tv [untitled] June 26, 2011 10:00am-10:30am PDT
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school year. this 2010-2011. what was the amount of the contract? >> for this school year, i think the contract for not the entire year was $60,000 and they are currently under that. it is an hourly as needed contract. >> this $75,000 is a conservative estimate or -- >> wenl it is a conservative estimate for an entire fiscal year. and it is hard to say, we have some interesting things that are beginning to take shape at various properties and hopefully they will be working hard to our advantage. some of their contract will in fact be rebated back to us. if actual real estate transaction occur, which is a contract. so it is possible if things are
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highly successful the net cost to us will be zero. >> thank you. >> i have seen -- come forward with presentations. my concern is that if we don't go forward with this contract there will be further delays in the work of the committee which is ch has come to a point where it is ready to issue an i.s.p. on a property. there has been a lot of history. because the high cost of health care and benefits actually $75,000 would not cover salary and benefits unless the full time position was something around $45,000 which is really basically a part time position. so i think we need to think long-term about this. but at particular point in time in terms over the workability
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committee, i feel like it is pretty important to continue with this contract and my understanding based on that, this is a do not exceed am. no more than $75,000 and could be potentially significantly less. >> the funding comes from fund 40 and what has been been used on this is real estate funding that we had when we basically sold the fund and received a small amount of money as went along. that's what funding we're using now to take care of this. >> ok. so for clarification, david, this is an as-needed basis. so really if you were all of a sudden to say wow, we really need a lot of extra help.
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we need to hire someone full time that you could and we would not be bound to pay the $75,000 over the one fiscal year. is that correct? >> there is no obligation to pay $745,000. the rates are hourly. they are at our beck and call. we can cancel the contract at any time. >> so i would like to -- for you to continue the conversation amongst your staff and perhaps about is there an increased need to have more i guess attention put to real estate and does it require having a staff person? thank you. >> agreed. >> commissioner maufas? commissioner maufas: thank you. you just indicated what i was going to say. i think there is a need. i think it is great because of the necessity we have been able to, you know, your department has been able to develop a positive working relationship. that is great. it is convenient. it works but i actually would
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rather see a dedicated person there. and i think it is -- it is incumbent upon you to be able to figure it out for us. that's what i'm really looking for. i feel hesitant about this. it just feels odd to me that they would come onboard as someone we have been working with and that is really again great. they have been available but i'm not all that pleased with what they presented for myself as a board member. it is not -- looking at the things that i want us to look at and with the lens that i think our board philosophy reflects. that's what i'm -- i mentioned at the last meeting that i was at when they were all present, the principles and so i want to be clear. we have a vision and a philosophy. i would love to see them start
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mirroring some of that because i don't see it whern it comes to the board. you may have that opportunity in conversations with them. it is just not evident to me as a board member but i appreciate there is a long-term discussion going on because i think there is a need. thank you very, very much. >> any further congressmens? role call, please. >> thank you. [role call vote] >> thank you. item q is the superintendent's proposal first reading. item 116-14 s adoption of fiscal year 2011-2012 recommended budget.
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i need a second, please. the per board policy number five discussion at of the budget is allowed at the first reading. are you presenting something? >> what is your pleasure? we can do some or would you rather come back? it is pretty late. >> why don't we take a look at it and if anybody has any questions, if that is ok with anyone? is that ok? >> i do have one speaker card. i think she already spoke her piece. are you going to speak on the budget also? we're not going to further discussion on it. it is going to get refered to the augmented budget committee but if you have a comment. >> because my lovely sleepy 8-year-old is watching tv now
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and very sad i'm not there with her, i love you and i'm sorry i'm not there. i'm here tonight to read to you the sufsd budget for 2012 school year. our members will every year think about base on our campaign platform what are the things that we feel need to be portized in the budget particularly in closing the achievement gap an opportunity gap. so in addition to the embead bedded priorities of the budget as well as the equity report that we're hoping to see a draft of at the next -- at the budget committee meeting, the five priorities that members identified are number one we need to make sure that sfusd protects access a-g high school
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course sequences in every high school. number two, we want to protect teacher quality. we want all teachers to have access to and be able to participate in professional development that builds their skills to work with all learning styles and values to student experience. we also want them to invest in a student feedback assessment system as part of a more fair and equitable evaluation system. number three, we want to protect democracy at s sfnch usd. we want parents and students to participate in councils. resources that support parents that speak a language other than english to have an ability to participate in district-wide decisions about our schools. all of the educational issues especially about access and social justice. we want all school sites that
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serve populations, specifically african-american, latino to have the ability to provide high quality support services like tutoring, mentors and afterschool programs. and we want them to protect family's access to student information. we want all state of the unions to have clear and consistent information about their academic standing as they move toward college or career. parents too must have access with regular meetings with counselors. develop timely plans for interventions if necessary. these are the things that our parents are prioritized. they definitely are very specific and we're working through your budget to basically understand how those things are being protected and this goes hand in hand with the categorical 3 program because those programs are literally embedded.
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how do we know every school has a-g? right now we don't. as a district, you don't. no one those if all courses for ninth grade rs -- that's something that should have been answered before we came to the budget. you don't know if the translation department's budget is adequately capable of meeting the needs of school site councils. you don't know specifics about the budget and it feels like we have gone through this year after year, last year we talked about the equity report and commissioner wynn suggested we do a different process in budget. i really want to continue to urge you that over the next seven days as you all look into your budget that you really be able to answer some really critical questions and really be able to answer the question that i haven't heard enough discussion about this year in the board. what are we spending money on that does raise the achievement of our lowest achieving students?
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it is by far shameful that our african-american students do worse than any other students in the state. this is not something that you can just sweep under the table and not talk about. you're spending a lot of time in the board talking about issues but are you talking about the right issues? we spent two hours tonight talking about jrotc. we didn't ever spend two hours talking about african-american achievement in this district this year. not once. and you ask us to be critical of partners but you're not making it easy for the community to be critical partners when you hold meetings about $50 million at 10:00 at night. how are you being critical and how are you keeping your promises? you are not at this point by our assessment keep your promises and we need to be able to really do some more work to really figure that out but ump sf need
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to be able to hold yourselves accountable. >> just wraup, please. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> a quick question. >> i just wanted to say thank you to all of the work that goes into that. i appreciate that but what i don't see and hear is anything dimpt than last year that shows last year -- different than last year that shows last year that has a year by year comparison. i know we talked about this last year. if there are any ways that in the presentation materials, things that when there are a few places if you can look at this with a critical eye to give more information about that. so for instance know that the difference between the special ed budget that is coming is
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going to be significant. you have to really look to find that. i did look. you have to add things up. make some subtractions to do it. that would be helpful to all of us and the public. >> thank you. so the next item is item 116-14 sp 3. availability of tap water in school cafeterias. >> rum r. i need a motion and second, please. this was already heard in buildings and grounds. they will come back for action on june 28. item s, board members reports. if you could be brief on your reports, please.
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>> i made the report at our last meeting. >> thank you. >> buildings and grounds. there were quite a few discussions with regards to -- pardon me? in particular, around 1155 page street. an r.f. spmbings being prepared and will be going out on the child care use. there has been continuing discussion about an r.f.p. from that. a report on the budget. there are budget committee -- budget committee met on may 26. there are a couple of pages. bear with me as i read them. i think there are about seven. just kidding. an overview. i wish that you had done that
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earlier on other people, quite frankly. i think that we would -- we went over the governor's may -- we'll hear more about it on the 21st. it is very complicated. everyone is interested, please tune into our meeting on the 21st. now another thing that is very, very disturbing is that we heard about the special education budget that is now looking like about $60 million of our general fund contributions to special education which is a $20 million difference from last year. increase. so we're -- there is an elimination of an aara fund i think that we're picking up. actually this was rather disturbing i think to memberses of the board that listen to this. we -- i don't think that we were prepared for a $20 million increase in one year. it is very frustrating.
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so we are working on that. so we have an update on funds earmarked specifically for course requirement including summer school. summer school is a really big issue. we will need summer school next summer for our 10th graders and our ninth graders and they will need to complete retirements and classes cut to only six classes gives a student very little chance to make that up unless it is with summer school so i think we're going to have to carve that out of our budget and then we have approved k resolutions which were just signed. >> thank you. >> we heard already the report from the action items that the
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board considers. we also heard a very interesting presentation about summer school, an update on summer school and who is enrolled and we still don't have? s on that. we're monitoring that very closely. we did get some money from the city and we feel very responsible about making sure that we're spending it adequately and appropriately. and what else? let's see. we also heard a really interesting report from pack members who in the course of the quality middle schools initiate i ever went out to a lot of middle schools and put together a chart that commissioner wynns referred to tonight. he hasn't scrutinized that chart. it is very interesting to see all of the different programs that are available. p pack members gave their perception about what programs were out there and what needed to be improved. we also heard a very interesting
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report on our strategies that we have to serve high achievers in middle school because part of the middle school debate has been about honors, availability at some schools. not at other schools. what are we doing to support high achievers at schools that don't have a separate honors track. what are the achievement differences between the two? we need a complete report on that. they were not available that evening to give us a more complete report so we're going to bring this back at a later date to look into those issues. i think it is something that the board should be talking about. about whether our strategies -- are working for our students whether there are better ways to serve our high achievers and all of our achieves, all of our different learners. so we will continue to talk about that at curriculum. >> thank you.
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on june 26, mayor newsom and other officials gathered at the hospital to cut the ribbon and welcome the public into a beautiful new state-of-the-art facility. >> 3, 2, 1. [applause] >> in has been 10 years since voters approved the measure for the new building. >> when they cast the vote, we have an exciting opportunities to rethink how art is done in a hospital setting. >> replacement program generated approximately $3.9 million in art enrichment funds for a comprehensive art program that contributes to the quality of life at the hospital by enhancing the environment and supporting the hospital's needs and therapeutic goals.
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artists were commissioned to create 100 original works of art. as was for the gardens and courtyard areas. >> be artwork does more than just hang on the wall. it will enhance the therapeutics of the hospital and will include sensory stimulation, orientation, social interaction. >> it was set into like boxes to create color filled areas in the hospital. inspired by nature, the signature painting of native san francisco birds, clouds, and the surface of the ocean waves were translated into a variety of media including glass mosaic and
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tapestry. the playful clock encourages memory stimulation among the patients. they used the theme of the four elements as they relate to vocation. it is a direct homage to the historical murals in the original laguna honda building. it features to large tile walls. by observing residents, the gardens created a public artwork in the form of the handrail. in one of the outdoor courtyards, the circular grouping of -- with a smooth
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finish. this features ten unique button sculptures with different pastel colors that function not only as a place to sit, but also as a touchstone to something recognizable, familiar, and comforting. another key component included an art project that responded directly to the hospital's rich history. using archival images and artifacts, had designed 16 intricately woven tapestries that are inviting of significant events that shaped the hospital and the community over time. a >> it attracts a lot of visitors, and they are all and all - -in aw -- in awe over the
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variety of mediums used. >> i think we have given the city of san francisco and the residents an incredible art collection. it really encourage people to come and visit the new facility, also to see the arts. >> for more information, visit sfartscommisis >> hello. welcome to "culturewire." we are here today with bay area artist jody chanel, and we are here to see the plaza where
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your piece has just been installed. >> i have been doing large-scale paintings in the galleries and museums, and the idea that in the future, i could do something that would hang out a little bit longer than the duration of the installation the kind of appeal to me. i quickly found out about the san francisco arts commission school and realized there was a pre-qualified school you had to apply to, so i applied to the. >> how long did it take you to develop this work for the plaza? >> this was a fast track project. design development was about a month. >> let's look at the beautiful mural. i have never seen a mural created on asphalt. >> the heat of the asphalt, a new layer of asphalt. then, these wire rope templates
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that were fabricated for the line work get laid down and literally stamped into the asphalt, and then everything was hand-painted. >> maybe you could talk about some of the symbolism, maybe starting in the middle and working out. >> [inaudible] the flower of industry. >> it is like a compass. there's an arrow pointing north. >> within the great bear consolation, there are two pointed stars here. they typically lead one to the northstar, otherwise known as polaris. so i thought it has a layer of theme. >> let's talk about some of the other elements in the peace. we are walking along, and there is a weather vane. there's a sweet little bird hanging on the side. what kind of bird is that?
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>> [inaudible] the smallest of the gulf species, and it lives around the bay area. >> you want to talk about the types of flour patterns that you send? >> [inaudible] around 1926 or so by the dahlia society. >> what is this bird here? >> that is the california quail. >> coming up here, we had a little blustery theme. what is this area here? >> this is supposed to be the side view, the expense of the golden gate bridge. >> there it is. >> there are really beautiful elements of architecture still around, i would say
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