tv [untitled] June 29, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT
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having in maybe hunters point where we have the sewer plant and the intention about wanting to be a good neighbor which provides the frame of hour we have been thinking of what is our responsibility as far as a partner as you think of the southeast facility. the other piece that was part of the community benefit policy is for many folks in this room you were at the meeting in 2009 when the public utilities commission was here and we adopted the environmental justice policy. that policy sets the framework as we think of the improvement program, as you think of disproportionate impact and what our relationship needs to be with this community. the third piece of context you think of as we have been thinking about, the rejuvenation of the center, is the fact that the sewer system improvement program is coming to san francisco and a lot of the impact will be here in bayview hunters point and of the $6
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billion proposed to rebuild the sewer system $3 billion will be next door as we look at upgrading that facility. next slide. as part of the process to get fe feedback and input with regard to how the facility is being utilized we have embarked on a very extensive engagement process to hear from the community. in one of the early meetings what we heard from one of the folks in the meeting is we told you what we wanted and we told you probably 30 years ago, 25 years ago, as part of the mitigation there was a lot of feedback that we need to go back to the mitigation agreement because people spent a hrlot ofe talking about it. so that was the first step. in addition we have done over 100 interviews and meetings. we have met with community leaders, met with city college staff people, city college board
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members and the southeast commission facility members, commissioners. we have done focus groups with young people. several of them did focus groups with elders and favorite based organizations. we distributed and got surveys back and have done interviews and meetings of all the current and proposed future tenants. we have worked with consultants who are here today. davis and associates, mary, hope rose and this outreach to make sure folks knew the meeting was happening and it was going to be on the agenda. the next slide talks about what we heard. many of them will not be a surprise. one is the facility is underutilized. if you come into the space and we have been spending hours popping into the space, and it is underutilized. there is a lack of information on programs and services.
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many said they don't know -- they have no idea what is going on in the building. there is a desire from many that we talked to in the spirit that this was supposed to be an educational facility and they want access to other city college campuses and understanding this can't be as robust, can't be the only place where educational opportunities are taking place and they need access to other campuses. employment services came up in almost every conversation so local jobs, jobs for young people and people that have not been working and people are interested in the construction that will be available and interested in how are we thinking about jobs as we think about this building around hiring local to staff the building. any time there is an opportunity thinking of the jobs piece. this came up that was somewhat of a surprise which is the need for safe on-site parking. many say they don't use the space because parking is an issue. on the job workforce training
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was mentioned by several including some of the southeast commissi commissione commissioners. and the need for us to provide on the job workforce training. career counseling and access to the computer centers so if you walk around the buildings there are several computer centers but you need to be a city college student to access them so that is an issue. creation of a contract assistance center. previous comments tonight have talked about the fact that smaller contractors have been locked out of being able to bid on p.u.c. work and wanting ability for us to put resources to build the capacity of smaller contractors to be able to bid on p.u.c. work. increase in arts and cultural activities by young people has been brought up. support for community gardening as it relates to greenhouses and surrounding space and safety ca came up for almost everyone ranged from what people thought solutions were.
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but it was an issue that was raised. next slide is around the community. the general manager harrington described it right on point as, i think, from a p.u.c. standpoint the intent and desire is there to really partner with the community and partner with the southeast community, southeast community facility commission, on ensuring that the building lives up to the potential that was described in the mitigation and other documents, landing documents. -- planning documents. as we have gotten feedback we have thought through different criteria as it relates to this facility and things that would help us become more consistent with what was promised in the mitigation agreement. so, one criteria is having the center go back to be focused on programs that foster jobs, education, healthy, safety, welfare and honing in on those pieces. the other pieces are what you observe in the piece. everybody is saying they want
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the space to be vibrant and be a community space and be dynamic. it needs to have high foot traffic so you can come here and be here for hours and won't run into anything so we have to think through the programming that we will propose that enshraours there is a -- ensures there is a lot of foot traffic and it speaks to the last criteria is trying to work to make sure there is synergy among the tenants so you can imagine a city college student being able to get other support and talk to job training groups and that type of relationship. the last criterion is really looking at a phased approach that builds on each improvement. so some of the conversations people have asked is how long will it take? is it two years that it will take to implement the plan to revitalize the space? i think all of us know that would be too long. so part of the approach we are trying to think through and want feedback from succeed it would
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be phased approached and there would be improvements that are hang esthetic and functional, building improvements and different tenants coming in and, for example, city college in their class offerings that wouldn't have us waiting a long period of time for the changes to take place. the next slide talks about, describes the approach we have been taking as we go through the process. one is looking at programmatic and second is building and infrastructure improvements. around programmatic improvements the focus is realizing the praoeurtsz articulate -- priorities articulated by the community and leveraging between the programs and tenants so there needs to be a relationship between the different tenants that would be in the space and we need high foot traffic and there needs to be a commitment around building a sense of community in the building and ownership of that and we have a commitment around the local workforce. so, as you look and hear as we
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talk about some of changes we are proposing there is a local workfor workforce component in everything we are looking at. around the building and infrastructural improvements there's been some short-term improvements that many of you have observed around painting and fixing elevators and landscaping. then there is long stormy esthetic and functional improvements that need to happen to make it more usable. the next slide lists who the existing tenants and programs are. so, city college, human services agency, head start program. renaissance for success. hunters point project area committ committee. we have southeast community facilities staff as well as greenhouses. as a little piece of information all of the tenants are on a month-to-month lease and that has been the situation for a
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while as this has been under way with regard to thinking of the pobts possibilities for the space. people ask how much space is being lease bid whom. the tphebnext slide provides information on that. you see the first pie chart it shows city college leases 89% from the p.u. krfpc. head start baby pack are the rest. city college leases almost 30% to h.s.a. and 2% to renaissance. the greenhouses next door that were part of the original agreement represent almost three acres of space. this slide describes the conversations and dialogues we have been in since december with
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city college. for the southeast commissioners you will remember you had city college give an update to you and we met with them shortly after and that was it december, i think, that we met with them and they were definitely ready to have a conversation about what is working and what is not working with regard to their class offering here at this campus. so, i think that the vice chancellor jorge bell is here and he will make some comments at the end. we met with everyone from the vice chancellor who has been our main point of contact in that he has been able to bring the deans from the different schools into the conversation with us as we thought about going back to focus on job readiness, what type of classes and course work are appropriate for the community. is it two-year programs or eight weeks and more certificate based programs that result in people getting jobs? i know that there's been a rocky relationship from the p.u.c. in the building and rocky relationship with city college
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in the building. but our conversations with them since january they have been very great to work with and extremely transparent, showing us enrollment records of the course offerings where you can see which classes have high demand and which classes do not. and they have been honest to have conversations that you are offering six classes with three people enrolled and you have waiting lists around child development and in the nursing program and e.s.o. so they had been -- they have been a great partner and i appreciate there are willingness to roll up their sleeves and think differently about what is going to make it work for the space. so, the conversations have resulted in us moving into this direction where they are proposing that beginning in january they would begin to have here at this facility a missions counselor, an enrollment support person, a financial aid staff person so that individuals that
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come into the facility could get the services to talk to a counselor and talk about enrollment and financial aid. and they said nobody should be turned away from city college because they don't have financial resources in trying to make sure the support and information is there and people are not disincentivized to access city college. they have agreed to focus on the highest demand classes so you will see a change come january where it will be more focused on what people say they are using and what they heard in the survey in regard to wanting a more robust nursing program, et cetera. classes will be shorter term and focus on vocational and they agreed to have greater access beyond the students to the computer labs to the library, et cetera, and even with the classrooms the conversations have been around our commitment that we need more foot traffic in the building. so, talking with them to get a sense of what are their space
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needs so if you are not using classrooms we will have others use them so you don't have big five hour blocks where there is flog happening with a classroom. the next slide talks about some of the deans that have been at the table. they include the administration of justice department and fire science that trains people to be e.m.t.'s, firefighters, et cetera. child development department, curl narrow arts and hospitality dean. english as a second language has been deep in conversation. horticulture department having access to greenhouses as they think of what could be happening. design and merchandising, labor and community studies program. vocational nursing and small pwebusiness center dean. so, it has been numerous meetings and it is not just on paper. we met with them again yesterday and they are trying to get a better sense of when they can roll this out, how much space
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will they need. what are the commitments, et cetera. the additional changes we have been in conversation with city college about are that wae are thinking that the publi utilities commission will take over all custodial and security for the building. right now city college is responsible for the custodial for 89% of the building and security. and it is super expensive and they are facing their own financial shortfalls based on the state. and the inability for the p.u.c. als the owner to -- as the owner to quality control and if we take that on it helps the city college but allows us to take control of whatever is happening in the building and hire local firms as we think about those pieces of work. around the security piece, we met with the police chief. he was not the police chief when we met him but to talk about security in the area and
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opportunities to think through a collaboration both with the police department, shiver's department -- sheriff's department and hiring local security to get through the security issues. some of it is people power, a situation where we need more people in the building that are doing security. the other piece as we talk about building improvements some esthetic improvements will help us deal with security issues. the hrlast piece of this with cy hall as far as the partnership -- and this is based on what we heard from the community -- wanting access to other city college campuses. so we are in conversations about providing free shuttle service from bayview hunters point that with hit the other campuses and we would provide that that would hit the mission campus, main campus so people would have access in a safe way.
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the other additional partners and programs and services we have been thinking through, one of the potential partners is the charter school. it is a school that was started out of the sheriff's department and provides g.e.d. support, high school diplomacy, e.s.o. and it would be able to partner with city college and be able to provide students that come through joint credits so you can get city college credit and high school credit at the same time. we did one of the first tours at the building in the new year, in january, and as we were walking through the building and went in to talk to the folks at renaissance for success, one of the people was a graduate of the charter school and we were like that is what you hope, you run into people that can vouch for the program. so, the school is now being
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housed at the bayview ymca and they are at full capacity at the ymca so the idea is they would be one of the anchors. hunters point family services does job development and training. they are going to be the vendor at the grocery store fresh and easy and we have been in conversations with them about coming in to the building and acting as a possible vendor as far as thinking about a cafe or space in the building. the san francisco public utilities contractor assistance center is a program that has been in the works for a year under the leadership of many peop people. and again this contract assistance pursuit has been of late and will help build the capacity of smaller contractors to build on p.u.c. and other city work and also be a position that works with our contracting
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department at p.u.c. to see how you make contracts and make them for attractive to smaller contractors to bid on our work. so, that will be housed here at the southeast facility. we are in conversations with young community developers. they are also a job training organization in the community a long time and we are looking at the synergy of other folks in the building. we have a social enterprise organization that has been in conversations looking at possible partnerships with the green house folks. so, thinking around a job strategy as it relates to the greenhouses. a machinist program is another program that was really led by the leadership of wastewater and as the assistant general manager he is seeing there is a growing field around machinists and he has seen models where this has
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worked and is in conversation with the san francisco school district about a model program that could be housed here. for people that don't spend a lot of time in district 10 you may not understand why the club is on the power point but many in the room probably know why the sewing club is there. we have heard from many members that it was seniors that really had a lot of value around the sewing classes offered by city college. so that is one of the programs that we have heard over and over is important to reinstate in the space. the ability to align the arts enrichment dollars with this building. so everything from talking about a rotating gathering that would be in the space that with highlight the art of local artists to doing historical work. so, even espinola's history of the center and we have talked about everything from doing an
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oral history project, et cetera. the next slide talks about building improvements. there is some tenant and common area improvements that include better kind of landscaping, lighting, windows, doors. if you have a chance and haven't will a chance to walk through, there are things that could be improved in the common areas that are important and help with the security issues as well. we talked about moving the reception desk so it would be -- you would have a greeter when you come in and you could hire local individuals to welcome people, direct them, et cetera. so a look at local jobs and you want people when you come into a plates and y-- place we want pe to welcome you. clear signage is important. if you come in different doors you can get lost and either you get rid of the doors and have one or you have ways to find out
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where you are. increased access to conference and meetings. with all of the potential tenants we have talked about what their space needs are and pushed back so we don't need eight different conference rooms. we need a couple of conference rooms that they share. we need robust commuter labs that everybody can access. the staffing is the next bullet point. tony has done an amazing job of staffing the commission. as far as there being staff that can maintain the building management so when elevator is not working or lights are broke we need>> and the last point ta- about looking at this building, as within about green, innovative thinkers, we do everything from solar to rain barrels to things with fish and waste.
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how do we pilot some of the things in the community? the next slide talks about timeline. everyone wants to know when and how much. we don't really have answers to either. the best question that we have today is that we have been partnering with the department of public works. part of it is trying to get a sense of how much people asking for, and what would it look like as you plan of the building? it would be completed by the end of the summer. we have been handling community members. and we start having tenants
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moving in in january. and we would bring people and with the understanding that we're going to do work around folks. and will have the time line, and improvements that will take place. the other option is that you do the construction and wait a couple years which seems like not a great approach. the question about the budget has been raised and where we are now is really a working with the architects in getting a sense for what the budget is going to cost. we are in close conversations, and we know there is the money coming into the southeast center for the last several years.
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they hope to have its seven in. we can continue to engage in the southeast facilities commission. we have hundreds of meetings and that is why we have done about reach. we really do see the southeast commission of something. we have been there, it is the first bullet. we want to move as quickly as possible.
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doing extensive conversations with people. we can open it up for questions at this point. they have been a partner and they can take comments if you like. i did not know how you like to do this. commissioner moran: i like to have the commissioners asked questions first and moved to the community. anyone from the commission that has any questions at this time? i see no hands. one. >> just a thank-you for an incredible presentation. [applause] i know how long it takes to put something like this together, but i also know what it took. there is a tremendous overview
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facilities commission, we brought this issue of the number of times. or some type of joint committee to where the plan is going to be transparent and during every step of this process, the community needs are being met in august, december, january, and throughout the process. >> it was based on the feedback, and do we come through the community facility committee of the southeast commission. is it that we do it through that?
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is there an understanding that we need to engage the commission. is it that committee that we should be coming true or delete >> of the southeast community facilities, we spent a lot of time having the individual conversations with you all as well as going back to those documents that talked-about your role and why you were created. the truth is, there is not enough bandwidth to have hundreds of meetings that we have been doing, literally, since december. we don't have enough staff to be doing that at that level. the southeast community facilities commission, the helpful role that you
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