tv [untitled] June 19, 2011 6:30pm-6:55pm PDT
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be reaching out to each of you in your neighborhoods to rollout this program this summer. we will begin on july 1st and i look forward to seeing a positive result. in fact, i will join you to personally see that this happens. in addition to restoring the community chorus partnership program, dpw's volunteer program remains strong and is an important tool. i invite everybody to join us in our volunteer efforts. programs like community clean team, the graffiti watch, and the adopt a street program allow people and everyone in each neighborhood of the city to actively participate in cleaning and greening activities. working with each of you, we have enjoyed those saturday mornings where we have gotten hundreds of volunteers helping as clean our neighborhoods. with that score portion of the
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community quarters program coming back, i know we can put it together and make sure that when we visit and inspect our streets, they will be better than they are today. thank you very much. [applause] president chiu: thank you, mr. mayor, we look for to seeing you next month. colleagues, why don't we proceed with the remainder of our agenda for today. madame clerk, could please read the consent agenda items. >> these items will be acted upon by a single roll call vote unless a member requests discussion of a matter, it shall be removed and considered separately. president chiu: would anyone like to sever these items? >> a roll call vote on these items. [roll-call]
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there are 11 ayes. these resolutions are adopted and the motion is approved. could you call items 13 through 15? >> this is for the mayor to extend the entire month from the u.s. department of housing and urban development for the following specific programs and an ounce. for items 13, for the emergency shelter grants program in the amount of $1.3 million. for the community develop block program in the amount of $18.5 million. for item 15, the home invest and partnership program in the amount of $7.6 million.
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supervisor cohen: excuse my enthusiasm, but i'm very excited to be here today. you have in front of you a few minor amendments that simply reflect the accurate amount of funding that the city may receive and spend from these grant programs. the relevant departments have asked me to make these -- have asked for these technical changes and i just ask for your support today. president chiu: is there a second? can we take those amendments without objection? the amendments are adopted. now on the underlined items, if we could take the resolution as amended and adopt them without objection. without objection, these resolutions are adopted. item number 16. >> and ordnance approving the issuance and sale of water revenue bonds by the public utility commission in an amount
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not to exceed $49.1 million for a improvements to the water main. the commission's water and power system and the treasure island project. president chiu: can take this item? this item is finally passed. item number 17? >> and ordnance amending the general plan adopting the 2009 housing element as the housing element of the san francisco general plan. supervisor wiener: if you will at -- if you will recall, i ask that this item be read -- that this item be continued. i talked with some of the opponents, that we could come up with some solution that did not happen. however, i will continue working on this in the hopes of averting a lawsuit.
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i will continue to support the housing elements. i do understand there are some folks in some parts of the city that are concerned with increases to density and san francisco, like the rest of the region needs to do our part to ensure we have adequate housing for our population and we are not contributing to sprawl. as has been emphasized over and over again, this is not a resounding. any kind of new project will go through the normal process these in san francisco. i will be supporting the housing element. president chiu: any further discussion? supervisor mirkarimi: i just wanted to stay thank you. if you can make any gains in progress, all the more power to us. president chiu: do we need a
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roll-call vote? >> [roll-call] there are 8 ayes and three nos. president chiu: if the call item 18. >> adopting the treasure island and your buena island plant as in the agreement. an ordinance amending the planning code to include the treasure island, your boy island city limits and for the establishment of a special use district. item number 20, the zoning maps
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to show the new zoning map districts and special use districts. item number 21, and ending the said division code pertaining to this subdivision process and the establishment of a procedure for reviewing and piling tentative transfer maps and, from the land use and economic development committee without recommendation, item 22 is an ordinance approving a development agreement between the city and treasure island community development for certain properties located within treasure island/your buena island. -- your bubbling island. supervisor kim: many of our community members have been involved in this process for the last several years. i would like to thank members are city worked tirelessly to make this happen and get a lot of last-minute moving pieces going. i want to personally thank the
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treasure island development committee along with [reading names] i also want to thank our city attorney's for all of their work. and the planning department. mta and pc also contributed. two groups that i did not mention which contributed heavily to the process for our neighbors on treasure island and yerba buena and the it is freeboard that has been chairing this committee. president chiu: unless anyone
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economic committee without recommendation. the one block portion of mason street between lombard and columbus for purposes of the north beach public library and joe dimaggio playground master plan. president chiu: can we take this item? without objection, this item is finally passed. item number 24. >> to bernadette loans from restricted sources and to modify the reporting requirements for elected officials receiving gifts of travel. president chiu: can take this item? this item is finally passed. item 25. >> item 25 is to restrictions -- restructure the parking in the south of market and mission bay districts. supervisor kim: this is legislation that establishes maximum parking limits in the
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south of market. the intent of this legislation is to have better consistency with adjacent districts and to require non-residential and non hotel parking in this south of market mixed used districts downtown and maintain a fee structure which discourages long-term parking. this ordinance will finally harmonize requirements across the south of market and, by eliminating the minimum and establishing a maximum and extends parking requirements for commuter parking. i would like to think the city attorney and planning staff for their work on this ordinance and to the executive director of livable city to bring this -- for bringing this ordinance to the board. supervisor cohen: i just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge supervisor kim and the others who worked to make this document
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more robust. i indicated when we were in committee on land use that i would not be supporting it and we went back and had more conversation -- this is another one, and i will be supporting it. president chiu: colleagues, same house, same call on item 25. this ordinances passed on the first read. item 26. >> ordinance amending 1061 entitled regulation -- regulating the with the sidewalks between harrison street and fremont and beale street. president chiu: any discussion on this item? same house, same call. any discussion? without objection, this ordinance is passed on first reading. item 27. >> from the land use and economic development committee without recommendation, and
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ordnance amending the planning code to establish the presidio- setter special use the district at 800 presidio ave. to reflect the boundaries of the presidio-solder special use district. supervisor mirkarimi: i would like emotion to continue this until next tuesday, june 21st. president chiu: supervisor mirkarimi has made a motion to continue this until the 21st. for those of you who are here 44:00 special order, it is our intention to continue those items until next week. -- for those of you are here -- who are here for a the 4:00 special order, is our intention to continue those items until next week. >> item 28, the western selma community -- community stabilization policy.
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supervisor kim: this is concerning the south of market. this discussion began five or six years ago with the board putting together a western so much planning task force to create new zoning and heights -- western soma planning task force to create new zoning. this policy came ford as a resolution after our discussions around mid market tax exclusion. a conversation about how we create jobs without promoting displacement in our community. many members of our community had asked to put this forward and this item was heard at land use where it came up with no recommendation. i have met with the planning department and other stakeholders around their concern with the stabilization policy and in these discussions, there is no disagreement about the importance of maintaining a healthy balance of affordable
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and market-rate housing and between jobs and housing. but the concerns have been centered around the reference to the april 29th, 2009 resolution and level of specificity from the concept of me during development to maintain historical balances. i have a series of amendments that capture the spirits of the policy but would allow continued conversation with other stakeholders and the task force about how we do metering. i believe strongly as a city that we need to start developing tools that help create affordable housing. in our housing element, we talk about how we need to build that 60% affordable, but we are not doing that. it's important to start the discussion of what it means to create tools of measuring our development of affordable housing and creating the tools to enforce that. this policy supports maintaining a balance of 30% of affordable
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in the western soma planning area. this is a very modest metering measure for us in this area, particularly with the development happening here. with that, i want to make amendments to the current resolution. everyone has copies starting on page two, line 63 page three, line two. it has information about the updated policy and on page three, line 15, changing the resolve closet to resolve the board urges the planning commission to ensure policies maintained or exceed the historical balance between market rate balancing and is incorporated into the community plan. i want to thank my co-sponsor, president chiu and supervisor
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campos, for having this important discussion around the ring in our city. supervisor wiener: in committee, i expressed concerns about metering, since it has never to my knowledge been done before. i have concerns about the housing metering aspect and the jobs meeting aspect for a relatively small geographic area. i was prepared to vote against the resolution, but i would like to commend supervisor kim for working on these amendments and i will be supporting the resolution. president chiu: any further discussion? there is a motion to amend. is there a second? can we take that motion without objection? the amendments are included. now, if we could take a roll call vote on the ordinance -- i'm sorry, on the resolution as
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our police commission that oversees the department, especially when the department has recently been shown to have potential violations of residence and sro hotels and the recently -- the recent police shooting of the man in the wheelchair. one economic and greater accountability for police to make sure we could have better oversight to look into investigating such matters and i would like to propose a different person who is on a recommendation from the rules committee to be our representative on the police commission and that is an david wagner replacing julius turman.
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he has a background in strategic planning and community policing. he has been a legal observer for many demonstrations over the years at the national lawyers guild. he has been involved with a lot of community groups that helps victims of police misconduct. he has done a lot of work with our commissioners that we have been working with closely for the board of supervisors around police reform. he has a strong record on immigrant rights. we need to make sure our police department is doing the best it can in meeting the needs and rights of people who are undocumented and people who are immigrants, whether undocumented or not in san francisco. i believe david wagner presents a lot of these qualifications that are desperately needed in our police commission, not to determine every policy that going to come out, but to make sure we have some creative
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tension on our police commission that can help move the department further toward accountability and a better community response. i would like to propose we amend this motion to include his name and replacing it with mr. turman's name. this is not necessarily a slight, but i believe moving the department to a greater extent toward accountability is a good direction for the police commission and it is for that reason i propose mr. david wagner's name to go forward. [applause] supervisor wiener: thank you. i am supporting julius turman's
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of women to the commission. julius is an incredibly well- respected leader in our community and will be a great representative for our community on the police commission. whether we are talking about the lgbt community, the african and -- the african-american community, he has shown independent leadership and we have seen that over and over again. one example i talked about in the rules committee was when there were some incidents related to the bad lands in that castro and allegations of racism and there was a boycott. it was a very intense situation and mr. turman was a true leader to hold badlands' accountable and come to a resolution with the community. he has been recognized many times with many awards for his
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work and leadership in the community and has worked tirelessly to create a more just and equitable society. julius, i have known him for a long time. if there is one thing you can say about him, is that he does not suffer fools. he is independent, he is reformed-minded and, believe you me, if the department needs to be held accountable, nobody is going to hold a more accountable. i am probably supporting his appointment. [applause] president chiu: i should mention at this time that we have a rule that people not express support or opposition to various statements being made and i would ask all the to respect that. we have to very good candidates today and if you could respect that, that will help us move the proceedings. supervisor campos: i want to begin by thanking all of the applicants have submitted their names to be considered for this appointment.
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it is not an easy process to come forward and go through the process of having your name feted for what is clear -- your name at vetted for what is clearly one of the most important appointments we make. it often becomes one of the most difficult thing she did because oftentimes, you have one position and the number of individuals who are more than qualified to be in that position. this is one of those cases where you have a number of individuals, each of them brings something unique to the table and each of whom would represent the city well on the police commission. i know there are a number of people in the audience who are here to support different individuals. two names have been discussed for the last two weeks and i know both of them. i personally think either one of them would do a great job on the
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police commission and personally believe that one can support one individual without being against another individual. to the extent folks are here to express their support for one candidate, you can do that without questioning the attributes the other candidate brings. i think either one of them would do a great job on the police commission. a lot has been said about the police commission. i served on the ce
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