tv [untitled] July 8, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm PDT
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there are three pillars of the city's obligations to bring this to life. the first of them as environmental california quality, getting approval for this after this was completed earlier this year. there are also plans required to be completed, with different approaches to the subject matter as i have described. this is later in the presentation. and the federal and state -- to create a permanent infrastructure, to allow the use of the bay and the shoreline areas. and we will work with our federal and state partners. a quick overview of the timeline, initially, what will happen is a series of events,
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call the america's cup world series. with the same teams. they have announced three cities for the remainder of this year. soon there will be announcing the dates for next year's locations. and we know we will have a couple of events in san francisco in this timeframe and each of them will be a one-off that is not related to the competitive ending of the america's cup itself. this'll be a taste of excitement of a little bit lower scale. we are looking for a helpful opportunity to test out the things that we want to do on a smaller scale before we get to the america's cup. when we get to 2013 in july, for the first of september, we will
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have the challengers' series where everyone faces off to see who will challenge for the final period there is the defenders' series during this time, in case they want to compete to be the defender. it is not clear if this will happen. but this will be connected to the other races during that timeframe. and in september of 2013, we will have the america's cup final, the best of nine series. and a summary of what we have done in the six months, the six months since the agreement was signed. we had a great deal of public engagements which has helped us to understand what is important to san francisco. we have had over 35 public meetings and i would say that we are now over 40 since the last time that we presented this. the engagement in community
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feedback, we have been appreciative of. we also have the partners web site, -- this is unfortunately very illegible, but put this out with the breadth of the planning effort. please do not strain your eyeballs. this is basically the committed passport and the committees with the partners that are going to different subject matter. i shows because the top box is the america's cup cord nation committee. they basically meet on a regular basis at this time, and over the prior month to talk about the next steps so people do not realize with the other pieces
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are doing. it would take each half of that organization -- organizational structure, showing the inter- agency task force. these are the partners at all local and state level. and also the public safety agencies. you have local governments from the bay area, with the issues that would like to see addressed. we have the federal agency coronation team, the public safety team that includes law enforcement and fire, and emergency medical planning, and the transportation team as well as freight transportation agencies to develop a plan to move people around. part of the city that is obviously very beautiful but constricted with options for transportation. this has been a major effort to that was spearheaded. we have specific partners at the
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court venues, parks and recreation and the waterfront. this is a place where they can talk about the collective concerns and the approaches to challenges that they are all facing. and the water task force, the u.s. coast guard has been a partner in coordination among the different harbor safety communities, and the law enforcement agencies. we had a number of different stakeholders. we have the permit process that would allow for these events to be managed well. the other side of the organization talks about the initiatives with the authority and the america's cup organizing committee.
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the america's cup organizing committee is another party for the agreement, and this is charged with fund-raising, and they are spearheading the other committee. they are really helping us to be a force multiplied to make this unique to san francisco. this is vital with the partners, and a number of other cities to bring the america's cup world series around the world. this will be key, as the teams start to arrive. we want to make certain that they successfully relocate here as soon as possible. with the excitement of their
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operations to the bay. community engagement, we're looking at you if involvement, which is called for with the workforce development plan. we're working with the approach to have the authority itself is going to be able to contract with local business, and what are we going to be able to do to set them up with the local economy. the partnerships, we want to engage with them and the network to understand how we can mutually enhance each other. and then there is the inability planning. this is what san francisco wants to see. this is an event that strives for various sustainability goals, and we are working for the conjunction with this process so that we can really put out what is that they're trying to be.
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the implementation plans i mentioned, it calls for nine of them. we recognize the benefits of having a few other plants with that, and i will go through those quickly. the idea is to have a place to aggregate of the performance measures and implementation strategies relevant to subject matter areas. coming out of this process but also the permits from the federal agencies and around strategies with the partners so that we can have a one-stop shop with things related to how to move people along the waterfront or was going to happen in terms of youth involvement. the important thing is coordination, to understand where the sources of the strategies come from and where these end up with the legal documents that set forth how the event will be brought forward. this is something that is key in
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bringing the whole picture forward so that when the time comes after this process for the policy-makers to approve of the project, they have to understand what they are proving in a holistic sort of way. on march 31, we submitted the initial drafts, the waste management plan the ambush marketing plan. there is work force development and youth involvement, and then a couple of additional plans i mentioned earlier, as we look at the operations plan where we talk about how we safeguard the park resources that we will be using, and the angle that is focused on their use of the port water fund, and the activities from the waterfront to be able to undertake.
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to further my earlier reference of coordination, we have a number of in -- of agencies we are engaged with. we have a federal permits, and this is what i mentioned earlier. we have water traffic on the bay with the national park service permit, with the land that will be used for spectator venues, primarily along the port waterfront. there also other federal issues related to the team, that could easily be real -- relocated to the united states that we are working on. the upcoming milestones, we have the issues of the draft and we will be issuing a draft plan related to the operating issues and the people plan status report at the end of march, the
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initial status report affecting public comment responses up through may 19, another one which shows the discussions we have had for the next one that comes out in the next couple of days, and then we will have another update in august, leading up to the final people plan, in the end of september. we understand what we would need to do to move people through the waterfront. we will have engagement and the infrastructure improvements, with the arrangements over the summer and fall. will have the draft e.i.r. comments and we will complete the plans and pursue the hearings regarding the e.i.r. and the approval of the project and real estate documents. i'm going to walk quickly
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through the project dripping and then invite them to talk about america's cup venue and the terminal fees as well. here is the diagram of the race area. it is along the northern and northeast waterfront between treasure island and the golden gate bridge. i think the primary locations of the race themselves, this is not the race course. it is not one big large loop. the race course will be a series of turns and different directions within this blue bubble here in effect. with that as the race course, we have a number of different locations as places for people to attend as spectator venues
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and programmed as america's cup speck tailor venues. i'm go through some of what that looks like. and peers 30, 32 would be the team bases and piers 26 and 28 are other supporting uses for the event authority and the media and team partners. pier 19 and 23 would be the same thing. and piers 27 and 29 are the america's cup and to see them lead and would be the start-finish line. since a number of the port locations will be under construction, the focus of the 2012 event are the waterfront. so i will walk through this in a moment.
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details and potentially mooring racing vessels for promotion of the event and not as concentrated as venues further to the best. the event authority is proposing to do sponsorship of events on the pier and about potential mitigations from that area and a lot of people want to watch from that location and we have to safeguard those natural resources. similarly, this is not a spectator location, but alcatraz may be a sponsorship-v.i.p. event and i don't know when they clear it and we are not electing bleachers on top of the prison blocks or anything like, that
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and actually not even during the event, but an evening event at this point. and that's the sort of land site spectators and diane will talk about the port venn use and obviously we will be here for questions after this. >> good afternoon, president olague, members of the commission. nice to be here today. so i will just kind of pick up with mike left off in terms of walking through and giving some highlights of the proposal. this is piers 27, 29 is the large triangular pier, and to the right of that is piers 23 and 27 respectively and pier 29 is the proposed america's cup village of 2013, so it would be the center of where the visitors and spectator activities that are programmed and approve bid the america's cup event
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authority. as if you are familiar with the facility, this does involve quite a bit of construction and it has been coordinate and in a phased mannered so that the first round of improvements brought around by america's cup is supportive of the proposed improvements related on afterwards to the pier 27 cruise terminal that dan will talk about further in a moment. essentially what that involves is creating a major spectator gathering area at the tip of pier 27-29 that generates the need to open up that area that is largely covered by pier sheds now so the proposal incluz the full demolition of the existing pier 27 on the diagonal and a portion of the pier 29 historic shed that has been spliced through when pier 27 was built
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to create that opening at the outset. and during the races which have a full view of the start and finish lines, there would be bleachers and spectator viewing areas and during the off-race areas, program events and viewing and exhibitions associated with the races. and it includes a number of program entertainment inten venues that they are putting together. pier 29 it, the shed, would be housing the retail and merchandising and visitor activities. the construction of the first phase of the building that ultimately if approved would house the pier 27 cruise terminal is proposed improvement by the america's cup event authority on the pier 27 side. and that facility would be used for hospitality services associated with the overall event. and co-associated with the issue
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of a lot of the vessels associated with either supporting the race operations themselves or the larger spectator yachts shown in the picture outboard towards the end of the pier. pier 23 and 19 would be basically support facilities in their temporary uses within those existing historic sheds for media, volunteer center, office, and backup support spaces as would pier 29 1/2 which is just to theft of the pier 29 shed. now jumping down to pier 32 south of the beach waterfront and this is a large pier that had been proposed for a cruise terminal before it has a number
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of structural difficulties and is propoedz to be, if completed in time, the team-based compound and certainly by 2012 or 2013 and that would involve a lot of pile and substructure support to secure the structural problems with the pier and to house each of the team's compounds. the outboard area in the water in that area the and for dredging the open water mooring for the racing yachts themselves and to accommodate spectator yachts, that is a possibility as well. spectator yacht berthing is also proposed to the left outside the vision of the slide just for your information between the agricultural building and the bay bridge as well. and so this would be the place
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they would be working all the boats and making adjustments and where each of the teams would be centered. pier 26 and 28, to the left would be storage support facilities and the triangular lot inboard sea wall lot 330 would be support parking and further support activities for clean space compounds themselves or for parking for the event. and under the host agreement, this is long-term development of pier 30-32 and sea wall lot 330 would be triggered by the improvements that are being proposed by the event authorities. and while we were working diligently to come up with the details about the construction improvements and the ceqa analysis for the races, there are discussions underway about which of those kinds of improvements would also be
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credited towards long-term development of those sites as well. then we jump down to the southern waterfront. pier 80 and in bayview hunter point area with the existing cargo terminal at the team base location if the construction is not completed or the facilities for 2012 or 2013 and to accommodate and the racing yacht mooring while also accommodating the cargo activity that occurs through the peer. that would still be our company and it's been a good working
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relationship to manage those two different kinds of operations. clearly we have the e.i.r. coming out next week. but the process while the ceqa is underway and the understanding from the environmental review documents, what is supplemental information that needs to come and how does that stack up with the permitting that will be required to occur once the ceqa process and in some cases the national environmental policy act, the nepa environmental review process, is completeed. so thanks very much and i'm going to turn this over to dan for a highlight on the cruise terminal.
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>> good afternoon, commissioners. dan hoda with support planning development commission and it is my pleasure to give you an introduction to the portion of the larger project which is cruise terminal 27 and the associated public spaces and pier 27 terminal is included in the large profit and on the same time schedule is proposing to deliver a portion of the projects and the core and shell of the new cruise terminal. and in time for the america's cup. and this is an aerial view of the pier 27 and you see a long pier shed, a 1,200 feet long shed. the apron is about an even 1/4 mile long and that is the site of the proposed cruise terminal to remove that long shed and build a terminal and associated public spaces around it.
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and what i just clicked on now is the line of the historic bulkhead buildings along that area, a very important factor in planning for this and that is how the public tends to view the historic district in the northern matter front and the presence of the buildings although the pierce and pier sheds are also included within the district. and with the pier shed removed and to the right with a 2 1/2 acre public space and at the end of the pier a big open space to use provisioning of the cruise terminal and that is what i will be talking about briefly here. in the cruise vehicle and how the different ships line up and the location of the doors and the short side power connections and where exactly the terminal
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should be located as there is no standardization of door heights or power locations on cruise ships. here is an image showing the site plan -- it is a little hard to see on this screen. what you see in the middle is the ground transportation area. and it's where buses, taxis, private vehicles all come in and where the provisioning vehicles go through that are the four vehicle pipes that service that cruise terminal. it will be a right turn in off the arrow and a right turn out avoiding intersection condition and this is done to create the safest possible environment for pedestrians and cyclists and queuing the backups that is intended to occur within the site in this larger valley area. a big difference over how it currently functions right now in front of pier 35. i think we have a great site that really accommodates the cruise terminal needs in a very
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good way. and the green area represents the northeast part. here it is expressed in a plan where you can see that ground transportation area in the middle, you see the cruise terminal building itself up there. much smaller than the existing shed. about 80,000 square feet in total. and the space off to the right i'll go into a little more detail. in working with the design team consisting of a joint partnership and out of new york as a cruise terminal consultant. and designing the public space assistance and other assistance from throughout the project and i chose to show that on this to talk about the design theory of the building. and this is a picture of the
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pier sheds and from the ship to the land the new terminal building and the baggage moves back and forth between ship and la land. and with a public pedestrian park to it and this occurs at the second level and you see on this sketch here and the ground level and the people are on the second level. this is the new waterfront and this is the evolution of the waterfront. and there are stunning views back to the city that aligns directly with telegraph hill and great views to the bay bridge and treasure island, so it is a location that takes advantage of all these built-in natural condit
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