tv [untitled] July 4, 2011 1:30am-2:00am PDT
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worsens there are going to be more people in san francisco. it is even more important that these hearings come about. i think this committee is doing a service for everyone in san francisco to expose and at least discuss different points of view as to how departments are being run. let's put it this way. if the city was well run, we would not need an audit and oversight committee. in fact, a couple of months ago, when i ran into the founder of audit and oversight, even he admitted that the committee in the past had not lived up to its mission. i told him why don't you run for supervisor again. sit on the committee and do the job it should have been doing in the past few years. his reply was it is in good hands now. i hope so. thank you. chairperson campos: is there another member of the public who would like to speak?
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seeing none, public comment is closed. on item 3, it is an action item. supervisor farrell: motion to move it forward with recommendation. chairperson campos: without objection? great. thank you very much. madame clerk, can you call item four? and thank you for those of you who were sitting in on this item. this is not an action item. this is just a hearing. >> hearing on the controller /city service auditors work plan for 2011-2012. >> good afternoon. i am peggy stevenson from the comptroller -- controller's office. we have a very few slides to talk about, to remind folks what the city services auditor function is all about. here are copies for the members and the clerk.
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and copies for the public. the it citied services office is a creature of the charter. there are mandates we function under. in brief, there is a broad mandate for evaluating city effectiveness and efficiency, and quality of public services. it mandates the internal audit function. there are specific measures of the standards on streets and sidewalks. there is a requirement for a whistleblower program and other mandates. this is a quick list of them. the more complete picture of why we do what we do is the charter mandates, plus everything else that governs the city's business and operation.
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the ad man code requirement -- administrative code requirement is anything where there is a compliance and financial effectiveness mandate. we may do work in that area. our budget looks like the city budget. our clients are the big departments -- the department of health, the airport, the utilities commission. there is an allowance for auditing control work of this type. we are growing capacity to audit capital programs now. there is more of that work going on. when you take the 0.2% set aside into account, the charts ordered
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from largest to smallest, the general fund is the largest department. you can see the others after that. in the roughest sense, our work will be delivered back to departments in the same proportion. i will just talk for a minute or 2 the well above the major areas of the performance of the technical assistance section i run. kenya will talk about a couple of the other major audit areas. the single biggest client is the department of public health. we have very important projects under way and into next year. two of the largest are the effort to integrate primary care and mental health. we are working with them in a more than 18-month process of evaluating the clinics' ability to do that, helping license the staff appropriately, and doing training materials. in substance abuse, it is a
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significant area of the expense. we've not had a formal program evaluation in a long time. we started this a couple of years ago and will come to completion on it during this fiscal year, at least the research park. recording will go on even into next year. the number of activities will look at purchasing and revenue operations of the general hospital, preparing them to move into the new building. we have a new program to help the help answered -- and human services agencies that budgets and spends money with cbo's to help them with monitoring nonprofit organizations the city buys services from, to ensure that is done effectively and efficiently. ongoing work on improving citywide contract thing. the next series of steps on the transit effectiveness project, specifically the environmental review. lastly, work on public safety, which restarted when supervisor
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compass was still on the police commission. we are still doing projects that are an outgrowth of that. we will also work with other public safety agencies. i am willing to answer any specific questions about activities we will be undertaken. -- undertaking. we will put our plan on our website and distribute it to all of our lives next week. i will turn it over to tonya. >> controller's office. we have four specific areas we are working on, among others. that is a performance audit for an empty day -- for an mta. it was agreed we would look at the varying divisions on a rolling basis. our next division will be the safety, training, security, and enforcement division. the piece we will specifically look at this year is the
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enforcement division, simply because the safety training portion and security are undergoing federal and state audits currently. therefore, in the enforcement area, they are handling parking enforcement, transit compliance, a video surveillance, and other items under their jurisdiction. in addition, we will do other work at mta with regards to some of their other operations, such as the garages, which are ongoing compliance audits in our work plan. we will look at burying trash collection points with in the city. -- at varying cash collection points in the city. we looked at this last year due to a management letter issued by our city auditor's for our report. that is in response to that
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particular management letter. we, in conjunction with treasury, did a risk assessment of all of the attributes and looked at the 10 highest risk areas. we completed 10 this year and will complete 10 in the next fiscal year. we instituted a payroll audit program to look at are we paying our payroll appropriately according to law, according to our ammo you -- our memo use 00 o -- our mou's. our goal is to revamp -- is to revamp at least six departments. in our capital improvement area, we would like to look at the four different bonds we have. that includes the clean and safe
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neighborhood parks and earthquake emergency response. we anticipating -- we anticipate doing quite a bit of work in this area, internally or externally, to have a general look at how our bond money is being spent, looking at our construction and the relationship with our contractors and dpw and various departments. as supervisor camos k -- campos knows, we had other items look that under the was separate -- under the wsip. we have other normal compliance audits that occur, as well as looking at other areas generally in our department, developing also a contract wide audit to determine how we are handling our contract. the couple of years ago, we looked at office depot.
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we want to make sure we are administering our contracts appropriately so we will be developing a program that will help us look at 10 to 12 contracts in a limited scope in the coming fiscal year. chairperson campos: colleagues, i do not know if you have any questions. i have one comment, one thing i have learned in finding out more about the work that is being done by the comptroller -- controller's office, the magnitude of how many audits and reviews you have. a thicket is really impressive. -- i think it is impressive and wide spectrum. it makes me feel good to learn as someone who values the importance of accountability that the office has this level of involvement on so many different things.
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i think that san franciscans should feel very good about that. i look forward to working with you. again, we will also go back to another issue, which is making sure, on the issue of the audit, that as audits are completed we follow up to major departments are following up on the recommendations that were made. i know that is important as well. why don't we open it up to public comment? if there is a member of the public who would like to speak, please come forward. >> good afternoon. i have lived in san francisco for 59 years. i would like to think this committee once again. i actually heard there will be an audit on san francisco
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general hospital revenue and operations. i would like to suggest you use the 2003 board of supervisors audit as the guideline. in that audit, my own department was currently -- was thoroughly criticized, and ultimately led to my own mandatory sicklied fort two years. since we are going to audit san francisco rebuild, we are going to find out how well the money is going to be used at san francisco general hospital. in my own opinion, one employee was singled out and was put on mandatory sick leave just to cover up habeus fax that, in my opinion, the office still refuses to disclose publicly. i am of the opinion that when the city does its audit of
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general hospital revenues and operations, i dare the audit to prove my allegations wrong. so far, i have not seen anything that proved my allegations wrong. all that has happened in the last four years is a continual delay. i have to admit it. i have to think this committee for finally having the operations and revenues for san francisco general hospital. please do not forget laguna honda hospital. i do not hear any comments from a certain supervisor regarding what is going on at laguna honda hospital. i think the people are due an explanation. chairperson campos: thank you. are there other members of the public who would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed.
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this was simply a hearing. can we filed this item without objection? the clerk, please call item five, our last item. >> a resolution regarding north of markets/tenderloin commun ant to the committee. chairperson campos: do we have a presentation from staff? >> good afternoon. i am with the office of economic and workforce development, where i come-manage the community benefit district program. i know you have been here all day, or across the call -- the hall. hopefully, this last item will move quickly. what you have is a bubble -- a resolution asking the board of supervisors to approve the annual report and financial statement of the north of market community benefit corporation. it is for fiscal years 2007
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through 2010. the north of markets/tenderloin community benefit corporation is a nonprofit that manages the community benefit district. before i get into my presentation, i actually want to ask the interim executive director of the north of market tenderloin cbc to provide a summary of their work over the last two years. i will come back and do a brief report on items of economic and workforce development, which is based on state and local laws. >> good afternoon. trina is going to get the power
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point ready, but i have a hard copy as well. i'm want to submit that. as a train and mentioned, i am the interim executive director of the north of market/tenderloin community benefit district. our community benefit district provides cleaning, beautification, and safety services in the tenderloin neighborhood. we have a board of directors that governs the organization. it is a 13 member board. we just had our annual meeting where we elected a new board members. this board is comprised of seven property owners, three business owners, and three residents. we currently have a vacancy in
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the property owner category. as you can see, we have a pretty good cross-section of the tenderloin that is represented on our board. we have st. anthony's, ymca, rescue mission, hospitality house, 118 jones, a private residence, tenderloin housing clinic, a nightclub, and a grocery. we also have three residents on the board who are residents of the tenderloin. we structure our organization with committees. we have the executive /organization committee that provides oversight of all staff and contracts. they provide basic overview.
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-- a basic overview of the organization. the public rights of way committee provides oversight of our service contract with san francisco clean city. they provide all of the cleaning services for the district. this committee also works on the safety and training projects. -- and greening projects. and we work on promoting the identity of the neighborhood and the organization. the way our budget is structured, we received assessments from 605 properties. it is actually more property than that now, but the fiscal years we are reporting on, this is the number of properties that were assessed. our annual budget is around $1 million. we received that revenue in two installments. the property owners are build with their property tax bills --
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are billed with their property tax bills. the funds we receive are applied to that fiscal year. we received another installment of assessments in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year. that installment is applied to the next following fiscal year. we have had questions about the large number of funds in our budget. but it is divided into 2 below fiscal years. that is sometimes confusing for people. we basically provide cleaning, beautification, and safety for the neighborhood. the san francisco city coalition provide the cleaning services. we use san francisco clean city as our service provider because i have a strong job training and
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placement program. they train and place about 150 people every year. about 75% of those people that are placed actually retain their jobs for the full year longer or after. that was important to the neighborhood when the community benefit district was forming. the services provided -- every property gets hand swept daily. they get sidewalk scrubbing with a machine twice a month, and power washing once a month. clean city also provides graffiti abatement. the service hot spots in the neighborhood. they also help us with hazardous waste -- needles, human waste, and a large trash items. they do not, unlike other cds -- other cbd's, we do not operate
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on a dispatch system. in other places, someone would call in. we do not operate that way because it is a large district. we kind of schedule the district to make sure that the cleaning we provide is done uniformly, threat the whole district. -- throughout the whole district. the tenderloin has a lot of needs and challenges regarding cleanliness. in order to ensure everyone receives the same amount of services in a uniform way, we have to schedule and route our cleaning. in your packet is the schedule of the power washing and the sidewalk scrubber machine. i have also included a map of our current hot spots. these are areas where we actually do extra targeted steam cleaning to make sure these areas remain as clean as possible.
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in 2007, clean city -- a clean city attracts a lot of the cleaning that they do. -- tracks a lot of the cleaning they do. in 2007, they picked up 3099 needles in the tenderloin. the next year, we worked closely with community organizations like to underline health and glide to install needle drop boxes on the inside and outside of their buildings. the next year, we saw a drop in the number of needles that were picked up. in 2009, we saw a drop again. that program, we feel, has been pretty successful. that is our cleaning. we also provide beautification. as of 2011, we have planted 182
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trees in the tenderloin. that is broken down by year for you. we have also created and distributed a neighborhood restaurant guide to highlight the many fantastic restaurants and cultural destinations in the district. we contributed to the formation of the uptown historic to underline district and the historic plaques that are attached to historic buildings in the neighborhood. we also conducted a tribute to the black hawk jazz night club. the nightclub is a very important part of the tenderloin history. we want to highlight that rich musical history, and it was a successful tribute. other beautification projects include a mural on the corner of golden gate and jones street called "windows into the tenderloin."
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her mural, if you walk by and look closely at it -- you can see there are hundreds of people in the merrill -- in the mural who are members of the neighborhood she actually interacted with during the installation. because of that, the community has an investment in making sure this is not vandalized. we brought wonderland, a public art exhibit, to the tenderloin. it featured 16 art installations throughout the neighborhood. it was a way to highlight the neighborhood and a way to get people to come in and press pass through the neighborhood. we have a merrill that was part of that project and a sculpture and other installations as well. we hosted an art gallery and a
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monthly concert series. that is, in a nutshell, our beautification projects. we also worked on safety for the neighborhood. in 2007, we worked closely with the community to develop a comprehensive neighborhood safety plan. that has created a movement called tnt, the new tenderloin. we were able to get a large number of residents to city hall to speak to the board of supervisors hearing and present at that time with five dozen signatures demanding the can be considered in the same way that many other neighborhoods -- with 5000 signatures demanding the tenderloin be treated in the same way that many neighborhoods
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are considered. we also worked with nightclubs and liquor stores. we bring an annual street fair to the neighborhood and close jones street between mcalester and golden gate to create a safe block where families can celebrate the holidays. we sponsor the tenderloin health and safety fair. we also invited sunday streets and advocated they come to the tenderloin, and they did. unfortunately, last year it was completely rained out. next out of the movement, along with some other community groups, we created safe havens. safe havens are a network of sites that are trained, and we will allow anyone who is feeling
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unsafe on the street to duck into their place of business and give them some emergency refuge if they are not feeling comfortable on the street. when we started, we had 11 sites. now we are at 52. we also do a safe passage with the boys and girls club, who started the program. they have used to chaperone the younger youth to and from their activities. we wanted to formalize the chaperoning. we intend on designating a representative in the neighborhood and putting down a brick road pattern that will be colored in by an artist, visually designated to the neighborhood and the youth that that is an area where we want them to walk safely, and hopefully eventually have all of them shop around.
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we also help the police department every year with national night out. we assisted the newsom administration with the establishment of the community justice center. the mayor's office sent a coalition of tenderloin residents to the justice center, who bought into the idea of the community justice center because of what we saw there. we worked hard in the community to support that effort. at the time, it was very political. we believe it has proved itself. some future projects we are working on right now -- we are working on the development at a van ness and carry -- and geary. we also hope to increase the public amenities in the neighborhood. we have installed eight public benches.
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we are working on creating public bathroom access with some of our partners in the community who we subsidize to keep their bathrooms monitored and open to the community. that is, in a nutshell, what the tenderloin cbd is all about. i am happy to take any questions. chairperson campos: thank you. i do not want to lose the quorum of the committee. i wonder how long this is going to be. to be. >> this is going to be brief.
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