tv [untitled] July 6, 2011 6:30am-7:00am PDT
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to say, yes, thank you for the work. here is money to do it. they understand that in order to do this, you need a job. you need to learn how to work. i am dedicated with all of these dedicated people. i thank you all and i want to say that san francisco should be really proud of what we are doing. [applause] thank you. >> i just wanted to say thank- you to catherine. thank you for your continued good work. let's keep taking public comment. i apologize for running over. i think it is important to hear
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these positive experiences from the community. >> when i saw catherine and all of the kids, i had to come up here to let you know that in san francisco, the garden project is one of the finest programs we have ever had in this city for decades. when the kids come here and tell you about their jobs, we have all of these kids that need training. as a longtime policy maker and member of this community, i would like to make a pitch to you community -- commissioners and members of the committee [unintelligible]
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as long as we are in this community, we will make sure that everyone coming out to this country, the garden project must have a share of that. support on the ground is that a lot of people talk. the garden project has sustained the youth of this community, working with them, we are honored to do the kind of work you are -- that you are doing the kind of work you are doing. i can make the pitch for you that all of you policy people out here, help us to make sure that they do not have all of the
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benefits. making sure that the people without benefits have your time. >> i would be remiss in my responsibilities if i did not think cathy for the wonderful job she has been doing since 1982. i really have to thank these young brothers and sisters that spoke before you. one day i envision looking out here and seeing, one day soon, i hope, one of these youngsters, or at least a black individual on this commission. you know what i am saying belloc's so that it will be reflective of the community. i do appreciate.
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i really wanted to say that i appreciate this program. in the jail and a lot of people on parole would die and be so eager to get into her program and continue in their program, as they did. i wanted to know how much i appreciate that. thank you. [applause] >> sorry that i did not speak earlier. i am very grateful to be a part of miss catherine's program. she is just like a very strong woman, very committed who is willing to help and knows what needs to be done. always telling us that if you
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think you are done, you are not. there is always a job to be done. she is the embodiment of a hard, strong working women, working with kids who have no direction to go in. she is a leader and she leads us. like, you know, it is kind of like we are plants and miss catherine is the light that helps us grow. without her i would probably be unemployed, sitting at home, not doing anything. she really gives us a breath of fresh air. something to do, giving us somewhere to go from 8 to 12. the money is good. she makes sure that everything gets done right and we have an opportunity coming out here to speak to you.
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is an experience that most children and kids of our age and ethnicity do not kid a chance to do. miss catherine has opened a bunch of doors and opportunities and we are very, very, very grateful. thank you. [applause] >> commissioner thorez >> i wanted to address the young people and let you know that i have been pretty impressed with people most of my life. i thought i had met a lot of impressive people, from coast to presidents, but you are the future and you have really touched my heart. [applause] i just want to wish you well. you have had an incredible feature who has blessed your
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lives, but you have also given blessings back and we are very proud of you. [applause] >> if there is no further public comment on the regular agenda, but i would like to do is close this portion of the meeting. i believe that there is some food here. i know that we are running behind, and it would be nice to spend longer, but can we take a 10 minute recess bell at 6:20 we will start on the joint meeting >> good evening. this will be a short meeting. we are delighted to have all of you here this evening.
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>> if anyone wishes to address us at this time, if you wish to address us in the public agenda and feel you have not heard anything yet, you may go on. the southeast facility commission is scheduled for saturday, september 24, 2011 from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.. located here in san francisco. as a reminder, the winds of change regular meeting was cancelled today. if there is no public comment, our meeting is adjourned and we
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go into a joint meeting. thank you. >> this entire commission needs to be present for the regular meeting. >> i just announced that all of our commissioners are present. >> thank you. the first thing that i would like to do is ask palace to come on out. [applause] she is hard at work back there. in a stand that she is the niece of alex pitcher. we want to thank her.
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thank you so much. i want to thank you again for welcoming the public utilities commission to the southeast facility. we're looking forward to this joint meeting. it has been some time since we had a meeting together. we look forward to an open dialogue with conversation. this is my great honor to co- chair this meeting with president william kennedy sitting next to me. i want to apologize in advance that we have to hand as of early.
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i want to say hello and thank you to the commissioners of the southeast facility. we look forward to a productive meeting and many more in the future. >> i would like to welcome all of you, as well as the city commission. not only do i welcome them, but i did remember from several years ago -- it is always a good to meet the new commissioners i have not met before. we welcome you to our household and we hope that you have enjoyed being here despite your rough time this afternoon. i think that everything went smoothly even though there was a lot of interest in what was going on. i know that we sometimes forget things and i would like to remind by commissioners, as well as the commissioners of the puc, as well as the audience, of our
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mission statement. maybe then you will remember what we are all about. the southeast utilities commission was located here and was established in 1987 with the southeast community facility was built as a measure in return for the bayview unemployment community's acceptance for the southeast water treatment plant in the middle of our neighborhood. additionally and in order to contain -- obtain approval, the city agreed to operate and maintain at city cost the facility for the benefit of the community. members of the commission served at the pleasure of the man and are facing the purpose to review and provide guidance regarding operations of cells of these
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facilities and other facilities under its jurisdiction. the yearly goal is to continue to promote, advocate, and improve the physical, health, public safety, and welfare of the hunters point community canfor all residents of san francisco. i thought maybe you needed to hear that so that you understood what our mission was here in the southeast part of this community. so, thank you so much again for coming. many of you here are from the community the day and you can hopefully have a say in what you hear here today. do not feel bashful. if you have something that you want to say, come on down and say it. the next item on the agenda? >> public comment. we will be getting discussion
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around the historical background communications process and programming ideas from the perspective of the puc. we thought that we would open it up to public comments. or you can wait until we have feedback at that time. >> one other thing. do you see those bags on the table? if you are ever in a garden, feel free to pick up and eggplant. they are here for all of us. as is the fruit on the table over there. those are basically -- not peaches, nectarines. i hope that you enjoy that as well as the meal.
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>> provided by the garden project, so a big thank-you to them for providing all of those for our public enjoyment. public comment? >> good evening on this historic occasion. i am the executive director of the california meeting -- organization of the arts. we are a statewide organization in santa monica, sacramento, and as well last year in san francisco. i wanted to applaud your commitment to community arts as discussed earlier. in that context i wanted to mention two initiatives that might inform your planning process around the city wide initiative within the se sector, which we are all so concerned with. one of the initiatives for the
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arts and the environment, to get artists involved in supporting public awareness initiatives through their art work, music, and dance in community centers, helping to generate broad support for conservation, recycling, and attention, that is a movement that has involved artists and environmental people around the state. your agency, so concerned with infrastructure environment, seeing them take on that aspect, the only thing we have been working on is a lot of attention to meaningful research. the fact that arts programs have helped to reduce recidivism. the rate by which people who are incarcerated, out on probation. -70% of californians go back to
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jail within three years. the highest recidivism rate in the country. a country with the highest incarceration rate in the world. arts and corrections programs have been shown to reduce recidivism. because there is alignment pending from the state penal system to county jail, we are going to bring to your attention the opportunity to bring arts programs to people in our facilities as they become reacquainted with families and communities. they are restoring justice programs in the arts, as well as conflict resolution and out -- many other things that could be beneficial. as this will be an immediate issue in the community, not funded well within the state, services for people being sent back to county.
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we wanted to bring that to your attention as well, when you think about community arts programs. thank you for your attention. [applause] >> midafternoon. [unintelligible] jackson again. but i wanted to do, earlier i asked if any of you had or had seen the historical america for the southeast. a couple of hands went up. when those hands went up, i went and asked juliet ellis whether or not she had seen it and she said no. that is what i ask for mr. [unintelligible] moses to get copies. a lot of people talk, but they never get to walk when it comes
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to this area. so, here is at least 20. but i have got more. pass it back. you could be looking at it. it is very important that not only you, but the community knows how long it has been since we started with this. it was 1969. it was not the 1970's. it was the 1970's when we talked about an advisory committee and what we wanted because of mitigation expansion discussion of the sewage plant. we have gone through a lot here. the citizens here, the homeowners. promises were made to this community.
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i do not forget the things that were stated that were going to happen in this community. the funds that were supposed to come back to this community. at that time there was not a puc. it was a waste, water, and the department of public works. i told some of you that i did not even know when you took over. because i did know that frank jordan, the mayor of this city, had stated to me that he would set up a puc commission. i did not know that it would take over those southeast facilities. it was never told to espagnole love. usually nothing passes in this community unless it comes by hispaniola. [laughter]
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you are going to hear testimony and i want you to hear to what the community is saying that we want. as of the time that i heard like a mission is just an advisory, it was set up by a charter just like you. just like you. i do not like hearing -- the bella is ringing? ok. [laughter] well, since you in my house. [laughter] since you in my house by want to make sure -- i want to make sure that we get a clear understanding on this day that this building here do not belong to you. >> yes. >> this building belongs to the community. >> yes. >> i want to make sure that
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that's understood. [applause] in is the community building. the reason why you hear is to be responsive to this community. because, as mr. charlie walker stated, he has left. what the rest of the city did not want, they put it into this community and we have to accept it. and we did accept it. i received a call that said -- mr. jackson, because that was set out to talk about digesters, why is it they did not put digesters someplace else? why at have to be in bayview? i use common sense. there ain't nowhere for it to go. there ain't such place for the bill then, when it done, will go beautifully.
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we believe that you can do an excellent job with us working together with my commission. thank you very much. [applause] >> [unintelligible] osiris' coalition. we are here in force now. basically i want to recap what i said earlier. i am going to summarize. we understand about the programs that you have in place. many of the people that were here earlier may not have been aware that there is also an as needed list. by state law you have to have a wastewater certificate. there is loopholes on the as
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needed list between the airplane and the the power plant. licensing at the airport makes the rounds with no relation. what we are seeing to this information, we do not have any problems with those, we just want to be included. as well as you made it for other organizations and ethnicities. no. 2, individuals have already been working for the puc for a bunch a years. i am not going to comment much on that, but that is where we are getting. from the osiris point of view, live with our people benefit from the 99 can program? we do not want our people coming
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in through the 99 can program. regardless of that, it affects your retirement. if you are stagnant and, of as an entry-level journeyman as opposed to someone who gets the clear opportunity for $10,000 per month, they are much happier in their retirement days. thank you very much. [applause] >> good afternoon. my name is dr. harrison parker. next, i have a question. my question is -- what is the relationship for the average
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person in the community to understand the relationship between puc commission and the self facilities commission? what process does it have to go through to make some changes other than just going around and around in circles without making any progress? the creatures alluded to by jackson. thank you. [applause] >> maybe we can respond to that question.
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maybe one of the general managers? >> i think that i would be happy to have the city attorney try to. the puc is set up under the charter. building facilities are under the jurisdiction of the puc. the southeast historic community association is set up by the board of supervisors, not by the charter or the people of san francisco. as such it was set up specifically as an advisory commission. all of the words in the entire ordinan >> so, certainly we work closely with the southeast community but one is a charter commission and one is a commission by ordinance and the charter authority rests things like facilities with the p.u.c.
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that is why we support this facility and why we also pay for much of the funds to run it. one of the items in the same ordinance talks about any surplus funds being available to this commission to use. any of our search there's never been surplus funds. if you look at the current year budget the rent is a little under $500,000 and expenses over $800,000 so the p.u.c. subsidizes the annual operation and pays for virtually ail the large capital expenses. without the p.u.c. involvement there would be no funds to take care of this facility in the way it is taken care of. i'm not saying it is taken care of the way we want but the extent is because the p.u.c. subsidy which wouldn't be available if we didn't own the building. >> i think that is very helpful on my part to have clarity and
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