suggestion. we will hear on the project and other items from various city staff, including our chief
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librarian, the general manager of the recreation and park department, and the project architect, as well as from the director of the department of public works. after that, we will then hear from the planning department about the rezoning. we will then turn to the eir portion as well as the public comment portion with regards to the eir. the appellate represents two different organizations, and we will give them up to 15 minutes to jointly to present, and they can choose how to break up their time. the appellate will be followed by a public comment by anyone who is opposed to any of the hearing items or believe that the eir should be rejected, and members of the public will have up to three minutes to provide their comment. if any of the palace wish to address the board of items other than this or the eir, they will also have three minutes during this portion. at that point, the planning
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department will have up to 15 minutes to defend the eir. we will then have supporters from any of the hearing items, including those who want to support the eir, and then at that time, it the public library or the recreation and park department what to say something specifically about the eir, if they can do so. we will finish the hearing with rebuttal, the five minutes divided as they see fit. i was just advised by the city attorney's office regarding the clarifying necessity that we may need to continue the item for a couple of weeks. i would like to ask the city attorney fee could address that. >> thank you. deputy city attorney. we recommend that the board continues items 53 and 54 in order to assure that all interested parties receive adequate notice. president chiu: it is
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appropriate for us to do so at this time. do we have a motion? a motion from supervisor mar, seconded by supervisor mirkarimi. at what time? three weeks from today? so this is a motion to continue items 53 and 54 until june 28. if we can take that motion, which has been made by supervisors mar, seconded by supervisor mirkarimi, without objection, that shall be the case. so, again, not to clarify, we will be having comments on the eir as well as comments on the three items, the order, the zoning map, and i think it is essentially those two items. is that correct? as i just discussed.
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and i have just been reminded by our clerk that it is 3:30, and it is our custom at 3:30 to provide special commendation, so i would ask our colleagues who have special accommodations to make them, and then, collings, ladies and gentlemen, we will proceed to the substance. i understand that supervisor wiener has the first commendation. >> thank you -- supervisor wiener: think you. i have two. carol, do you want to come up? after almost 40 years in san francisco, carol and kathy are retiring and moving to minnesota. in fact, i think they are leaving today -- tomorrow. >> she is actually at home with the movers.
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supervisor wiener: this is a big loss for san francisco. they have been a couple for money year -- many years. there were domestic partners under willie brown, early domestic partners, the registry. they were married on august 23, 2008, when it was still legal for same-sex couples to marry in california. carroll is an attorney specializing in family law, specifically lgbt family law, and she leads a referral panel and helps with lesbian rights. she was a group president back in the day, and she also was president of the lgbt democratic club, and that is so i first got
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to know carol as a very young gay man, new to san francisco and getting involved in the community, and she was one of the real leaders of the organization. over the last 15 years, i have learned an enormous amount from her, not just in politics but what it means to be a dignified leader in the community and really gain people's respect as a leader. carroll has also been very active with the women's building, including efforts to keep a safe space for women, which was a problem awhile back. kathy was a social worker working with disabled adults, and then working with another program. kathy and carol have also worked together to eliminate size
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