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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2011 1:30pm-2:00pm PDT

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road resurfacing, which is a major capital improvement, that is capital work that does have a long life span and that is appropriate to pay for using bonding. it is no different than the capital work that we do in our parks, that we use our neighborhood parks bond to pay for. when we are talking about improving an irrigation system, replacing a lawn or doing the types of things that we reteenly use bonds money to pay for. this is no different. this is a very good bond. it will have a lot of positive benefit for the city and i support it. supervisor chiu: roll call fothe. campos, aye, chiu, aye, chu, aye, cohen, aye, elsbernd no. farrell, no. kim, aye.
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mar, aye. mirkarimi, aye. wiener, aye. avalos, aye. mr. president we have nine eyes and two notices. supervisor chiu: this resolution is adopted. item 31. >> a resolution conquering with the controllers certification that services briefly approved can perform by a contractor for a lower cost. >> roll call vote. campos, aye, chiu, aye, chu, aye. cohen, aye, elsbernd, aye. farrell, aye. kim, aye. mar, aye. mirkarimi, aye. wiener, aye. avalos, aye. mr. president we have 11 eyes. supervisor chiu: this resolution is adopted. item 32. >> ordinance amending the
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transportation code to establish a time limit for parking at inoperable or broken parking meter. supervisor chiu: can we take this item same call. this ordinance is passed on first edie. >> 33 is a resolution that the issuance of a liquor conference. churechure this resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 34 is a resolution a proving the community needs assessment. supervisor chiu: supervisor kim. supervisor kim: i wanted to thank dcyf for their assessment of what is going on with youth in the city. it was good to get an assessment of the issues young people are facing. although we continue to have a drop of young people in the city, i wanted to note some of
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the things that had come up in the presentation. what continues to be a concern for me, and we look at the budget, and we look at our policy-making, and it is that bullying and harassment based on race and sexual orientation continues to be a big issue. one in three middle school youth have been harassed by a racial or ethnic slur, and 82% have heard others harassed. half of which, adult staff do not stop. oppression on violence continue to be issues, and homicide continues to be the leading cause of death for individuals under 17. there were positive things that came out of this report as well, one of which is that more than 75% of sfusd families participate in quality school year programs, and most respond
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satisfyly to the programs. this is something that we spend a great deal of four funding on. 70% of public high school students spend time in out of school time program. one in three students participate in academic support programs. 8,000 parents use our publicly funded resource centers. i thought it was good to get feedback around our budget discussions in terms of what we prioritize and don't and the impact on families. 92% of our parents would recommend their public school to other families. so when we talk a lot about some of the challenges that our families and young people face, it is good to note some of the good work that is happening and some of this which comes out of our budget. thank you. chiu cligse, can we take this item, same house same call. without objection this resolution is adopt. item 35. >> ordinance adopting.
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>> this ordinance is passed on the first edie. >> item 36 is a resolution designating the examiner and chronicle to be the official newspaper of the city. >> i am supportive of this item. i had a question about how division works to the extent that we are designating both newspapers. what is the practice that we have followed in the past? i meant to ask this in committee. is that practice going to be followed in terms of how the two are divided? supervisor chiu: is there any committee staff representing the office of contract administration? i think our clerk has the answer. >> actually -- >> i am with the office of contract administration.
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supervisor, it is designated every six months. the examiner would do it for six months, and the chronicle would do it for the other six months. >> so that is the practice that would be followed here >> i would add on to that we are keeping on with the examiner for a full calendar year. supervisor chiu: supervisor kim? supervisor kim: i wanted to get claire if iation on that. i was contacted by the examiner, and there were concerns that the chronicle would be getting it for this entire year, and the examiner would potentially get it the entire following year. the question was that if the board votes on this every june, we could technically change it back to the chronicle for the last six months. it is a technical question to ensure there is parity between the newspapers and how to ensure that.
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>> presently it is alternating. i think one of the concerns was because due to some legislation that has been passed, there is a reduction in what we as a city are spending on those advertising dollars. that is already in effect. so in a sense, it really doesn't matter who has the first six months or second six months of the contract. there will be parity. supervisor kim: so it is inaccurate that each newspaper will get it for 12 continuous months? >> it can be so that it is not a burden on the departments. it is not inaccurate what they are saying. it is inaccurate that there is a lack of parity. there is parity. supervisor chiu: supervisor chu? supervisor chu: thank you, president chiu. this is an item i will be
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supporting. it splits the advertising between the two newspapers, the examiner and the chronicle came. the question that was raised is which months are the chronicle and examiner receiving? from my understanding, the examiner would not be getting any advertising revenue in 2011, and that is a concern for them. because this actual resolution does not designate which time period the newspapers actually get the advertising revenue, perhaps what we can ask the clerk of the board is to make sure that we are conversing with the two newspapers and make sure however it is that we split it, it strikes the right balance between our operations and making sure we are not adversely affecting either one of those newspapers. supervisor chiu: understood. any further questions. colleagues can we take this same call? this resolution is adopted. 37? >> adopting various newspapers
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for out reach advertising for fiscal year 2011-2012. supervisor chiu: supervisor wiener? supervisor wiener: i also have a question about item 37. specifically, the question is how the newspapers are selected -- or what the goal is in terms of reaching the entire city. what i notice is there are a number of neighborhood nubs here, but there are others -- there are neighborhoods that are not covered by these. for example, in my own district, district eight, there is the bay area reporter, which is for the lbgt community, which is actually a city-wide newspaper. there are no non-lbgt newspapers from my district. so for non-lbgt people, for
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example, in my district, i'm curious what the methodology is for selecting some neighborhood newspapers but not others? >> we reached out to a number of different newspapers. there were 28. we did not receive responses from all of them. part of the reason some of the constraints that o.t.a. has in terms of our general rules is that we also -- the requirement legally is that they are printed in the city. unfortunately, printing is not a big industry in the city any longer, and so from a practical standpoint much of the printing has gone outside of the city. so they have not recommended, because of that technical requirement, those that are not
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printed in the city. board and have committee have considered those outside of that. i'm not sure. we can certainly do research in terms of the particular publications that you have requested to see why they have not either responded or previously engaged in this contract. supervisor wiener: i'm not going to vote against this, but that does raise a serious concern for me. that means if you live in a certain part of the city where the neighborhood newspaper happens to be printed outside of the city, then you don't get to benefit from the notices, whereas another neighborhood for a reason completely outside of your control as a resident, they do get to benefit from the notices. i guess i would maybe like a response -- not now, but later -- in terms of what the exact rules are and what some
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possible ways are to have a broader outreach. >> supervisor, i think i was a little confusing there. o.c.a. because of our constraints have not recommended them. but the committee in its wisdom has moved forward a number of different papers that were not printed in the city. so we do have the benefit of that. supervisor wiener: all right. >> but we will absolutely look into those and others and do a much better job of reaching out over the next year. supervisor wiener: thank you. i look forward to that. >> thank you. supervisor chiu: colleagues, any further discussion? same house, same call. this resolution is adopted. item 38. >> resolution declaring the intention to renew the property based the fillmore jazz district to be renamed the
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district. supervisor mirkarimi: while there are a number of compelling reasons for expanding,, perhaps is the history of the success of the existing c.b.d. through its marketing programs, it has proven to be supplemental services and successful in enhancing the experience of the area as a whole in the cleanliness and safety of the area. we established the c.b.d. nearly five years ago. we put it on a very short leash. it was the only c.b.d. in the city to have less than a 10-year term. most c.b.d.'s have a 10-year or more term, but we put this because it was riding right on the cusp of the termination of the redevelopment era, which expired in 2009. needless to say, the members of the c.b.d., merchants,
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residents and property owners, had what i thought was a challenging time the first 2 1/2 years of the existence of this c.b.d., just having to inherit much of what urban renewal and redevelopment had impacted in the area. but in the last two years, they have come together quite nicely. now we are putting forward its renewal, not on a five-year track, but on a seven-year track. in order to support the growth of the c.b.d., before you i have circulated a number of amendments. this is probably substantive. i believe it is. it is pretty straight forward language, but the point of the amendments modify the governance of the c.c.b.d. among the property owners and business members of the community.
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i would ask a motion for approval of the amendments. supervisor chiu: i think our city attorney does not have copies of those amendment. do you want a copy before we pro? supervisor mirkarimi, the deputy city attorney what like to take a look at them to advise us on whether we need to consider them substantive or not. colleagues, supervisor mirkarimi has made a motion to amenity. a second? second by supervisor campos. can we take it without objection? supervisor mirkarimi: ips denially, we were informed they were substantive. supervisor chiu: motion passes. to our deputy city attorney, they are substantive? supervisor mirkarimi: they are not. american misinformed them. supervisor chiu: with that, colleagues, can we take same house, same call on the resolution as amended? without objection.
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the resolution as amended is adopt the. mirkarimi mirbling thank you. supervisor chiu: item 39? >> resolution approving a second amendment for the m.o. urment with the cities of oakland and san jose and the counties of alameda and santa claraa for the distribution of federal and urban area funds. supervisor chiu: same call. this resolution is adopted. item 40. >> ordinance amending the c578 pain and contact code to prohibit loans from restrictsed sources and modify the reporting requirements for elected efficiency. supervisor chiu: supervisor cohen. supervisor cohen: thank you, mr. president. colleagues, this is clean-up legislation that the ethics commission has brought to us which clarifies two aspects of the campaign and government conduct code. it would add a prohibition on
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public employees and officers receiving loans from restricted sources. second, the legislation would bring our local code into greater conformity with changes in the state law that place reporting requirements on gifts of travel received from individuals. that's it from me. supervisor chiu: any additional discussion? take this item same call? passed on first reading. >> 41 is an ordinance to stab an advisory committee for the market straight area. supervisor chiu: supervisor kim. supervisor kim: thank you, president chiu. this is trailing ledge -- legislation we are following up to an order nabs passed in april. in the process of having spirited discussions around what it means to revitalize mid market and the tenderloin, we worked a lot with constituents and residents that had concern
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about the tax exclusion. working with them we wrote this legislation to establish a citizen advisory committee for the mid market tenderloin tax exclusionary. this committee will have representation from the senior commue, neighborhood residents, affordable housing community, community based organizations, small business community and people who have experience in job creation. it will be an 11-member body, all appointed by the board of supervisors. we took into account feedback we got at rule committee meetings from supervisor farrell and elsbernd. this committee will help us to shape policies around this area that promote job growth without displacing residents. and also we will be working with the city administrators to craft community benefits agreements with those companies that move in and have a payroll tax of over $1 million. i want to thank my office staff who worked diligently on this
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legislation with residents and communicate leaders to ensure that their voice was heard. i want to thank our city attorney's office and stephanie, who worked quickly to put this together for us so that we could have this trailing legislation. i want to thank my co-sponsor, president chiu, for supporting us through this process both witt the tax exclusion and this cac. supervisor chiu: can we take this item without objection? without objection this ordinance>> item 42 is appointig supervisor ross mirkarimi to the reentry council. president chiu: what the objection, he shall be excused. a roll-call vote on this. >> supervisor avalos, supervisor chu, supervisor cohen, supervisor elsbernd, supervisor
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farrell, supervisor kim, supervisor mar, supervisor wiener. mr. president, we have 10 ayes. president chiu: it is now 3:00, time for this special order. please read item 43 and 44. >> a public hearing to consider objections to reports of assessment costs submitted by the director of public works for inspection and/or abatement of blighted conditions, and item 44, the resolution approving a report of assessment caused by the director of public works. president chiu: first, let me ask if there is a representative from dpw here? if you could step up to the microphone? we will have an opportunity for any members of the public who want to object to this report to
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also make comments. if you could please identify yourself for the record? >> yes, kenny burqas, department of public works. good afternoon, president chiu, supervisors. upon the finding of blight, with the ministry of code, the community blight reduction act authorizes dpw to use the anti- ballistic enforcement procedures -- the anti-blight enforcement procedures, as well as a fee. the department is seeking approval from the board to place liens on these delinquents properties. these are property owners to have done more -- ignored the department's various attempts for the owner to comply with the anti-graffiti and blight ordnances.
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we do ask for payments -- removal for properties where payments were recently received. these include 125 bayshore boulevards, boulevard, -- geary boulevard, another on mission street, in some others. president chiu: thank you. let me now ask if there are any members of the public who wish to speak in regard to this item? if there are, which police speak into -- stepped up to the microphone -- would you please step up to the microphone? if you can talk about which party you are referring to. if -- >> hi, my name is avi,
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and i got a notice, but i did not hear my address just now. does that mean that i do not need to be approved -- need to be approved -- need to be here? president chiu: we will have him come back. >> i received a paper tape to the wall, which says that there are block numbers and an amount due. there was no such anything attached to this, so i do not know what it was about. i called kanekoa -- kenny bruce and left messages, but he never called back. there is no blight on my property.
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me and my roommates worked on it, and we think that this is a nice addition. if they think there is a blight on my property, i would like to speak with them. i do not appreciate not having my calls returned. thank you. president chiu: thank you. any other members of the public who would wish to speak, please step up. >> good afternoon, members of the board. i am speaking to the building located on -- street. i have a picture right here. this building was purchased by myself in 2007, and it took almost 1.5 years -- the city allowed me to change views on this building.
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this is a blight. when i completed this building in 2010, i had invested more than $1 million. to be precise, about $1.25 million. a building accumulating graffiti, trash, people bordering -- loitering. i have turned this into what i think is a nice building, and is currently employing about 65 to 70 people right now. this building was sitting there close to five years, employing
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no one. so i received this notice on the building saying there was this graffiti on the building, and occasionally, the building would get graffiti, but then with in time, within a reasonable amount of time, i would go ahead and clean up the graffiti, and as you can see, this building is well maintained and well kept. [bell] president chiu: thank you very much. you will have an opportunity to speak with the representative from dpw in a moment. does anyone else want to speak? next speaker. >> , walter. i just want to say ♪ good luck with the bride and property -- the blighted
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property who could put a price on you? it is a new day, and still we are going to fix you, good luck to the blighted property is -- properties who could put a price on new? when you wake up and it is a new day, still we are going to fix you ♪ president chiu: next speaker, please. >> we what are building to look always to attract customers. when we see graffiti, we take care of it right away. i went outside asked about the building.
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at the time, we had not read -- removed the graffiti. i told them we had removed all of the graffiti, and then an employee showed some graffiti that we thought was a painting. the city said it actually was graffiti, and the next day was removed. we have spent more than $700 this year for the graffiti, and in the future, we want the city to help us remove the graffiti. i have a picture to show. thank you. president chiu: thank you. next speaker.
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>> good afternoon. president chiu: if you can pull the microphone to your mouth, it is easier for us to hear you. >> my name is -- and we are here for six under 58, 6 under 56 post st.. -- 658, 656 post st.. there has been a gradual increase in graffiti over the years, and someone will put their initials on a building, and then the next week, we have something else in addition, and we have tried very, very hard to keep the graffiti in a beige. keep the graffiti in a beige. it is on an hourly -- keyed the