tv [untitled] July 5, 2011 5:30am-6:00am PDT
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school in boston, where focused on domestic violence advocacy issues and civil rights in education issues, i went to work for small law firm in oakland. after internships at the american civil liberties union and other civil rights organizations. supervisor elsbernd: you throw out the civil rights division in the department of justice. they're typically the entity that sometimes challenges district lines. did you have any exposure to work like that? >> this was specifically in the department of education. so we dealt more with issues involving k-12 and higher education. after coming to san francisco in 1999, i started working in a small civil rights firm in oakland, and that transferred to a seckel civil rights from the representing plaintiffs in employment discrimination cases, wages, and accommodation that is. a family of five for housing is not granted the housing, either because of the size of their
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family or because they are a person of color, same-sex couple, things along those lines, as an example. ultimately, i decided to leave the practice of law to go to sf state, because i recognize that yes or more of a consensus- builder and an advocate in that regard than i was comfortable in working in a very different perspective, were often the only outcome we were able to achieve was a check to our client. supervisor kim: thank you. supervisor farrell: thank you. good to see you, jason. i know your work mostly through wallenberg. as you think about redistricting and we talk about communities of interest, how do you view religious institutions and faith in terms of redistricting and what role that might play? >> thank you for that question. first, if you look at the u.s. history of social movements and
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also across the world, people are often guided by their values and their principles, which often are faith-based. that is why i have been so involved with wallenberg over the years. i believe firmly in the things i have talked about, and making sure everyone has an equal vote. i worked on these issues. the role that states play in one's life is often to inspire one to make positive social change. that is how i find value in my faith as well and how i found value through wellenberg, too. people can unite around commonalities that they share. that is why it is important to protect communities of interest, so they can elect a leader that will understand their perspectives and ultimately represent them well at city hall. supervisor farrell: have your reply to other commissions here in city hall? if not, why this one? >> this is the first one. this one, really, i find it
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extremely compelling. i recognize how important it is. my term as president ends a week from today, so i will have a lot more time than i did before hand. supervisor kim: thank you. supervisor elsbernd: i have a question that maybe supervisor kim was going to ask. i know you have young children. are you going to have time to do this? >> my family is extremely supportive of my involvement in the community, and i certainly will. supervisor kim: thank you. seeing that you have been active with a political club, what are some of the major issues that the club has worked on or that has been a priority for the club over the past few years? >> great question. looking forward to what we're doing next week when i go out of office, we will be hearing about pension reform. it is an event i am very excited about. there are issues that unite us as a jewish community that the club has taken on. most recently, we have been working on the proposal to ban circuses in -- circumcision in
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san francisco. that has united our club quite seriously. when i became president of the club, we work on other issues as well, going back as far as holding quorums on care not cash. we would meet with anyone supporting any office. our tax process that the club is involved in it really brings people in on issues far beyond religious or fate is used as well. supervisor kim: could you name some other issues in the past that the club has worked on? >> yes, project homeless connect, on homelessness issues. we were very interested in being involved in that. we have done voter registration and education. we have had a forum where recently as well things. we have a broad approach to see what happens in san francisco. supervisor kim: you also advocate on issues.
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do take positions? or there any major initiatives that were important to the club, besides the besidesban, -- besides the circumcision ban? >> none come to mind immediately. but once the club takes the position on able specific perspective, it does advocate for that position. correct. supervisor kim: i want an understanding of your understanding of the city as a whole. were you have lived and how long. >> moved here in 1999. my wife and grew up here in the late roy said area. that is what brought us back to san francisco. we looked originally in the richmond district. now live in lakeside. supervisor kim: what are some important principles or values that you would consider their your decision making process on the redistricting committee? >> the primary one is ensuring that communities of interest do not lose any ability to elect a person to the board of
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supervisors. i -- by community of interest, it can be ethnic communities. it can be populations that are drawn together and lived near one another. it can be merchants' associations and other want to interact with city hall. protecting those communities, recognizing the neighborhoods that make up san francisco and finding value in the strength of the city in the neighborhoods and how they are comprised is a key component of how i would approach the process. i think that would really be informed by a very broad approach to getting as many people involved in the process as possible. a different question that raised some thoughts with me was how do we make sure that we're hearing from as many people as possible? i know that there are about two or three meetings in every supervisor district. they often met in the evenings and the weekend. that is a fabulous approach.
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meeting in the middle of the day will not serve anybody will. they would often received things via fax. of course, receiving input through as many social media as possible, through as many ways as you could drop in those communities of interest to hear where people need to be heard. supervisor kim: thank you. are there any other questions or comments? cnn, thank you very much. we will go back to gia daniller- katz. after gia, jenny lam. >> good morning. thank you for including me. my name is gia daniller-katz, and i am here today because i would love the opportunity to serve as a member of the redistricting task force and to serve the city in committee in this way. my interest in the special assignment stems from my passion for san francisco, a deep
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commitment to community involvement, as well as community engagement. i have interests in all things political. i have been actively involved in civic affairs in san francisco and with various community and political organizations for the past 15 + years. i worked in areas around urban planning, environmental issues, women's issues, and have been very involved in the jewish community. i am a past president, like my good friend and colleague, adjacent p -- jason porth, in the club. i am running a small business providing government and community relations consulting services. what i wanted to highlight for you is the fact that i have considerable experience in the community outreach fund and also a very strong group process person. having either chaired or staffed
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numerous volunteer-led efforts and committees over the years. i also wanted to communicate the fact that i would not be coming to this effort with any preconceived notions or specific agendas regarding the redistricting process. to work with the full range of stakeholders is my goal, and to work with communities in constituencies to make the process as effective and empowering for the city as a whole as possible. i know time is short, and i want to thank you for your consideration and say that i very much look forward to opportunities to work with all of you. supervisor kim: thank you. supervisor elsbernd: let me be real blunt and direct. you are a registered lobbyist. how is it going to look for the board to appoint a registered lobbyist to this committee? i am sure it is sending you have
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thought about. >> you know, it is interesting, because i recently registered. a lot of the work i have done in the past with the government did not fall under the rules. and then i felt, recently, that that was something that was important to do. you know, is sending that i have thought about, and i guess i have sort of the economy in my head. because i consider myself a community leader and someone who has really been involved in the grass roots. and i am confident that my work would not influence or the influence in terms of perception. i guess i would say that i would hope that people would see folks not sort of as one part of who they are, one label, but really take into account their record and their years of involvement
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and commitment, and judge them on their actions and how they conduct themselves. integrity and transparency are extremely important to me. supervisor kim: to what. i have a follow-up. i notice that your work is on government relations, public affairs. you do work around advocacy to government, political strategy. what are some of the projects you are currently working on? >> so some of the things i am currently working on are not necessarily on the local level, not necessarily local lobbying. i am very involved in working for a large social service provider. the work that i do for them, a jewish family civil services, is actually more on the state level, helping tried to fight some of these budget the work there has been working with lots of different emigrant communities.
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supervisor kim: who were you doing lobbying with? >> i also represent on the state level and organization in the of north bay that ranges membership more sort of public affairs, educating their members would jar public and nonprofit called the north bay leadership council. i started working at chase bank, helping them with land-use approvals as they started to expand their presence in san francisco. supervisor kim: thank you. >> i also worked for public agencies doing community outreach work. i worked on high-speed rail project and that kind of stuff. supervisor farrell: that was my line of questioning also. supervisor kim: thank you. next we have jenny lam.
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>> a good morning, supervisors. thank you for the opportunity to share with you my interest and passion for serving on the redistricting task force. i have lived in san francisco for 14 years with the majority of those years of levin -- living in district 8. i am a proud at san francisco public school parent and committed to raising our family here in the city. san francisco is our home. as you see from my application, i have dedicated my professional life to working in the community with a variety of backgrounds working directly in social- service programs, to education, women's rights, advocacy and policy. i am the director of community relations at chinese affirmative-action and i'm proud of our work last year around the
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census. we were one of the leading organizations binding and that yes we count coalition which brought together 13 organizations looking to having deep roots in the community and injuring an accurate count in hard to count communities. in just a short amount of time, 13 organizations were able to reach 50,000 residents and i am proud that in san francisco, we were seen challenging trends and we saw an increase in our ability from 2000-2010, saving the city tens of millions of dollars over the next 10 years. from that process, i was able to demonstrate collaboration between community, the city of san francisco, and working with the u.s. census bureau. we have a deep background and history in the civil rights
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movement, being founded over 40 years ago. in 2002, we were very much involved in redistricting and we continue to have access to resources to voting rights laws as well as statewide redistricting that is currently happening. on a personal level, what i would bring to the task force is insuring it is an inclusive process and my leadership is founded to the values of integrity and fairness. i have also demonstrated that i'm a collaborator, willing and open to working with communities of all of san francisco. i am particularly -- i was struck with the article that we are seeing families leave san francisco. that is very much a concern for me. that is what i would bring to the task force, not only looking at the past and present of san
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francisco, but how key this redistricting task force will play in the future of san francisco. supervisor elsbernd: you have access to a lot of information -- i think you said access to legal theory on redistricting issues. play out a scenario for made -- you get appointed and are on the commission. the city attorney will be your counsel. the city attorney provides legal advice on a particular issue that runs contrary to the opinion provided by your ca council. you are a commissioner of the city. which way do you go? >> ca is not a legal organization. we do not have any legal representation from the organization. we what have access to
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understanding what the voting rights law is and ensuring the rights of san francisco -- that would be my personal perspective as well as my ability to serve on the committee to understand how we are implementing within the law. supervisor farrell: to follow up on that, does the organization take positions on redistricting or advocate for certain policies within that? >> we have, yes. in 2002, we were involved in local redistricting. we currently have not taken any position in redistricting on the statewide level. much of our focus last year was insuring there was a thorough and massive grass-roots effort in the count. supervisor farrell: you say the organization took positions. what positions might they have
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been? >> they were looking at ensuring that the various communities were represented in a way to protect certain interests of various populations throughout the city. supervisor farrell: as an example? >> looking at various lines being proposed within the southeast sector as well as the west side. supervisor kim: thank you. you have a very impressive resume and a lot of -- i see you cochaired the quality in education task. thank you for that. you are also a parent. your ability to serve on this task force? >> over the last 10 years, i've been able to juggle my responsibilities for my home life to my professional life.
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i have a very important -- at a very supportive family who knows this is important to me and to the city. supervisor kim: you work in chinatown and attend school in district 5. could you talk a little bit about your knowledge as -- knowledge of the city as a whole? >> most of my community assessment has been through the schools and that has taken me to many parts of the city. living here 14 years and being so active, i'm very familiar with the various needs and enjoyments of the city as well. supervisor kim: some of the things you would prioritize in its use of redistricting? >> areas of inclusiveness and
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fairness. that is what i would bring to this process. supervisor kim: you talked about being concerned about families leading san francisco and bringing that perspective to the redistricting task force. how does that perspective apply in redistricting? >> it is a personal passion of mine to understanding how is the demographics of san francisco changing and how are we looking to really building and growing a vibrant community that is what makes a city thrived. supervisor farrell: thank you for your comments about families. i share those concerns. a question i would ask to some of the other applicants -- have you ever applied before? what sparked your interest? >> i have not applied for any
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commissions. my interest of why now with redistricting was i landed at ca in 2010 and within the first month of me being on staff, we were able to bring 30 organizations together, working closely with the city and that triggered my interests of this is the next phase of that worke throughout neighborhoods n san francisco. it would be the next level of growing my skills as well as the analysis around that public policy piece, around redistricting. supervisor elsbernd: does caa receive any city money? >> we do receive money for work- force development and employment. supervisor elsbernd: play that scenario out for me. members will be very worried about where the lines are drawn.
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they are the same people need to vote to grant the approval of the appropriations. how do you play that out? >> i would be able to bring independence to that. what would drive me personally for redistricting is not caa, but as an advocate, bringing those values and how to ensure i'm working with my colleagues on the task force to ensure that is open and inclusive of the community perspective. supervisor kim: thank you. next, we havejuanita recinos. >> i'm from district 6. abbas born and raised in the city. i come from a working-class family and i went to public schools here.
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i'm currently at city college of san francisco. i believe i would be an asset to this task force because i know my community and city very well. i believe in the voting process and communities having input in city government. i've also a former youth commissioner, so i have experience serving my city. being part of the youth commission, i have learned to work across districts and find solutions. i have experience in the tobacco free project and in this program, i learned to assess the health needs of my neighborhood and work with merchants. i also learned the importance of action research and its relationship to policy. i believe my vision is to represent my community and the voices that have not been heard. i would like to see this city improved through this redistricting process. supervisor kim: thank you for
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serving as a youth commissioner and representing district 6. i saw that on your application. could you talk more about why you are interested in serving on redistricting. can you be specific as to why and what you hope to accomplish some of your priorities as a task force member? >> that want to serve on this task force because it is going to affect the city for the next 10 years. as someone who loves san francisco and plans to work here, i would like to see working-class communities not be diluted in the redistricting process. i believe that is important and needs to be part of the task force. supervisor kim: you grew up in san francisco. could you talk about your brought up knowledge of the city as a whole? >> with the tobacco free
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project, we worked with bayview, the tenderloin, and a serving stores and comparing the neighborhoods, seeing how access to fresh fruits and vegetables -- i learned of the needs of other neighborhoods. as part of the youth commission, we created and then called recreation revolution which was done in the glen park area. the mission of that activity was to provide a late night that news for young people to congregate and have a place to go on friday nights and be less exposed to violence and danger. supervisor kim: i was not able to tell from your application. could you talk about your time commitment to work and school and your ability to balance that with the redistricting commission?
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>> i'm currently a student at city college. how that would balance is city college has established online class is so students can have online class's and dedicate more time to serving the community and so i have flexibility from that. most of my classes would be in the morning. after that, i would be able to commit myself to the task force. supervisor kim: your only commitment is attending school -- no other extracurricular? >> i also volunteer at [unintelligible] supervisor kim: thank you very much. next, we havekatherine morales. >> i'm a good candidate for the
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redistricting task force because san francisco is my home. it always has been and by was born here. i cannot imagine moving. i care about its future. my qualifications include i am an excellent communicator, have an ability to compromise, i am detail-oriented and organized and patient. i view myself as a positive contribution to this task force. i know that it sounds -- i have a lot of common sense and i may not have all the accouterments of people who have spoken or would speak before me, but i
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have no agenda other than to make sure our city continues to work well and continues to be the place i loved. i understand the legal requirements of redistricting and i'm excellence didn't. if there is something i do not understand, i will understand it soon. that is probably all i have to say. supervisor kim: thank you. any questions? >> is this the first time you have applied and what sparked your interest? >> i grew up in this city and i remember -- i grew up in the sunset and i have lived in debut and south of market. i had a business in the tenderloin and also in the sunset. i remember being ignored. part of me is very concerned with i do not want to be ignored
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again. even though i am white and a woman, i went to public schools, i grew up poor and on welfare. i do not want redistricting to ignore me again. supervisor kim: thank you. i have seen that you have done all lot of work in district 6, st. anthony's. >> i love st. anthony's. supervisor kim: doing work with people and mental health -- i appreciate that. if you could expand a little more about your priorities or principles that would guide you through your decision making process on redistricting. >> i don't quite understand. >> priorities and values that would guide you through redistricting decision making processes. >> first, there is that letter of the law. second is my
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