tv [untitled] June 14, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT
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the united states. we could show governor brown where to find the second to power and do something. thanks. >> good evening, supervisors. i am from the human services network. i want to talk a little bit about the process this year. we come here every year in this frustrating. of two minutes of comment and then this horrible dance of these cuts that are going to be cut back anyway. we had an unprecedented that process of actual public conversation between community- based organizations and the mayor's office and the members of the board of supervisors led
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by carmen chu. those meetings have led to a set of a budget priorities. they led to may air lee -- maoyr lee to rejecting many cuts. even he acknowledged that he could not save all of it. what remains is about $11 million of community-based cuts. many of those cuts still contradict those budget principles that we all agreed on in those meetings. making cuts to outpatient and substance abuse services. we do not want to make cuts that hurt the most vulnerable or put higher costs on other areas of the budget and lead to
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incarceration. every cbo that contracts with the city has already taken a cut. this is our fourth year without any cost of business increase. president chiu: thank you very much. thank you. next speaker. >> hi. i am 9 years old and i will be in fifth grade. i would like to ask you not to cut the hospitals and the doctor's clinics. i think if homeless people get sick, they should have the right to get medicine from doctors and clinics.
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i think rich people should share more of their money with poor people and clinics. do not cut services for poor people. thank you. [applause] president chiu: thank you very much. are there any other members of the public who have not had a chance to speak on this matter that wish to? thank you very much. let me ask if representatives have any concluding marks -- remarks to make. >> as we continue through this process, we will continue to work with those community-based organizations, even if they still hold some reductions at the end of this process, we still want to work to find ways to reduce harm as much as possible in these programs.
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this thursday, we have a meeting with carmen chu to continue this discussion. thank you very much. president chiu: i want to thank all of the members of the public who took their time today. i know that today was a long hearing. we appreciate your feedback. with that, this hearing has been held and is now closed. madam clark, could you please call items 31-34. >> it is a public hearing of persons interested in the planning commission hearing of april, 2011 on the proposal of the booker t. washington that mixed use community center. item two is the planning commission certification of the environmental impact report. item 33 is a motion reversing the certification of the final
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environmental impact report of the project. item 34 is a motion ordering the preparation of findings. >> thank you, mr. president. like the earlier item, i motion to continue this until next week, at june 21. president chiu: given that we have received letters from both sides, supervisor mirkarimi has made a motion to continue it until next week second dented by supervisor avalos. if with content that without objection, we can continue that. if there are any members of the public who wish to speak on this item with regards to the continuance or the matter itself. seeing none, there is no public comment. colleagues, we can continue this item until the 21st. next item.
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>> item 35 was considered by the neighborhood services operations committee and was forwarded as a committee report. a resolution approving a cooperative agreement between the city and the bay area rapid transit commission to install, use, and maintain security barriers underneath the plaza platform for a term of 66 years. president chiu: roll-call vote, please. supervisor cohen: yes. supervisor elsbernd: aye. supervisor farrell: aye. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mar: aye. supervisor mirkarimi: aye. supervisor wiener: aye. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye.
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president chiu: aye. supervisor chu: aye. president chiu: the resolution is adopted. >> item 36 was considered by the land use an economic committee. it was forwarded as a committee report. it offered the execution of a multi housing lending note not to exceed $41 million for the purpose of providing financing for a multifamily unit. president chiu: this resolution is adopted. let's go to roll call. >> good evening, colleagues. today, i am introducing legislation to clarify section 181 of the planning code which
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addresses obligations for properties that have been destroyed by fire. this legislation seeks to reduce confusion for the city staff when property owners are going through the difficult process of rebuilding after a disaster. the rest i submit. i have one more thing i would like to talk about. i would like to close the board meeting in morion of four outstanding women. ms. johnson, gladys, and sandra. the rest i submit. supervisor farrell: thank you, madame clerk. i have a one that resolution and
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then i'm going to introduce imperative agenda. we will talk about it at that point. supervisor chu: just a quick announcements to my colleagues. as we finish the hearing today, we will continue to have public comments during the budget process. it will be next friday if you are interested in attending that. we will have a department of public health meeting. you are of course welcome to come or send a rep. they will be at 12:00, 1:30, and 3:00. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you, madam clark. i am introducing to resolution today. this is declaring san francisco a summer learning city and hopefully will kickstart the city with non-profit programs
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and activities for all kids that need that extra help. most students lose about two years of great level equivalency over the summer two months. low income students lose about two months in reading achievement compared to the middle-class peers that make gains. more than half of the achievement gap between lower and higher in comeyouth can be explained by an equal access. low-income youths are less likely to graduate from high school or college. summer loss accounts for about two-thirds of the difference. children tend to gain weight over the summer due to inactivity. this resolution helps try to shed light on this reality.
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this weekend in district 5, there is a festival that encourages people to pay a visit on saturday and sunday. the first time in some years that this is returning to the fillmore. it is a weekend festival that the african-american community is very proud of. there is a district 5 cleanup. get your trash into the big three bands. we are mobilizing hundreds of people. president chiu: i have a number of items including two en memoriams. i would like to adjourn in the memory of dr. rock. he is one of the first rock historians.
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after completing his doctoral thesis on rock-and-roll, he toured around the country on pop culture. he was nicknamed dr. rock because of his encyclopedic knowledge of rock-and-roll. he taught at a number of schools in the bay area. he worked at a number of radio stations over the decades including kayfm. he was on the show on kcbs fum. he wrote a weekly column in the san francisco examiner. he is survived by his companion. i am introducing an en meme oriam to a long time progressive activist. she dedicated her life to serving in the community, especially those that she
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considered underdogs. to making soap box speeches, to volunteering in hospitals and community organizations later in life, she was a lifelong member of our community. her daughter-in-law as well as by numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. we are keeping her and her family in our thoughts. i am introducing along with the mayor legislation that will bring about needed seismic upgrades to the war memorial veterans building. out honors are veterans and accommodates the various activities for veterans and activities in san francisco. the war memorial veterans building needs this help badly. this is a san francisco and
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california historical landmark. that is the spot where president truman signed that they un charter. several years later, the japanese peace trader --treaty was drafted in the building. that has been given a seismic hazard rating of 3. today, we are restarting the efforts of rebuilding that building with the introduction of this ordinance to authorize the city to issue up to $170 million in certificates of participation that will be done by the summer of 2015. i want to thank the comptroller's office for capital advance for their work so far. we do need to act quickly to protect and preserve the war memorial veterans building which has played a role in local, state, and world history.
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those who have visited the building including many of our veterans groups are entitled to a safe environment. >> thank you. supervisor avalos: thank you very much, madam clark. the first item is a resolution that i actually see. frye has been patiently waiting for quite some time. i want to thank terry for bringing this item to our attention. it recognizes the historical significance of a vigil. it encourages the city and county of san francisco to place a plaque near the site of the vigil. for those of you not aware, on october 27, 1985, at two hiv-
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positive gay men chained themselves to a building in san francisco. they did that to protest the united states government's in action in the face of the aids epidemic. they were joined by a dedicated group of volunteers who join together and through their efforts, it started what has been known as the aids related complex which is a decade-long a demonstration that brought much attention and awareness about the aids epidemic -- aids epidemic and to our government's failure to respond to it. these courageous men and women, many of whom were suffering from hiv and aids themselves, they braved the elements and the
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condemnation of passers-by in repeated efforts to remove them. in fact, the number of san franciscans including elected officials participated and actually got themselves are rested to bring attention to the lack of federal government action on the issue of aids. these participants asked for a number of things from the federal government including the need to publicly recognize aids and condemn aids-related discrimination. to allow physicians to prescribe treatment to aids patients and to begin a manhattan project type of effort to fight the aids epidemic. this was indeed a turning point in the fight against the aids academic. that is something that got into
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the conscience of the city. that helped to push for action by our federal government. the individual happened in december, 1995. it is important for us as sam franciscans to not forget our history and the significance of what these men and women did. this resolution makes it so that we finally recognized the historic significance of the vigil. that we honor and remember the contributions of the men and women that participated. and that we commemorate an honor that by asking the government of the city and county of san francisco to place a plaque on the air near -- on or near the site so that this generation and future generations do not forget that fateful. of what happened from october,
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1985 until december, 1995. i want to thank terry and all of the men and women who participated in the vigil. i wanted to thank supervisor scott wiener for bringing this up. as we are nearing our celebration of lbgt pride, that we make this an issue of celebration. i wanted to take the opportunity to recognize our very own clerk of the board of supervisors. i wanted to thank the clerk for the participation. for those of you that were not aware of that, it is a fully supported seven-day ride from san francisco to los angeles. it took place june 3 through june 9.
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basically, it is an effort that has been going on for years to put an end to the pandemic of suffering that has been caused by aids. i wanted to thank c thelerk -- the clerk for expanding her well earned a well-deserved vacation time on that. the other item is an item that outlines what we believe is the focus of the work of the budget and legislative analyst's. it is an item that will be heard of the government audits and oversight committee. the last item is the human rights commission and handling complaints about noncompliance by city departments and agencies
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with the ordinance. the rest, i submit. supervisor mar: i just wanted to thank our incredible clerk for all of the work that she does including the aids ride. colleagues, i am introducing an ordinance that strengthens our local district -- businesses in the local district. it is supported by the major merchants association of the richmond district. it amends the planning code to reflect much needed changes. these changes will relax zoning control to permit a greater variety of uses. this will make it easier to rent some of the currently vacant
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storefronts. they will replace the numerical cap on eating and drinking establishments with the percentage which will benefit property owners. this is giving them more flexibility. along with my already existing proposal, i am prohibiting substituting be ban on fast-food establishments. these controls are meant to foster, promote, and retain small, locally owned businesses and enhance the vibrant corridors that serve the richmond district. this is a five-foot height difference all along the corridor from scott streaet to 24th avenue which will create an incentive for underutilized parcels. i am also submitting a
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resolution recognizing our beautiful library which is reopening this saturday. the reopening is coming up on saturday at 1:00 p.m. it is on 37th ave. i would like to commend the san francisco public library and friends of the library and the incredible supporters for their hard work and commitment to our neighborhood and all of san francisco. they took great care to pay attention to our building. along with the richmond library, which was renovated and open last year, it makes our neighbor whole to have to appeal libraries open. this will begin at 1:00 p.m. on saturday, june 18. you can start checking looks,
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cds, dvd is after 2:00 p.m. along with president david chiu, i am urging our colleagues to and the hour meeting in memory of somebody that has written many looks about chinese americans. she passed away at 101 years old. she was an amazing progress of activist that committed her life to serving the community. she fought western domination and imperialism. she fought for civil rights for all of our people. she volunteered incredible hours in the hospitals for community organizations, even later in her life. they created a youth organizing program in her name. we honored her several years ago. among hundreds of community activists.
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there is a private memorial service for family and friends and everybody is invited to the celebration of life to be held this saturday on the chinese auditorium. it starts at 2:00 p.m. in the well flowers, donations will be made to the chinese progress of organization. with sadness, another richmond district resident has passed. i richmond district management left this world for another on sunday, june 5, 2011. she came to this country in 1950 to be with the love of her life. she and felix were married. they were devoted to one another for 50 years. she toiled in the apricot orchard. she worked in the laundry
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industry. she spent 30 years at the line at salami. they wanted to ensure that their daughters would have a shot at higher education. she also brought recipes from her childhood. she will be known for her steaming hot tortillas and salatamales. we learned from the intense love of her family. she softly sang every day, usually mexican ballads and lullabies. she was a war protector to her grandchildren. she will be forever remembered by her brother, her daughters and somebody who we honored several weeks ago.
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the grandchildren. many nieces and nephews. and countless relatives and friends. the family wishes to a knowledge the kind caregivers at these -- and the alzheimer's a presidential program and the 30th street residential center. this was celebrated bus thursday, june 9 at corpus christi church. she rest in peace at the holy cross catholic cemetery. >> seeing no other names on the roster, that concludes roll call for introduction. president chiu: why do we not now go to general public comment? >> that allows the public to address the a board on items
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not considered before the committee including item one and those on the list without reference. if a member of the public would like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector, please state when such a document will return to live coverage of the meeting. president chiu: thank you. >> i am here to talk about the death of their heroes. and our message supervisors
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