tv [untitled] June 18, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT
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a cabin down a peach growers, in the hopes that he would always be of to do to camp mather. occasionally we go up and sit by the lake, but we feel like we are intruders. because we now have to purchase a day pass. my father suffers from alzheimer's and enjoys the time that i can take him and walk through the camp, and he can enjoy his memories. i ask that we have an agreement where we do not feel like we have to apply a wrist band every day to go down there. our cabins are only used by our families. they're not rented out. it is not the general public coming through. i encourage you to come up with some sort of an agreement with us. thank you. >> is there anyone else who would like to speak on this item? >> 1931 was my first summer at
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campmather -- at camp mather. i was four years old. we were not actually to stay in the camp, but the campground was open to the public for a fee. my brothers doctor recommended getting him out of the summer fog in santa cruz. so we camped at mather they all summer long and for four more years after that. of course our days were spent at the lake. i learned to swim in the old cement pool, and i was proud when i passed the test is one in the leg. in 1935, my father was able to buy a place at peach growers, and we continued to spend summers there, from june until september, swimming in birch lake every day. we still spend summers at our cabin. my father's grandchildren and great-grandchildren are growing
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up at the cabin, except that now they're not able to swim in birch lake. * change, that is to be understood. but -- times change, that is to be understood. but surely it is possible to come up with some equitable arrangement that will allow the families at peach growers to share the heritage of the use of a birch lake. i ask for your thoughtful consideration in this matter. >> is there anyone else who would like to comment under this item? >> my name is dennis. me and my family have a cabin at peach growers, so i would like to address the issue of use of the lake. my understanding is that the first cabins at peach growers
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were built around 1910. so we're talking about a history of about 100 years. and i also want to emphasize that the property, th mah -- the mather property is very unique. for hundreds of square miles, there really are not open meadows like that mather. only a few areas. the uniqueness is that it has this late -- lake. it is really the only place in a large area that is available for people to swim or to have that recreational opportunity. for example, the city has a large reservoir where hetch hetchy is, but that is closed to
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the public. the city has another dam with the body of water at early intake, which is closed to the public. there is a swimming pool at early intake, which is closed to the public. there used to be a dam on the middle fork when it the boy scouts had a camp, but that is no longer there. so this particular spot, this lake, is the only place. and what my concern also is is that the city, by having a high fee, if that is what its decision is, which for a family of four, i believe, would be $52. again, not 100% sure on that, but i think so. there is also the issue of the difficulty to actually go and use and get a day pass.
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so not only do you have a high fee, but when, on a saturday -- people may come up on a friday night and then a saturday afternoon to go to get a pass, and it is the very time- consuming process, because all of the people that are checking in are at the office. if you have ever gone to mather and had to check in, which i have done many times -- i have been going to mather for over 50 years. i was up there with my family. my father was a police officer. that is it. >> thank you. >> is there anyone else would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioners, anybody? >> then we are on item 12, which is the adjournment. >> a great.
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there are communications. -- at the -- [inaudible] >> we have found out that that is not one of our parks. yes. >> all right, thank you. >> i guess they have enough problems with jurisdiction. >> commissioner harrison >> before we adjourn, could someone please read what was on the plaque? i cannot read the plaque, and i think for tony, he was such a major contributor to camp
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mather, and i could not read it. i think it does a disservice to him for us not to have that information. >> it is not clear from the picture, i will be there the week of june 25 for our senior staff event. i will bring back a picture with the text. >> i cannot even read what we said. >> i do not think you can see it from the photograph, so i will get it. >> 0h, so you'll have to get that. somebody will. please have somebody do that, because his contributions were just invaluable, and i really appreciate all the work that he did. i want to know if we recognized him accordingly. thank you. >> thank you. any other business? i will entertain a motion to
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>> i work with the department of environment and we are recycling oil. thank you. we can go into a refinery and we can use it again. they do oil changes and sell it anyway, so now they know when a ticket to a. hal>> to you have something you want to get rid of? >> why throw it away when you can reuse it? >> it can be filtered out and used for other products.
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>> [speaking spanish] >> it is going to be a good thing for us to take used motor oil from customers. we have a 75-gallon tank that we used and we have someone take it from here to recycle. >> so far, we have 35 people. we have collected 78 gallons, if not more. these are other locations that you can go. it is absolutely free. you just need to have the location open. you are set to go.
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supervisor kim: hello and welcome to the rules committee. my name is supervisor kim. we are joined by supervisor elsbernd and supervisor farrell. the clerk today is linda wong. the committee would like to acknowledge the staff at sfgtv, who record the meetings in the transcripts available online. i want to thank jennifer and nona. are there any announcements? >> yes, the items on the agenda today will go to the full board on tuesday, june 28, unless otherwise indicated. supervisor kim: thank you. please call item one. >> sent to consider appointing one member, a term ending january 21, 2013, to the veterans affairs commission. there is one seat and one applicant. supervisor kim: i believe the one applicant has withdrawn her application. >> that is correct. supervisor kim: thank you.
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we will open it up for public comment. seeing none, public, disclosed. is there a motion to file this item? without opposition, this motion is not file. madam clerk, call item two. >> considering appointed one member, a term ending december 31, 2011, to the western soma citizens planning task force. there's one seat and one applicant. supervisor kim: the clerk's office informed us that this appointment does not require a hearing, because it is an appointment by the district 6 supervisor and myself. so we will not be having a hearing. but if there's any public comment on this item. seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, may we filed this item? without opposition. thank you. please call item 3. >> hearing to consider appointing one member, a term ending december 31, 2013, to the developmental disabilities area board 5.
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there is one seat and one applicant. supervisor kim: i believe mess donna adkins it -- i believe ms. donna adkins is here. briefly tell us about your experience. i know you have already been serving. thank you for your service. briefly talk about your experience and background and your interest in continuing to serve. maybe a little bit about what you hope to work on in your next term. >> thank you for the opportunity to speak. i have served on the board for the past almost three years. the past year as secretary of the board. working with community partners and agencies to try and get the word out around people with developmental disabilities and advocating for those peopmy pres working in both nonprofit and 4- profit areas, working with people with developmental disabilities, the san francisco area and in new mexico i started working in new mexico, and there
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was a class action lawsuit to move people from -- two major institutions out into the community. it was quite an experience for me. it was mostly educating the public around what it would be like for them to be living with people with developmental disabilities. they found it was not really that much more different than living next door to you or i. working with partners, such as golden gate regional center, and doing case management. working with people to get them more community access to working with the school system to work on transition plans for people bridge transitioning from high school in today programs and aligning myself with those partners and helping with the transition. i had a particular interest in working with people with developmental disabilities that come into contact with the criminal-justice system. i spent two years in albuquerque
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working with the crisis intervention team, working with police officers, giving them an additional 40 hours of training and around what to do if you come into contact with somebody who looks like they do not have a developmental disability and some key questions to the possibly ask them that may or may not tip you off to the fact that they may or may not be understanding the questions being asked of them. hopefully diverting those people the services that are more appropriate for them, rather than into the criminal justice system. so i have a particular passion for that. i want to end by saying i just left the equal rights advocates luncheon, and it occurred to me that they have been around -- i believe this is their 38th or 39th year. and listening to them speak about working on behalf of women and girls, i was thinking, wow, it would be great if an organization like that really did not have to exist. that is sort of how i feel about the council. it is important work, but it
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would be a really great thing if it did not have to have its own sort of standards and rules and people advocating, because it would be the norm that we treat people the same as we would like to be treated. i would like to close by saying that in the advocacy work i do, i try to not focused image on the fact that i work with people with developmental disabilities, because then it seems like itu sets up the sort of likes and -- it sets upu setss and them." we're sitting presidents, and we need to think beyond working with people with developmental disabilities. it could be your mother or father. given in the tragedy in any of our lives, we could end up being a client of services, rather than the person providing services. thank you for the opportunity. supervisor kim: thank you. thank you for your service for the past three years. it is a regional body and is different from some of the other commissions we look at. we appreciate your representation. are there any questions?
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at this time, we will open it up for public comment. seeing no public comment, public comment is now closed. colleagues, do we have a motion? >> motion to approve. supervisor kim: motion to approve ms. adkins positive recommendation from the full board, without opposition. thank you so much. madam clerk, call item number four. >> hearing to consider appointing one member, a term ending october 19, 2013, to the eastern neighborhood citizens advisory committee. there is one seat and one applicant. supervisor kim: thank you. ms. kristian ongoco is here today. same format, spend a couple minutes describing your background, your interest in serving on eastern neighborhood's citizen advisory committee. >> i am and urban planner and a
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soma resident. i have been involved with the community and with many of the neighborhood groups. i hold a master's degree in public administration, as well as in urban planning. so i do have the experience and the familiarity with the land use and to the development issues. and since i do live in the neighborhood, , i would definitely love to be a part of the planning process, of managing the growth and the development of the eastern neighborhoods. my primary interest in this whole process would be transit access and pedestrian safety. supervisor kim: thank you. are there any questions for our nominee? i know that we have both met. you're one of my nominations for district 6, and thank you so much for being interested and wanting to serve. it is definitely a committee that has a good amount of work to do.
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and as well as overall planning for a very important part of our city. so thank you. no questions, so we will open it up for public comment. come to the microphone. two minutes. >> good afternoon. i did not come here to talk about this issue. i am not commenting on the applicant. however, this task force had a meeting in the mission last month. three people showed up. that tells me that our current urban planning folks are not connected to our community to discuss these issues. when the planning department passed eastern neighborhoods, the stipulated the fact that they did not pay much attention to detail. that lack of attention to detail is being manifest as development projects move forward. we're seeing right now, 10 years after it began, the eastern neighborhoods crebs program will be finished in the next few years. the apollo program took nine years from inception to moon
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landing and returned it yet, we cannot study transportation in eastern neighborhoods in less than a decade. they should have been completed prior to the land use plan, because what those two to move forward in haste. what i am seeing is the task force is not representing the citizens in our community. a small amount of people are represented the nonprofits that will be on the receiving end of the community benefits. that is all that counts. getting enough crumbs to nonprofits and not involving the neighborhood to make sure the problems are anticipated beforehand and then resolved. when you have three folks at a meeting, that is a red flag. this board needs to be getting a handle on that. thank you. and nothing against the applicant, but we already have urban planners on these bodies. they basically agree on the context, so there is no real discussion on how the city planners may or may not be getting it right. supervisor kim: thank you. we have gotten several requests to have a hearing on attendance
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of the various commission bodies and also some of the viability and relevance of all of our commissions as well. are there any comments on this item? may we have a motion? >> moving forward with recommendations. supervisor kim: thank you. we have a motion to move forward with recommendations to the full board without opposition. thank you very much. madam clerk, please call item number 5. >> charter amendment, amended charter to allow an amendment to or repeals of initiative ordinances and declarations of policy. supervisor kim: thank you. our colleague, supervisor wiener, is here to speak about this charter amendment. supervisor wiener: thank you, madam chair. i am submitting an amendment, and i have distributed it. i will hand it to the clerk.
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this has been a really productive process and conversation, and people will recall that two weeks ago i agreed to remove a voter- initiated the initiatives. in other words, signature-drive initiatives, recognizing that that is, in many ways, the most pure form of democracy. voters to get in their own hands in place something on the ballot. it has already been removed from the charter amendment. we have had a lot of conversations about people being concerned about particular ballot measures, and there has been, of course, a suspicion about -- what are you trying to go after, even though i have consistently said that i do not have any agenda and in terms of which ballot measure to try to amend or repeal. but i am wanting to be sensitive
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to those concerns and also put my money where my mouth is and when i said that it do not have any particular ballot measure that i am somehow targeting. so this amendment makes the charter amendment purely perspective. it will take effect january 1, 2012. so it will only apply to measures adopted by the voters that have been placed on the ballot by the mayor or the board and adopted by the voters on or after january 1, 2012. so that is my amendment, and i have been it -- i have given the world that any amendment to a charter amendment is an automatic continuance. i request that the committee continue the item until next thursday, june 23. supervisor kim: i have no issues with that, continuing to
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thursday, june 23. we have a special rules committee next thursday at 9:30 to hear the redistricting task force and our pension reform bill. any opposition to continuing this item to that date? without opposition -- we will be doing that. move to adopt all the amendments. at this time, we will now open it up for public comment. please approached the microphone. two minutes, please. >> i am i psittacine and trying to understand this -- i am a citizen, and his return to understand this. since 1950, there have been 64 ordinances and declarations of policy. they are covered under this proposal. some of them are the section
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prop g, and prop f. there is really a need to make it streamlined. there's no knowledge of what that means. i just want us to tread lightly. i know scott has been working on this and try to make it work with the people. i am not a politician or anything. i am just a person that is concerned about this. and i have to say that our rights existed before their work governments. the government did not have the power to grant us our rights. so please tread lightly on what we vote on and what is repealed. i mean, i feel that the people of san francisco are very intelligent, and they do not mind looking at propositions and
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things. no, government is messy, and it is ok to be messy. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you. is there any public comment on this item? >> supervisor kim, supervisor elsbernd, supervisor farrell, supervisor wiener, my name is calvin. i am with san francisco information clearing house. i am still at a loss to figure out what public policy we are reforming here. the record is fairly clear. the supervisor's ordinance sites basically two reasons. one, regularly placed the initiatives before the voters through this process. two, this cumbersome system encourages more and more initiatives. the largest number of such initiatives were 31 years ago.
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the record does not indicate that there has been an increase in initiative ordinances. in fact, in november of 2000 was the most recent time in which there were even more than a handful of such measures on the ballot. so i am really trying to figure out what public policy is being pursued. i am very thankful that supervisor wiener has made the two amendments that he just made, which have addressed a number of concerns. but i would like to ask him to make one more amendment, and that would be to -- 109 of these measures, 53%, have been placed on by the board and the mayor. why don't you just simply raise that level? why don't you just say that it will take six supervisors to put an initiative measure on the ballot, including those coming from the mayor? that will deal with 53% of the
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initiative measures. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you. >> that afternoon. mark solomont -- mark solomon again. there was a political scientist the came up with a thesis in the 1960's as a is a public participation in the market sea increase called "the crisis of democracy." it was too much to murder see that the leads from being able to govern society and get things done. they wanted to keep the vietnam war going. we are seeing that being brought to bear here in san francisco. during barbara coughlan's administration, public speaking time was 3 minutes, and she was a conservative. we saw the city attorney referendum -- have the right of referendum. the bar was raised for recall. we saw another issue where we were seeing the bar be raised towards initiative as well.
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we are seeing elected officials saying i want you in that voting booth once every four years of voting for me and then getting the hell out. we need to look at parity. are we seeing anything coming back at us for giving up our right to be heard? if this measure goes to the ballot, great. if the board thinks is that much of a problem, eight boats put the initiative in to advance. then it goes back to the voters. the sovereigns of democracy had the final say on this. we're finding out that no matter how wonderful your educational pedigree is, that is no indication of actually meeting the needs of the voters. i think supervisor wiener has run for office saying, hello, i really hate you and do not trust you and i will overturn your rulings, and if he said the, the outcomes might have been different. we need to get to the point where government is of, by, and for the people, and we realize that it is a good thing. it is the future. when we saw government corrupted and the turn of the previous century, that we
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