tv [untitled] June 8, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm PDT
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we are revising that to increase to 45 under dollars, a $1,000 increase for what we had both in fiscal year 2011-2012 and 2012- 12013. we are withdrawing two recommendations. training of $9,000 in fiscal year 11-12 and training of $15,000 in 12-13. we are withdrawing our recommendation on membership fees at $10,000 and that is for both fiscal year 2011-2012 and 2012-12013. on page 11, we are significantly reducing our recommendation with
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respect to power for resale. supervisors, this is based on documentation which he provided us this morning, which had not previously been provided. where we have a recommendation of $500,000 for power or resell and reduction, we are reducing that, in total, to $250,000. we are reducing our recommended reduction. that is true in both 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. on page 18, the recommendation for equipment purchases, we are with strolling $100,000 on both. the bottom line is, supervisors, if you go back to our summary
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comment on page 7 of our report, where we previously recommended a reduction of $4 million, we are now recommending for your consideration, reductions of $2 million and 412-13, where we previously recommended reductions for your consideration of -- we are now making recommendations for your consideration -- i would be happy to respond to any questions. supervisor chu: thank you, mr. rose. to confirm, the department is in agreement with the recommendations?
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yes. thank you. i believe the representative from the mayor's office, mr. elliott, has some information about work force. rhonda and jen cannot make it to the meeting. >> thank you, supervisor. apologies that i have to deliver this information. i can give you as much as i was able to ascertain. i understand there's some confusion. just to offer some clarity, the number of similar jobs in the city is somewhere in the several hundreds -- 400 to 500 range. we do not have a total survey. we expect -- that is across all industries, not just funded by go solar. the number funded by go solar is 72 people who have been referred and placed in the program. you could make the argument that
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san francisco's leadership on go solar, including the proposed appropriation for next year, does represent leadership in creating a hub of sorts around solar technology and encouraging investment here in the city. supervisor chu: ok, so it sounds like the 400 number is really related to the numbers -- you mentioned the several hundred number and that is related to general jobs overall and not necessarily tied to go solar? >> right. supervisor chu: is there anything different from what i see on the slide on page 11? >> no, that is the same 72 jobs
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created short-term and long- term. those are those placed directly through the go solar program. supervisor chu: ok. 23 still employed is still the number we have at this moment? >> yes. supervisor chu: thank you. public commsupervisor chiu? supervisor chiu: i need to understand where this money is going. 72 jobs created over the past few years with $11 million spent overall. a lot of this money, obviously, is going to these six companies, but not being used to create these jobs. supervisor chu: barbara, also, since you worked in conjunction -- if you can. >> yes, supervisor. i'm the assistant manager for
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power. where did -- the question is, what portion of the dollars went towards jobs? supervisor chiu: exactly. >> i don't have specific data on the portion that went toward jobs. the with the program works, we make payments to the installation. in our experience, most of the cost of solar installation is in the materials and in labor. i would expect that most of the incentive payments that we make go toward those two areas. supervisor chiu: thank you. supervisor chu: thank you, supervisor chiu. i believe we have agreement with the recommendations at this time with a few adjustments to it. if we could, colleagues, would you like to entertain a motion to accept these recommendations with the modifications? from the members of the
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committee, and seeing that they would like to go to public comment before that happens. we are doing public comment as a whole, actually. i could ask the department of environment to come up next and then we can take up all our public comment. >> good morning, supervisors. i'm the director of the san francisco department of the environment. today we have brief remarks about our budget. of course, we would be happy to answer any questions. the department's proposed budget for the coming fiscal year is $ 17.1 million, which is up from $3.5 million for the current fiscal year. $1.1 million is from rate revenue. $100,000 is from fees or services.
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the department has not received general funds since 2003. our revenue comes from a combination of competitive grants, fees for service, and the california public goods charge, which is a portion of utility bills earmarked for energy efficiency and renewable energy products. through work orders to the department, such as the library, our department helps to contribute to the general fund. with the funds are referred to, the department provides a wide range of services to residents, businesses, and city departments. for the next fiscal year, the majority of the increased revenue will come from grants for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. we have also received a major additional funding for a clean transportation programs, environmental justice projects, oil recycling, and bottle and can recycling. in total, the department will have 27 active grants for part or all of fiscal 2011-2012.
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i will name just a few of these grants. we have a $250,000 grant from the center for disease control to fund an indoor air quality program in order to promote environmental justice citywide. we also partnered to deliver a similar program in the western addition. $105,000 from the department of energy to fund alternative fuel vehicle efforts. we have a $250,000 grant to develop a blueprint to get to 100% renewable energy for the san francisco city of. we have a state grant to increase oil recycling and keep oil out of the bay. a number of the grant will end in the next 18 months, especially those funded the through the american reinvestment and recovery act,
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which are federal dollars, the department anticipates it will be able to continue to present balanced budgets without any general fund support over the next five years. the department is fully in agreement with the but jusbudget analyst's recommendation. supervisor chu: thank you very much. supervisor chiu, i see your name on the roster. no? why don't we go to the budget analyst's report? >> madam chair and members of the committee, our recommendations are summarized on page 22. are recommended reductions to the proposed budget total, $263, 903, which would still allow in increase of 24.4% in the department's budget. i would be happy to respond to
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any questions. the details are on pages 23, 24, in 25 of the report. supervisor chu: thank you. it sounds like the department is in agreement with the budget analyst's report. do we have any questions from the committee on the department of environment's budget? if not, i would like to open it up for public comment. this is the day we are opening up public comment for all the enterprise departments we've heard so far. i have a number of speaker cards that i will read. if you hear your name, please line up oin the center aisle. paulie, david, sarah, jacob bear
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arett, kenneth, angelo, monique washington, and melissa mcdermott. >> good morning, supervisors. my name is janine. i'm co-founder upof san francisco's solar install a. we all work full time for the company. we have grown from about four to five employees to 20 since go solar started. of that, six jobs are for my colleagues that came to us through work-force development. we hired our first workforce development person in august of 2008. we have hired a total of seven
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and one individual has left us. it a third of our workforce is go solar sf, young community developers and the san francisco conservation corps. i'm going to talk to supervisor wiener's specific issue and i also want to talk about the concept of the companies getting the money. the money goes to san francisc ans that put solar on their homes. we reduced the amount that the homeowner or the organization has to pay to put solar up. that means that we carry that incentive. this allows for low income people in san francisco to get access to solar, which has
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transformed who gets solar in san francisco. it's really a question of vision and commitment. with respect to the $1.3 million that is left, go solar has always run out of money in the past year. supervisor chu: thank you. >> do you want me to end? i was going to answer the question of supervisor wiener. supervisor wiener: please finish, very briefly. >> in the past, we've had boom cycles where we've gone through the money very quickly. it did not require all installations to have certified go solar sf work force development employees and now there's a requirement of 50% of the workers.
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what happened at the beginning of this fiscal year is that the sf puc made a number of changes reducing the amount of the incentive, expanding the jobs from just installer to back office and required that all installations have go solar sf work force development employees on the job. what that did is it witreduced e drop of the incentive. it is a good thing. it was a benefit to the program. it has been a good start ship of the program by the san francisco puc. supervisor chu: if i can ask you to wrap up. >> yes. ia while ago, earlier this year, there was less than $1.4 million
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in the pot. i anders and there was about $1 million that was earmarked for low-income projects that were going to go forward. in those projects, the san francisco puc was notified and it they were told that the project would not go forward. net absent that amount of money going back into the pot, the sf puc did a really good job of estimating how much money and at what clip it would be used. here we are at six weeks to the end of the fiscal year and we have $400,000 left in the pot. now, $300,000. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker, please. >> my name is david, community advocate. i am asking the board of supervisors to keep full funding of the go solar san francisco program. i'm convinced it has done a lot
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of benefits for our neighborhood and did much to attract foreign technologiegree. i've met solar companies, including one provider who lives in my provider, working in my neighborhood, as well as those in other communities, whose jobs could be banished. the program allows the disadvantaged people to gain experience in green trades and make them tomorrows business and community leaders. even these young people out on the street not only wasted the effort and investment, but also bashed their newly acquired confidence to have a better life. in these difficult economic times, the willingness of the city to continue investing and solar energy will send a powerful signal to domestic and
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overseas firms, a venture capitalists, and investment in our continue thescommunities. it will tell the world that our city is marching forward to the future. the few million dollars is a wise investment for the community building in the future of san francisco. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker. >> supervisors, good morning. 2007-2008, served as san francisco a commissioner san puc. i want to provide a little bit of context. if you recall, that year, the city came this close to approving a $271 million plant.
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that was canceled and go solar san francisco was issued. it has been one of the single most effective programs. at the time the program was created, there were three solar companies. today, we have over 30. as of this morning, the count was over 450 solar jobs. companies are locating in san francisco because of the program. beyond that, it has brought down the cost to install solar by 25%. the day the go solar program was announced, we have 500 in the city. today, there are 2400 to one of the principal goals was to make this city a leader in solar power. it's really a question of what the economic vision for the city should be. how serious are we to be 100%
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renewable power by 2020? you cannot cut the solar budget and still make progress toward those goals. this is a net moneymaker for the city and here is why. when solar gets installed, it increases the property value. that increases revenue to the general fund. that's a material benefit, net benefit, to the city. in addition, every single go solar project that is installed, the city keeps those renewable credits. over time, they become a system of revenue. supervisor chu: thank you. >> thank you. >> good morning. i'm the director for sun tech. one day, the true cost of our energy will be made apparent
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when the federal government removes billions and billions of subsidies. we moved here in 2007 because the city policy leadership on things like climate policy and solar. go solar sf is one of the central policy leadership items that was attractive to us. we are elated to be an anchor for many companies to come here and follow us. they probably wanted to be associated with the city's leadership, too. these jobs and dollars, to the city because of the result of the program. it has been an anomaly of a low- income project. the small city incentive spurs the private sector -- it
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attracts the building owner to energy efficient programs. by the way, since solar does not use water, we also benefit from water savings. the city has supported a bundle of low and high cost energy programs. this is no different. this is a tiny budget funded by water resources. please do not cut a program that seems to be working. thank you for listinening. >> good morning, supervisors. my name is walker wright. i work with petro solar. i work with an east coast company currently distributing
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the largest project that has created over 100 jobs in new jersey. i'm currently advocating to our company to open a fully staffed office in san francisco. i think the reason we are trying to do that is because we firmly believe that programs like go solar represent policy leadership in our industry. the suppliers are here. the people are here. we can continue to grow our industry and be a part of a movement. i fully recommend the continued funding of go solar sf for these reasons. thank you. >> good morning, supervisors. from here on behalf of a leader in one of the fastest-growing areas of solar in the country, residential solar. . we were born in san francisco in
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2007. one of the founders of our company installed solar on his roof in the mission. since then, we've outgrown the two offices and we continue to relocate within san francisco. we now employ over 100 people. you know, as the solar industry developed, policies, obviously, have a significant role in the nature of the market of element. policies have shavetail we expand and grow. we now have over 10,000 customers over eight states. the policies also implement where we keep our roots. go solar sf has been a great sign of leadership on behalf of san francisco. companies are very attractive and want to be anchored in places that are known and seen by the broader industry and by the public as leaders in their support for solar energy.
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i just want to offer two additional fiscal considerations as you talk about extending the budget for this program. one is the extent to which private investment is. leveraged by this. as an example for a residential project, every dollar the city puts into a residential project attracts $8 or $9. most of the investment goes to equipment and local labor. i just want to point out that the equipment purchases also generate revenue in san francisco. we're also adding value. >> good morning, supervisors. my name is monique washington. in the solar installer in san francisco. i was hired through the work force development go solar sf
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program. i'm here today because go solar sf gave me an opportunity to not only change my life but to build a career in the solar industry. i am asking that the go solar sf is not cut, but been fully funded so we can continue to grow and help our environment. thank you. >> hello, supervisors. my name is melissa mcdermott. i was also hired through the work force development go solar sf program. i'm one of the low-income single moms this program has benefit. i do not need to get into where i was a few years ago, but i can assure you i was not paying taxes and you never find me in a place like this. i needed to get into something and i needed to do it quick in order to save my relationship
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with my family and be able to progress and make a difference in. my. -- in my life. in turn, i've also seen things from different perspectives professionally. i've seen families be able to install solar on their homes that would never in a million years be able to do that if it was not for this program. they are able to make a difference in their community and teach their children how to respect our planet and move forward in a positive direction. also, many nonprofits have benefited from the program. i have been able to help with some volunteer installations and i have been able to see people in communities be able to walk a couple blocks from their home and volunteer. if it was not for programs
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training people and helping them learn something they can take to society in a positive way, we will not be able to do thank you thank. >> good morning. my name is angelo. i'm a 40-year resident, homeowner in san francisco. i could not believe my ears when i heard that the solar -- go solar sf program stands a chance of being the most. when we had mayor knew sonewsom around, there were so many ideas floated. i thought, we are on the right track. they were talking w talkingiabod generator. they were talking about a tidal generator under the bay bridge. the one program that got us started was solar. it is here.
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the development is getting better. it's becoming cheaper and you want to nip it in the bud. just to show you where you are on this, go up to the top of twin peaks and look down. see if you can find those 2400 installations. they're lost in a sea of empty rooms. you have to be visionary and you have to think like this. where there is a will, there is a way. all the numbers mr. harrington was throwing at you -- they do not mean a thing. you can find the numbers. you can find the money. where there's a political will, there's a way. i hope you are on board. thank you. [applause]
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