tv [untitled] June 29, 2011 1:30am-2:00am PDT
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. inside, it is a different story. where we came from, we did not have a lot of males around, but as you can see, she has raised a whole lot of them, and everybody is doing good, and everybody would like to thank you all for everything you have done and for allowing the name to continue on like that. so thank you very much. [applause] >> i am just going to pick it up. in the great-grandson of always westbrook. -- i and the great-grandson of -- i am the great-grandson of eloise westbrook. she has created a great lineage.
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for the people who have not had somebody to fight for them, she was the voice of reason for people who did not have a voice, and i say today, to everyone who made this possible, the fight is not over. we still have to continue the good fight. i am an iraqi veteran. a couple of years ago, myself, i was homeless. now, i am getting help. we have an issue going on in the city dealing with mental health. we have to address this. if each and every person -- yes, ma'am? >> madea is my grandmother. >> yes, so we have to deal with this, this mental health. so it is good to see you. we talked before, but everybody here that made this project happen, let's continue to do the good work and keep up the good fight. thank you. [applause]
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>> i'm eloise's granddaughter. i want to say thank you. my grandmother is not able to make it, i guess you all know, but she said her best wishes. thank you. [applause] >> i would just like to thank you for coming out to the celebration. a lot of people ask me when i am working -- i do work on the san francisco cable cars. come out and ride if you have time. anyway, they always ask me if i like my job. so i am going back to her. she really did like her job. she liked her job. it helps to like your job, you know?
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i sat with her a few times, and she really did care about the people, and she tried to help the people. was not talking down to them. she actually cared to help them get their services. another thing that comes to mind is in the scriptures, it says when you give something, do not get it grudgingly. they do not want it if you are giving it grudgingly. did it with love. so she gave it with love. when you do something, do it with love. i was on my way here, listening to a song called "stepping in the name oof love -- of love" by r. kelly. he says if they ask why you did it, say you did it for love. i think that is why she did it. [applause]
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>> i am also one of the great- grandchildren of miss was sparked -- miss westbrook. i am very thankful, also, in light of the contribution you have blessed my grandmother with. she is very happy for this project here when you were about 97% finished, and you allow me to come video tape these things for her, she was really happy at what she had seen, and i wanted to thank you for that. anything we can do to put a smile on faces of folks who have sacrificed so much on behalf of us, you know, is a good thing. for those of us, you know, who are in member growing up, who have to look out for me while grandma was dealing in some of these meetings, you know, i want to thank you for your help and those of you who helped her, because when your honor, you
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also honored those who contributed -- when you honor her, you also honor those who contributed, those who helped her along the way. though she may be the one out front, she is always backed up by good health, and that is what made her and pushed her to be who and what she is. without some of your help, they could have chosen a different name, but i'm glad you chose to honor her in this way because if you had given another plaque and award, she would have just waited until you left and then told me to go put it in the closet with the rest. [laughter] so, of course, she is very thankful. very thankful. let us not forget about those who sacrificed so much on behalf of us. for a lot of them, it is on, you
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know, their shoulders many of us stand. because we stand on their shoulders, we get benefits, but it is based of somebody else's sacrifice, work, bloodshed, tears, and everything else. so i stand here grateful to be a great grandson of ms. westbrook. may god bless me to be worthy of such. thank you all. [applause] >> we have just a couple more people. let me just say, it is not in what order you come to the podium. it is the fact that we are here to recognize something that is outstanding and good for our community and good for the citizens of san francisco. i'm sure nancy would have taken that position at any meeting or any public presentation she
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made. i have been to a lot of her -- i have even visited her in washington, d.c. she is a sincere person that is concerned about what happens to people. especially dealing with people in the health field. dealing with people in housing. dealing with those that cannot reach out and do the things they need to do and need that additional help. so there is a representative from her office, and i am so proud that she is here. so i would like to bring her up to the podium. would you please come up, nicole rivera? [applause] >> thank you, charles. i know it is hot, so i'm going to make this break. the leader would have loved to be here. she is currently traveling, but she did send a letter greeting she asked for me to read to all of you today. "dear friends, congratulations on the ribbon cutting and grand opening of the new west park
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plaza, which includes the new south of market hulbert -- the new west block plaza, which includes the new south of market health center. i had the pleasure of touring this beautiful new facility and meeting so many of you. san francisco is fortunate to have a new state-of-the-art medical facility that is fully equipped to respond to the increasing an urgent health care needs of the south of market neighborhood. together, we will witness a significant increase in the success of managing ellis, maintaining health, and improving the quality of life for the south of market seniors, children, and family spirit it was fitting that the first anniversary of the passage in congress of the affordable care act was celebrated here. without community-based clinics, thousands of men, women, and children would be without access to health care. thank you to charlie range, you're devoted staff, and medical and health-care providers for your leadership and work on the front lines to
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supervisor avalos: good morning. welcome to the city operations and neighborhood services committee. my name is supervisor john avalos, the chair of the committee. joined to my right by supervisor eric mar, to my left, sean elsbernd. madam court, please share with us your announcements -- clerk, please share with us your announcements. >> if you wish to submit a copy of your presentation to the committee, please submit a copy. >> please call item one. >> item 1. resolution authorizing the
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office of treasurer-tax collector to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $240,000 from the earned assets resource network for kindergarten to college program participant incentive funds. supervisor avalos: great. >> good morning. i am with the treasurer-tax office. this is an accept and expend for the initial pilot years of the program. one of them is the dollar per dollar match funds up to $100, for a famine that saves up to $100. we will provide a dollar match for that. the second is the $100 saved steady incentive. when a family has direct posit, we are going to provide another $100 to that account to provide an incentive. this provides the funding in order for us to have that. we would like to think the
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current assets resource network and the san francisco supervisors for doing this. supervisor avalos: is there any other general fund support? in last year's budget there was. >> there is a general fund support for the program, over all, but not for the incentives. in fact, the incentives are provided because the city is doing the $50 per student, $100 for students to qualify for free or reduced lunch. supervisor avalos: last year, it was a bit of a hot potato in the budget. this year will be smooth sailing? >> that is my understanding. there have been no issues. supervisor avalos: the question last year was new program while we were cutting other services. in the end, we approved the program, which i think has great value for initiating savings in
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families. i thought it was a worthy program to support in the end. this year, it looks like it is going forward. very good. any other questions from the committee? public comment. >> good morning. my name is douglas yepp. i would like to speak out in favor of this item, but i have some cautionary statements. some of my neighbors were concerned that the government was expanding its reach a bit too far. whatever explanation i gave them did not satisfy them. one of the concerns they mention is that there should be more emphasis on primary and secondary school education, rather than trying to expand the government's scope to college
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education. so in a sense, i tend to agree with them. if a child does not get a good primary and secondary education , whatever dollars you give them available for college will probably be wasted, even if the child showed interest in going to college. the other concern i have that some of my neighbors mentioned to me was whether there was any emphasis on vocational education. it is no secret we need more plumbers, engineers, etc., so i would like to offer some of my neighbors suggestions, that some of the money be used for vocational education. by the time they graduate from high school, it should be clear sailing through the apprentice program, and then they would have jobs that could support their families in the future. thank you. supervisor avalos: thank you. is there anyone from the public
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that would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. motion moved forward without recommendation. voted to the full board with recommendation. please call item two. >> this will also go as a committee report. item 2. resolution authorizing the port of san francisco to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $7,783,556 from the department of homeland security, 2009 port security grant program fund, for the pier 27 cruise ship terminal security system at the port of san francisco. >> good morning, mr. chairman. director of homeland security at the port of san francisco. i come to request approval of an accept and expend of $7,783,556
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to install and maintain the infrastructure. supervisor avalos: thank you. public comment. >> good morning. my name is douglas yepp. i would like to speak in favor of this item. i know this may bother some people but in my discussions, it seems san francisco has been overlooked as a target for terrorists. some people think that no one would dare to damage san francisco's reputation as a tolerant city, but i, among others, feel like our enemies might be bold enough to use our tolerance against us. this item should be approved, and it would be well-used, especially when there has been some emphasis on the federal level to inspect incoming cargo
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containers. thank you. supervisor avalos: thank you. we will close public comment period moved forward as a committee report with recommendations. item three please. >> item 3. resolution authorizing the port of san francisco to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $1,612,357 from the department of homeland security, 2007 supplemental infrastructure protection port security grant program for homeland security improvements on the port's waterfront. >> this is a three-part accept and expend authorization. pier 50 emergency power. there is no emergency power at this point. high-security sensing, phase three. that is continued installation of fencing throughout the court.
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and finally, building occupancy function program. this is a resiliency system to get our system on line after a disaster. supervisor avalos: thank you. we will open this up for public comment. seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues? motion moved forward with recommendations as a committee report for tomorrow's board meeting. without objection. thank you, colleagues. that is our agenda. we are adjourned.
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>> good afternoon. thanks so much for joining us. we are excited to could be here today. the assessor recorder cost of this is excited to announce it again that we have come to the rescue of the city budget. over the years, we have been able to continue to bring in more money than expected. this year was no exception. even given the huge hurricane of appeals, we are able to bring in about $50 million above our projection for the city budget. that will help this year's city budget and also next year's budget. behind me are some of the people who will talk about the very important things that the money will go to. just to give you a sense of what
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we are talking about, the $50 million is almost 20% of the $300 million budget deficit. we also want you to know, $24 million of that will go to the general fund. if it were allocated exactly as general fund was broken up, then it would be $9.5 million for public safety, $6.5 million for human services, $5.2 million for health services, $4.5 million for the seven credit of five school district. we are using these numbers as illustrations, if there were exactly broken up into the dollar amounts that the general fund is allocated. what is so exciting is that just by making sure we do a better job and making sure that everybody pays their fair share that we are able to make a pretty huge impact on the city budget. what is critical as i know that
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when you hear the dollars, it is hard to comprehend what that means. i have a few folks here to join me who will be here to explain that in a much more detailed fashion. i also wanted to say we have been able to bring in extra money while at the same time dealing with over 12,000 appeals in the last two years and at the same time, down about 17,000 reductions in property last year, which we also will be reviewing. at the same time we have had to reduce money for some, it shows that even after making people pay their fair share on the downside, we have still been able to bring in 50 million extra dollars. we promised the city almost $47 million, and we are able to bring almost $97 million in this year in what we call supplementals, and that is the additional revenue of property tax dollars. with me are a couple of friends. one is linda from united
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educators. she is going to talk. and then we have guadeloupe from ace. and then elizabeth from seiu 1021, and they will be able to share with you the real nuts and bolts. >> good afternoon, everybody. i am the executive vice president of the united educators of san francisco. as executive vice president of united educators of san francisco, we represent the teachers and classified staff who work in our early childhood education program and our k-12 program. i have seen the devastation to the schools as the education budgets have been cut. you are all weary of stories of children without teachers, of classrooms without supplies, of schools dropping programs, and
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paraprofessionals and teachers being laid off. although at this point, 92 teachers and 10 paraprofessionals have been recalled from layoffs just this year. we still have nearly 200 fewer key school personnel with us for next year. that is our great concern. the difficult work done by our assessor and the dedicated men and women who serve in his office have made a dent in the juggernaut that is bearing down on the schools. the $4.5 million that will go to san francisco unified school district banks to the collection of the nearly $50 million surplus, will poke a hole in the juggernaut of the gathering clouds and shine a little light on the school district. the children of san francisco, the members of the united educators of san francisco, and
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the school community of what phil and his office for the work that they have done in san francisco. because here, we see the san francisco values are more than just lip service. but our real and mean providing the resources to take care of our children. this is why we are pleased to be here. we thank filled for his efforts. -- we thank phil for his efforts. >> [speaking spanish] >> my name is chris martinez. i am translating. she said good afternoon. -- my name is grace martinez.
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she said she is a child at the heart and a member of days. -- child at brett hart and member of grace. "my concern are all the cuts that have affected our schools." >> [speaking spanish] >> it is necessary that we find funds for education and to improve services for our families. we need to be able to work and have the capacity to have good working jobs. thank you very much. >> good afternoon.
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i am the political action share for seiu local 1021 and a nonprofit worker here in san francisco. we represent workers, rn's and other health-care providers in community clinics and in general hospitals. we represent the classified nutrition workers and the school secretaries and the folks that keep your schools clean. we also represent many of the nonprofits, especially supportive housing and mental health care. this is, for us, the third year of straight cuts in a row. we see things in san francisco that we have not seen before. we see recreation programs close, parks locked up during the day, basic city services take longer. lines are longer. and because of layoffs and freezing of front-line positions. workers in both nonprofit and the public sector have given out of their paycheck over and over
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again to try to help close these deficits, and it has been devastating. our family programs, youth violence prevention, aid services, and supportive housing. it is exciting to think that there is other ways of dealing with the budget deficit, not just cuts. there is actually weighs, and thanks to phil tin's leadership and the hard work of this office, we are able to see that being aggressive in a collection of existing revenues is also a way that we can look at the budget, and it has given a lot of hope to our workers. it has given a lot of hope to people who are very concerned and scared in these times of budget. it proves that the good work and education of this office has brought a lot of hope to education workers and people who rely on these services. we hope to continue to work together.
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thank you. >> thank you. i think you heard that the money that we bring is so critical to make sure that classroom sizes can still be maintained, that teachers can stay in classrooms instead of being sent to the streets, that health glasses can continue to be open, and parents relying on these critical city dollars can really read some of the benefit. one thing we do -- i do want to make sure you all know -- is going into next year's budget, which we hope will be approved by the board is we are asking -- we got from the mayor and additional 15 people on a temporary basis to come in and help to continue to clear up the rest of our backlog. we were hoping that by bringing in this team that we were able to do an additional $30 million that is already in the budget, so it is additional from when we
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first started our budget discussions a few months ago, and by bringing in this team, we will hopefully be able to reap significant benefits. all these numbers are already factored into the budget, so it -- there is no additional money that the mayor released, but instead of cutting that $30 million, instead of laying off people, we are able to keep those services whole and keep going. i think it is so critical. i think the people who should be thanked are the hard work and staff of this office. let me just stop here for a second and see if we have any questions. >> [inaudible] >> great question. this year, we went in with a conservative number, given the fact that we thought the market was really not in a very good place. we also anticipated that we were going
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