tv [untitled] July 5, 2011 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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botanical garden, it gives them a reason to come back. you think let's go and look at the pretty flowers. these are pretty flowers, but they are flowers with weird and fascinating stories behind them. that is really fun and really not what people normally think of when they come to a horticultural institution. >> "wicked plants" is now showing at the san francisco conserve tore of flowers. unless next time, get out and play.
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>> please call the roll. >> commissioner benetti, you have to move your sign. are you here? [roll call] we have a quorum. no word from commissioner cavellini. hopefully we will see him soon. president newlin: we have a request, so i think i will just move to item no. 4 because we don't have anybody from the police department anyway. in that, i would like to introduce mr. john gallagher that is retiring after i will say how many years of service.
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he and i came from the police academy together. 41. >> good evening, commissioners. i will be the permit officer for two more days and then my place will be taken. this place has had a lot of negativity over the last years and a lot of criticism. how to save the think we finally got in. we are on the same page. i've been working very closely with the last year-and-a-half for the had the power to suspend and we sent to police reports to them. how to take a few minutes to thank you and thank them. tenge in industry is safer for it. >> thank you for everything you have given to the city and
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county of san francisco. president newlin: public comment, members of the public may address items that are within the subject matter of the commission. with respect to agenda items, they may address us for up to 3 minutes. is there anybody here that would like to do public comment? ok. review and approve the mets of april 26, may 24, and june 14. let's see. it looks like we have to bifurcate this to some extent because i wasn't here for the first two. >> you don't have to because they are the same. you can. >> just abstain from the vote and you won't get in much
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trouble. president newlin: we are good on all three meetings for a change. does anybody want to make a motion? >> [roll call vote] >> i withdraw the motion. he is right. you can't abstain. i move that we bifurcate the minutes and a vote on them separately. somebody seconds. president newlin: in addition to
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him, we have enough people here to make a quorum. >> i can vote on the first, but not the last two. >> we move to vote on them separately. >> i moved to approve the minutes of june 14. >> [roll call vote] >> ok. i move to approve the minutes of may 24. >> i don't think i can do the same house. [roll call vote] >> i move to approve the minutes
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of april 26. i can't, i'm sorry. >> [roll call vote] done. president newlin: one of the most complicated things i have ever done in my whole life. i don't think we have anybody here from the supervisors yet so we will go to item no. 3, report of the executive director. gosh, the evening, commissioners. this will be quick. the legislative policy of state at this point is really going to be the discussion coming later, i will move to the office of date.
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i wanted to lead the commission of that we have begun playing the summit, and the date at the moment that i can get the public library, the auditorium is august 9. that is a point of reference for you. you may be interested in coming for part or all of it, but you can't come at the same time because we will have a quorum problem. it will be similar to previous summits. >> is the sum at a public meeting? -- summit a public meeting? >> yes. >> we can all come, right? >> i suppose you are right. we are obviously going to speak with the police department.
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and to partner with us, to make sure that attendance is as big as possible. i would really like to webstream this event. we can include anybody that can't come but wants to check-in and if they are able to online. and have it available on demand. i am hopeful that maybe i will find somebody that has the equipment to let me do that. as a specific volunteer type thing. we're looking for a sponsorship to assist with refreshments for the event. we'll keep the commission informed as we move on. i wanted to let the staff of that the commission staff attended a couple liberal meetings since the last time we were here.
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we did the labor complaints, both of these venues were having some sound problems. staff attended last week on june 22. there was an additional follow- up meeting at central station. the outcome for both included increased calls to assist in managing crut noise at the end of the night. a thing they will report for soundproofing. when i finish, he can pick up from there. i wanted to let the commission know about progress of the implementation of the promoter
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legislation. we're working on the creation of the first ever online promoter registration. of authority with them, is taking longer than i anticipated. my aim is to reveal that registration online. i think it is a perfect place and time to do that. and hopefully that is what i am going to push for and have a testing time before we put it out in the world. that is the early august timeframe. and lastly, the budget has not been finalized by the board yet. the entertainment commission budget at this time has been capped. it is a positive thing in light
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of the problems that san francisco has with the budget and in addition with a small sum of money in to implement the online permit as required by the passage of promoting in sustaining music and culture. i think there is a resolution backing in 2008. it is on the commission and started to work on some of that a few years ago. we were having a hard time with implementation. as soon as the board passes the final budget, you'll find out how accessible those funds are. i am sure you are already talking to some vendors that are doing a simple thing rather quickly. lastly, we have been working with a tax collector on
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consolidation. i took the opportunity to talk to them about helping us with the collection of funds. we have outstanding citations that they have issued. we have occasionally and bounced checks because we k cash or check only at this point. sometimes, people that fail to pay sort of in the -- end up in a list. we work hard to chase them down, but if they don't come back for another permit, we're asserting that conversation to see if there is some way that we can get them to do this for us.
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obviously in the way that we can give the balance of this to the department. i will let you know how that goes. over the years, it has become a bigger problem for us. that concludes the report. >> as far as the web streaming goes, i know someone that will do it for you. >> will they do it for free? >> i am not sure how we can do that because it is through the city. >> i know that i can find a way. >> i hope he is not watching this. the element of surprise will be
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gone. >> we get the money for citations? >> we do in the same way we get all of the money. we get credited for the money. >> do we get the money the tax gets every year? >> that is what fun is the majority. -- funds the majority. president newlin: anyone else? >> how much revenue has been generated so far? >> thank you, commissioner, for that beautiful segway. -- segue. the first item is entertainment commission citations. we have currently about roughly
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$1,400 outstanding in fines that have not been paid currently. to answer your question, commissioner. we reported that we will be working with the secondhand ordinance. we visited predominantly hookah lounges. while we were included in this particular evening, many do entertainment without appeal. they have a tendency to stay open very least without extended hours. i was able to find ourselves in an interesting situation and educate a little bit, and give warnings where needed. the same time, i was there with the smoking ordinance
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enforcement committee that was basically telling them they were out of business anyway. as they began to change their business plan or business model to more of a restaurant. both events happened without any major incidents that was very good. i believe it was the biggest we have had it today. we have not gotten the formal numbers on friday at. it was also very big. the saturday, a cut was well organized and well run. there were a few logistical challenges just because of the volume of people coming through
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that should be looked at for future years. again, there was no major incidents of violence. the demographics of the crowd attending these is much younger than previous years. i would say a large percentage of the crowd as under the age of 25. and a big percentage of that is under the age of 21. >> they all seemed to be younger. >> anyone under the age of 30 looks like they are 12 to me. even by those standards. finally, i attended a community meeting. to give you some back story there, it is almost doubling it. they put in a new state and increased the sound system.
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this led to a neighbor complains for obvious reasons. there was a lot more sound coming out of this space. they have committed to drastically improving their sound system. there soundproofing. they have committed to a time line that was presented to finish that were and also have a second phase so that it wasn't satisfactory holding the sound in. i am in constant contact with the neighbors. we were able to have a weekend where i got one issues saturday night, they called the venue and it was immediately taken care of. that is a situation where we see when the neighbors in the area work well together, there is some kind of open dialogue
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that results in positive results for both everyone in the neighborhood and in the venue. moving down the list, you can see -- >> let me interrupt at this point. i would like to talk a little bit about sloan. the glass company. this is not the same address as the location of the permanent, and their entertainment permit. correct? >> not really. >> i sent a question of a couple weeks ago that they have not heard back yet. isn't it my understanding that when you expand into a new location and a different address, don't they have to have
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an amendment to their license? and in the case of us, they certainly have to come back for the p.o.e. to be expanded in another location. it was the mission street address, not until -- onto m innow? >> the minna address wasn't techinall - - technically its own address. it was at the back of the building where they park their trucks. the space has been chopped in half, they have expanded through to that space. your question on if it is the
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same address or not, the answer is yes to both sides. it is the same address and it is not the same address. >> and they have not come to any conclusion yet? >> as far as i know, they are making them do very similar to what we are doing. >> and we're going to amend the p.o.e.? >> yes, we are. i have been asking for multiple weeks to bring that application so we can start moving forward. it is a major amendment. it is going to require an additional hearing. he has been stuck in fire department land.
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he has not done that yet. >> and there is no fire -- prior p.o.e. there before? it seems to me he should not be operating in that location until the technicalities have been worked out. >> it goes back to the initial question which is yes, and nell. -- yes and no. no, and yes. if the backspace is considered to be back of that address, it is covered. if it is not, then it is not. >> just pull out and planning department maher. in the meantime, it doesn't sound as though they should be
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operating in that space. vice chair joseph: i am not sure a blocking lot number of flies. i had a nightclub that they probably have a separate lot numbers. it was built as one building. all of my permits were for one building. a think that is an answer that possibly the planning department can answer. >> i would like to suggest that we allow the staff to look into this. and not jump into anything about shutting somebody down until we know it is something that is required or not. check with the city attorney if you need it and let us know what is going on.
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>> i do have a comment that i will make out on friday. this year, the medical team assisted on the perimeter including transporting people, the homeless that were injured. they had the medical team that did a lot of transports that normally might have been used by the city. this is to the police in that way. it gets better. and the bullying, and the suicide. there were a ton of kids that came out. his clientele is mostly kids. it is good to see him coming
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out. president newlin: the one to conclude your report? -- do you want to conclude your report? >> yes, sir. all three of those venues are basically violating the same issue which is operation without a permit or a place of entertainment. all three are restaurants. it goes back to what we talked about in the past, the increase of restaurants. it is a hard economic time to make ends meet. the rest, we have had the violence that you see, there is nothing majorly out of the ordinary that makes it above
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kind of the average of random club of violence. it is actually a good thing. so far, we are finishing up in june. june, july, august can be hard months for the entertainment industry so far as violence. the summer is starting off pretty tame. it has to do with the work done by the staff and the work done by the police department and closely monitoring and managing entertainment out bear. president newlin: i would lik e to go to item number six. supervisor wiener is waiting to participate.
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the commission may adopt the recommendation concerning this ordinance. supervisor wiener? >> the sponsor of the legislation is actually supervisor mirkarimi. the supervisor from the office is here to talk about it. in addition, we added some maps that you can look at as well as information from the small business commission. i will turn it over to rob. he will at whatever he feels is appropriate. >> i'm an aide in supervisor mirkarimi's office. he regrets not being able to be here, but the history of a is
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that small business owners approach supervisor mirkarimi and your commission and expressed interest in getting the opportunity to have affordable permit to offer a modest amount of live performances in their venues. this legislation addresses a gap in the city's permit as an accessory use. in restaurants, cafes, bars, and other small businesses. it creates a permit for a modest level of live performances where it is currently not allowed. from what we understand, and hundreds of others cannot legally offer their customers live performances because the only permit available is one
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suitable for nightclubs and intended for that. the owner wanting to have a live performance would be required to obtain a permit as you out at what cost $1,700 for a non- refundable application fee. in the cafe would have to be creating a security plan associated with major events. it comes with a fairly significant cost of $2,000 as we understand it. so these current requirements are cost prohibited that just wish to offer a live performance for discrete periods of time.
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