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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm PDT

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administration cost. this project will also match prop k funds for the buy program in a 11-12. the project was broken into two separate projects. one that focused on procurement, one that looked out of reach. only the procurement portion of the project was actually eligible for the tfca funds. the average component will be moved over into the other part i mentioned. the department of the environment also has a school ride matching program. this is aimed at reducing vehicle miles traveled to schools. the last one is the bayview hunters shuttle service. this would provide one year of operating funds for one shuttle. this shuttle is currently funded with lifeline transportation funds through june 2011 and has no identify the source past that date until the next transportation cycle.
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now i would like to invite my colleague to talk about the third project that is listed, the integrated tdm project. >> good morning, commissioners. i will be very brief. i will also be coming up over item made to talk about this. the travel demand management project is a mouthful of the authority, sfmta, the part of the barn, and planning department, with a number of planning alamance. if you have specific questions, i would be happy to answer them. commissioner campos: any
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questions? no questions. >> i will briefly mention the three products we are not recommending. the first is the bikeway. the plan was to construct separate bike weighs between baker and scott. it provides a key link between the panhandle and market street. this project was not recommended for tfca funds. the scandal showed construction starting in august 2013 the month before they use the debt binds the issue. we have worked with the sfmta to prepare prop k allocation requests, which you will hear during agenda item seven. this approach will said the construction phase of the project to be very competitive for future tfca cycles or other discretionary programs. publicly available bike parking
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facility on chavis as at minnesota street. this project exceeding the air district threshold and is an eligible for funds. we want to continue working with project partners and developed a plan to move forward with other potential funding sources. finally, the laguna honda hospital residents and visitors employee shuttle. this was a project connecting laguna honda hospital to the muni station and then adding new service to the glen park bart station. we did not recommended for funding because after funding higher priority projects and the bayview hunters point project, there are insufficient funds for this project. similar to the chavis bike parking facilities, we want to continue to work with partners to see how we can look at the regional pot of money.
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the last slide shows at the schedule of where we go from here. after we take it from this committee to the board of the and despite having a master funding agreement with the air district and a few weeks. then we work with grant sponsors in july. funding should be ready august 2011. with that, i can take questions on this project. thank you -- commissioner campos: thank you for your presentation. any questions? commissioner avalos: just a question on the first project, the emergency ride home program. the proposed amount is much less than the actual cost of the program. what is the use of the program ta?
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how did we decide on this amount of allocation? >> that is a great question. staff looked at those things. >> good morning. tdm manager at the department of environment. the program, we do surveys every time we get reimbursement requests in. we have compiled the survey data for the past two years. each year, if this program was not offered, people would decrease their use of alternative transportation. basically, this provides a safety net for people to use alternative transportation, understand that if they have an emergency, they will be taken care of. with our survey data, 50% said
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they would continue using alternative transportation but less frequently if erh was not offered. commissioner avalos: talking about for dissipating businesses and the program? >> i do not have a list for you. i can get you one. commissioner avalos: just wondering how wide the participation is, how bad is being measured, and growing, when the demand is? >> when the program first started out, about 100 employers. we now have 400. we continued to grow the program. we sent out information about this program through our community benefits ordinance. every april, we get an increase in the number of applications because employers who offer commuter benefits also enroll in this program for their employees. commissioner avalos: so as more
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employers are using this program, there is a greater usage, the demand is increasing? >> the demand for alternative transportation? it is up understanding that if they use alternative transportation, they can still get home in an emergency situation, take care of their children, things like that. we see a correlation between the growth of alternative transportation modes used, with this program. commissioner avalos: we have gone from 100 employers up to 400. does that mean that the employers of those businesses, are we seeing a huge increase in usage? does that mean that we will look at this program increasing in future years? >> it is an excellent question.
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it is kind of like having insurance. having insurance encourages people to take more public transit. we have been able to spread out the amount that we can reimburse people for their tax ride home. i have not yet seen a big spike at all. commissioner campos: thank you. colleagues, any questions? i don't open it up to public comments. is there any member of the public that would like to comment on this item? >> we would like to thank the staff of the mta for working on our proposal. as was mentioned, lifeline was supposed to have -- and rfp went out a year-and-a-half ago. the winter and evaluation process that required them a lifeline. without these funds, the shuttle
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will not be able to continue to operate. in addition to that, we would like the commission to be able to encourage administrative haste in developing the contract in moving forward because, without it, we will have to cease operations on june 30. currently, when we started, we were carried 12 passengers a month. we carry 200 a day now. we're interested in making sure we do not have a break in service and whether we are able to bill retroactively starting from july for an expedited contracting process, we see as essential for our project contingency. commissioner campos: thank you. next speaker? >> good morning, directors. and the fortune with the bicycle coalition. we are very surprised about the bike share program, the match that will help the city go forward. if things go according to plan, next year you might be taking a
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share but somewhere in town. that is important as we prepare for america's cup. we are encouraged by the prospects of bike sharing. city share, this will add more bikes to the program. if there is a bike over there, you might take it instead of driving. there is programmatic support coming as a prop k allocation later to help people understand the availability, maize and education and training on the bikes. the school tried matching system. a nice complement to the safer to school program that we're working with city partners on to help parents drive less by sharing rides. not everyone can walk and bike. if you drive, make sure you do so efficiently. finally, i wanted to speak to the bike project allocation that did not come forward and the recommendations. we are all right with that. i want to extend thanks and appreciation to staff for bringing this together.
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it is quite a lot of work to make sense out of a good program. the fellow proposal does not make much sense here for the reason that we told you. that will be coming to you for your consideration and item seven. again, i hope that you approve this batch, and we look forward to getting to work. commissioner campos: is there any member of the public that would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. i do have a quick follow up on a point made by mr. moody, in terms of the timeline for finalizing the contract. how quickly do you think that can happen? >> we have to look at the master funding agreements. >> we have been working with the air district to speed up that process.
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as soon as the air district sends it back to us, we should be able to get that contract out immediately to the sponsors. it is a matter of days. commissioner campos: great. i know the time line is creeping up on us. colleagues, i do not know if you have any other comments. i want to thank all of you for the work you did here. a lot of work and time went into this. colleagues, we have an item before us. motion by commissioner david chiu, seconded by commissioner avalos. can we take that without objection? thank you very much. please call item six. >> item 6. recommend allocation of $25,287,291 in prop k funds, with conditions, for fifteen annual requests, subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedules, and amendment of three 5-year prioritization programs. this is an action item. >> i can keep this one
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relatively quick. you were briefed on these projects last time. this is an information item. the only time of year when we bring prop k requests two times. it is the annual call where you see the largest number of requests as sponsors tried to line up with their funds. just to remind you and those watching, sponsors can come back any time throughout the year to ask for funds in the strategic plan or corresponding five-year partition program. next week month i will present a list by expenditure line items so that you can see which projects and how much funds are still available on the table for allocation this fiscal year. this item begins on page 37 of your packet. the attachment summarizes everything beginning on page 43. you can see everything that was submitted. basically, nothing substantial has changed since we brief you on this last month.
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just a couple of quick highlights. on page 43, summary of the projects, how much fun they asked for, requested phasing, and other leveraging funds. i cannot underscore how important leveraging funds is. $2.4 billion over 30 years with revenue being down, it is important to leverage. on two projects, i want to make a quick comment. the first project, the largest capital project, the green light rail project track replacement. this is a construction project. since we last met, we received an allocation request for mta's share of the barn and muni east side connections project. that will fund the project at another avenue.
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that will be constructed as part of the green project. mta has said that that will be constructed by early fall. commissioner campos: commissioner avalos, i know you spent a lot of time advocating this. commissioner avalos: the platforms at san jose and -- there was some discussion of moving the platform on the south and north side of geneva. we also have platforms on geneva and santa rosa that are not accessible. making those accessible would be great. >> the other project i want to highlight was a contract 60, installing new traffic signals at nine locations. we gave the mta permission to advertise that. the authority approved the prop k funds.
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i know there has been at considerable interest by supervisors to see these flights constructed. the bids are in and mta reports that the bids are coming in low. quickly, i wanted to show some of the leveraging issues. one-third of the way down, muni safe routes to school project, while there is no leveraging for the design phase, we are matching authority safe routes to israa grant that was approved last month. bicycle safety and bike to work they are not leveraging any funds. as a whole, the bicycle circulation category is leveraging well. once we get our projects through the construction and design phase, there it is extremely competitive. also, september, expect a major amendment to the bicycle circulation five-year
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prioritization program. now that a lot of the projects are in the pipeline are getting done, he wants to take some of the placeholders that were sitting there and turn them into specific capital projects and programs commissioner campos: are those class is done in different languages? >> yes, and i can have the sfmta come up. under the current contract, citing there was one done in spanish and chinese. the cac asked for more than that. pedestrian refuge islands. this is in the safety category. that category is doing ok. in part, there are not a lot of discretionary fund sources for pedestrian safety. that is why we are lobbying at the mtc for more funds to be available for pedestrian safety projects. the last two, and the curb ramp project, designed is pay for by
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state transit development article 3 funds at the department of public works. lastly, the 24 mission board project, overall, the leveraging is matching bart funds and regional transportation standards for livable communities. in addition to recommending the funds shown, we are recommending a commitment to allocate next fiscal year funds for bicycle safety glasses and bike to work day. that is simply because in the five-year partition process, they want to shift to three contracts a year because of efficiency reasons. commissioner campos: thank you. commissioner wiener? >> when this came up before -- commissioner wiener: when this came up before, i requested a breakdown by supervisors will dictate -- supervisor district. it looked like there was nothing
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related to district 8. i have asked for further information on that. i have not received it. it is really hard to tell from this, what kind of equity there is, in terms of different parts of the city. as i understand it, right now, my district, supervisor campos' district received fewer curb ramps and other districts. i cannot tell from this were they will go, where the bicycle parking will go. where the sidewalk repair will be. maybe there is documentation here that i did not see. i just -- that is just information that i would find very useful. i understand all districts need help, and i am supportive of other projects, but i also know my district has a lot of needs
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as well. >> absolutely. we actually have a larger list. you have to look at both individual projects, particularly, curb ramps and bike parking. bike parking has a large lists of requests that needs to be edited. in other cases, brothers come to us when we are ready. we can get to you for the five years that are currently covered by the privatisation program in eastern districts, which have been allocated and which have not been allocated. i can get that to you by friday. commissioner campos: what is the timing of this item, when do we need to act? >> we were hoping for approval in june. a lot of the sponsors are ready to award contracts. i can get the information but that commissioner wiener requested before next week. commissioner campos: any other questions?
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why don't we open this up to public comment. >> good morning again, directors. and the with the bicycle coalition. i want to speak to some particular is here. the adult bike education classes, as you hear, the cac continues to be diligent in their oversight, as they should be. the whole question of black education bike to work day, encouragement, soft programs. we are not building curbs or rail went away. what is the actual benefit? let's make sure we get the best bang for the buck. as the cac reports, we are seeing here and encouragement. for four years, the city was forbidden from making any changes from bikes. no new bike lanes, no new bike racks.
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certainly, as we buildout and network of bike ways, we have more people riding bikes. we need to educate more. it is a responsibility question more than it is it an option. we ate knowledge there is more evaluation that can and should be done. we are excited about the investment the mta is making with prop k money in the automatic counters. as you ride your bike around the city, you may pass over these centers. that will help us make an even stronger case for the efficacy and benefit of these programs. finally, i want to speak to one of the projects here that i do not think has been brought to your attention in this presentation, which is the home's own project in natoma. this is an exciting idea where we reshape the environment to discourage people to drive through at speed, rather, to slow down.
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you can bring your car through a home zone, but you have to move as if you were a pedestrian. this is a good project ever want to applaud the mta for bringing. it will make for much nicer neighborhoods. commissioner campos: thank you very much. is there any member of the public that would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, we have an item before us. i do think it is important for us to get the information that commissioner wiener asked about. i think that is relevant information. i think, going forward, to the extent of that information is readily available as these items come before the committee, that is important. i think it is possible to move the item forward and still get the information prior to the full transportation authority meeting. can we have a motion? motion by commissioner avalos. seconded by commissioner
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wiener, with the understanding that that information will come to us before the actual vote of the traditional authority. without objection, thank you. next item. >> item 7. recommend allocation of $1,255,420 in prop k funds, with conditions, for six projects, and the appropriation of $78,866 in prop k funds for planning and implementation of the integrated travel demand management partnership project, subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedules, and amendment of the relevant 5-year prioritization programs. this is an action item. >> and good morning, commissioners. director with the policy and planning section at the authority. this item begins on page 57 of your package. there is also an enclosure that accompanies it. seven requests that were submitted after in the annual call his deadline for received prior to the annual call deadline but they said metals were incomplete in scope, funding information. we have an expedited review of
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these applications. due to the time sensitive need associated with these requests. the board has approved a five- year prioritization programs associated with all of the expenditure plan categories from which funds are requested but there are a number of amendments that are associated with these requests to fully fund the projects. i will give a brief summary of the projects and identify key items of interest to the committee. the first project, you can see a list of the province on page 62. that provides a leveraging the information that maria touched on. the enterprise asset management system request would leverage $800,000 in federal funds from the state of repair grants. these funds totaled $8.8 million. the $8 million would be available to fund the design and implementation phase. through this project, mta will consolidate 15 different asset
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management databases that are currently huge and not connected. this would combine the information, data that currently exists and will focus on transit aspects, including facilities and stations in rail, but could be expanded. we have worked with the mta over the past couple of months to structure this request to fund the early phases. there would be a leader design and implementation phase which would begin with an advertisement, contract in march of 2012, full implementation by 2013. the meeting project would leverage construction grants. $1 million earmarks and federal funds. dpw needs to proceed to construction in september. due to this time -- time sensitive nature and to avoid potential loss of funds, we are moving forward with this request. this is for 15 blocks on lincoln way to landscape the median. the 15 mile per hour zones near schools, this is a $320,000
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request for the planning, design, and construction. this is a near-term recommendation of the mayor's pedestrian safety directive to change the speed limit near 200 eligible schools citywide. on page 49 of your enclosure, it gives a list of the locations included in the two different groups of the project. groups into 100 of each. mta has prodded the planning or for phase one and will begin implementation, i believe, in the fall or winter. then phase two design would start after a few of the deliverable are met. these are low cost improvements relative to installing speed humps or other actual road changes. however, to ensure compliance, and used to be an enforcement and education and outreach
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component, and also of the valuation tools to maximize the effectiveness of using a type of improvement like this. so we have a couple of deliverable for phase 1, construction funds. we have requested that a traffic study be completed before construction begins to give baseline data for study before and after results. for phase two, and it would have established a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness. commissioner campos: i have a quick question. on the list of schools, is there a way in which individual supervisors can provide some suggestion about the timing of where some of these schools are? for instance, looking and district 9, for instance, i feel like horace mann should be part of group 1 because of some of the issues that have come up in terms of traffic calming at that particular school.
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i do not know if it is the case of other supervisors, given the concerns they have heard, maybe they would change the placement of a particular school in group 1 or group to. i wonder if you or the mta could speak to that? -- group 1 or group two. >> i know the phase one status of the project is proceeding to legislation. tim, the deputy director at the mta is in the audience. i will have my comeuppance that an address your question. -- mike , up to address your question. >> we are moving ahead to expedite this project. when it comes to implementation of these projects, we can work with your office to move things around, if there is a priority y