tv [untitled] June 18, 2011 12:30pm-1:00pm PDT
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attorney did express reservations about the requirement. >> correct. commissioner meko: i am not inclined to include the language in our set of conditions. >> point of clarification. the city attorney expressed reservations on giving the police footage of the inside, not the up side. is that correct? which one is it? do you remember? >> i don't recall. i think the question the commissioner was asking was about the length of time or turning it over on demand. commissioner meko: it is not about the length of time. it is a requirement that they turn it over on demand. >> so it is not about privacy issues so much as this other concerned. vice chair joseph: i understand. thank you. commissioner meko: again, i think the police should probably go through formal due process procedures to get that record
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and, if it is needed, rather than in decent condition that we write into this, into these conditions right now. at least not until we get further guidance from the city attorney's office. >> i cannot speak for the police department, but often with issues on broadway, when incidents occur, they like to get their hands on the video and watch it instantly so they can then know who they get to release and who they get to arrest. i think what is probably trying to be covered -- all the locations on broadway do not have a problem doing that. so i think what is going on is they are trying to cover themselves so they can walk up and say, "this incident just happened. do you have it on video? let me watch it. great, that is the instigator." commissioner meko: i understand their intentions. it is just the legality of our writing this into a condition
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that makes me nervous. commissioner benetti, you have a background in this area. commissioner benetti: i know if inspector [unintelligible] was here he would express the same concerns about the need for that information. he has expressed to the commission he only desires that information be kept for 72 hours. with privacy concerns, i don't know. maybe outstanding circumstances might out with that. i don't know. -- outweigh that. vice chair joseph: if these people want to make an agreement with the police on their own, that is their business. to require it is a different thing. i think that is what you are saying. is that correct? commissioner meko: that is
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correct. vice chair joseph: if they want to be good neighbors with the police, that is on them outside of the conditions of the permit. other than that, the police need to get a warrant. commissioner meko: that is correct. if i were in their situation, of course i would turn it over immediately to try to solve the crime. but i have concerns, especially given what the city attorney has told us, about writing this into the conditions. i would recommend we strike that language. president newlin: that is fine. your clients want to cooperate, right? >> totally. they just want to make the venue work. it has been empty for a long time. president newlin: any other questions? >> i have always wanted to be a pool shark. how many lessons would i have to take? >> let me see it [laughter] . -- let me see. [laughter]
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are you a beginner? >> i have a lot of fond memories with the crowbar. >> the only building. -- they own the building. commissioner perez: you guys are doing billiards. no tournaments'? >> there will be tournaments'. they will be part of this billiards congress of america. there will be teachers who will rotate around the city. there will be different levels. commissioner perez: it will just be a neighborhood bar. there will be events. >> there will be both. they do have topped tables and some would be far more serious game playing and others would be
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for casual people like me or john. commissioner perez: just curious -- how did you decide upon the greater bay services protection as your security of choice? >> work with them on a couple of other cases. -- we had worked with them on a couple of other cases. it is not written in stone that it be that company, but he has written the security proposal and has been to the venue and familiarized himself with the surroundings, so he is number one in line. it is a fairly new company, only about two years old. commissioner perez: it is in your application that your managers will be applying for a guard card. when will that take place? >> they have not started the bill that yet. we will be badgering them to do that. there is a place in oakland that does that.
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commissioner perez: what was the extent of your neighborhood contact? >> extensive. north beach neighbors, the north beach merchants association, the north beach chamber of commerce, neighborhood veterans group, the telegraph hill dwellers -- it should be in the back of this. i cannot remember all the names. the broadway entertainment and cultural association. also, all of the people who live upstairs. there are 13 residents in sro's upstairs. we sent a letter in chinese and english and make sure they knew, and nobody objected at all. also a condominium association in the area.
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commissioner perez: thank you. commissioner meko: perfect. don't need to say anything more about your neighborhood a rich. as a result, where are the angry neighbors? they are not here. it is a first. vice chair joseph: do you have a liquor license? >> no. they wanted to wait a year. vice chair joseph: this is definitely 21 and over no matter what? >> right, just because they felt it would be an easier demographic. president newlin: thank you. any public comment on that proposal? seeing none, do we have a motion? vice chair joseph: i move to approve, with the police conditions striking the indoor cameras and the requirement to turnover the video upon demand,
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and increasing the minimum from 15 da to 30 to keep the footage. commissioner meko: i second that. president newlin: ok. >> same house and call? president newlin: i think so. thank you, and good luck. item six, commissioners comments and questions. vice chair joseph: just me. once again, san francisco pride -- just so you know, san francisco pride is the weekend of june 24. the streets from city hall will start to close at 7:00 on friday night, june 24, and will not reopen until 6:00 a.m. on june 27. the event is sunday.
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on the main stage is sandra bernhart. kinds of acts. the state opens at 11:00. we have the city of refuge choir, which is pretty awesome. we have a 15-cast production number from "tales of the city." it is full of good and interesting stuff. be there or be where -- beware. that is my comment. president newlin: any others? commissioner meko: director kane, refresh my memory. last meeting i believe you reported on supervisor weiner's intention to introduce legislation loosening up the -- you have done research for me. could you explain the
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legislation again? >> sure. supervisor weiner is working on legislation to amend 1070, which covers extended hours premise says. at the moment, it requires -- premises. at the moment, it requires security for late-night eating establishments just like you would for a place of entertainment. there is a restaurant in his district that had issue with a security plan requirement and asked him to investigate removing that. it is still being discussed, the legislation, and the form which it takes, whether it removes it altogether or could remove it from certain types of eating establishments and not others. when we get an actual piece of legislation, we will share it with the commission. commissioner meko: so this is a list of all of the restaurants
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that have afterhours place of entertainment permits that incidentally require a security plan? >> there is a list of all of our current licensed extended hours permits. you will see nightclubs. you will see doughnut shops. you will see pizza parlors. only knows what is on there. there is roughly 115. some come and go. you may have people who have recently closed. that is updated by the tax collector every six months or so. those give you a sense of the universe we are talking about. commissioner meko: that helps. my other question, i believe, was how many violations have we had with regard to any of these venues in the seven-plus years?
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i only recall one pizza place that kept coming back when commander dudley was our frequent guest at these hearings. >> that is about right. the things do happen. fights to occur occasionally in front of -- but for the most part, the majority of those on there, you will not recall ever having been reported to the commission for any kind of problem. commissioner meko: all right. this list and that information should be useful to supervisor weiner. >> no problem. president newlin: anybody else? any public comment? final item, new business request and future agenda items. seeing none -- vice chair joseph: i have one.
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i would like to ask my fellow commissioners -- when should we schedule our elections? election time is coming up. we can do it on june 28 or we can do it the first meeting in july, which is what date? am i going to be here? the 12th. i will be here. i will be here if i get reappointed. it is up to you. if it is going to be the 28th, we should let staff know now. and it is good to be in july, we should let staff know that as well. july? july, july? i am asking for a first meeting in july to schedule elections. thank you.
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always important to acknowledge and honor the dedication of our s teachers. the honorees tonight were nominated by parents, teachers, peers, and community members who understand the value of excellent teachers. the people you see standing here tonight have exceeded all standards, dedicated themselves to creating a class room environment that fosters learning, diversity. these teachers are facing a generation of new leaders to create a better world. this honor is a symbol of our immense gratitude for all of their tireless worke. it is my privilege to present
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this year's teacher of the month award winners. [applause] how about a big hand for all our great teachers? [applause] none of us would be here without them. as most of you all know, i am a big giants fan. so it is a privilege for me to meet each and every one of our all starts here. we want to thank the giants for supporting us. [applause]
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this represents one of the milestones in our project. we are happy to share this with you. this reservoir has been empty the last two years and today, you will hear the sound of water rushing to fill it again. it makes the city safer, provides water for customers, for firefighters, for after an earthquake. we will be updating our systems. this was originally built in 1885. 125 years old. it takes care of a good part of san francisco, places lower than this. it is an incredibly important part of our system in san francisco. it was a $39 million project and it came in under budget. we are doing it effectively and efficiently. we do appreciate the folks who worked on it. it is part of the $4.6 billion water system improvement program.
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this is about a half with point in that program. it is the last major project in san francisco that has been completed. there are a few more projects to be done. this is the last major one. san francisco is more safe than before these projects were done. there are a lot of projects that happened in district 11. the first was a tank replacement project that started a number of years ago. it is fitting we are in district 11 because we're finishing the major work on our program in district 11. we're happy to be joined by supervisor john avalos. he has been supportive of all of our programs and was a leader on having local jobs for people who need them. the work is happening to provide those jobs. in fact, at the end of this week, we will have six kids out
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worth $18 million that will help the new local hire ordinance legislation. we are certain the pilots for how to expand local hire. supervisor avalos? [applause] >> thank you. i want to congratulate you and the public utility commission, san francisco water, power, so were for your great work on this project and throughout the head ceci -- throughout the improvement program. we have projects being done across northern california and it speaks volumes about the puc staff, being able to bring these projects to fruition. these are paid for by our tax dollars. we owe it to the ratepayers to make sure that our public investments are made efficiently and a sound way for the budget. congratulations.
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i am excited about the track record of the puc on hiring locally in san francisco. for this project alone, we have 60.5% of the residents who are around the area working on this project. we have 6.5% -- it is 27.5%, sorry, much better. 27.5% of the workers are local residents. that is above what our current mandate is for the local hire ordinance that we passed last year at the board of supervisors. i wanted to congratulate you on that effort. 54.5% are from the bay area. 60.5% of the workers are apprenticeships workers, new workers, who are getting new jobs into this industry. the project helps to make that happen. congratulations on that. we are hiring carpenters,
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cement workers, and landscape professionals. we know we are providing employment opportunities for this project. i look at this as providing so many benefits to san francisco. we're providing reliable water. we are making our water system safe. we are also improving the process for many san francisco workers and businesses. those workers will go and spend money for their basic needs in san francisco. congratulations to the puc. i look forward to more of the work being done on our local monuments. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you, supervisor. don't we love this almost summer weather? it is a wonderful place to be, isn't it? this is part of a larger improvement program and it is good when you have these
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ceremonies to have somebody who knows what is happening in back of us as opposed to those who come for the celebrations. julie is the head of the program and she will be talking about what we're doing here. thank you. julie? >> thank you. i am thrilled to be here this morning to commemorate the completion of this key retrofit project as well as to celebrate the construction completion of 29 other projects here in the city of san francisco. the university mount reservoir is the fifth to be retrofitted as part of the water system improvement program since 2003. i think it is important to remember that every time we complete a project like this, we are a step closer to making our system completely seismically reliable and to ensure our 2.5 million customers have drinking water, and that we have an adequate supply to fight fires
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following a major seismic event. how did we seismically retrofit this 125-year-old structure? we installed a number of super frames to support the roof structure. we added multiple sheer walls and stained -- and frames. we also drilled 500 miles through the bottom of the reservoir to anchor it to the bedrock to prevent it from sliding. we completely sealed and waterproofed the roof. with all of these upgrades completed, this reservoir will be possible of heating be -- feeding the entire city following a major earthquake. be completed some improvements to the inlet-outlet piping of the reservoir that will allow us to backseat our transmission system so that customers in the upper peninsula do receive water
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following an emergency. i am really proud of the hard work of our project team. there to be commended for successfully delivering the project and also for their dedication to the program. i also wanted to highlight the pretty impressive track record of the regional project manager, howard fung. job well done, howard. [applause] thank you. >> thank you. just to make sure we understand, this is a partnership of a lot of folks. the general manager of the puc, the general manager for infrastructure, the assistant manager for external affairs, and a lot of you who have worked hard for the puc, we appreciate it. we also have the leadership of the puc, the commissioners to
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make the decisions. we have the president and the vice president of the commission. francesca is here to make another announcement today. [applause] >> i am so happy to be here to celebrate this project. i think it is appropriate, the weather we are having, as we dedicate the reservoir. it is a little strange to be getting this rain, but we appreciate every drop of it and we are happy to have a big reservoir. i am excited to announce that we have plans to install three small hydroelectric generators here on site. that is a clean, renewable energy source, something that we are committed to. it will replicate on a smaller scale of our large scale hydro project up that hetch hetchy dam . we are thrilled that will be on line. that will be done by 2013. 200 kilowatts per day will be
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generated by those three facilities, those three generators, enough to power approximately 200 homes. we are excited about that as part of our efforts to move away from dirty, empowered -- imported power sources in san francisco, and an example to our commitment to a clean, renewable energy future. we are excited about that. i want to congratulate the power enterprise staff for this project. they are doing everything they can on the efficiency front to make us a clean, green city. i want to acknowledge them as well. it is a team effort. not only the water enterprise, but the power enterprises making this a success. thank you to them and to everybody at the puc for making this happen. [applause] >> now we have a few gifts for the people who are speakers.
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then we will walk down and turn the valve. when it is totally open, it will bring in 2.5 million gallons a day into this reservoir. it holds 80 million gallons. it will take a month to fill up completely. you are welcome to come down. watch your step. we will make the last turn of the vowels. you will start to hear the rush of water going into the reservoir. [water rushing] >> many hands make light work. [water rushing]
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