tv [untitled] June 19, 2011 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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>> i don't know what else to tell you about the program. young people would be in the program approximately eight weeks. they would work 12 hours per week and receive minimum wage while in the program. do you have specific questions? supervisor cohen: no questions. colleagues, any questions about the youth employment program? i do have a question, just a clarification. you said ages 16 to 21 years old? >> that is for our existing summer youth and program -- youth employment program. with the new program, it will focus on people 18 to 25. supervisor cohen: and what is
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the -- >> 18225 with these moneys. -- 18 to 25 with these moneys. supervisor cohen: what of the requirements? do they have to have high school? do they have to have some college? >> right now, we are working with members of 8010 to finalize the selection criteria. they are looking for different populations, ensuring equal access to the program. for the program we run, we already have a central criteria in case. it was low income and specific priority populations. for this program, it is really looking at equal access, low to moderate income levels. there is no specific requirement in terms of education. but looking at other barriers to
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employment, such as possibly involvement with the justice system and public housing location, it is primarily focusing on youth who have lived at this. supervisor cohen: think you very much. -- thank you very much. commissioner fewer: this is for young adults 18 to 25 in district 10? must they have documentation? meaning, must they have security numbers? so they must have a social security numbers in order to participate? >> i have to provide right to
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work documents, which includes any document based on ini requirements, authorization to work in the u.s.. commissioner fewer: that is a shame. i think district can probably has many young adults in that district. they probably ought not -- they probably do not have valid documentation. it is unfortunate to be missing a large population of district 10. commissioner maufas: what can be done about that? as quickly as possible. >> for this program, it is a work experience program. young people are paid a wage. we cannot get around federal labor laws. there are other program designs that could be looked at, paying a stipend or looking at a day labor program model.
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this model is set up as a work experience program. we have no way of working around that. commissioner maufas: i would like to encourage you to take that back to the table. >> there is a large group that i think would be happy to speak to you about that. commissioner maufas: if they can answer questions, i would be happy. supervisor cohen: if we have a representative who would like to speak?
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>> good afternoon, madam chair and the committee. first of all, my name is carl alexander. i served as the pastor of technology for the true love church. i am honored to address the fact that san francisco is a world- class city. that makes the board of supervisors a world-class body of supervisors. i would like to personally thank the chair for this opportunity to speak briefly about this historical moment.
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i would like one of my colleagues to share the information. a lot of times, documentation beats conversation. what we are going to have it is a brief that is handed out to you that kind of explains who we are and what we are charged to do, and many of the questions that were asked could be answered in this document. while you were getting a copy of that brief, first of all, who we are is part of a collective body of constituents which was recently mentioned in a brief from the university.
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hunters point shipyard citizen'' advisory committee. mr. jacob moody. that makes up the collective body of our implementation committee. only the core group is legally bound by the community benefits agreements mentioned in the brief that you have. please note the community benefits agreement legally bind as a condition that the developer and the community can adhere to, and is enforceable by community representatives. in addition, our most recent efforts and accomplishments have been to serve district 10 in the area of youth employment, which came about through strategic planning sessions and countless hours of hard work. "we are charged to do -- we are charged to distribute benefits dollars in the first phase of the funding. much of what we are talking about is a pilot program. i can see this being a model
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that could be replicated throughout district 10. this is something we will be discussing after we understand the rubrics and the matrix and out comes. we will be able to give you that scientific forensic data you are talking about so we can aggregate the information as it relates to individuals in district 7. the total initial amount is 500,000 of the total 8.5 million. together with the foundation hosting the fund, we have developed a unique partnership with programs and services for youth in district 10. a lot of youth are going into service provider selection and criteria information. at the ninth hour, we were up against a time frame and time constraint, but are moving expeditiously as relates to meeting the objectives and goals we are trying to set so in
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turn we can serve those individuals in district 10. keep in mind this is just an alternative funding source, as opposed to some other funding sources that are available. members of the community are charged not to use the benefit funds. none of the funds are earmarked to go toward any of the colleagues or organizations represented here. i wanted to note that as well. what programs were selected? understanding this is the initial investment of the multi-year strategy, and with a goal of achieving jobs and housing for district 10, and wanted to begin with our focus on youth. these programs -- a key component is that both are tied already to existing programs, one with the school district and one with the office of economic and workforce development. both are enhanced with the
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private dollars we have received. if you are hearing this for the first time and have not had the opportunity to sit down and understand how the partnership is working, all of the details are being worked out as we speak. but we wanted to have the opportunity to share with you our vision and what we are trying to do to address some of the systemic problems. we want to talk about the programs and why we are excited about funding. i will ask connie to come up. >> connie ford, vice president of san francisco labor counsel, one of the partners. i just want to supplement a little bit about what the reverend said. we have been meeting night and day since we receive the money,
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which was in december of last year, six months, to try to figure out strategically where this money could be spent and how it could be spent the most effectively. supervisor cohen: for the record, could you state the amount of money received? >> the first pot of money we have received from our community benefit agreement is half a million dollars, $500,000 -- $500 thousand. there are some problems structurally with a lawsuit, etc.. if the lawsuit is resolved and the project goes forward, we will be getting the $8.50 million to continue the work, plus another $27 million we will get for affordable housing. those are the components of the community benefit agreement. targeting the half a million
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dollars, we decided strategically to target youth, youth in district 10 who needed the services right now, as fast as possible. the really exciting part of this project to me is that with this little bit of money we combined it to enhance the already existing programs the city has, and made them better and more specific to district 10. the ninth grader -- we have heard about the a to g program. we wanted it to be successful. so we added the things that ycd is built around, the stipend, the extra tutoring, the bus passes, all of those things. plus we will take an evaluative approach. we are monitoring the program as
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it goes up. we are going to evaluate it. we are going to have a post- program evaluation and then see what we could have done better, what we did right, what we did not do right, to hopefully carry it on. there is another component that needs to be mentioned. for those youth who are successful and complete this, in the fall, as they go back to school and take other hard classes the commissioners were talking about, we will have another encouragement by giving them a 10 to 15 our job after school, paying minimum-wage, as they go to the fall semester to encourage them to move forward. 100 youths in district 10 have that. that is one thing. the other part is the critical element of trying to help the 18 to 25 year old.
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we heard there were only going to be 50 youth in district 10 that were going to be served. with our funds, we can add another 60 youth. those applications are out now. they are due tomorrow. we are going to be selecting the people next week pretty randomly, throwing them in a pot and picking the names. we are sure we are going to get a couple of hundred applicants. we are going to do it randomly at this point. it will provide case management and critical analysis at the end. we will see what works and what does not so that hopefully these programs can continue because the money will be controlled by the implementation committee. we want it to be a successful, strategic, analytical, and structurally-sound program that will make a difference to
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people. that is what we are doing. we are very excited. supervisor cohen: before we go, a question for you. commissioner maufas: thank you, ms. ford. i understand you have the implementation committee. are you working with the transitional-age youth? this was a task force. i think it has melted back into dcyf. are you working with them? >> we are working with them. commissioner maufas: you will have to come to the podium and state your name for the record. >> jacob moody, executive director, bayview hunters point foundation. as part of the 8010 group, i have a liaison with that group. it is separate from the steering committee, but we have a
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conversation going on. commissioner maufas: thank you. that is what i was looking for. that is good to know. thank you. >> good afternoon. supervisor cohen: you have to move the microphone closer to your mouth or speak up. thank you. >> i am kind of excited right now. i am a resident of district 10. i also happen to be a youth member of ace. to be honest, i have been working with john eller.
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he is a head member of ace. we have been talking about this program taking place being geared toward young adults, first 16 to 21, then 18 to 25. i happen to be in that category. more or less, i have been dealing with a lot of letdowns due to the fact of being a youth in san francisco. every summer, there is always a random program that pops up. you always get these promises. you get your hopes up and everything, and you get let down. being a part of this and seeing it take place, i am more or less really excited. it is a good opportunity. at the end of this, i expect to be part of it next year and have a major input within this, making decisions.
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it is good. it is taking a fresh step of fixing programs. hopefully next year, and the summers after that, somebody my age will have a chance of making a difference in district 10. commissioner maufas: is it keith? and i think you very much for presenting. -- thank you very much for presenting. thank you for sharing that you were looking through the summer for employment and found employment through this but also participated in helping make it come about. you can speak first him to -- firsthand to what the program needs. i am sure you have many friends who have needs as well. that is something i experienced.
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my daughter is around that age. i hear from people beyond the age of 18 and there are not a plethora of programs of summer employment for young people who have not finished college, who are still in school, who are trying to live on their round or with friends, or are still with family, and being a contributor. i hope this program can figure out how to nuance itself, after you do the evaluation and see how it runs, on how to incorporate young people who you may not know are undocumented. they may be your friends, but that is something in your background that exists. you may know many folks. if that goes on, and i will be certain that many of you will have a way to reach me -- i am curious.
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have you inc. a way to include formerly incarcerated young people so that they can anticipate and five a pathway to take care of themselves in san francisco? i hear from folks going through this transitional age that san francisco is not a place to make a home because it is too difficult to live here. it is too difficult for somebody between the age of 18 and 25 and sustain yourself in san francisco -- the housing, the work, and try to go to school as well, to do anything you can to further yourself in san francisco. it is tough going for folks that age. i am curious to know how it goes and the outcomes after this summer, the reception. how many folks did you have to turn away?
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i am curious about this. you may have received hundreds of applications and can only take so many. i am curious of how many you had to turn away and how many said they would come back next summer. i understand it is 50. you can take this summer 60. while your capacity before next summer? especially if you are trying to enhance our augment different programs in the city. i am very curious. i will definitely keep my finger on the pulse because i want to know, as a pass on messages, that here is an avenue for a young person to go to to find employment, but also if you can sit as you develop your program for other use to participate fully. thank you, keith.
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>> just real quickly, criminal activity or criminal path is one of the categories we are targeting. that is a component we are very interested in. we would be happy to come back after we evaluate things and let you know what the result is, we have learned and how to do it better. the other thing is that the applications are due tomorrow. we have been working hard to pull it all together. tomorrow is the day the applications are due. supervisor cohen: thank you. are you part of the presenting team? i would open it up for public comment, but i did not know if this was -- people can speak.
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i am not running him of his moment. >> i just wanted to say about the commissioner's. . a lot of the things are hypothetical. we will have that data analysis. i wanted to say something about recidivism and how we are addressing that with the data we will obtain from this pilot program. we would come back and feed you the numbers and information of what works and did not work and see how we can tweak things. we are looking for partnerships outside of the scope of service providers and to be in a situation where we can serve more than the 60 of the 65. we are in agreement. i am grateful we have this opportunity to serve that particular district. supervisor cohen: thank you. >> madam chair, board of
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supervisors, and trustees from the board of education, i am a member of the chc. the doctor wanted to send her best to all of you. we are excited. we finally got this thing going. we have had it 2.5 years. we have finally kicked off the pilot. we are trying to -- i know you are the supervisor in that district. we are reaching out to visitation valley, public housing, the horseshoe around west point,, and we even went as far as down by the old boys' club and the new boys club. other christopher was there to distribute applications. we are hoping we get the pool of kids that never get touched by other people to get an opportunity, so they can get
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involved, get some work experience, get themselves out of trouble, and be ready for the fall semester. we definitely appreciate your support in bringing this to everyone's attention. it has been our little thing out in the neighborhood. it is definitely something that is going to benefit all of district 10. hopefully this will carry on. i know there was a conversation about more money if everything else goes well. we are hoping that goes well. we definitely look forward to your response -- to your support. if there is anything i can respond to it -- commissioner maufas: i want to ask for verification. this is a different program but comes from the same pilot money. this is employment. they will get paid every two weeks? >> is the same structure system as the current program.
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this is an extension, an add-on. we are hoping we capture a lot of the kids, a lot of the youth, that do not normally flow into the line. not belonging to a click, not association by affiliation. we'd know these are some of the kids who need this service. commissioner maufas: i appreciate you acknowledging that. a lot of times there are youth that know the system and how to navigate it. they get in quickly every time. that you are going to locate those young people who may be do not know the system and help them, i appreciate that. >> i appreciate your thoughts on that. we are looking at diversity. the kill is not all african-
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american, all agent -- the hill is not all african-american, not all asian. we are hoping to touch all of them. as we do we development, we need to touch those people. that is why i took it on myself to make sure that application was distributed at the housing authority office on the hill, and went to the horseshoe where west point is. there is a lot of construction going on. i had to go back and look at some of the people there. we got the application. we are hoping to get it back. we hope that some of these youth do get selected so they can tell the other kids there is hope. just hang in there. commissioner maufas: where are they turning in the applications? they are due tomorrow, yes? >> they are. because of the time frame, we
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are going to try to work on monday morning if they are not in by tomorrow. those applications are a little complicated. you have a parent's signature, verification of income, and other things. i want to make sure they have everything to make a solid decision. commissioner maufas: i did not want to cut you off. the applications -- an individual gets everything done. they get all the things necessary. they are going to turn it into what address? >> i can turn it into ycd, visitation valley. commissioner maufas: all the places listed before. they can turn them in by 4:00? >> 4:00. and i left my card. i will come up and get it. commissioner maufas: very
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generous. thank you. supervisor cohen: colleagues, are there any other comments or questions? if not, i will open the floor for public comment. seeing none, i would like to invite anyone, a member of the public who would like to comment on item two. seeing no public comment, madam court, could you call the next item? >> this is it. thank you. i want to thank everyone for coming out and contributed to a spirited conversation. thank you for your work at sfgtv. supervisor cohen: this session is closed.
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