tv [untitled] June 26, 2011 11:30am-12:00pm PDT
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we would need a minimum of three classes a year which would be consistent with when myself and capt. goldberg and today is my 30th anniversary in the police department. they were hiring five classes at a time back in the early eighties. that has all come to a close within the next three to five years. >> commissioner kingsley. >> happy anniversary. >> the community policing, did i understand it correctly that that is being coupled with another schedule which is a tuesday at center something that will occur every week. >> there will be weekly meetings on the drafting of the community policing general order and then there is weekly meetings on the drafting of the career
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development. there are several channel orders not connected to one another. >> this is happening every week at what time and place. >> i don't know if this is a set date but i believe that community policing is on mondays and i want to say this is at 10:00 at the police academy but i can confirm that for you. >> was involved? >> whoever would like to be. there are various members of the department and the community. they will be coordinating committee meetings. the commissioner asked that one of the meetings is in chinatown. whatever means we can get in between now and september, i
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will be going out starting in july to meet with the rank-and- file. there will be no order without representation in the assembly. >> does the committee advisory board, all of these folks have been invited already. >> they would like to come. >> terrific. >> thank you for that update. >> is there any relationship on that side? >> this could be as easy as the person trying to be conscientious who was going to do the suicide or the firearm, he wanted it right by police station. we don't know. >> thank you. >> are there any academy classes
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in the budget for next year. if there is none this year or next year? >> the supervisor is it the exigency of the circumstances. they were finding some way to do and backs. they are very genuine and they appreciate the reality of the circumstance. >> -- if they don't find any academy classes. i'm glad they are sincere and i hope that they act on that.
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there putting the city in potential risk of losing officers. how many recruits have we sent in and how many do we get out of a class, something like 30. >> laterals, we have a better graduation rate. there are a lot of police officers right now because the cities have not renegotiated. they are out there to be had. >> you talked about private this weekend. last year, there was an incident. >> there was a shooting last year. we have stepped up the numbers. we're hopeful that we will go back to the prior saturdays and i spent many up in the castro and i'm hopeful that it is that sort of event. >> the year before, at the
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triangle was damaged. >> yes, that was actually a an inside job. >> i heard it was vandalism. >> i think it was an accident. >> i just wanted to check on this weekend. >> thank you. >> line item @ b. >> this is the review of recent activities. >> good evening, director hicks. >> good evening. >> as was indicated, the board of supervisors' budget and finance committee considered the police department budget and the occ's budget is part of our department. the budget as proposed by the mayor remained intact. and this is the first step and
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the budget and finance committee will have their final deliberations on june 30th and the budget will be introduced to the full board of july 12th. the first vote is july 19th. the final adoption is july 26th. the budget as proposed by the mayor does not contain any cuts. and there will be no layoffs at tghhe occ. there will be three senior investigative positions, a 16th line investigator position is supposed to be funded after september.
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i am looking at some alternatives. >> maybe we can get the board of supervisors to consider another academy class for you and a couple of more investigators. obviously, our opinion is that a stronger occ makes a strong police department. whatever you need from us, we will be there for you. >> thank you very much. >> are there any questions for director vix? please call line item 2 c? >> i want to take this up to 82 think the chief flaw in the negotiations and the reference to the budget crisis.
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there is a lot going on. many members of our city and family and i want to commend them. i would like to think commander lee for the reform. i think that we should clear up some discrepancies. i went shopping. the day and there was a petition and i hear people say that the need to take police officers money away. while i agree that there is need for reform, i think that we have to stop and take a close look at what has been taking place. i picked up the article in fortune magazine. the author is sitting there in pacific heights talking about police department pension in a national magazine and there are some officers sitting in their garage wondering if they can pay their mortgage.
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there sipping a beer and not wine. here is my concerns. when this financial crisis for a hit, the focus was on the wall street executives. this was the people who were trading on the backs of the pensions, the venture capitalists, the fine answers. suddenly, there is an aversion to the backs of our civil service. so, i am very concerned about this. there was -- he received his vacation years for 30 years of service he had not taken. there is some misrepresentations and there and i commend everyone for their work on this.
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i don't want this to fall on the backs of our police officers. we asked him to do with mental health issues. we asked them to deal with suicides. we expect a lot out of our officers and when they leave for work and they kissed their loved ones could buy, they have a chance of not coming home. i commend everyone but when we listen to the venture tactless and the bankers and to listen to some officer that is not a big pension, there is some misrepresentations out there and i feel the need to clarify this. the focus was on the walls to detectives and now they're trying to help us. the whole world thinks that seventh is the police officers are fat cats and that is wrong.
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that is my announcement and i feel strongly about it. commissioners, any announcements? >> well, i went to a party. >> we went to a celebration of the promotion and that was a lot of fun and it was a lot of people. many people are excited by his promotion. >> any other commission reports? >> we call commission announcements. >> what i would like to do is that i know the charter says that we should have elections
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in april and i cannot recall if we agreed to extend at that time but i would like to look into that and i thought that we could do some research and look into that. if we did not, we could recall whether or not we should have elections. >> next week is a committee meeting. >> july 6th. >> i think that he has an announcement about our next meeting. >> next wednesday night, the 29 of june. the commission will be meeting at the district at visitation valley middle school.
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>> we have done a lot of work this year and it was scheduled from our retreat. one of them was working on identifying a new police chief. we have accomplished some of the things identified as the party. i recommend vacation time. we will refocus on our subject matter prerelease for the commission and work to identify where we want to go for the rest of the year. >> i know that there is quite an extensive party and we had a
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retreat and we came together with all the parties and the number one was mental health issues. we have attacked that. we are in the process of the commission's priorities. this is an ever-changing target in terms of priority. we can work with you with what we think your priorities are. we will give you some feedback. what you should do is scheduled this for another date of 10 to commissioners, tell me when you think we should do this. >> i will forward a list of priorities up to date to the police chief so that he is up to date to that extent. the director already has that from other commission meetings. is that right? >> yes, i would like to also have it.
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i have it from other commission members. >> my only comment about the priority list is that there seems to be something that we use when we need it and want it. we should probably figure out if it is every two months or something like that. that is my main concern. >> i echo your concern in terms of kind of going out. i have all only been on the commission for roughly 11 months and my perception was that maybe it kind of drifted off a little bit because we
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became very distracted on some urgent crises. personally, i would like to see us refocused every month and that needs to be addressed for a few minutes said that we can remain true to our predetermines priority items and maintain the flexibility that we need to address more urgent things that come up. we do this at a conscious level. >> my concern is more that we have these retreats. those are the kind of benchmarks for us. i would like to get those and we sort of measure things. we might want to have another retreat. >> we want to wrap up the issues that we raised. >> is there any further comments
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or recommendations? we will now turn to public comment. public comment regarding lines 2 a, b, c, d. >> good evening. with the exception of the police chief, i would like to pull you out of your drunken stupor. august 12th, they had to raise the debt ceiling 1.9 trillion. they start issuing tracks 30 days. california has a deficit right now of 22 and a half million, next year, 40 billion, the final year, 70 billion, maybe. we don't have the power to print money.
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the average police officer -- and so is the fire man. this cannot go on. that is the problem. it cannot go on past 2018 or 2019 or san francisco will be in bankruptcy. you have to understand that. this is not a joking matter. we sit and talk to a police officer cannot pay his mortgage. there are many people cannot pay their mortgages. 40% of the houses in the u.s. have to refinance or are under water. we are in a worldwide contraction. those are facts.
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the average police officer makes 58 or 65,000 a year with three to five years' work back up. we are in an area where is of a grand jury last year or in 2009 came out with a statement that san francisco by 2017 or 2018 will be in bankruptcy based on two pensions and salaries. i think you have to look at reality here. the city will either have to freeze the pensions and payrolls of 29,000 people or lay off 10,000 people. that is coming. while you sit here and pontificate about 3% or 5% cuts or whether the police department can have another academy, there are sheriff's out here talking
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about merging the police department and the sheriff's department. i thank you for your time. >> is any further public comment? hearing none, public item is closed. >> item number four is public comment on all matters pertaining to item number6 below and closed session for disciplinary cases. >> public comment on handling disciplinary matters in closed session. hearing none, the next item. >> item 5 is a vote on whether to hold closed session included a vote on whether to assert the attorney client privilege. >> so moved. >> ladies and gentlemen, we will now move into closed
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>> we're back in session. the first item, a review of factual findings was taken off calendar due to a lack of quorum. for the record that has been removed. with reference to the remaining portions of our closed session, do i have a motion regarding disclosure? >> i motion that we not disclose. >> hearing no public comment, please call the next item. >> next item is number eight. adjournment. >> do i have a motion? >> i would like to move to
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>> i'm your host of "culturewire," and today, here at electric works in san francisco. nice to see you today. thanks for inviting us in and showing us your amazing facility today. >> my pleasure. >> how long has electric works been around? >> electric works has been in san francisco since the beginning of 2007. we moved here from brisbane from
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our old innovation. we do printmaking, gallery shows, and we have a fabulous retail store where there are lots of fun things to find. >> we will look at all of that as we walk around. it is incredible to me how many different things you do. how is it you identify that san francisco was in need of all these different services? >> it came from stepping out of graduate school in 1972. i wrote a little thing about how this is an idea, how our world should work. it should have printmaking, archiving, a gallery. it should have a retail store. in 1972, i wanted to have art sales, point-of-sale at the grocery store. >> so you go through the manifesto. with the bay area should have. you are making art incredibly accessible in so many different ways, so that is a good segue.
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let's take a walk around the facilities. here we are in your gallery space. can you tell me about the current show? >> the current show is jeff chadsey. he is working on mylar velum, a smooth, beautiful drawing surface. i do not know anyone that draws as well as he does. it is perfect, following the contours and making the shape of the body. >> your gallery represents artists from all over, not just the bay area, an artist that work in a lot of different media. how to use some of what you look for in artists you represent? >> it is dependent on people are confident with their materials. that is a really important thing. there is enough stuff in the world already. >> you also have in his current show an artist who makes sculpture out of some really interesting types of materials. let's go over and take a look at
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that. here we are in a smaller space. project gallery. >> artists used the parameters of this space to find relationships between the work that is not out in the big gallery. >> i noticed a lot of artists doing really site-specific work. >> this is a pile of balloons, something that is so familiar, like a child's balloon. in this proportion, suddenly, it becomes something out of a dream. >> or a nightmare. >> may be a nightmare. >> this one over here is even harder to figure out what the initial material is. >> this is made out of puffy paint. often, kids use it to decorate their clothes. she has made all these lines of paint. >> for the pieces we are looking at, is there a core of foam or something in the middle of these
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pieces that she built on top of? >> i'm not telling. >> ah, a secret. >> this silver is aluminum foil, crumbled of aluminum foil. her aesthetic is very much that quiet, japanese spatial thing that i really admire. their attention to the materiality of the things of the world. >> this is a nice juxtaposition you have going on right now. you have a more established artists alongside and emerging artists. is that something important to you as well? >> very important in this space, to have artists who really have not shown much. now let's look at other aspects of electric works operation. let's go to the bookstore. >> ok. >> in all seriousness, here we
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are in your store. this is the first space you encounter when you come in off the street. it has evolved since you open here into the most amazingly curious selection of things. >> this was the project for the berkeley art museum. it was -- this is from william wiley's retrospective, when he got up onstage to sing a song, 270 people put on the cat. >> it is not just a bookstore. it is a store. can you talk us through some of your favorites? >> these are made in china, but they are made out of cattails. >> these pieces of here, you have a whale head and various animals and their health over there, and they are jewelry. >> we do fund raisers for nonprofits, so we are doing a project for the magic theater, so there are some pretty funny cartoons. they are probably not for prime time.
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>> you sort of have a kind of holistic relationship where you might do merchandise in the store that promotes their work and practice, and also, prince for them. maybe we should go back and look at the print operation now. >> let's go. >> before we go into the print shop, i noticed some incredible items you have talked back here. what are we standing in front of? >> this is william wiley, only one earth. this is a print edition. there are only eight total, and what we wanted to do was expand the idea of printmaking. this is really an art object. there we go. >>
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