tv [untitled] June 11, 2011 2:30pm-3:00pm PDT
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start, in she was very supportive, and i also wanted to let you know that we are institutionalizing the program. this was a pilot, and we intend to have a cohort go through our department every three years now, and we are looking for jr. transfers from city and other community colleges to finish out their junior and senior year with us, with a focus on early childhood development, and this is in response to the head start change of law, where head teachers must have a bachelor's or be in the process of earning one, and i would like to thank you for your support and recognition of this very important advancements in workplace development, and we would like to see more areas of workplace development, developing cohorts for working
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to our north beach items? as i stated before, we will first hear presentations from various city staff, and then we will proceed to the eir as well as the public comment part of the hearing to hear from members of the public vis a vis the items today. why do we not hear first from the city librarian? >> good afternoon, president chiu, supervisors. my colleague and i are going to do a bit of a dog and pony show to highlight each library in the jodi maggio -- joseph maggio -- the playground. let me begin with the outcomes. the north beach library are nonetheless to be renovated for our improvement program. the branch, which was built in
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1959 is no longer effective or adequate in meeting the needs of a very diverse neighborhood. it does not meet current building codes. it is seismically unsafe. it is not accessible and does not provide the space to meet community needs. north beach neighborhood is one of the most dense neighborhoods in the city and is also identified as a high needs area with the needs of additional open space in the city's general plan. recognizing both the library and the park are essential service amenities to the north beach neighborhood, the library and the recreation and park department entered into a master planning process in 2008 in order to achieve a set of goals to improve the site for the entire community. the master plan will provide for a new library to meet the needs of a diverse north beach community for generations to come, provides enough space to
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accommodate an adequate shelving for books and media, ample computers and seating with separate distinct areas for adults, teenagers, and children. also, a community room, as well as air ergonomic and efficient work spaces to be able to do the effective materials handling. the master plan results in a safe and accessible library which meets ada requirements with sufficient lighting throughout. >> thank you. continuing the project objectives, the parks and open space is increased by 20% -- the
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park's open space is increased by 20% and provides additional landscaping in seating throughout the park. the master plan increases open space and greenspace while maintaining all existing current program park elements, including multi staff -- multi use areas. specifically, the residents of north beach and chinatown will gain approximate 12,000 square feet of open space in one of the densest neighborhoods and identifies a high needs area for the general plan. the area around the park has approximately 0.45 acres of open space for 1000 residents. this is 95% below the citywide average. the master plan works to create this for our community.
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>> now, let me talk a little bit about the process. the environmental impact review represents the culmination of a strong partnership between city departments and the community, and working together, the library and recreation and parks department along with the department of public works pecker engaged with the public in a master planning progress -- plan with numerous meetings. just as an example, we had 15 stakeholder meetings in the neighborhood, four public meetings at the main library, meetings at city hall, two art commission meetings, and a two- month closure of mason street. we also initiated a full environmental impact review with the planning department and the major environmental analysis team in late 2008. the study of this project has been complete and very thorough, analyzing every aspect of the
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project and every potential part of the plan. the community has supported this plan and has had many opportunities. the process affirms the neighborhood vision of a new library and an expanded park developed for hundreds of neighborhood residents. the project ultimately will provide a safe, unified civic space, increase open space in greenspace, a destination -- destination place for the diverse community, and a new library. this is an example of the city working effectively, employing all the important checks and balances. >> i am going to next comment briefly on the ceqa findings on behalf of the project. as the eir demonstrates, the benefits clearly outweigh these. the project is consistent with
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the general plan. it turns a parking lot into a library and a street into a park. the only significant one -- the building, though not a landmark, has been treated as a resource. multiple options were investigated. clearly, the overriding benefits override the impact. this project closes one block of the street to increase the size and usable area of the playground and assure a safe and efficient passage of the public. creating a unified, usable, and a memorable place for the north beach community. thank you for your consideration. president chiu: let me ask if the project architect has something to say. it will come up in two seconds. >> my name is marcia.
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i am architect. the site is located at the heart of north beach across roads of the neighborhood. to clarify the location, the playground is located between lombard and greenwich, powell and mason streets, and the site also includes 701 lombard street along columbus avenue, which is currently a parking lot. there is a long history of recreation use at the site. it was established in 1909, just after the earthquake in 1906. this is a photograph prior to the current library been built on top of one of the tennis courts at the sixth and playground -- at the existing playground.
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this is a photograph of the existing library, which as was mentioned, does not meet the needs of the community, is not accessible, and does not meet requirements of the ada. furthermore, it is not seismically safe. the interior of the library is currently overcrowded, should have separate spaces for teenagers and children. there are only three computers to serve the entire neighborhood. the excess ability areas, as i mentioned, are not co-compliant, and this has resulted in programs being canceled at this location and relocated to other areas. this is a diagram showing existing site plan. you can see the current location of the library, near columbus and greenwich streets, but the south is the children's playground, which is separated from the remainder of the play
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area by approximately a 10-foot great change. -- grade change. a hard scape is used for a variety of activities, including volleyball, roller soccer, and softball. there is also the north beach pool and clubhouse, which was recently added, and the pool renovated. as was mentioned, the master plan process began in 2008. the library and the recreation and parks department engaged to look at a variety of options for the library and the renovation of the playground. we had several meetings, as was mentioned, boat and we explored options of locating the library in the northeast section by
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paolo and lombard, the southeast by greenwich and the children's play area. we also explored the opportunity of putting the library on the in trying to site on lombard street. the outcome of this master planning process was the diagram you see here, which provides for a unified park block, with a new library located at 701 lombard street. in the master plan, all of the amenities are maximized to provide for a greater connection and access throughout the site. the children's playground is an expanded and relocated into the center part of the site to improve safety and connection to all parts of the playground. the tennis courts were relocated to the perimeter of the
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greenwich street side of the site. there is improved safety, security, and visibility for the entire playground, and as was mentioned, there is a 20% increase in open space and greenspace for the neighborhood, and with the reconfigurations of the park, this is one block of mason street and the new location of the library. by closing the 1 blog of mason street, there is an enhanced connection and safe access created between the park and the library. this is a model view showing the expanded park block, with the new library at 701 lombard. the one block of mason st. becoming additional public open space. the relocated children's playground at the center of the sides, and the tennis courts relocated to the perimeter at greenwich street.
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as was mentioned, in the summer of 2009, one block of mason street was temporarily closed to three project -- to through traffic. last year, it was also closed for farmers' markets on sundays, which will continue this year. the city did not observe any adverse effects on vehicular traffic and found that the area was well used for the neighborhood for picnics, library programs, and just generally joined it. the 701 lombard street site offers great opportunities. as was mentioned, it is at the crossroads of north beach, and from the new reading room, there will be great views of lombard street and the transamerica pyramid and others. the design take maximum
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advantage of the views and also of the abundant daylight and the connections to the hispanic park. the plan also takes advantage of the existing slope of the site, which is approximately 8 feet, by creating a centrally located mid block entry, with access from both mason street and columbus. the geometry of this 701 lombards sides also works very well for the requirements of a library, allowing for a clear and efficient plan, organization. the three program areas are located at each corner shown in blue on the diagram. there are an adult reading room on the southern side of the site, and the children's library room is located towards lombard street on the west side, and the teenager room is located on the east side.
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there is a separate community room located on the second level which can be used afterhours by the public, and there is a staff area very additionally organized in the middle of the library program space. and as the diagram shows, when the one block of mason street is closed, it creates a safe and easy access between the parked in the library. as this illustration shows, all of the goals are met in the design of the new library. it is increased in size by 59%. there are areas for the key programs, computers, an ergonomics base for staff, and increased capacity. it also includes a sustainable
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design, and it will be designed for a silver rating. the diagram shows in the east-to redlines the footprint of the existing -- the diagram shows in dashed red lines. the proportion of the 12-foot- wide bays and the scale of the surrounding building, as well as the north beach pool and clubhouse, this diagram shows the rhythm of the buildings surrounding the new library along columbus avenue. again, the columbus avenue elevation on the lower part. the design approach is to make a contemporary interpretation of this important neighborhood context. this is a slide of the cannot --
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columbus avenue elevation, the central entry along columbus, the windows, which wraparound the reading room just below the floating roof. the windows and the children, a teenager, and adult reading rooms provide excellent use out of a library and will become lanterns to the community. the interior view shown here is at the main entry, and circulation desk looking towards the adult reading room, and this leads up to the community programs space. this is the children's room with a corner room which will look up on lombard. this model shot shows the unified park block, with the new library in the approved an enhanced>> the new library woula
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pavilion in the unified and expanded parking lot creating and welcoming a new civic presence in the community. that concludes my comments. >> of like to ask the director of the department of public works to speak about this. >> members of the board, i am here to speak specifically on item 52, the ordinance in the order of vacation for the small portion of mason st. running from columbus. the purpose of the vacation was to enable the realization of the master plan for the library and a playground. specifically, it would enable the construction of the library, a portion of which extends on to the public right of way for recreational space
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use and the connection between the library at the recreational facility, ultimately allowing this master plan to move forward. as part of the process of vacating history, there were a number of the terminations that the engineers need to make to ensure that it is consistent with state l local law. among the issues that we looked at, the need for the street, the main issue of which is traffic. we relied on numerous studies done over the course of the last few years. and both analytical and empirical to make that evaluation, the most significant of which has an analysis done in conjunction with heart of the environmental impact report that
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found her there would be no adverse traffic impact. there were a number of the empirical studies, a month-long closure, the farmer's market which not only helped to validate the analytical analysis of the traffic impact, but supported the notion that there was significant positive impact for the public for the increased open space that disclosure would create that was certainly more than offset any impact from traffic. i guess in summary, we recommend approval of this. it is an essential part of the master plan process. by approving this ordinance, you would be affecting the determination that i have made with regard to the street vacation, ordering the vacation
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of the street that would be conditioned on the library securing of site building permits. it would not take place until the building is ready to get built. it would reserve rights for them to access to their facilities and transfer the property on vacation. i recommend approval and be happy to ask any questions. >> i would like to hear from the planning department about the proposed rezoning. >> on april 21, 2011, the san francisco planning commission heard the master plan project and a certified the environmental impact report on by a vote of 6-0, adopted
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findings of the overriding consideration and reporting programs and by a vote of 6-1. adopted general plan consistency regarding st. vacation and rezoning by a vote of 7-0. had recommended approval by a vote of 7-0. the proposed modification has been incorporated into substitute legislation introduced by president chiu. it will reclassify the property going to public zoning district anhinga going to open space height and bulk designation. and remove this property from the telegraph hill and north beach residential special use
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district. the proposed ordinance would also remove 2000 the mason street from the residential use district. the planning commission fund the project would benefit the people of san francisco in that it would provide a new north beach library commensurate with other libraries. increased open space, providing a high quality integrated cultural space, made his uncontrolled consistent across the entirety of the project area under the jurisdiction of the recreation and parks department and would be consistent with a general plan and policy planning to go. for these reasons, we urge your support of the proposed
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rezoning. president chiu: at this time, why don't we proceed to the eir? we will first hear from the appellant, we will hear public comment from anyone opposed to any of the hearing items or believe that it should be rejected, and to hear from planning followed by public comment of any supporters. at this time, hot and ask for representatives of the appellant? >> good afternoon. i have been a resident of the city and county of san francisco
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for 42 years. i have several questions regarding this plan, this revision from several different angles. why hasn't the public been informed of the costs of various changes of this plan? and coincidentally also to the library. if you're going to revamp the library and do it the way it was done, it is an unmitigated disaster of sorts. in terms of handling -- president chiu: are you representing the appellant? >> i represent the city and county of san francisco. president chiu: if you can just hang on for a second, the appellants have an opportunity
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to provide 15 minutes and we can hear from you after that. we're almost there. on behalf of the friends of a better north beach library and playground, you have time to a number of your colleagues. we will start the 15 minute clock again. >> before we start, i would like to add the statement that we object to the consolidation of the hearing with the other three hearings. of the reasons set forth in the process and the record, we object to each of the items before you today. appellants urge the board to reject it, to decline and rezone the try and go into decline the
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vacation of the street. i will focus on the open space issue. i had this video prepared from the board of supervisors hearing to initiate the eminent domain proceedings. the discussion shows the intent to acquire the triangle specifically for open space and the playground. the action is directly relevant to the inadequate analysis of alternatives. in a nutshell, if incorrectly contends that the mission of the library will increase an open space. this is because it fails to a knowledge that the triangle is open space and that the parking lot is only a temporary use. the city should honor its
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