tv [untitled] July 2, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT
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president vietor: good afternoon, good evening. hello. will you please take a seat. commission secretary, are you ready? >> yes. can you call the roll call, please. president vietor, present. vice president moran. >> here. >> commissioner caen. >> here. >> commissioner torres. >> here. >> commissioner courtney should be expected shortly. president vietor: just to make sure we call the meeting to order the time is 4:10 and we
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will go on to the next item which is the approval of the minutes. >> this will be for the minutes of june 14, 2011, the regular meeting. is there a motion to approve the minutes of june 14? >> so moved. president vietor: are there any comments or questions on the minutes of june 14? all those in favor. opposed. thank you, the minutes are approved. next item, please. >> i have one speaker for public comment, mr. decostas. president vietor: hello, mr. decosta. we will be having plenty of opportunity for public comment particularly had the joint meeting with the southeast facilities commission. for right now we will open it up for public comment.
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>> commissioners, my name is francisco decosta. first and foremost i would like to welcome you to the bay view hunters point area. at this time i would like to speak on a few issues. the first issue that i'm very pleased speak on is that some of you commissioners do have a detailed history of the infrastructure in this community. and having had that history, i would presuppose that because some of our advocates have come to you for a long, long time to speak about the changes that are going to be happening here with the infrastructure. as you know, we are already doused with the clean water or the water system improvement project, and now we are going to be dealing with the other
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system known to you as the sewer system improvement project. my plea to you during this public comment is that we cannot address the issues rather than to our community with all that is going on in our community unless we have -- we should have started five years ago, unless we have training programs so that career jobs can be given to our young people so that for a long, long time they can be associated with whatever progress has to be done. so i'm not going to say too much except that we cannot at the last moment bring in so-called consultants to put some icing on the cake. that's not what san francisco
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residents and this community want. we want career jobs which should have started a long time ago, but it is not too late to assure us that career jobs will be given to our young people. thank you very much. president vietor: thank you. >> mr. greg gossam. president vietor: is this item four? mr. greg gossam? if you could please introduce yourself, that would be great. >> good evening. my name is greg doxam with, and our thing is win-win scenarios and equity. that's what we work on, win-win scenarios and equity. we started a documentary on the p.u.c. with some employees a few months ago. we stopped that documentary once we seen -- we talk about the training opportunities but
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then we start meeting people who have actually been with the p.u.c. wastewater for 30 years and they're still at the same level. 30 years. not only does that kind of put a sore eye on the 9910 and 9920 for me as a community member and a leader but also shows me how it affects a person's retirement when you stay there for 30 years and coming out at 4500 when your retirement package should be around 9,000. we understand there are other opportunities people, we get into the p.u.c. through having those conversations which is what you call the as-needed list. now, we understand that to be in wastewater you need a wastewater certificate or an o.i.t. which is operator in training. but there's no requirement about a state -- by the state that you have to have an a.p. license. what you guys allow people to
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come in with an a.p. license. that a.p. license basically is an air frame and power plant certificate that you can get, but that allows them that local to come in at 90,000 to $100,000 versus $17.50 an hour. we don't have an argument with that program. we want to be included with those type of programs. the rest of the coalition will be here later. we're looking for a more robust-of-why, creative, job creation opportunity. we don't want it in the portion after everything's in place and we're playing catch-up. it's time to change those policies that you guys have been using and really engage this community who has been long waiting for this. you have the seta programs when you built this wastewater treatment, some of those guys game in in that seta program and it's failed them. we've don't want to see this with our youth coming in on 9910. we like them to come in the way the other people come in with
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other options coming in. thank you. president vietor: thank you very much. >> mr. david pelto. >> good afternoon, commissioners. just a couple of brief points. first i wanted to appreciate my , who isn't here yet, doing wonderful work balancing requirements and frying to make this meeting happen. to that end i want to encourage you and the general manager and the staff to try to get agenda items prepared more in advance. there's been a lot of rush recently to meet deadlines and i think that's made it difficult for both the commission secretary and for the public to get access to information in a timely basis. i also wanted to mention as a member of the wastewater advisory committee that i'm sure we've certainly been out here, some and will be out here more as we develop the wastewater capital program, and i look forward to more input
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from the community to that end and just finally very briefly on the agenda item description for item 11 when you get there, i hope that you'll look carefully to the public agenda. i'm not sure it provides enough information for the average member of the public to understand that item and if there's not a need to move on that expeditiously, i would ask you to consider continuing that and having a more full agenda item description. otherwise thank you all very much. keep up the good work. thanks. president vietor: thank you for your comments. other public comments at this time? and again, we're going to have a meeting just following this joint meeting with the southeast facility commission so there will be plenty of opportunity at that time as well for public comment. >> espinosa jackson. i got up to welcome you back again. some of you are new, never been in this community but it's a pleasure to have you here and the community is looking forward and working with our
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p.u.c. not having a comment to talk about any of the subjects that you're going to be discussing now, but at the joint meeting i will. i think i have some information, i don't know whether you have it or not, dealing with historical facts. when this all started here for the southeast building and the power plant there. i don't know if you have that information. if you have it already, raise your hand. all right then. i'll make sure that the staff get that information to the rest of you because it's very important from what happened back in 1989. i hope it startsed in the 80's, the information you have. i don't want something that started back in 2004. thank you very much and i'm looking to make sure that we have a pleasant meeting here this evening and i'm quite sure you're going to enjoy the food as did you before. thank you.
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president vietor: thank you. other public comments? >> my name is charlie walker. some of you may know me. i'm having a problem here in san francisco as being the president of the truckers and contractors association, and we sign ourselves -- find ourselves back in the stone age . san francisco is spending probably about $100 billion building tunnels and doing construction work in san francisco, and there's not three black contractors in a contractor relationship with the city and county of san francisco. i was out on a job the other day and one of the contractors bidded a job with bart. the job was about $20 million and they have some 10% or 12%
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minorities. what has happened over the last 10 or 15 years is that everyone is taking the place as a minority, but minorities don't include black people no more. because all white contractors now say i got all the minorities you need. got asians, latinos, so forth and so on. but it don't include black people. and what -- the information i need from you, your agency, is how many african people in the city -- african-american people in the city and county of san francisco are doing contractual relationships with the city and county of san francisco. i'm a veteran of war, and i have just been selected to talk to some of the prisoners from afghanistan who are black, they have one arm, one leg, so forth and so on. one of the things that they are
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coming back to is the same thing that black soldiers came back to after world war ii, vietnam war, and the korean war. they say it's 9% unemployment. did you know that over 38% of all black men in san francisco between the ages of 18 and 55 are unemployed? don't nobody want to talk about that. because while we are minorities, but minorities now put in one big bucket, so you can do what you want, as contractors, and this is working to our disadvantage. even the city and county of san francisco say we cannot show any preferential treatment because proposition 209. how can you reconcile with the fact that don't, the city
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require bonds. there's a lot of things that overlap from business world versus the city's and the taxpayers. the taxpayers are paying taxes and expect to get some type of fair treatment. but black people never got no fair treatment in san francisco. it's just like i was here, this building is here because white people didn't want sewage treatment plants in their community, so they put it all out here and built us a college. but it is so restrictive now that even blacks can hardly use it. and the people are complaining that they don't get no funds. well, i remember some 20-some years ago when it was my understanding that the water department was going to subsidize all the finances for this building. but something going wrong when it comes to black communities. municipal railways told us when they put the train up third
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street that they were going to put parking facilities out here. four. as of today, we don't have one. so when it come to black people, it always is a promise, and we are getting kind of tired of those promises. something's got to be done to say that this city can spend $100 billion and not two black people got a contract with the city. there's something wrong with this movie. that's my problem. that's all. president vietor: thank you. >> good evening. president vietor: good evening. >> welcome. and i want to thank the commission for coming out here to the hunters point-bay view area and what i want to also, being president vietor: i'm sorry. what you mind introducing yourself for the record? >> i thought everybody knew me. for the record i'm james
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bryant. i'm with the randolph institute, western region director. i just wanted to again thank you all for coming out. yes, you know there's always going to be some concerns about whether or not we have contractors that get contracts and such, but i do want to say that this commission and this department is one that understands the plight of alex pitcher. i'm clear about that because i'm meeting with many of you as i can to make sure that the whole issue of alex pitcher and the treatment plant are all brought before you and i know you're listening, so i want to actually applaud some of those of you who understand and know sometimes there are things that are la a little tricky and there's a process that takes a little longer than necessary. but again, i want to welcome you to the bay view-hunter's
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point area and i hope that you all come more often and -- and as a caveat i will say i knew anthony when he was sitting in his spot, not that he's aged any because he's done real well, but -- but we've come a long way and the p.u.c. does have a lot of resources and we would like to share those resources with the community. but i do applaud you know, the working minds that are here before us. and want to thank you again for coming out and we'll be having more dialogue as the evening goes on. thank you. president vietor: thank you. and i just want to respond as well now that it seems like we have critical mass here and say thank you to this community for welcoming us and for allowing us to be in this facility and
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to brainstorm and think through how we can really be of service to you. we are going to talk in depth around some of the issues, i think, that are of great concern here, around job training, around community development in our community benefits policy that we've adopted, how we can really look into integrating that into the community. there's going to be a lot of construction going on in this community and hue we can really work together to make up process. here and to really respond to the community concerns. so thank you, and we really look forward to a productive conversation this evening. more public comment, please. >> good evening, everyone. good evening to the commission. my name is brittany jackson and i'm a job developer working on behalf of the japanese community youth council and i came here to speak with you all today because we have a great opportunity for businesses and for you as well to obtain job experience. and help them become more employable in the future. we have a new program called
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a.d.-10, alliance for californians for community empowerment district 10. we had a lot of sports including the san francisco foundation, the and a host of other sports who really want to put efforts into creating job growth within district 10. it's a great opportunity for businesses because they're employed -- the employees through our program we pay $9.92 an hour, adult interns 18-25. the only thing we ask that you guys do is host them as they they get paid through our program and help them gain experience over the summer. the program starts july 5 and lasts until august 12. and so if you happen to be interested and want some free help over the summer, please contact me, my email is bjackson at and thank you for your time. president vietor: thank you. more public comment.
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>> hello, commission. my name is ashley rhodes. i'm here representing an organization here in the bay point community, the aboriginal black men united, a.b.u. on behalf of james richards and we again truly welcome you again into the bay view-hunters' point community. we really believe that this time for sure that it's going to be some changes or some things done that's going to benefit the community. capacity building. it's a major concern that needs to be addressed to making sure, being sure that businesses, contractors, whoever can have a legal -- a playing field that you know, will be suitable for everyone so we can participate. it's very important that that happens, and we definitely want to see that in this process of
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whatever goes down that the community is really a strong part of it and making sure that opportunities, job opportunities work for you, construction, whatever kind of jobs are made available. and you know, historically, our young people have always been left out of the process, and i'm really hoping that you would dig deep down and use all those talents that you have there and come up with some creative ways to make sure that the young people in this community are not left out of the process and that can have an opportunity to find a way in life that could be sustainable for them. so hopefully i'm sure that we have plenty more time to discuss this in the future, but we need to you look at these issues now and make sure and a.b.u. will be watching always in this community. thank you.
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president vietor: thank you. and i wonder -- i would like to remind everyone we are on the p.u.c. portion of the agenda and that there will be other people joining us when we have the joint meeting and so some of the comments you might want to wait until some of the other folks that might be interested in the joint meeting in the southeast facility portion of it are here to continue to talk about some of these issues. so that we could get through our agenda and get to that piece. but as such, if there are public comments at this time, hopefully on the p.u.c. agenda, there will be lots of opportunity later on to continue the discussions that we started. any other public comment? hearing none, public comment is closed. next item, please. >> the next item is communications, letters, events calendar, all correspondence has been given to the commission. any questions?
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commissioner moran: the list of pending questions is kind of long, beyond a page now. if we can try to work those out . did staff get that or do i need to repeat that? >> we got that. president vietor: other questions or comments on the letter summary from the events calendar? hearing next, next item, please. >> other commission business. president vietor: any other commission business? next item, please. >> report of the general manager. >> good evening, commissioners. i want to make this brief so we can hear from the community tonight. i want to thank the southeast community facilities commission for coming out and having your folks welcome us to this facility. appreciate it very much. and especially on what is now officially the wettest day ever
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in june in san francisco. it is the second wettest june in history and today was the wettest day in the history of san francisco for any day in june. so great that you're all here. thank you very much. turn it back to you. president vietor: thank you. that is it on the general manager's report. request to take the citizen advisory committee report a little bit later, after 5:00 p.m., when people from that group will be joining us. if there are no objections, we will move onto the consent matters. >> all matters are considered to be the san francisco public utilities commission and will be acted upon by a single vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items. as a member of the commission -- the matter will be removed and considered as a separate item. can i go ahead and read?
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president vietor: police. >> the first item is item 9a to approve the plans and specifications, local water repair and replacement. it is located on mason street, taylor street, and auburn street. item b is to approve the plans and specifications. the improvement program contract, wd2640, bio-regional habitat restoration to the lowest qualified responsible bidder. this would be the bio-regional habitat. item nine c.
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were new and replacement program, funded and department of public works. contract ww455. various locations. sue or replacement and pavement renovation to replace existing street pavement. the modification to pave the streets or sewer repair to make sure is consistent from curb to curb. 9d, to accept work performed for waste water enterprise, contract number ww489 for the amount of -- $2 million.
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president vietor: thank you. is there a request to remove any of these items from the consent calendar? hearing none, is their emotion? >> motion. >> second. president vietor: public comment? all those in favor. opposed. thank you. the consent calendar is adopted. >> next item is to approve the selection of waste water enterprise sewage center program to parsons a joint venture to provide program services including personal and authorize the general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission to negotiate and execute a professional services agreement with aecom. >> good afternoon, commissioners.
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i am the director of the source system improvement program. it is an honor to be before you today in the southeast community facility that was billed as part of our last wastewater capital improvement program. especially in this program, with mr. alex fisher watching us, because he was part of our program from the 1970's to the 1990's and he is a very good man. as we begin the next chapter, it will be the source system improvement program. half of the $6.9 billion program will be invested in this community and invested in projects that occur in this community. we will be looking to the bayview hunters point community as we move forward to implement this program. in february, our cfo and i presented several different options for the summer system improvement -- for the sewer
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system improvement program. each of theses were involved, technical, and there are a lot of decisions that have to be made that would affect cost, schedule, and delivery options. it was that mean that we received direction to proceed with the detriment of a program manager. the reason to bring on the program manager is to work with the city and to bring waste water program management technical expertise to assist us with the planning and validation of the program and to employ the valuable lessons we've learned, and make sure we have high quality assurance, a high quality control, and the best technical and program control expertise. the commission, at that time, directed us to move forward quickly, as quickly as possible. today, we have a contract, 15- year in duration, not to exceed $150
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