tv [untitled] June 15, 2011 5:00am-5:30am PDT
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>> good afternoon, supervisors. i am with the bay area council. a little bit about the bay area council, we are a membership organization that represents approximately the top 300 businesses in the bay area, all industries. something about our region -- i am in charge of our regional land use and real-estate policy areas. we all know that it is very rich not only in innovative economies -- in innovation economy, but biotech, green tent, and many other standard industries. what we do not think about sometimes is the poor use of our land use decisions that have really riled our past. as you all know, there is quite a bit of commuting. the traffic and commuting distance is quite substantial, one of the worst in the nation. there is an extreme lack of housing affordability. some have actually said that it is the worst in the nation.
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what we really need is much better coordination. treasure island is definitely an answer for all of these areas. we strongly endorse the project. it is a great project for the region, a great project for our economy, our people, and especially san francisco. as you saw today, there are many positive impacts in the short- term and long-term, and we look forward to getting the ball rolling with our strong endorsement, and we suggest that we get it going as soon as possible. thank you so much. >> i am here representing catholic healthcare west and st. francis and st. mary's hospital. we are here because we are very impressed with the division of this project. we want for you to support it and move forward with the development. we are very impressed because of the many things that had been
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said here before me, but most importantly, because of what is included when it comes to the health care of the population on the island. we look forward to being part of the dialogue that will move forward quality health care on treasure island. thank you very much. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i work for the treasure island homeless development initiative for the last seven years. not only have i had to fill numerous inquiries from the public about low-income housing opportunities in which there is more demand than there is supply, i have watched how executive director williams and our other collaborative partners have worked tirelessly for the past 10-plus years. it is unfortunate how the
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proposed state budget has affected the project, but miraculously, all entities involved have altogether collectively and financially in order to move the project forward. i support the plan, and san francisco needs it. i hope you can support it as well. thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am the chair of the treasure island/ yerba buena island citizens advisory board and have been in that capacity since its inception in 2001. we're a diverse group of individuals, including longtime residents of treasure island and your but when the island, each with his or her very unique perspective. as i said, this is our 11th year of meeting, and over those years, we have held literally hundreds of public meetings.
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i think it is close to 300. since the beginning of last year, we have held 40. through april of this year, an additional eight. during that time, we have reviewed these entitlement documents, and over the 11 years, we have vetted and number of items including but not limited to community benefit sea level rise, global warming, transportation, sustainability, open space, bike and pedestrian paths, wetlands, on and on and on. the process has been extensive, and on the april 9 meeting, we took action on the recommendation to the tida board approvals of the final transaction and recommendation entitlement documents, including the items on your agenda today. of the current 24 members, 21 were present, and 20 voted for it and one against.
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in addition, the four residents of -- for residents of treasure island who sit on the cab voted in favor of the recommendation. i hope you look forward to -- you move forward to the full board with you're a busy at the recommendation is very exciting project and additional neighborhood to san francisco. thank you for this time. >> i guess good afternoon, supervisors. i represent spur, san francisco planning and urban research association. spur has been following this and supporting it for all the years it has been going on, and we urge you to approve the items on the agenda and move it forward.
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we have a different out what somewhat than our other speakers in that we are interested in the physical planning of the project and want to point out that this is really the only opportunity san francisco will ever have to do a new neighborhood from scratch. so let's do a wonderful 21st century neighborhood and show the world how it should be done. i think the plan for this supports that very strongly. so please help move this forward so we can get on with a. thank you very much. supervisor chu: thank you. [reading names] >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is emily rappaport. i am a long-term resident of treasure island. i am president of the good
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neighbors association. i am also a career transition services specialist at treasure island job corps, so i both work and live on the island. i have participated in the vetting of this project and as a market rate individual, i am also very upset at the cut in affordable housing. i am delighted that you have decided to help us get a 5% back that was taken out. it would be criminal to do otherwise. this is a wonderful opportunity for the city. this is a wonderful opportunity for those of us who live on treasure island. it is a beautiful plan, and i hope you will bring it forward and support us in this. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors.
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in the program director for catholic charities. i am here today in support of the plan. i have worked on the island for 11 years. i sit on the tihdi board and the good neighbors board as well. we support this plan. i have brought a client of our program here to speak to you briefly about her experience living on the island. thank you very much. >> i have lived on treasure island for nine years, and before that, i was homeless for 13 years on the streets of san francisco, doing drugs, and i got clean and sober, and once i was clean, i needed housing. housing on treasure island save my life, me and my young son. to cut any funding for any housing for any homeless
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program should not be done. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am with the laborers' union, and i would like to express our overwhelming enthusiasm for this project moving forward. i would also like to thank supervisors chu for being there from the beginning, but in particular, we want to recognize supervisor kim for being there where it counted, and the very opportunity to increase the amount of housing. while we're not going to say that it would be criminal to move this project forward at 25%, we do think that was a heavy lift. i think it is important for us to recognize tom ammiano and mark leno and ross mirkarimi. in particular, the carpenters,
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the laborers, the health care workers, the uhw -- we live in this community. the housing component is important to us, and i want to thank you very much for those most recent efforts. thanks again. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is carlos white. i am a 20-year member of the united brotherhood of carpenters out of martinez. i currently work at treasure island accord, which has been ranked no. 1 in the united states. i brought with me several students who currently live on the island, work on the island, and study on the island. i commend the board for its meticulous worked as far as the wording of the contract because some of those dollars and jobs hopefully that these young men and women can spend at least 3/4 of their career on these projects. it is my job to give them skills for the real world. i believe it is your job to give
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them hope. i humbly ask that you help me give them hope for the future. thank you. >> good afternoon. i am from treasure island job corps. we are in favor for the development of treasure island. we will have more possibilities for work and having our own place. the development will open a lot of job opportunities for many of us, and also, for the residents of the treasure island. it will help the study are trades to also start working. we are really supporting the development for the single parents that are staying at treasure island job corps. this will help us be closer to our children.
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we are having to be far from them. these are some of the reasons why we are in favor for the development of treasure island. thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. >> good afternoon. i am a resident and a student, and i work in treasure island job corps. i strongly agree with -- i strongly support this project, but after completing my training in job corps, i could hopefully get a job there. for long term. and after the short term, live there and worked in an easy job. thank you. >> good afternoon.
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i am also a student, living on the island right now. if you open up the housing and bill all the stores, it would really help. it would help us as the trainees go up and work on the project up on the island and get further into our training. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am here representing the alliance for jobs and sustainable growth. we are an organization made up of labor, business, and community groups, and we are 100% behind this project. we were happy to be part of the press conference this morning, and we're grateful babbitt batboy that affordable housing will be increased because we think that is very important as
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well. this project will have jobs well into the future. maybe for 10 years for people in san francisco, which we think is really important for the economy, and we hope you will support it and pass it along to the board of supervisors. thank you very much. supervisor chu: thank you. [reading names] . >> good afternoon. in the business and community director of treasure island job corps, which currently serves approximately 600 youth between the ages of 16 to 24 in a variety of applications spanning the construction trades, culinary, and hospitality, and health care. it has been gratifying to have a concrete example of jobs to come. when we reiterate the importance of learning the new green skills and help students learn skills that will make them more
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marketable. our hope is that our students will be motivated with this vision to compel themselves to move forward and struggling to find the skills and jobs and motivation to get the jobs that will be coming. thank you. >> good afternoon. i am here representing the treasure island sailing center. i am a member of the board. over the last 10 years, treasure island sailing center has provided over 10,000 youth with the opportunity to learn had a sale and build their confidence in other life skills. over the last five years, we have worked with the development team to sort out what our future sailing center will be, and we would like to express our strong support of the project. we are very excited to have a larger local community to serve with an accessible waterfront
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community, and think worlds of the plan for the development. thank you very much for your support. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i and a local business in the treasure island and a resident since 2008, and i am here to support the project to move forward. i urge you to do so because it is a great place to be, and it is so exciting for people from all over the world beer not just local citizens, but there are people that come to this island from all over the world, and they just love the view, but they start looking for other things such as shops, places to buy stuff, restaurants, and there is nothing much over there to offer. i encourage you to support the project and move forward and have the island to be the place that it should be and also be part of san francisco like it
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should be. the people that come over there, they look at the island, and they expect to have things because it is a tourist place, and they think it is like san francisco, but they get disappointed, and they do not see much because there is nothing to offer to the old buildings. i think it will be a great place, and it will increase the towards from all over the world to come and see it. thank you very much for this opportunity, and i hope you move forward with this project. >> supervisors, i live in bridal -- in bernal heights. i have been on the citizens advisory committee for the last 11 years, and i urge your support of this project. in addition to providing affordable housing and market rate housing, the great community benefits that will come with the project -- the project is environmentally sound, presents state of the art
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sustainable development, and it works in the marketplace. it is a public/private partnership i think we can be proud of. getting from 25% to 30% affordable housing as recent efforts look like are going to bear fruit, is a very good thing. affordable housing -- we have had 30%, is unprecedented. traffic and parking -- we have congested management pricing, which is, again, unprecedented in our state and in our nation. we've bundled the parking from the housing so people do not have to purchase a parking spot if they do not what one. that again is new for this city. we have tremendous commitment to public transportation, and we have a water recycling and reuse program, which goes above and beyond anything but can be better. we can do more of it in the future. this project will be an
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enhancement to our visitor- serving economy. so i urge you to pass this project, bring it up to the full board, and we look forward to an approval. thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. >> good afternoon. my company has been at treasure island since 1999 with a leasehold interest. operating and investigating managing the market rate component of the island, working in juxtaposition and coordination with tida, which has been a great experience. we also had a very good experience with the developer. we find the developer to be very professional and transparent, and, i think, created. very nimble economically. i think they have done a great job. when i go the planning conferences, i hear people trying to define the perfect couple on the beach, the ideal project. they say it would be great if we
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had something that had mixed views, mixed age, mixed income, which was tod and maybe a little open space tossed in at a balance between density and critical economic massed. this project is 20 units to the aid. that adds 300 acres of open space in relationship to 400 developable, which is a pretty incredible ratio. and it has, i think, a fine balance in just about every ingredient. is any project perfect? no, but this project approaches it, and it ought to be a case study at planning conferences around this country. thank you. >> good afternoon. i am president and ceo of the jon stewart company. we are the largest manager of affordable housing in the state.
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i am also a member of the spur housing policy board and a member of the board of directors of the california housing consortium, a statewide coalition in support of affordable housing. we have been working with the city and tida to renovate housing originally when it was turned over from the navy in, and we have been managing it ever since. while we are not a paid consultant, we have been working with the developers for the past six years on the proposed project plan, including the housing transition plan. wearing my various hats, i find the plan to be an ambitious, well thought out, and well balanced development proposal that will generate very significant public benefits for san francisco and the bay area, including affordable and market rate housing, jobs, tax revenues, retail activity, new park space, so i urge your support of the proposal and a
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yes vote today. thank you very much. supervisor chu: thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am president of the treasure island museum association. i would like you to get a picture in your mind but taking the ferry boat over from the embarcadero, and you come to the island and you go in through the dock. you get up and walk over to building one, and after you have gone through building one, you see the opportunity for retail, for something to eat, something to buy, but along the way, you say to yourself, "how did this all come about? how did this get billed? we understand it is an artificial island." if that is where our museum comes in. it was established as a bicentennial project, but was closed in 1997 by the navy to protect the collections, but
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those collections on the history, the building of the island, the clippers, the navy, would be the basis of the museum, together with a new way approachable by younger people in this century that deals with the innovation, the fact that this island is built to be green, to be sustainable, and these assets, bringing together this team of innovation past, present, and future, will be very exciting as the program for our museum. also, we might even be able to hire some people. we had wonderful success with a young veteran from the navy who showed up, and he just loved what we were doing, and he was reimbursed and interpreted the little exhibition, which happen to be about c services in the pacific. we are very excited, and we are partnering on this with just about everybody because we all admire what each other are doing, but most of all, we are pleased that the developer has seen the importance of making space available for this museum, which will be in a sense, the
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soul of the new development called treasure island. thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i would like to say that the brothers and sisters of local 22 look forward to going to work on treasure island. thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. thank you for the brevity. [laughter] that a tough act to follow. carpenter's local 22. i want to commend mr. ellis and his staff for a report well done once again. i have heard it a few times, but it always gets better. with that, we are obviously in full support of this. local 22 have always been in support of local community hiring, and with that, i would like to leave you with one word,
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and that is forward. with that, thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. in a current resident on yerba buena island and their four impacted by what you call phase one, and i am also president of the residents' association, founded by years ago in preparation of the upcoming moves and transitions. i am standing here today to speak on behalf of myself, my house will, but also most of the residents. about 74% are in favor of what you are planning to do. in great favor, as a matter of fact. a lot of us have waited for this for many years, as you know. some of you that have been with the project had seen me speaking out in favor of this project, and we are excited and thrilled to see that it finally moves
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forward, as we love this place and trust your expertise to build new homes that will be cherished and loved by a lot of generations to come. that is all i really have to say in which is that this project will move forward smoothly and efficiently. thank you. supervisor chu: thank you very much. i also have a card from members of seiu uhw. i know you will not be speaking, but if you could just stand, i would like to recognize your presence as well. thank you. i do not have any further speaker cards in front of me. i have called them all. there are any members of the public who have yet to speak and would like to speak on the items nine, 10, 11, and 12, please come on up. seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor kim: just wanted to take a moment to thank all the folks that have come out today
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to speak in public comment. many of the people in this room have been here since 9:00 a.m. for the press conference we organized very last minute. the turnout and support has been tremendous. it speaks volumes about the support this project is receiving currently. as in all cases when you think of people at press conferences, you inevitably lead people out, and i know many people -- many of our labor partners were there, and i want to acknowledge and thank you again, and and the carpenters and laborers are in the room, so thank you again for your continued support and organizing around the issue. also, i just have to say, i have the honor of representing districts 6, which includes treasure island. treasure island is a neighborhood and community i have a deep love for. i love coming to the island. it is a warm and friendly community and is a model in terms of the number of services that are out there that are
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really supporting san francisco residents, whether it is in terms of housing or jobs and other programs. some wonderful nonprofit community-based organizations that are there that spoke earlier today from catholic charities, boys and girls clubs, while the house, mercy, rubicund, and many other folks. i just wanted to thank you for all the work you do, and glad to see that you will continue to be part of this plan in the future and an important part of the future of this neighborhood. there are also wonderful advocates that have been working on this plan for years. i have only been in office for less than five months, and i really want to make knowledge all the work you have done to bring this project to fruition and want to thank in particular tihdi staff and board, tida, and good neighbors for the work you have done, and continually advocating with my office over the last couple of weeks. affordable housing is one of our
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main priorities, something we have identified as being a continued need for the city of san francisco. we want to house people. we want people to be able to afford to live in the city. it is good policy and important for our environment. the jobs are here. we need to make sure people can afford to live here and do not have to choose between higher rental and housing costs or high transportation costs. i think treasure island is an important part of that. i will just say -- the last thing i will say is that i do host office hours in district 6, and i will be on treasure island on may 23 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at boys and girls clock. please come see me in my office. we would love to hear from residents about concerns or things that are going well on treasure island. i do have some questions about some of the items in front of us and also want to introduce one
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