tv [untitled] July 2, 2011 4:00am-4:30am PDT
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for san francisco. those would be somewhere in july-september. most likely one even in august and one in september, but that has not been totally finalized. in 2013, we will have the america's cup event itself. starting with the wethe louis vn cup event. then it likely the oracle a bench. then in september would be the america's cup final, the defender against the challenger for the america's cup and a set of best of nine races. this diagram depicts the race. that has been proposed. -- this diagram depicts the race area that has been proposed. this is generally the box they are looking at. i think actually based on the
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kind of racing action they are looking for, the races themselves will be confined to a much smaller area, which obviously has benefits in terms of facilitating traffic around the races while they are happening. as you can see, they will be close proximity to the north and water in san francisco and islands of the north bay, which obviously accords spectator experience that has not been seen at the america's cup in pass defense. -- in past events. the shows the proposed locations for the 2013 events, which include facilities a log the port waterfront starting at the south at pier 80. pierce 30, 32 were proposed to be improved to be the team of bases where the boats would be serviced, taken in and out of the water. moving north from their, you would have potential in affect
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back office or team logistics operations, 26 and 28 right by the bridge. pierce 19 and 20 would be even to increase operations as well as media operations. -- would be events and med logistics operations, as well as media operations. there would be other thing supporting the events, some even seating and other things. as you move north along the northern waterfront to you will have a number of public access areas that the authority is seeking to basically program, put in attractive things that not only enhanced the visitor experience, but also to manage crowds expected. the start with national park service plans at fort mason, moving through the city's and to
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christie field and the west. moving north from there, there will be some hospitality corporate sponsorship defeneven likely at the national park service plans. potentially a hospitality event at alcatraz. that would not be a spectator area obviously for the difficulty of access. that is generally the picture for 2013. i think for 2012 you will see a similar picture except for the waterfront areas. those areas will be under construction. we're trying to move through that as quickly as possible to spread out the excitement a little bit, but also give a more attractive place for the teams and spectators to come to. our are reached to datout reachn
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really exciting. even those that would like to see the things improved in the current plans. we have had 3500 merchants and businesses. i actually just came from a liaison committee with a lot of excitement talking about the various opportunities for san francisco. obviously this is a key part of bringing on the promise of the america's cup. as i said, i think engagement in community feedback has been strong at the meetings and by written feedback. we have had a number of written documents posted on the web site, as well as posted at web site. hopefully this will start acting as the attraction for people that are hoping to come and enjoy the events. we also have a facebook and
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twitter page. we work with them to make sure the city is well-represented in terms of the things we're working on. this slide is hard to see. i put it up not for the details, but to show we have a pretty complex and thus far pretty complex organizational structure in terms of the federal, state, and local partners, as well as other initiatives that are focused on the parties of the host and venue agreement. the next slide will break this off into a clearer picture each. i wanted to get a sense that all of these individual activities are rolling into a progress, the america's cup or nation committee. the representatives from each of these boxes report on what has happened in the past month in the next thought. >> president chu, do you have another copy of the presentation? -- president chiu, do you have
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another copy of the presentation? >> i am sorry. that may get back on thlet me ge slide. these are interagency task forces that have been set up across a number of areas. obviously we need a great deal of coordination. from left to right on the top line we had the initial meeting of local bay area governments this past month, which is very exciting, and i think the pressure it being involved in the process. the next one i will talk a little bit more about the interagency coordination at the d.c. level and authorizations from federal law we will need. the public safety committee, which includes law enforcement and fire and emergency medical services. transportation committee, which
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includes not only city stakeholders, but also several meetings with the regional transit committee with the regional partners trying to make the regional transit strategy a centerpiece of making this as sustainable as possible, and i will talk in more detail about the people planned transportation strategy later on in the presentation. the next one, event venues. this is planned -- programming at the park lands and programming of the waterfront, and also, what we would like to do is expand the breadth of that conversation to other places. with public access, views of the bay, and economic opportunities where we really want to see the economic promise brought home. the last, but certainly far from the least important, it is the water cord nation. the u.s. coast guard has taken a leading role in been extremely
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collaborative, and we appreciate it. they have led a number of meetings, including presentations at the harbor safety committee. convening of marine task force and shipping and recreational boating interest, as well as the neptune coalition of law enforcement agencies. i think we have already seen a great deal of cooperation across those platforms, and we look forward to doing that in a way that not only brings these grievance forward, the safeguards the bay as a key way for commerce and recreation as well as commuters and transportation. -- that not only brings these events forward, but safeguards the bay as a cs a key way for commerce and recreation as well as commuters and transportation. the left-hand column, operational domains, really
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focuses on marketing sponsorships from the event authority perspective. communications, thing coordinated across all the different means by which people are trying to get the message out about the plans we are bringing to san francisco. staff and visitors services, which incorporates a lot of different pieces, including the people that are coming to san francisco to work for the event authority or teams, as well as facilitating different obligations in terms of the pose venue agreement. most of these is the youth involvement. that is a key obligation of the authority that we're working with them to develop an inventory of the opportunities to leverage the great progress we have here are ready for youth involvement towards this very attractive waterfront focus of sailing, learning to swim,
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educational initiatives, and that sort of thing. we have work force development for small businesses, again harkening back to the economic issues i mentioned earlier. we have had a number of meetings with art associations, and we feel that would be a very exciting opportunity to highlight the city's cultural scene. the last box is sustainability planning. i think all of the entities, parties to the host agreement share a desire to make this event as green as it can be, and i think we have a lot of exciting input from non- government organizations, ceiling organizations, people that the opportunity to set a new standard, not only in terms of racing on the bay but how you -- but how you have a clean event. moving on to the permiting schedule. this is the biggest challenge we face. we have an environmental review process that is compressed into a year, when typically the last
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several months longer than that. we have assembled a lot of information in a very short amount of time, and we continue to do so. the draft will be in early july, which if we do pull that off, would potentially put this on track to have a comment in response period which would qualify for the certification of the c.i.r. in early november. obviously this compressed schedule place a premium on early and effective agreement with the colder. -- if we do pull that off, with potentially put this on track to have a response period, which would qualify for the certification of the e.i.r. in early november. other plans through this process will give people a place where
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they can see what the affirmative plans are for mitigating the impact in the environmental review document, and i think the goal of all of these things is to come together at the end of the process to not only create the informant review that is needed, but create a clearer picture of where we will take the environmental review analysis to create the events that san francisco wants to see. supervisor campos: could you characterize the feelings of the committees assigned to the inventor must -- environmental impact, and how they're feeling, and whether we will be able to address -- address those issues in the next couple of months? >> those issues in conversation tubs are solid-- those conversations have certainly begun. i think we are looking at how best to do that in the context of the ceqa process, but they
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have been very helpful in being a productive part of the conversation. what we would like to do -- they gave a very detailed set of comments in the detailed preparation that we've taken close to hurt in working through the project description, and i think we will continue to work to try to find solutions with them before giving documents out that seem to be filed so people feel like they're being heard in there is an engagement there. -- and there is an engagement there. but may go back to the slide presentation. -- let me go back to the slide presentation. moving to the calls -- the plans i talked about earlier. there are nine of them. these are set forth in the first two bullets. this was the best way to convey the information. the initial draft of the people can come security plan, wis management plan, advertising
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plans, submit to authority and posted on the web site at the end of march. the work force development, youth development, and lead sustainable even management plans will be due at the end of ceqa. work has already began on each of these. i think this will really help us create the picture of what this will look like going forward. and we really want to try to replicate the model of giving people opportunities to review these and give them the opportunity to see them ahead of when they are put forward. we will really try to work on that time frame. the last bullet is additional plans under consideration. i think in conjunction with our efforts on the ceqa process and how we transfer that to an ample plantation plan that works. -- to an implementation plan that works. one is the access management plan.
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this is one place we can look for the policies that unifies how we are addressing the impact of spectators coming in large numbers to these park areas. as well as other public access areas that are not necessarily the ones programmed. i think this kind of planning can help us not only spot issues, but also plan budgets, understand who was responsible for what, and really create an accountability matrix in effect that says these are the things we need to check off and this is what we will do to make the event successful. spectator venue education has been spearheaded by the national park association. early in the conversation they pointed out the need to really link these events to their mission in an educational way, and that really resonated with not only the city folks but also the event authority. we would like to create a spectator the new education program that really allows people to learn more about the
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place they're at, besides the water, but also what makes an francisco special. that is definitely taking place. i am not sure what shape it will take, but i wanted to highlight this for the committee today. next, i want to talk more in detail about the people plan, which has been the highest- profile plan so far. we heard early on in the comment process that transportation and congestion- management issues were top in mind for a lot of san franciscans. people plthe people plan that we released -- that was released at the end of march has been talked about. it has been spearheaded by the mta. they have been fantastic at developing our strategy is
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coming hearing input, and strategizing that into improvements of the plan. the plan itself has been posted at it has four principles. we wrote this in reference directly to the people plan, but as become guiding principles to all of our planning efforts. the purse is resources efficiency. that is looking at all of the assets we have now and the benefits we have with mta overseeing a number of different aspects of how people will get around the city to get to the different events, transit, bikes, roadways, taxis, etc.. we want to picture we understand what resources we have and deploy them an effective way. number two is environmental sustainability. obviously with restricted areas around the waterfront it will not be a private-automobile focus even if it is going to be a success. pushing people out of their automobiles and into less-
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impeccable means of transportation obviously has an environmental sustainability evened that is keeping with the broader sustainability issues i described earlier. number three is strategic adaptability. i think what we have in these events is something that has never been seen before, so we have to plan not only for the super-paek day's work thousands of people will want to crowd to see a key race in the america's cup final, but also the weekday races where there were bill be r people. so i think what we're planning to do is use the 2012 defense, which will be a lower profile not only for the people plan and transportation plan, but also as a pilot test for a lot of things to see what works and what does not come and hopefully reformulate to come into 2013 with the best plan we can.
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the last bullet is still explanatory. it is positive legacy. what we do as we planned for this is not as plan for a specific time in 2012 and 2013, but really look at the kinds of legacies we can bring to make this event for san francisco and the years to come. that does not just mean brick and mortar like the construction at waterfront or different things done with the transit lines to open up access, but it is also operational strategies that seem to work. it is operatiocooperation with regional transport agencies. this event becomes a catalyst to make the coronation work better. so the positive legacy is something we hold on to in each of these discussions, and i think iit is an exciting thing we want to continue to bring to
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you to show. the first is transit. we realize the northern areas and the poor-waterfronin the pot have an overabundance of transportation. we're trying to create new lines that are available or lines that have been proposed were available. i think he notes on this diagram work making connections from the market street regional transit hub of from the very building all the way down to the civic center to be able to allow people to use those regional providers to get sick -- to get to san francisco and then use our mta access to get them to where they want to go. we have heard a lot of comment and public support for the e line. this travels the length of the market area of to fisherman's wharf, pier 39.
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we have also looked at limited- stop service along 30 and 47 lines. and potentially using civic center plaza as a staging area to allow people to transfer from the civic center burt statioart, get on the bus come and see the races. the green line shows areas that are being studied for restricted auto access. this is a conversation we will need to continue to engage the neighborhoods and businesses to understand the tension between limiting congestion on the one hand, which i think a lot of people would like to see, but allowing people to continue their lives and do it all in a way that is coordinated, so i think this will be a continued out reach need so that people feel like there needs are hurt and live their lives.
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-- needs are heard and implemented. these red blocks are places where we think people would want to go. what we want to do is encourage bike use as much as possible. this will be in the event in san francisco that has the advantage of being fairly flat, and like most of the city. we feel like people that are able to if they can take bikes instead of any other mode, that would free up capacity elsewhere and give them all one of a kind san francisco experience. we want to be able to develop secure places for people to leave their bikes, bike belly stations. get peopgive people from out ofn the opportunity brett bikes and also of by lending library to -- also a bike lending library.
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i think we are continuing to work with folks at mca and there foir bike program for how best to do this. this is an exciting legacy as well, creating this waterfront biking safety zone that people can be really excited about, so we're hoping that comes to the other as well. supervisor campos: the estimate on how many folks are likely to come in 2000 he -- 2013 vary widely. we cannot tell whether it is going to be 50,000 votes per day or 250,000 per day. planning to have on those contingencies? -- planning on those contingencies vary widely. give us a sense on how you are planning to deal with the unpredictability on what could happen in 2013.
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>> i think we are in the middle of that. i think the technical up -- technicalities will really detail more refined visitor protection based on what we're seeing in terms of the likely spectator destinations in using the people plan strategy as they have been laid out, what it will take to serve the demand. again, i want to come back to the point that it will vary. there will be super peak days of hundreds of thousands of days -- people, and there will be days of less interest where there will be tens of thousands of people. an equally bad scenario is not having enough resources the big day and having too many resources and wasting those on the lower days. what you will see is a more refined set of projections then we have seen so far based on the best empirical evidence, and then a more direct assessment of what are the assets and transit lines that are needed to move that amount of people.
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president chiu: and you will have cost estimates? >> we will talk about how the people and its developed and finalized. we would use the output of the environmental review process to then go to mta service planning and say what does this look like? what are these costs? and we will do that in an all look part w la carte way. i think those things will come together to create a picture, but that picture will come out in pieces over the next several months. back to the slide presentation. as i mentioned, the people plan schedule, i think the great community feedback we have gotten so far has really led us to develop a strategy of interim status reports so people can see in close to deal time as public works those sgoes, what kind of
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thinking of going around in the issues propose in the people plan that are either supported or not supported in the community engagement in transit community process. we posted a first of his report on may 19, which summarize the feedback we have received from the public. we will be publishing the next that this report in the next couple of weeks, but i think we will not only bring forward further public feedback received since may 19, but also give a lot more detail on what we have been talking to the regional agencies about. in august, i think we will have another status report that will be a broader summary of proposed structural changes and updates to the people plan. i think at that point we are likely to have more financial information, and under the host and venue agreement, the revised people plan is due in september. that would obviously have more information. i do not want to call it the
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final people plan, because there will be things in their subject to the environmental review process, but i think our goal is to have that be as complete as picture as we can, pending the environmental review. federal and state court in nation. we are engaged with over 20 feet 20 state and federal agencies. -- federal and state negotiations. the memo that i just distributed has a detailed list of the specific federal and state authorizations that were called for. those include securing permits for the event water space and air space, as well as the onshore spectator areas we went through in the prior slight, as well as addressing issues related to the vent stack and teams that coming from elsewhere, immigrations, customs
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issues, taxes coming use of foreign vessels in u.s. waters. a wide range of things that we have had great support from the city family with expertise in these areas and great support from the federal agencies and state agencies. this is a work in progress, but we feel very excited about being able to deliver any event that can do what it needs to do to bring as many people in teams here as possible. -- and teams here as possible. this is upcoming milestones. as a look at this this morning i realize we were missing the state and federal milestones. i do not want the omission of those wanted to seem like they are less important. these are places we see as key checkpoints for what we're doing. this summer we will have the draft issuance of the key eir.
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the people plan status reports will continue to do further engagement, likely centered around the individual subject matter areas. we have seen a lot of good thinking come forward when people can be focused and in that engagement process. i think we will have negotiant to the proposed infrastructure improvements and other even- related arrangements. obviously working through those so that we can be confident that the events when they come will be properly accommodated. moving to the fall/winter time. we will have the draft eir comments and response time. we will be completing the plans. obviously we will have hearings regarding the eir and approval of real-estate and other documents that require to cement the relationship in more detail. it is a 300
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