tv [untitled] July 9, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm PDT
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>> my name is tundra from -- kendra froshman, with the mission sro collaborative. i am going to speak on behalf of victor nelson. he was an advocate for a year in 2010 with our program, and i facilitate the program. participants once a week do door knocking and sro hotels throughout the mission district and learn about san francisco tenant laws and the general case management skills and then do counseling with sri attendance throughout the mission district. i worked with victor for a year doing that. his experience living in an sro and being a case manager and having a background in social work and being a tenant advocate, he was an excellent participant in my program. he was able to guide tenants through the process, whether
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they had bedbugs, illegal eviction issues, or questions around ssi. he was able to work with tenants are given the right direction where they should go for assistance. he was recently asked to be in the urban habitat boards and commissions leadership institute. but specifically is urban habitat's way of culling leaders from communities of color and low income people and saying we want to give you extra skills to be on the commission because you have the skills. he is for the next year going to be in that program which is going to support him on the sro taskforce. i have seen his work. i think he would be an excellent contribution to the task force. thank you. >> good afternoon again. i could find no other candidate
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who had the experience of victor nelson. i have known him 11 years. i have been an activist for eight of those years. he is known to be fair, to use good judgment. he understands the community. he really knows how to do a group setting. he can listen. in one on one brainstorming, his sensibility -- if you have met at meetings and so on the street corner in the pouring down rain in the heart of the reigning season and talked for a few hours about the task force -- about sro legislation -- he has been attending faithfully the sro task force. please do this without objection. i can find no other applicant, with no offense to the other applicant. but victor is the finest and the
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most suitable. it would be great justice for him to have this seat. thank you so much. >> hello again, glendon hyde. as you can imagine, i have a frosty bear on the mind, but i wanted to stay here and put a good word in for lj cirilo. i don't know how to pronounce your last name. 38 is when i started reading glasses. i am up there on the ground. i always see her up there. i have collaborated with her and think she would make a great addition to the task force. and thank you scott weiner for those kind words. >> good afternoon, supervisors. it is a pleasure to see you today. i did have some notes for the person i am endorsing today,
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victor nelson. i also am familiar with charles pitts' work over the years. he is an outspoken advocate. lj cirilo i do not know, but i was there and helped write the standard of care for the shelters. i understand what she is going through there. i have known victor for several years. i have worked with him on a weekly basis in the mission sro collaborative program, which is where we do out region said the answer rose on a weekly basis. victor, from what i have seen, is an excellent listener. he is both a doer and a thinker. he will listen to all sides of the conflict and is not automatically pro tenant or pro landlord on any issue. he gathers facts. he falls back on his professional experience from the educational side of life. he also uses practical experience of talking to people
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around him. once he makes a decision, he is compassionate and he runs with it. some people have described him as being very compassionate. that is only after he has listened to hear all the points of view on an issue. a lot of people who do the out reach in the sro's tend to be altered for the tenant, and that is not what it is about. it is about bringing both sides to the table. we have one family that did not want to comply and work with the community. we took them down through legal means, which -- we had another hotel that did the complete opposite and have a complete turnaround. victor will be in balance and maturity and educational and field experience to that table, which i think the task force desperately needs, to have a balance. thank you. >> good afternoon. my name is robert weber.
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i am here to support lj cirilo for the seat on the task force. i have had the pleasure and honor of working with jl on several different campaigns, and she is a tireless worker who pays special attention to detail. she is a detail-oriented. she also is very complete in her work and make sure things get done right. as a witness of this, i can support her with full confidence in my heart that she would be good. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i have lived over 30 years in the bay area. a lot of time in the bayview hunters point area, where i have worked at the hunters point shipyard. i have worked with redevelopment
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programs in that area. i am here to represent a very, very important worker that i think the task force really needs, and it is lj cirilo. she is a tireless worker, as previously stated. i had the privilege of working with her. i do presently work with the coalition on homelessness as a volunteer. and working with the coalition i have found her to be very diverse, multi-cultural. she tends to work with people from different backgrounds and does not change one bit as far as her input. i have seen her work with the families, multiple large families, especially the hispanic community.
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i have seen her in the shelters, advocating for men and women that are having trouble that are about to be put out of the shelter. she stands up for their rights. i feel this is a person who impresses me. i take my hat off to her. i thought as an iron worker at the shipyards, i am a multitask person. she is in multitask person, working with multiple people from different backgrounds. she has an unusual cut for working with people. -- tact for working with people, and her ability is administrative. she knows the industry to workings of sro programs. -- administrative workings of sro programs. thank you. >> good afternoon, thomas
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picorillo, sro tenant. at this time, the sro taskforce has no effective tenant representation. the task force is proposed of primarily city departments and sro collaboratives. we are here today because the last tenant representative was expelled from the sro taskforce for not participating. the same people advocating now for mr. nelson or ms. cirilo were the ones who represented mr. flanagan previously at the previous rules committee. i am supporting mr. pitts. i have been around the sro task force the last three years, and so has mr. pitts. he has been instrumental in convincing the task force to increase the membership of the
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committee to 2 the what pennant representatives, and wisely the supervisors adopted that policy -- to two tenant representatives, and wisely the supervisors adopted the policy. i have never seen the others at a task force meeting in the last three years. there is already a representative on the task force from the mission sro collaborative. ms. cirilo has her hands full trying to get the standards of care enacted. i urge you to appoint mr. pitts to the sro task force. thank you. chairperson kim: is there any other public comment at this time? please step up. >> my name is michael nulty and i am the program director of
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the tenants' association coalition, as well as one of the facilitators that do the training is for the tenant leadership training, which are people that live in sro tenant buildings. so i have some familiarity with sro tenants. i am here today to support charles pitts because i have seen him and various community meetings and think he would make a wise choice. he is very -- he expresses himself very well, and he understands the needs of sro tenants. he actually is and as are a tenant. i know that victor nelson may be qualified, but i think that he probably -- he has probably a lot of things on his plate already. so i would go half and half, to
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be fair. i would say half for victor and half for charles, but more emphasis on charles because the think charles brings more of what we need in an sro tenant there. chairperson kim: thank you, mr. nulty. >> hello. my name is nan. i still live in a shelter. lj has rescued me from being thrown out in the seat -- the street, so i am for lj. i actually know mr. pitts and was very impressed by the top for the third candidate. you guys are going to have a tough decision to make. but lj brings a unique enthusiasm and real good perspective to this, so i hope
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you choose her. chairperson kim: thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is john nulty, and i am here to request that you appoint charles pitts, because i have seen him at community meetings going back a number of years. he is been actively involved with the community and doing various advocating. i think somebody that has been doing it for a long time, i have also seen him at these different events. he speaks his mind. he gets to the point, whereas some people don't. i think he is very articulate and i think we need some reforms that are in the sro's because of the multi dimensions which the
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government has put on these sro's as they are formed and the entities that manage them. i think they need somebody that knows the length of problems that exist with the government entities that deal with them. the sro taskforce need somebody with a fresh perspective, somebody that has been in the sro community, a tenant. he brings that to the plate. the other ones, like i said, are sort of not quite the fit of being an sro attachment. -- tenant. chairperson kim: thank you very much. >> my name is adam duffy. i am the district six resident. all of these candidates are broadly from the central city area community, which i am also
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a member of. i am still going to be surprised if you actually poured one of them to the board. so few people from the neighborhood get forwarded. we just had the case were two of our candidates seem to have represented themselves out of it and you managed to find someone else to recommend a will put it out there -- to recommend. i will put it up there as a challenge. chairperson kim: thank you. is there any other public comment from this item? seeing none, public comment is not closed. -- now closed. i want to thank the three applicants for the seat. this is a task force that is very important to me. many of the sro's are in district 6, as mr. dufty alluded to, as well as in the mission and chinatown neighborhoods. the applicants eloquently talked about a number of the issues i hope we can address over the next couple of years.
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a lot of work has been done around improving the quality of our sro's and evelyn boards that run them and a lot of work has been done to improve nonprofits with services for the tenants that live in them. some of the issues of would love to address is families living in sro's and women living in sro's. i also want to acknowledge, looking at the last census data for 2010, district 6 now has the second-highest population of african-americans in the city of san francisco. that is something that has changed over the last 10 years. primarily, district 5 has lost many of its upper can americans, along with district 10. district 6 is the only district that grew heavily in african american population, and many of that community have moved into our sro buildings. this is a very hard decision for me. these are the moments when you do not enjoy being on rules committee. i have worked extensively with
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mr. nelson and ms. cirilo and know how dedicated both of them are to our neighborhoods and this issue around affordable quality housing. i have seen both of them work in our communities and how much respect both of them have, and also their analysis of the issues and how smart and creative they are around addressing many tough and difficult issues. today, i would like to support mr. nelson out of the committee, mainly because i know ms. cirilo is on the shelter monitoring committee, and i think it is important to have many voices that it to be on public bodies that do advocacy work and can help make change in our neighborhoods. but i really respect of applicants and want to thank you both for your service to district 6 and 2 san francisco. are there any other comments? supervisor farrell: i would just think everyone again for coming out. you took the words right out of my mouth. i think i was very impressed by
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what lj cirilo had to say, and mr. nelson as well. we are blessed with both of you as strong candidates. however, i think with the service on the shelter monitoring committee, i would like to see other people involved as well. i would make a motion to forward mr. nelson with recommendation. supervisor weiner: i will be supporting the motion. this is my first rules committee meeting as a temporary member. it never ceases to blow my mind how qualified an applicant pool we get for every single kind of position that we have. we have one who went from the yale school of nursing and one who has a master's in social work and is a former marine. i am glad you will be able to serve on the one of these bodies. i would ask whether there are any lgbt members of this task force.
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chairperson kim: i believe mr. moramino has the answer to that. supervisor weiner: i ask that only because i know there is a significant lgbt population and hiv-positive population in the sro's. >> the other tenant representative is a member of the lgbt committee. chairperson kim: thank you. we have a motion to move forward mr. victor nelson on the sro taskforce with recommendation to the full board, without objection. thank you, and thank you to the members of the public who came out on this issue. i want to thank our friendly audience today. madam clark, please call item four. >> motion modifying disclosure requirements -- to modify registration and disclosure requirements for campaign
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consultants at an election to be held on november 8, 2011. chairperson kim: we have our colleagues supervisor weiner to speak about the ordinance. supervisor weiner: i give you a lot of legislation. i know. thank you, madam chair. today, we have before you in motion that i am sponsoring at the request of the ethics commission, modifying the registration and disclosure requirements for campaign consultants. this is a measure that would harmonize the campaign consultants regulations with our lobbyist regulations that should enhance it and tightens up some of the requirements, for example requiring electronic filing by political consultants, as well as monthly reporting as well -- instead of quarterly reporting,
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and other changes. the director of the ethics commission is here, so i would invite him up to discuss this proposed ballot measure. >> thank you. in 2009, the ethics commission, along with the cooperation and support of the board of supervisors, and updated the lobbyist ordinance. simply put, we tried to simplify the process for filing, with some trade-offs. we asked more of the regulatory committee. we wanted more about their activities and we wanted them to report monthly. there was a trade-off because we simplify the process and make it easier for them to file. we thought there was a balance. that implementation has been virtually glitch free and has
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resulted in a greatly improved ordinance. the community has information about lobbying activities almost immediately. it has worked out very well. we are following up with the campaign consultant ordinance to dovetail that in to work the same way. we want to simplify the fee structure. we want to have monthly reporting instead of quarterly so that information gets to the citizens faster. we want to ask some additional information. there is additional transparency, additional efficiency. we make the process easier. we appreciate supervisor winner bringing this to the board. we think this is an obvious follow-up to that reform. chairperson kim: thank you.
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any questions? if not, we will open it up to public comment on this item. if you have any public comment, set -- step up to the mike -- microphone. supervisor weiner: i would make a motion to for this to the board with a positive recommendation. chairperson kim: i believe we can do that without opposition. madam court, can you please call item five? >> ordinance amending the municipal elections code to require the director of elections to establish a process that permits voters to choose to relieve the boater information pamphlet and assess it materials by electronic means instead of paper mail. chairperson kim: the primary sponsor has requested we continue this to our july 21 meeting. before we do that, i would like to open up to public comment on this item. is there any public comment? seeing none, public comment is
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>> avalos present. campos present. chiu present. chu present. cohen present. elsbernd present. farrell present. kim present. mar present. mirkarimi present. wiener present. mr. president, all members are present. supervisor chiu: thank you. ladies and gentlemen, could you please join me in the pledge of allegiance? madam clerk, are there any communications? >> i have no communications. supervisor chiu: if you could read the consent agenda, items one through 30. >> these items will be acted
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upon by a single roll call vote unless a member requests discussion of and matter. it shall be removed and considered separately. supervisor chiu: would anyone like to sever any items? roll-call vote please. >> on items one through 30, mar aye. aye. avalos aye. campos aye. chiu aye. chu aye. cohen aye. elsbernd aye. farrell aye. kim aye. there are 11 ayes. supervisor chiu: those ordinances are passed. items 31 through 33. >> item 31 is a motion affirming the determination by the planning department at the at&t network like speed upgrade project is exempt from environmental review.
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item 32 is an upgrade on the project. item 33 is a motion directing the clerk to prepare finings reversing the exemption determination. supervisor wiener: i am becoming the king of at&t. about a month ago, called a hearing on the better streets plan and held that the departments are coordinating with regard to the plan with regard to the impact on the sidewalks making sure we have a full understanding of how the process works. i believe that hearing should occur before we take a final vote on the item. not that the hearing will be about the at&t boxes. it is not, but it is about the surface mounted utility order, which has been the source of some confusion during our deliberations. because of the budget process, several land use committee meetings were cancelled, so the first available date was monday july 11 when the hearing will
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occur. as a result, i move to continue items 31, 32, and 33 until the july 19 board meeting. supervisor chiu: supervisor wiener made a motion to continue these three items. colleagues, can we take that without objection? these items will be continued to the 19th of july. items 34 and 35. >> 34 is the interim annual salary ordinance enumerating positions in the annual budget for fiscal years ending june 30, 2012 and 2013 for enterprise departments. 35, interim consolidated budget an annual appropriation ordinance for all estimated receipts appropriations for fiscal years 2012 and 2013 for the enterprise departments. supervisor chiu: can we take these items same house, same call? these ordinances are finally passed. 36. >> item 36 is an ordinance adopted
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