tv [untitled] June 14, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT
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he's someone not a lot of people don't know when the person in supporting is an individual with integrity, someone who has gone through the experiences that have shed light on the very important role the police department plays in the lives of people and has demonstrated that sometimes the role can be positive and sometimes it can be negative, which is why it is so critical to have meaningful civilian oversight of the police department. i fink any one of those individuals would provide that, and i think julius turman will make sure we continue to have a police department that remains accountable to the people, and that where reform is needed those reforms are implemented. you cannot go to live as an african-american gay man with the understanding the role the police department has in
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communities of color and the lgbt community. i hope as this process moves forward that there will be other opportunities so we have the two individuals we have talked about serve on the police commission. i think mr. wagner would do a tremendous job as well. my hope is that opportunity will present itself. again, i want to thank everyone for their thoughts, their comments. it is unfortunate that we only have one opening that we have to fill. supervisor cohen: i also want to share in the remarks that supervisor campos but as this afternoon, except i would also take a moment to highlight the message jackson, the only woman out of the -- vanessa jackson, the only woman out of the candidates put forward. this is for the third time going through the appointment process.
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i'm want to make a public statement to acknowledge that the -- i want to make a public statement to acknowledge that the appointment to the police commission is important, and acknowledge that we keep on the forefront of our minds not only to elect women but also to work to get more women appointed to these bodies that help make legislative decisions for our city and county. also, i want to acknowledge philippe hogan -- philip hogan. david wagner, i know reasonably well. i got to know him in the last year and a half and look forward to working with him as well. but today i am proud to support julius turman. one word i associate with him his courage. it takes courage to step up and be a voice of reason. he is willing to stand up above
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what is politically expedient and stand above political ideology and stand for what he believes to be right and correct, standing above the fray of infighting. this is a man that has integrity, that is thoughtful, and has the ability to sort out and find the facts. i enthusiastically will be supporting his appointment to the police commission today and ask that my colleagues join me. thank you. supervisor mirkarimi: as is often the case with commissioner appointments, we are confronted by an embarrassment of riches. it is a welcome problem. the rules committee understandably has advanced a strong and solid candidate in julius turman, but i have
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known david wagner much longer. he is an acquaintance with whom i have had discussions over some years about safety, police politics, and public safety, as we have tried to advance and understand much better. i believe mr. wagner would do an excellent job on the police commission, representing the exact same motivations and desires as any of your colleagues who are considering supporting a different candidate. this is an opportunity for us to realize we wish we did have more seats on the commission so they would be able to accommodate both applicants. but mr. wagner's work with the national lawyers guild and worked in the past with us, trying to advance sensible reforms, sticks with my mind and my heart much more, just because of that experience of working together with him. i am more than happy to throw my
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support behind mr. wagner, but also recommend -- but also support mr. turman if he should advance. supervisor kim: the police commission is one of our most important bodies in terms of community and of reach. it interfaces with our city on very important issues. we did have four candidates, very strong candidates -- julius turman, david wagner, philip hogan, and vanessa jackson. ms. jackson has worked in neighborhoods. the discussion has revolved mainly around wagner and turner.
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i supported david wagner coming out of the rules committee. both have a strong experience not only with police commissions here, but in their home states, and have the expertise about public safety issues. if you watched our three our hearing on the police commission, you would get to hear some of their thoughts around how we can improve public safety in our communities. there is also strong experience working with our communities of color and lgbt. both of them oppose warrantless searches, something that has been happening a lot in my district. both heavily support sanctuary city. supervisor campos's amendment to sanctuary city, and how we work with those with mental health issues.
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i think it is important to keep those in mind as we keep kitchen -- keep commissioners with a point accountable. in the end, i supported david wagner. i have known him for longer. i know he has a deep passion around civil-rights issues and has also done pro bono work in my district with many of our immigrant families and tenants. again, we have very good candidates. it is an honor to have so many members who want to serve our city. president chiu: colleagues, i want to echo the perspective that we have some wonderful candidates here. philip hogan has had tremendous experience and vanessa jackson is someone highly regarded.
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david wagner should be a part of this. that being said, julius turman is someone i have known a long time, who is deeply committed to fighting for the civil rights of immigrants in communities of color, fighting to ensure police reforms are fully implemented, and someone who does reflect our san francisco values. it is for that reason i will be supporting julius. i think we easily could have banded of supporting others in this field. colleagues, unless there is any other discussion, is there
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amendment to this item? if we could have a roll-call vote on the motion to substitute david wagner for julius turman. supervisor campos:-- supervisor cohen: no. supervisor elsbernd: no. supervisor farrell: no. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mar: aye. supervisor mirkarimi: aye. supervisor weiner: no. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: no. president chiu: no. supervisor chu: no. >> there are four ayes and seven nos. president chiu: the motion to amend fails. on the underlying motion. supervisor cohen: aye. supervisor elsbernd: aye. supervisor farrell: aye. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mirkarimi: aye. supervisor mar: aye.
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supervisor weiner: aye. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. supervisor chu: aye. >> there are 11 ayes. president chiu: the motion is approved. [applause] colleagues, why don't we now go to our 3:00 p.m. special order? >> ilm 30 is the board of supervisors sitting as a whole pursuant to file # 110143, a public hearing to consider the department of public health elimination or reduction of health care services to the indigent population provided by the city and county of san francisco for fiscal year 2011- 2012. president chiu: this is a hearing we must take to
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consider whether the department of public health eliminates or reduces health care services to the indigent population of the city of san francisco. >> president, board of supervisors, as you know, this year we really worked at trying to work with our community-based organizations to identify areas of production to meet the city budget. this year, we focused on the non-leveraged general fund dollars that could not bring in federal dollars. we identified $7 million we do not leverage through a federal matching program and try to cut areas we thought we could do that with those non-matched general funds. through the restoration of the mayor, we were able to restore at least half of the
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organization's' funding. then we looked at smaller organizations with cuts under $1 million that would have a great affect on smaller organizations. we still have $3.20 million left on the cuts. i am sure you will hear today from those organizations, their concerns about those cuts. i want to reemphasize that the general fund dollars are the unmatched general fund dollars that we cannot match to the federal process. president chiu: thank you. at this time, we will open it to public comment. as is our practice, let me first ask if there are any members of the public who are disabled, who have children, or who are seniors. we would like to give you an opportunity to speak first. if you would like to step up to the podium, we know this is a
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point to be a long hearing. we would like to ask people to line up on the right hand side, on the wall that is next to these windows. i know there are lots of folks in the overflow room. if you want to speak, you have the opportunity to do so. if you could line up in the center aisle, if there are any parents who have children, if there are individuals with disabilities -- if you would like to go first, you are more than willing to do that -- you are more than able to do that. with that, why don't we hear
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from our first speaker? i have a lot of cards that were submitted, with regard to speaker cards. given how many folks are here to testify on this, rather than trying to read to dozens of parts, we ask people to line up. we will use these cards to confirm the spelling of your name. why don't we hear from our first speaker? >> good afternoon. my name is ernestine woods, and i would like to speak on this reduction of health care for the most indigent population in the city of san francisco. this is really cruel and inhumane to do this to the most vulnerable population we have. i urge you not to do this and to be more fair and respectful of these people. thank you. president chiu: next speaker. >> good afternoon.
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i think you for giving us the opportunity to speak today. my name is evelyn dawes. i am a health-care provider. with the cuts, i am afraid of san francisco general. i have had a bad experience with them. i almost died. thank you. president chiu: next speaker, please. >> my name is mabel davis, and i have been a home care worker for 33 years. my insurance is with kaiser. please do not let them cut me. i am a diabetic. i have not had any problems with kaiser and my diabetes is under control. i have been working for almost 33 years. i beg you not to let this be cut. i still love kaiser. that is where my doctors are. that is where i would like to
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stay. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am the director of substance abuse services at the bayview/hunters point foundation for community improvement. i am here to speak about the proposed reduction of funding in the maintenance still services program, and the elimination or reduction of other substance abuse programs throughout san francisco. the station has been providing outpatient treatment to heroin- addicted individual since 1981. it also provides treatment to those who are incarcerated in san francisco city and county jails. we provide services to approximately 300 clients per
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year. the needs for substance abuse programs to remain open is vital to the community, and already underserved, fragile community. also, other communities throughout san francisco. a reduction of treatment services will add additional cost to our already overburdened health system and increase crime and incarceration rates. the bayview/hunters point substance abuse program was designed to address needs of individuals entering our outpatient program, and should remain in place of resource, support, and encouragement to the community. substance abuse services in the bay view and the city at large should be increased instead of reduction in funding. supervisors, i urge you to add back our funding. treatments work.
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president chiu: next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is jacob moody, chairman of the congress of african american organizations. "what to think the mayor, supervisor -- i want to thank the mayor, supervisor chu, and the board of supervisors for a more open process. there are cuts to the mental health services in the mayor's proposed budget. i oppose the proposed cuts as inconsistent with the budget priorities established at the mayor's meetings, particularly preserving programs that meet a basic human need and prioritizing the most vulnerable. treatment is the key to employment, housing, productive lives, and stable families.
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cutting treatment hurts people. in addition, as the chair of the congress of african american organizations, we are aware that african americans make up only 3.9% of the population in san francisco, but represent 40% to 60% of people in foster care, substance abuse, and the justice system. it is critical that organizations rooted in the african american community maintain funding that keep programs that help the most vulnerable of african americans in this city alive and here. thank you very much. president chiu: as speakers finish, the next speaker, please walk up so we can move the proceeding forward. >> please hear me when i say my name is lisa porcello and i am
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an out reach partner for naca. we are holding an event at the convention center starting june 17 and continuing through wednesday, june 22, and we will work with homeowners to restructure their loans to prevent foreclosure. all services are free. it is an effective nonprofit had certified organization that is leading the way to effective solutions for homeowners. we have a binding contract with all major lending associations that cover 90% of all mortgage associations in the u.s.. approximately 55% of the mortgage owners will be held at this event, and in the days afterward that number climbs to 80%. we can permanently reduce the
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interest rate to as low as 2%. we will help anyone with an affordable mortgage within these guidelines. the mortgage on our lives in the house and does not own another home. it does not matter if your mortgage is current, light, are eligible for foreclosure. it does not matter if the mortgage holder is employed or unemployed. the property value, location, and income level of the mortgage holder is also not relevant. we will guide homeowners to a process which will involve orientation, counseling, meeting lenders, and permanently restructuring the loan on the spot. all services are free.
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>> my name is larry nelson. i am here to speak to the issue of substance abuse outpatient services. i have worked with these folks for 30 years, so i think i know what i am talking about when i say it is a critical service. it is a catchment for folks that cannot go into residential treatment or are not messed up enough to go into residential treatment, or just cannot tolerate that kind of service. our residential services has a three month to four months waiting list for men. there is no place else for these folks to go except for two and outpatient situation well they
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are trying to keep their families, jobs, and lives together. i would ask you to once again rescue us from these budget cuts, as you have done year after year. thank you for hearing me. >> i am here as a home care worker. i would also like to speak for my client, who is not able to be here today. i am speaking as health care is a component of our health system. i urge you not to undermine our ability to provide for our home care clients, to keep them happy at home, which is best for them and best for the city. please do not undermine our ability to do that with the cuts we are facing in our benefits right now, our a health
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pavement right now that we are facing. it is very important that home care be maintained. there have already been a number of great savings for the city, and the savings to the city are already $2 million. the community choice plan from the federal government is saving the city of 3% to 6%, allowing that funding to go elsewhere. these are real savings. cutting home care is fault saving. we need to build the ability of our members to be consistent, to care overtime for our client population. disrupting their health benefits is not the answer. please stand with the home care community. we urge you to not make false
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savings, but make real savings. let us look forward to expand so we can keep people happy at home, which is best for them and best for the city. >> i have noticed the dealings with the homeless community. i have seen a lot of improvement, especially by law enforcement. my name is ihimsah. i have seen a lot of improvement in the past month. i it support law enforcement's efforts. i have seen them helping people out, keeping people safe. the local people on the streets have been helping. they cannot do anything without
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the police. they do not have inspiration with that the government officials that have been involved. hopefully, everyone can keep helping every day. i really support whatever decision the board makes. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is michael gause. i am with the mental health association of san francisco. i want to thank the board and merely -- and mayor lee. there is a lot on the table we are advocating for to be restored. in the last four years, the homeless services absorbed about $32 million in cuts. it is imperative we restore what
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we can this year. the cuts to hospitality house that are still on the table would be incredibly harmful, shortening the hours from 12 hours a day to eight hours a day. we are advocating for that to be restored. there is a million dollars in support of housing there. the homeless services agency is looking at $150,000 in cuts, which would result in a loss of places. all of these would have a tremendously harmful impact to our most marginalized population. we are asking for restoration's of those cuts and your support. thank you so much. >> my name is tanesha blackwell
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. i am here to represent power. we represent recovery. the power program has been a blessing to be a part of this program, and to see the budget cuts happening in san francisco. the hospitality industry is continuing to use those services. i am also a former homeless client, but am now living in a run -- in an sro. i am also able to maintain qualifications at city college. also i worked as a peer educator, helping other clients.
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with these budget cuts, working in the treatment facilities and outpatient programs as well as the bay view area, i think it is really important that we keep these budgets because the people who are homeless need a lot of support in those areas. thank you. >> my name is q. i am here as a mental health advocate and formerly homeless youth. i cannot stress the importance of the program for adolescents, who are often on the fringe. this would cut the stability that some of these few individuals house. it would cut the hours in the hospitality house. i cannot say enough how every hour is critical when you are homeless or in prices. this would also cut hours at the westside cris
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