tv [untitled] July 3, 2011 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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tour bus policies, separate from shuttle services. i hope the two agencies are working together, obviously with the expertise that the ta now has around shuttle services, the mta around for bus services. i cannot agree more with our former colleagues comments. tors buses are creating significant neighborhood and transit and environmental parking issues that need to be resolved in a way that allows tourists to enjoy san francisco, but this is different from the situation involving local san franciscans living in the city and commuting out. we need to focus on both, and i want to reiterate the importance of coordinating at work. commissioner mirkarimi: thank you. i have a question. i noticed what was not in the report was any reference to the commuter benefit ordinance, the
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mandatory commuter benefit ordinance, and i think, has some relationship to the increase of corporate shuttles. we think for future conversation, there could be some context, since the city is requiring companies that have 20 or more employees to provide for the pre-tax recovery of their transit cost. the use of those corporate shuttles is included in that benefit. i did not see that in here. >> thank you for the question. you did not see it, partly because -- first of all, it is a conversation we are going to have as the process moves forward. once you talk about a framework for discussing all of these issues, that benefit has to be included. the sar was focused on impact, and putting those impacts in
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context, not so much on the benefits part. also, there are different angles, depending on the employer, as to whether this service is something that is employee-paid or company-paid. company shuttles are paid for by the company and salts the commitments issue. employees are already getting paid. as you can see, it is a rich topic and we will be dealing with as we move forward. commissioner mirkarimi: i look forward to seeing that delineation, whether it is employee or company-paid, or reimbursed somehow. colleagues, any further questions or comments? any public comment? >> my name is brought to cut. i work at google, and the community government affairs representative. -- veronica.
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i appreciate you all taking the time to hear all sides of the issue. supervisor weener, i appreciate your brain of the question of what we're actually voting on. when we are voting on issue 8, on the funding, the cta suggested its funding for a pilot program. i am confused. the sar refers to a partnership program. it was just voted on that there was funding for that. yet, we are saying in the sar we are not moving forward with recommendations. if i could just have some clarification. >> there is a pilot program already funded by a sizeable grant from mtc. it they have the same interest we have in seeing these shuttles prosper. frankly, they provide such a compliment to regular fixed route transit. we want to make sure there is a
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structure put in place that can facilitate that work so that we do not have just the occasional neighborhood person complaining about it and no structure to answer it. that is essentially what the pilot is for. it is not to create a bureaucracy and it is not to automatically come to a conclusion to charge shall operators to be licensed. but simply, to explore that at no cost to the operators. i should also say, we are delighted we have had the participation of several of the companies that run shuttles in the city, including google, in putting together the reports. they definitely met with us and answered some of the questions. so we are not going for [inaudible] we are essentially trying to
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create a structure for analyzing this. that is what the pilot will do. once the pilot is done, the mta and probably this body will get another shot at whether there are any regulations going into play. commissioner mirkarimi: i do not want to deplete all your public comment, but it just did exhaust itself. if you would like to continue, my colleagues can ask you a question. otherwise -- commissioner weiner. commissioner weiner: i just want to reiterate that i have been assured that corporate providers will be intimately included in this and this will be a collaborative process. my office will be deeply involved as well. also, i know that several other companies have been involved in
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the process but i have only seen google coming to these meetings. at least in my experience, in my district, apple has significantly more of a shuttle presence. there are probably at least double the number of apple buses in the district than there are google buses. i do not know what the explanation is. i just want to make sure that apple is a significant part of the discussions, and that they start coming to things as well. >> i have been in touch with apple, so i will reiterate that to them. in this pilot period, i would to see in the report, and deadline date for the pilot so it is not continuing on. fixed amount to pilot, then look of the results, then come back. commissioner mirkarimi: thank you. any other public comment? please step forward. >> executive director of what
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san francisco. this item i just wanted to encourage the board to continue to look at the private shuttle services. there was a pedestrian killed by a ucsf shuttle in the tenderloin not long ago and brought up issues about how these troubles are regulated, how do we keep them safe, how do we coordinate with the city's public transit service? i would also like to take the opportunity to thank the ta board for the earlier item that included the safer speed zones around the city schools. we are excited about this. it has been a big campaign for what san francisco. commissioner mirkarimi: thank you. any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, this is an action item. roll-call. >> [roll call]
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10 ayes. commissioner mirkarimi: item passes. next item. >> introduction of new items. commissioner mirkarimi: introduction of new items? any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. we will take this same house, same call. any public comments? >> any public comments? supervisor mirkarimi: item number 11, public comment. public comment is closed. >> have a great rest of the day. -- >> item number 11, adjournment.
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kim present. mar present. mirkarimi present. wiener present. mr. president, all members are present. supervisor chiu: thank you. ladies and gentlemen, could you please join me in the pledge of allegiance? madam clerk, are there any communications? >> i have no communications. supervisor chiu: if you could read the consent agenda, items one through 30. >> these items will be acted upon by a single roll call vote unless a member requests discussion of and matter. it shall be removed and considered separately. supervisor chiu: would anyone like to sever any items? roll-call vote please. >> on items one through 30, mar
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aye. aye. avalos aye. campos aye. chiu aye. chu aye. cohen aye. elsbernd aye. farrell aye. kim aye. there are 11 ayes. supervisor chiu: those ordinances are passed. items 31 through 33. >> item 31 is a motion affirming the determination by the planning department at the at&t network like speed upgrade project is exempt from environmental review. item 32 is an upgrade on the project. item 33 is a motion directing the clerk to prepare finings reversing the exemption determination. supervisor wiener: i am
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becoming the king of at&t. about a month ago, called a hearing on the better streets plan and held that the departments are coordinating with regard to the plan with regard to the impact on the sidewalks making sure we have a full understanding of how the process works. i believe that hearing should occur before we take a final vote on the item. not that the hearing will be about the at&t boxes. it is not, but it is about the surface mounted utility order, which has been the source of some confusion during our deliberations. because of the budget process, several land use committee meetings were cancelled, so the first available date was monday july 11 when the hearing will occur. as a result, i move to continue items 31, 32, and 33 until the july 19 board meeting. supervisor chiu: supervisor
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wiener made a motion to continue these three items. colleagues, can we take that without objection? these items will be continued to the 19th of july. items 34 and 35. >> 34 is the interim annual salary ordinance enumerating positions in the annual budget for fiscal years ending june 30, 2012 and 2013 for enterprise departments. 35, interim consolidated budget an annual appropriation ordinance for all estimated receipts appropriations for fiscal years 2012 and 2013 for the enterprise departments. supervisor chiu: can we take these items same house, same call? these ordinances are finally passed. 36. >> item 36 is an ordinance adopted and implemented of men and four to the 2007-2013 memorandum of understanding between the city and firefighters local 798 unit 1. supervisor chiu: i understand we have to excuse supervisor chu.
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without objection, she is excuse. roll call vote. >> on item 36, mar aye. . mirkarimi aye. wiener aye. avalos aye. campos aye. chiu aye. cohen aye. elsbernd aye. farrell aye. kim aye. there are 10 ayes. supervisor chiu: the ordinance is finally passed. >> item 37, ordinance adopted and implemented amendment 5 to the one -- 2006-2012 memorandum of understanding between the city and county of san for disco and the municipal executives association. supervisor chiu: we have a motion to excuse supervisor elsbernd. without objection, he shall be excused. >> on item 37, mar aye. mirkarimi aye. wiener aye.
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avalos aye. campos aye. chiu aye. chu aye. cohen aye. farrell aye. kim aye. there are 10 ayes. supervisor chiu: this ordinance is finally passed. >> item 38 is from the land use and economic development committee without recommendation. an ordinance amending the planning took to establish the presidio-setter special use district for property located at 800 presidio ave. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you, mr. president. i want to thank supervisor farrell for his leadership in this community and helping try to strike the right balance. last week, it should not be lost on any of us that it was an extraordinary discussion because the first time the board had entertained both an appeal on a cu and eir and special east
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district all at the same time period has not happened in all the years i have been here. to the effect of why i have spoke out when i was surprised to learn about the jim usage. i have had now a fair amount of meetings with booker t.. i have stressed that i think it is important that the gymnasium, which is private, be a community asset and be retained for community asset as much as possible in that of the hours that have been testified of nearly 700 that would be used for one private institution, it is actually up to 2000 hours that would be used for those to be able to read it out, giving a remainder nearly 3000 hours, potentially, for public usage. all i want to say is please, to booker t. and the surrounding community, to do the best they
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can to make sure that does remain a community asset, which is part of the spirit of why i wanted to also help champion this particular legislation. thank you. supervisor chiu: colleagues, roll call vote. >> mar aye. mirkarimi aye. wiener aye. avalos aye. campos aye. chiu aye. chu aye. -- chu no. cohen aye. elsbernd aye. farrell no. kim aye. 9 ayes. two no. supervisor chiu: these ordinances are finally passed. 39 through 41. >> 39 is an ordinance amending the general plan by amending the executive park subarea plan of the bayview hunters point area
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plan. 40, ordinance amending the planning code to establish the executive park special use district and establish permit review procedures. item 41 is an ordinance amending the zoning map regarding the executive park sub-areas plan. supervisor cohen: good afternoon, colleagues. has been long in the works, the proposed the second part plan and the amendments will ultimately complete the transition of an outdated suburban office park setting into a new mixed-use residential neighborhood. these planning codes, zoning map, and general map amendments will usher in a new date for the southwest portion of executive park, which will forever transformed this particular corner of san francisco. this plan has had to wait for many things, including the redesign, regional studies, and for other planning efforts to occur, but after much work by the community and city staff, the items before you today are for our consideration. thank you to my colleagues on
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the land use committee for several robust hearings on this project, and ask for your support. thank you, mr. president. supervisor chiu: colleagues, roll-call vote. >> on items 39 through 41. mar aye. mirkarimi aye. wiener aye. avalos aye. campos aye. chiu aye. chu aye. cohen aye. elsbernd aye. farrell aye. kim aye. there are 11 ayes. supervisor chiu: these ordinances are passed on first reading. why don't skip across our 3:00 and gridlock 30 special orders and move to item 46. >> items 46 and 47 were considered by the rules committee and were forwarded as
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committee reports. 46 is a motion appointing three members to the redistricting task force. supervisor chiu: discussion? supervisor kim. supervisor kim: thank you. as you know, this is a task force that has been much talk about in the past and is something that will shape the future of the board of supervisors over the next 10 years. we have recommended three individuals out of, i believe, over 23 applicants -- 23 applicants have applied. we had some great applicants, and it was a pleasure to hear from many folks that will want to serve on this committee, which will be very time consuming and will deal with some important issues. we have forwarded might -- mike alonzo, jenny lamb, and the election commission has
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appointed three members as well. just to get a sense of the current composition, this is the committee that most forward, we have one individual that lives in district 2, two that lived in district four, one in seven, one in eight, and one in 10. we have two white males, one african-american female, one african-american male, one latino female, and one asian- american woman. one thing that i thought was unfortunate was that we were not able to forward an lgbt appointee, which i think is very important, and we want to make sure the community is outraged to and has proper racket -- representation, and also, i had hoped to see more women appointed from the mayor, who has three appointments left. i got to know mike since our rules committee meeting. i have known of the work of ginny and eric mcdonald in our community and really admire the work they have done on behalf of
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san francisco, so we will be supporting these three. i did want to say that i do strongly support paul hogar, an lgbt candidate list in my district, and it is unfortunate we will not be able to include him. supervisor wiener: i will be supporting the recommendations of the rules committee. i think all three people the rules committee forwarded our solid, and when you look at the overall composition so far, it is a good group of people. i will say is reservation only in that zero of the six will be lgbt, and that is a concern to me. i have been assured by the mayor that he will be appointing at least one lgbt person, and i
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strongly encourage him to make two of the three appointments to be lgbt. when you look at the portion of san francisco that is lgbt, two is much closer to that percentage than one, and i will continue to urge the mayor to do that. we have several qualified candidates come before the rules committee, but i understand that the rules committee had -- it is a real challenge when you have a lot of good candidates coming forward, and i want to thank the committee for its work. supervisor campos: thank you. i do not want to repeat a lot of what has been said. i do think that we had a lot more qualified candidates than we had spots for and perhaps any of us would have made the choices differently. certainly, there are people that i think -- that i would like to see on this task force.
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i think that in the end, the three people that came out of the committee as a whole are a good representation of san francisco, so i would be supporting that the choice today. i do hope, though, that the mayor does have the opportunity to fill the three spots that he has with a couple of members of the lgbt community, and i think there are many qualified candidates who already have gone through the process, and i would hope that he looks at them as he is considering his options. thank you. supervisor chiu: colleagues, any further discussion? can we take this item same house, same call? without objection, this motion is approved and these of what's are made. congratulations. 47. >> item 47, motion appointing
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chief gregory suhr and commander lyn tomioka 4 indefinite terms to the bay area regional interoperable communications systems authority with residency requirement waived. supervisor chiu: same house, same call? motion is approved. >> item 40, resolution authorizing the office of treasurer-tax collector to accept and expend a grant in the amount of approximately $240,000 from the current assets resource network for kindergarten to college program participant incentive funds. supervisor chiu: colleagues, same house, same call? this resolution is adopted. item 49. >> item 49, resolution authorizing the port to accept and expend a grant in the amount of approximately $8 million from the department of homeland security, 2009 for security grant program fund for the pier 27 cruise ship terminal security system.
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>> thank you. the court has asked for a short amendment to this resolution that will clarify the intended expenditures of this grant. the amendment, which should be in friday, will bring the language of the resolution into conformity with the material presented yesterday with the title of the legislation. thank you. supervisor chiu: colleagues, supervisor cohen would like to make the amendment as she has circulated. we can take that lead objection, that shall be the case. if we could take this resolution as amended same house, same call? this resolution is adopted. item 50. >> item 50, resolution authorizing the port to accept and expend a grant in the amount of approximately $1.6 million from the department of homeless security, 2007, supplemental infrastructure protection. supervisor chiu:
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