tv [untitled] June 21, 2011 10:30am-11:00am PDT
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avalos, commissioner david chiu, scott wiener. the clerk of the committee is erika cheng. we want to thank the following members of sfgtv staff for covering the meeting, mark and illon. please call item two. >> ifitem 2. approve the minutes of the may 17, 2011 meeting. this is an action item. commissioner campos: we have been joined by david chiu. we have the minutes of the meeting. before we take any action, let me ask members of the public if they would like to speak on this item. seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues? seconded by commissioner avalos. can we take that without objection?
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without objection. please call item three. >> item 3. citizens advisory committee report. this is an information item. >> good morning mr. -- good morning, mr. chairman. i was appointed to the committee last year. i have been asked by our new chairman davis to make a report on four important items that are before your committee and that have been reviewed by the citizens of 53 committee. those items are items 5, 7 -- 5, 6, and 7. but i will make my comments quickly on five, six, and seven to say the cac voted 7-2 to recommend your committee approved a fiscal year 2011-2012 clean air program projects.
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we did set for our workers to reasons without approval of the tdm management public proprietorship, which is referred to under item eight as the shuttle program. primarily for procedural reasons. we wanted to consider the funding at the same time that we've reviewed the sar. it was discussed separately on our agenda, as it is yours. during our conversation, two members opposed. the item with regard to the shuttle, public-private partnership, was ultimately passed and is before you today in this agenda item. item six on your agenda is the allocation of $25 million in
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prop k funds. the the cac reviewed and recommended this allocation with the conditions. that passed unanimously. we previously review the item that as information items with a lengthy discussion on eligibility and evaluation criteria. the item engendered a lengthy discussion on the merits and specifics of the bicycle safety classes with concerns expressed about the limited out reached among non-english speaking residents, questions about the merit of the bike to work program marketing. the bicycle coalition spoke about the success of the bike to work day with a 50% increase in bicycle trips due to the fund advocacy and out rich.
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i think ms. martin expressed a on a going concern of the cac for more quantitative information on bicycle-related outreach. item seven, the allocation of $1.25 million in prop k funds for six projects and the appropriation of $70,000 in prop k funds for planning and implementation of the integrated travel partnership there that was also on the agenda. the cac recommended the allocation of $1.2 million for your committee for these projects, but again for procedural reasons, we excluded the $78,000 from the public partner shot -- public-private partnership. the allocation for the tdm shuttle proposal, which has a long history -- where the cac ultimately passed on a split vote -- and is included here.
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item eight before you, the cac -- i want to say the cac approved the strategic analysis report based on shuttle services. but as i mentioned previously, the proposed partnership has a long history with the cac and was rejected and returned to staff in 2010 because of insufficient information. perhaps less than a handful of proposals that the cac has returned to staff with conditions because it simply was not considered ready for prime time. this reflects the report did not return to the cac supporting documentation showing the need for the project, verification of an actual partnership with sun for support among private sponsors, and the lack of a business plan and demonstrated the administrative and planning costs could be sustained from the high fees, to impose on
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corporate sponsors. it passed on a split vote of 6-2 at a meeting in may and is before you for approval. at the same time, by separate motion, the cac approved the related funding before you in the other projects today. specifically, let me mention the concerns of the cac, including some of those who voted for the measure, were primarily that these shuttles are provided by san francisco companies who have initiated the shuttle service for their employees to facilitate commuting to corporate facilities outside of san francisco. they fill a gap in services that address is a private need, but we did not feel at the time we are initially rejected the proposal, that it filled a public need regarding safety or reliability, the environment, or service gaps. the sar before you reflects two
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public opinion surveys that shows no significant public support. you can see it reflects anecdotal perceptions by less than 1% of survey respondents, suggesting there is no significant opinion supporting the proposal. third, private shuttles are already regulated by state and city agencies. most of the problems that were considered, parking location, air quality, safety, etc. brought no further compelling thabenefit. lastly, the sar suggested that this was a voluntary public- private partnership. yet, the private sponsors shuttles did not demonstrate a commitment to partner with the authorities or even to write a letter of support for the proposal. last, the program concept
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proposed to cover costs for fees on shuttles in order to be self sustaining without much thought given to the consequences of the fees and how they could affect employers. staff now has the recommendation to use public funds to cover start up, administrative and planning costs. because the earlier question were not addressed by the sar, and number of cac members voted with the stated expectation that the program would provide the substitute information that would inform a path forward. the cac discussion suggested that your committee might wish to identify conditions for approval that would allow you to evaluate it at a later date, whether or not the program should become an ongoing, institutionalized function of the authority. with that, mr. chairman, that concludes my reports. commissioner campos: thank you.
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colleagues, do we have any questions for the cac? no questions. thank you very much for your presentation and for your great work. widener open this up or public comment. is there any member of the public that would like to speak on this item? seeing none, -- yes, please. >> i am the community government affairs manager at google. i have been working with the mta on shuttle issues. one thing i would like to point out, as you're looking at this report, shuttle program's saved thousands of tons of co2 a day. the google shuttle program specifically -- there are other corporations that have them -- 30.8 tons are saved a day from google shuttles running as opposed to cars. per year, these saved 7,500 tons
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of carbon. per day, over 133,000 vehicle miles traveled are saved. i have some additional information i can provide you. before there is any regulation, i want you to understand the benefit of these shuttles, not only to the community, but to the environment. commissioner campos: thank you. i know there will be a more robust discussion as that item comes forward. is there any other member of the public that the bike to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. please call item 4. >> item 4. recommend appointment of two members to the citizens advisory committee. this is an action item. >> this item start on page 19 of your packet. it is an item to recommend appointment of two members to fill the vacancies on the citizen advisory committee. the authority is an 11-member
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citizen advisory committee. authority staff nor cac make recommendations as to appointments to that body. that is done to the plans and programs committee and ultimately the authority board. two requirements for cac members is that they beat san francisco residents and that they appear before this committee to talk to bet their interest and qualifications to serve on the committee. the two vacancies we have right now are both from term expectations. first from rosie west and another, jackie sacks. miss saxby is here to speak to her reappointment. i understand ms. west is also interested in being reappointed. she was planning to be here today, but i do not see her. commissioner campos: thank you. why don't we hear from this sex -miss sacks.
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good morning. >> good morning, commissioners. my name is jackie sacks. i have been involved with the transportation authority since the passage of prop. b in 1989. i was once of 56 individuals tht brought it. i was appointed to the cac in 1997. i am up for my eight reappointment. i have gone this far and i want to continue serving. i feel, with the background that i have, with what has been going on in the city, being disabled, i can definitely contribute a
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lot to the committee. there are some of meetings where i am very vocal, some meetings when i inquired, but when i have a point to make, people listen. commissioner campos: ms. sachs, thank you for your ongoing service an interest in continuing to serve. we are very aware of the good work you have done. when you do have a point to make, it is important to listen. i know that is one of the reasons the district's supervisor has recommended your appointment as well. is there any other applicant who is here to speak on their application? let's open this up to members of the public. seeing none, public comment is closed.
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we have two points before us. i know ms. west could not be here. i understand she is being recommended by the district 11 supervisor as well. commissioner avalos? commissioner avalos: actually, i would like to postpone reappointment for one month and then look at other options. commissioner campos: ok. why don't we just move forward with respect to ms. sachs. if we could get a motion -- motion by carmen chu. seconded by david chiu. without objection. thank you. please call the next item. again, thank you, ms. sachs. >> item 5. recommend approval of the fiscal year 2011/2012 transportation fund for clean air program of projects. this is an action item. >> good morning committee
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members. i will be presenting the fiscal year 11-12 programs and projects. i will start with a brief overview of the tsa process and our fiscal or 12 process and get into recommendations including some short descriptions of the progress we are recommended for funding and those that we are not recommended for funding. i can take questions on the project or process at any time. we have many representatives from agencies who can answer any questions that you might have in mind. >> i would not normally use that type -- [laughter]
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i will switch to the overhead. the goal of the program has not changed. essentially improving air quality. in terms of how the revenue comes, there is a $4 surcharge on all vehicles in the county. 40% of that comes back to the county. this year, the amount available is equal to this annual revenue from the $4 surcharge and an interest from recently completed projects. we have just over $1 million this year. you can see the key dates in our program this year. this is the most oversubscribe to the program has been. in part, that shows the need for local match funds.
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the next slide shows how we screen projects for eligibility to ensure they meet the air district cost effectiveness threshold. project types, zero emissions, anything related to bike and transportation. the second tier are shuttle operations project. the third tier are vehicles operations. the fourth is anything else unintelligible. of the things that we look at our past product delivery by sponsors, pass property valuation. we take a look at that when applicants come and year to year. we want to strengthen those kinds of evaluation measures each year as well. this is a broad overview of our funding recommendations this year. these printers are presented in more detail in the packet. that starts on page 31.
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you can see the projects we are recommending for funding this year. we are recommending funding 6 projects and three we are recommending for partial funding. they have asterisks next to them. the first one on the list is the department of the environment emergency ride home program. this provides a free or low-cost ride home for employees to use alternative modes to get to work. this project will match $18,000 in prop k project funds from the fiscal years 11-12, 12-13. the electric vehicles charging station project. this would install two charging stations in san francisco. one would be in a parking
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crunch and the other would be at the san francisco international airport. this complements sfmta's recent batteries swap pilot project. i am going to skip over the third project listed, the san francisco integrated tdm project. next is the regional bike sharing project. this will deploy 1000 bikes at up to 100 stations along the peninsula corridor. half of those bicycles will be located in san francisco. the funds here are used, sfmta match, to the bay area climate change program. next is the department of the environment employer benefit out rich program. this will continue to average two communities.
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similar to emergency ride home, this has been supported since 2005. $125,000 program to in prop k funds to match. the department of the environment solar and electrical charging station project. that will provide access for a parking spots. this is one of the projects we are recommending partially funding. the project as submitted exceeded the air district cost effectiveness threshold. after working with staff, we were to the application to the maximum amount, $28,000, so that is what we're recommending. the department of the informant's bike fleet program. this discontinued the program as well as a user survey and evaluation of the fleet usage. this includes a 5% administration cost. this project will also match prop k funds for the buy program
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in a 11-12. the project was broken into two separate projects. one that focused on procurement, one that looked out of reach. only the procurement portion of the project was actually eligible for the tfca funds. the average component will be moved over into the other part i mentioned. the department of the environment also has a school ride matching program. this is aimed at reducing vehicle miles traveled to schools. the last one is the bayview hunters shuttle service. this would provide one year of operating funds for one shuttle. this shuttle is currently funded with lifeline transportation funds through june 2011 and has no identify the source past that date until the next transportation cycle. now i would like to invite my colleague to talk about the
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third project that is listed, the integrated tdm project. >> good morning, commissioners. i will be very brief. i will also be coming up over item made to talk about this. the travel demand management project is a mouthful of the authority, sfmta, the part of the barn, and planning department, with a number of planning alamance. if you have specific questions, i would be happy to answer them. commissioner campos: any questions? no questions. >> i will briefly mention the
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three products we are not recommending. the first is the bikeway. the plan was to construct separate bike weighs between baker and scott. it provides a key link between the panhandle and market street. this project was not recommended for tfca funds. the scandal showed construction starting in august 2013 the month before they use the debt binds the issue. we have worked with the sfmta to prepare prop k allocation requests, which you will hear during agenda item seven. this approach will said the construction phase of the project to be very competitive for future tfca cycles or other discretionary programs. publicly available bike parking facility on chavis as at minnesota street. this project exceeding the air
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district threshold and is an eligible for funds. we want to continue working with project partners and developed a plan to move forward with other potential funding sources. finally, the laguna honda hospital residents and visitors employee shuttle. this was a project connecting laguna honda hospital to the muni station and then adding new service to the glen park bart station. we did not recommended for funding because after funding higher priority projects and the bayview hunters point project, there are insufficient funds for this project. similar to the chavis bike parking facilities, we want to continue to work with partners to see how we can look at the regional pot of money.
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the last slide shows at the schedule of where we go from here. after we take it from this committee to the board of the and despite having a master funding agreement with the air district and a few weeks. then we work with grant sponsors in july. funding should be ready august 2011. with that, i can take questions on this project. thank you -- commissioner campos: thank you for your presentation. any questions? commissioner avalos: just a question on the first project, the emergency ride home program. the proposed amount is much less than the actual cost of the program. what is the use of the program ta? how did we decide on this amount of allocation? >> that is a great question.
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staff looked at those things. >> good morning. tdm manager at the department of environment. the program, we do surveys every time we get reimbursement requests in. we have compiled the survey data for the past two years. each year, if this program was not offered, people would decrease their use of alternative transportati. basically, this provides a safety net for people to use alternative transportation, understand that if they have an emergency, they will be taken care of. with our survey data, 50% said they would continue using alternative transportation but less frequently
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