tv [untitled] June 19, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT
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reserves. i do have a sergeant that is assigned to the police reserves. unfortunately, he's been on disability for the last 10 days. he's strictly responsible for monitoring the police reserves. first of all, i want to let you know the status of the patrol specials, under the direction of field operations bureau, i've moved my hours to ensure to monitor compliance with the patrol specials to determine if they've been following the rules. i will have to be honest with you and tell you essentially all of them have been strict compliance with everything we've come up with. the only people we have problems with were the people that had difficulties obtaining the right holster, called level 2 holsters. i've determined -- i've given them an extension of 30 days because we have a hard time getting the new holsters for old guns that they're carrying. so also, at the patrol stations, i've reviewed police lineups of information bulletin
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11-094 that i indicated last time i reported to the police commission to inform the officers of the rules and regulations that the patrol officers are required to follow. i've received two calls from the officers's inquiries to what they're allowed to have in their vehicles and i've examined both those vehicles. so we're very successful. also, too, mr. allen byard of the association has been extremely cooperative making weekly contacts with me to determine how he can assist me. is there any questions about the patrol specials? if not, i'll go into the reserves. president mazzucco: that's great news. >> also some bullet points, we currently have 33 active reserves in our patrol -- in our reserve program. again, sergeant craig tom is the o.i.c. administrator. he works 10:00 to 8:00 p.m. at night. we have 24 level ones, five
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level twos, four level threes. all that means is that the training that they have in regards to their credentials, they're predominantly assigned to the patrol division and volunteer -- they're required to volunteer approximate 16 hour as month. the majority of them volunteer between 30 to 60 hours a month. there are assigned to the district stations and disseminated within the 10 district stations. they are currently two test dates that we have in accepting applications and a test process for the police reserves. that is in march and in september. we have 61 active applicants that are waiting for the next test that is quickly approaching. quickly, i want to finish up letting you know how many hours in 2010 that the police
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reserves volunteered. 2010, 13,385 hours. in 2009, 11,600. i will have to honestly say that the people i've met in this reserve program are extremely dedicated in what they do. i have people that are doctors, pilots, plumbers, electricians, convenience store owners that are very dedicated into what they do and enjoy what they do. i've received, in 2010, our records indicate no o.c.c. or management control complaints. in 2009, one complaint. originated. the only uniform disseminates them between a reserve and patrol officer is a little "r" over their badge. and that's my conclusion. can i entertain any questions? president mazzucco: with reference to the reserves they go through the academy on their own and we test them and hire them. what type of training do we
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provide to the s.f. police department after they've come to us? >> that's correct. they send themselves through the academy. the basic academy is 990 hours. the department gives them four hours of training per month, usually a parishable skill as in low frequency, high liability issues such as firearms, takedowns, baton training, laws of arrest or procedures. they also -- also during the summertime we try to unplug them, the availability of the police academy, to a more thorough four-hour block to two 16-hour days and depends on the availability of the police academy. >> are we actively recruiting reserves at this point especially in light of what we heard from mr. delanus' soon to be shortage. >> yes, we're constantly recruiting the reserves. we see that some departments that lay off employees, a way for those employees to keep
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their active post credential, standardized training credentials and is for them to volunteer their time. unfortunately, sometimes other departments steal them from us. and i don't have an explanation for that other than the department is a little faster on the switch in getting the paperwork and getting things done and getting them through the process. >> great. president mazzucco: any questions for lieutenant parra. good. thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> thanks. 2-b. >> next is item 2-b, the o.c.c. director's report, a review of recent activities. >> good evening, director hicks, how are you? >> i'm fine, president mazzucco, thank you. members of the audience, the o.c.c. has no actives to report this evening. president mazzucco: any questions for lieutenant hicks. >> nice hair. >> thank you. president mazzucco: item 2-c,
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please. >> the commission reports, the commission president's report followed by the commissioner's reports. president mazzucco: i don't have anything to report this evening. commissioners, you have anything to report? >> just that we attended the funeral service for the two firefighters and it was very touching event and there were thousands of people there, including our governor and mayor, and of course our chief. president mazzucco: i saw you and commissioner dejesus there and it's the public safety family, it was nice to see the commissioners there and such he served with the command staff and was a very moving ceremony and to honor our fallen heroes, those firefighters so we appreciate it. commissioners, anything else? line item 2-d, please. >> item 2-d are the commission announcements and scheduling of items identified for consideration at future commission meetings. president mazzucco: commissioners? commissioner chan: the update on the c.i.t. and progress of
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the program. i think it's this month we're supposed to give this update, so i've asked to schedule it for next wednesday on the calendar and hopefully it will be on there. great. and there will be several members of the c.i.t. working group, including the department presenting on where they are with the curriculum. they've been working really hard and we had a c.i.t. working group today and it was a great discussion and i'm looking forward to them presenting to the group. the next piece is community policing. i know commissioner kingsley talked about that, the chief has talked about that and i want to propose we schedule this on our calendar maybe over the next month or so. maybe three or four weeks from now so there's time to prepare for it and for us to have a meeting really centered around that, some ideas put on the plate is discussing a definition of policing. i'm not a big fan of having too long of a discussion about that because i'm not into semantics and i think we should try to define it in a useful way and as general as possible so it's a useful, flexible definition. i think commissioner marshall had that suggestion.
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but i wanted to focusous on the next steps, how the department can prioritize community policing or continue to prioritize community policing and also to highlight great community policing partnership and perhaps even give out awards to community organizations or department members who are engaging in this process already and use them as an example to spread this through the department. that's my proposal. i'm wondering what the other commissioners think and if the chief thinks that's a good idea. president mazzucco: chief? >> there will be the committee that will be arriving in general order for submission to this commission before september 15. their first meeting is next week. we've already spoken with supervisor campos's office that was designing an ordinance, various community groups, members of the department. it will be at the police academy. i can get you the date and time to any interested commissioners to audit. the drafting of this order, there will be meetings in the
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community, meetings with electeds, meetings with the officers, input from the peg groups in hopes of making this department policy, all of which commissioner chan just commented to is expected to be contained within this order for adoption by this commission as department policy. president mazzucco: commissioner slaughter. commissioner slaughter: i think in light of the process that the chief has just described that this working group is taking on, not sure if scheduling something before this commission in the near, near future, meaning the next few weeks is the best idea, perhaps letting this working group get some miles under their belt, so to speak, and then coming back to us perhaps in two months rather than a month but if people want to start it here in a month, that's fine. but i mean -- >> i'm happy to provide monthly updates to the commission as to the progress of this drafting of this order. if that would be amenable to
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the commission. president mazzucco: commissioner kingsley. commissioner kingsley: thank you, commissioner chan for bringing this up. chief, sir, you did bring this to our attention, your plans to rework a general order and prepare a new one that addresses these issues. was it to prepare a new one? >> there is no general -- this will be the first one in the history of the police department. commissioner kingsley: thank you for clarifying that. as i have been looking at this issue in general, it's both from the angle of community policing which is more of a focus of the chief of police interacting with the community in that direction, but also i think with the advent of the community boards fairly recently, the other way around, too, vehicles for the community to gather at a grassroots effort and bring their input
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and ideas in energizing them so that that input is in there as well so that both parts are there >> and we've discussed this before and have a great deal of experience doing both of those and have been quite successful at doing it. i would be very happy to follow what commissioner slaughter was suggesting as well, to postpone our commission meeting as a whole, or people coming before the commission to see what this group is working on and where it goes and -- but to hear back periodically maybe to have a couple of people assigned to that task of reporting back to us, you know, regularly to kind of keep us posted until september so that we've got a flavor of what's going on if we can't occasionally attend the meetings ourselves. president mazzucco: sure.
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and anybody is welcome. we will be going out to the community in the event the community -- commissioner slaughter: we'll hold meetings in the community for input. the advisory board members if they want to participate. with the goal being that when we arrive at the general order for community policing, there's nobody that feels that they were excluded in providing input. commissioner kingsley: perfect. that's great. thank you. president mazzucco: commissioner chan. commissioner chan: thank you for the update. i appreciate you're ahead of the game and working on this. it's wonderful. the september date, what specifically was that for, i missed it. >> to present a draft to this commission for adoption. commissioner chan: great. >> for public comment and obviously since it's a draft, however long it takes after september 15 being at this
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commission, that's how long it will take until we can make it department policy. commissioner chan: great. that sounds like a better process than having a commission hearing on this because it involves the community in a more thorough way. i would suggest that maybe one or two commissioners participate in this, as these forums are happening throughout the summer, try to attend them and if we can rotate and have at least one commissioner or two commissioners at each of these forums so we're engaged and hear the feedback, too with, and it's not being reported back thousand. president mazzucco: i agree. it's a good idea. obviously we have the quorum requirements and obviously we all can't go and will to break it up and go two at a time with the chief's invitation and we see the general order and see it the night for passage tonight and you are the definition of community policing so i really appreciate you getting out ahead of this way before we even had to do something about it. >> i'm flattered but i think there are many people in the police department that have attended and contributed and i'll make sure lieutenant falby
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is aware of any calendar meetings. so the public can attend. president mazzucco: commissioner marshall. commissioner marshall: lieutenant, real quick, today is the third wednesday so this is normal discipline wednesday, right? technically. third wednesday was a big heavy discipline, so next -- president mazzucco: typically. commissioner marshall: so we're not facing it next week because commissioner chan wanted it on the schedule. i just wanted to check. president mazzucco: is there any public comment regarding line items -- >> one more announcement. on the 29th the commission will be meeting at the engle side direct at visitation middle cool at 450 raymond street, at 6 p.m. to meet with the public, hear comments from the engle side station captain daniel mahoney. president mazzucco: is there public comment regarding line
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items 2 a, b, c and d. ms. growth. >> good evening, my name is barbara growth, still a proud resident of san francisco before the taxes will possibly squeeze the older people out from living in this fine city. i would like to request that everybody realizes that the police department was not born yesterday. they have been a very dedicated crew, even though i've got a rap sheet compliments of my ex-husband with his creative notification to the local district police station crew. because he happened to transfer there as a civilian employee. but i would think it would be very nice if we had retired police captains sitting in on the police commission instead of just lawyers who seem to feel they're smarter than the average everyday police officer.
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why is the police officer to be considered stupid just because he puts his life on the line for the public of this fine city? i don't understand that. i am a former police captain secretary and as such, i was even made a nut cake. anybody can be made a nut cake. all it takes is money, honey. i didn't have it. so i'm a nut cake. that's so he could have the cheapest divorce in history. great. well, 34 1/2 years of marriage but whatever. i still think it would be nice if we had police administration sitting in on this panel instead of just lawyers so that we have police input not just civilians saying how stupid they are and that we need community policing. community policing, you got your average everyday citizen who wants to file a complaint because he didn't like getting
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a traffic citation, getting arrested, or whatever, having the right to file all sorts of complaints, they all can file their complaints, but the police should be in policing the police. it's all i think should be the idea of community policing. they're not stupid. we've been around since the gold rush, 1849. this is not a new police department under any circumstances whatsoever. i was proud to have been working for the police department as a stenographer, secretary, doesn't mean i'm surprising the world but i did do my job. i came forth. started in the traffic bureau which has been dismantled lately, suddenly they're not important even though they're the first ones on any calamity or happening that took place in this city. suddenly they're not important. i don't understand that either.
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the police department was set up a long time ago and know what they're doing. they didn't suddenly turn stupid. thank you. >> hello, my name is tom sellhorse, i'm back and have a couple comments. number one, community policing invites corruption. you have some community police in this city, particularly in the mission statement, chief, sir. the gay community liaison under lieutenant michelle jean particularly folks like sergeant chuck lambert who brags of being friends of some of the people in the community they're working on behalf of. that's not equal protection under the law when you defend some people's rights at the expense of other people's rights. that's number one. number who two, when you look at community policing is that another euphemism for different legal standards. there are certain communities, as you call them, that are treated as if they're special. the law doesn't apply to them
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or laws are applied differently to them. they have their own private police forces and community liaison who work on their behalf and brag about being their buddies. that's not equal protection under the law. that's illegal. and finally, patrol specials who are another form of community policing. only they're private police hired by individuals secretly so that they know for whom they work and we don't. >> i've been doing research on them, some of them have been child molesters in the past. i had one recently who was going and hiring a hooker and you let him off. these patrol specials are criminals in some cases and you've had almost a year to respond to the patroler's report telling you that they should be out of business. how long is it going to take before we get some action on the patroler's report? those of us being victimized cannot wait any longer. it's taking too long. it's taken too long. former commissioner hammer is no longer here to apologize for them and commissioner dejesus
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isn't here tonight. you have a quorum. why don't you vote. thank you. president mazzucco: next speaker. >> commissioners, good evening. for the record, my name is emil lawrence. very briefly, i was going to discuss the pros and cons i've been reading in the paper on the selection of the new police commissioner. i know the board of supervisors has selected a gay activist, claiming that the spot on the police commission is now a gay spot. i don't believe that's true. i think they should have picked the best man for the spot. i think a police officer was running for it and several other people were running for that spot. secondly, i have no objection of a gay person being on the commission. my problem is that the way it's set up now, that spot is always
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going to be allocated to some gay activist attorney and i don't think we need one. i think if we're going to have a gay person, we need a gay accountant. most of the commission just set up as boards of directors. there's no physical or monetary accountability whatsoever from this board or this commission or most of the other commissions that are picked by both the board of supervisors and the mayor's office. and i've already run up against the san francisco tax commission with the civil service selected me three times in a row as the director's position where i was the only taxi driver in m.a. in accounting and corporate math, only to have gavin newsom bump me for an attorney from his inner office. it happened three times in a row. i think you need more accountants and less attorneys on these commissions or more laymen and less attorneys. and i think we don't need an
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activist who wants to change the constitution into his or her image. that's all i have to say on the matter. i thank you for your time. president mazzucco: any further comment regarding these items. hearing none, public comment is closed. line item number 3, please. >> item 3 is public comment on all matters pertaining to item number 5 below, closed session disciplinary cases, and whether to hold number five in closed session. president mazzucco: any public comment in hearing the closed session items. hearing none. call item five. >> a vote on whether to hold item 5 in closed motion. >> so moved. >> second. pres
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president mazzucco: we still have a quorum. >> item number 6 is a vote to elect whether to disclose any or all this kirsch -- discussion item five held in closed session. all in favor? before calling line item 7, next week, we will have our new commissioner present, who was approved by the board of supervisors. also an attorney. he will be here with us next week after he is sworn in. >> [inaudible] >> welcome. >> item 7 is adjournment. president mazzucco: do i have adjournment? so moved. so moved. we are adjourned.
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on june 26, mayor newsom and other officials gathered at the hospital to cut the ribbon and welcome the public into a beautiful new state-of-the-art facility. >> 3, 2, 1. [applause] >> in has been 10 years since voters approved the measure for the new building. >> when they cast the vote, we have an exciting opportunities to rethink how art is done in a hospital setting. >> replacement program generated approximately $3.9 million in art enrichment funds for a comprehensive art program that contributes to the quality of life at the hospital by enhancing the environment and supporting the hospital's needs and therapeutic goals.
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artists were commissioned to create 100 original works of art. as was for the gardens and courtyard areas. >> be artwork does more than just hang on the wall. it will enhance the therapeutics of the hospital and will include sensory stimulation, orientation, social interaction. >> it was set into like boxes to create color filled areas in the hospital. inspired by nature, the signature painting of native san francisco birds, clouds, and the surface of the ocean waves were translated into a variety of media including glass mosaic and
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tapestry. the playful clock encourages memory stimulation among the patients. they used the theme of the four elements as they relate to vocation. it is a direct homage to the historical murals in the original laguna honda building. it features to large tile walls. by observing residents, the gardens created a public artwork in the form of the handrail. in one of the outdoor courtyards, the circular grouping of -- with a smooth
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finish. this features ten unique button sculptures with different pastel colors that function not only as a place to sit, but also as a touchstone to something recognizable, familiar, and comforting. another key component included an art project that responded directly to the hospital's rich history. using archival images and artifacts, had designed 16 intricately woven tapestries that are inviting of significant events that shaped the hospital and the community over time. a >> it attracts a lot of visitors, and they are all and all
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