tv [untitled] July 13, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT
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provided we don't have some other calamity occur in this tepid recovery of ours. so hold a good thought that that money stays as originally planned and we get an academy class there and i know that chief schmidt and director landis are working feverishly to see if we can't get another federally funded class which might net us two classes for the year which would be great. that said, we really -- we are really, really up against it starting next fiscal year if we're not getting at least three classes a year. commissioner kingsley. thank you. >> commissioner chan. >> i wanted to ask you two questions. one was about the consent severance of private residences, the department bulletin that was issued. we have commissioners get the bulletin but the public doesn't get a chance to see it so wondered if you could share that with everyone so they know the changes taking place -- maybe not changes but announcements to officers about forms that are needed to fill out and the second question was
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to ask you how the building communities trust meeting went. >> the buildings of community trust meeting, i thought it went well. i think that what it was was after the joint human rights police commission meeting much was made of the fact our federal partners were absent, so literally the next week, the department justice and northern california regional information center called and said they would bring this forum to the city if we'd be willing to host it. we did. we had a spirited discussion. mr. crew carried some very salient points and then there was an agreement we'd continue to meet as the community would have it. the feds said they'd be more than willing to come, an invitation, and we sort of left with -- there was some concern but some satisfaction,
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gratification we met. as far as the bulletin goes, it's a reminder as to what your obligations are with regard to consent search and after discussions with the district attorney's office, how we would actually document and ensure the consent searches were above reapproach when presented in court and that was the design of that department bulletin. >> so this is the permission of search form, is that a new form? >> that's an old form. >> it's a reminder to officers they need to fill that out? >> right. >> is there anything new coming out of the department bulletin or is it a reminder what already exists? i'm just curious if there have been any changes as a result of what you might have read in the newspapers. >> i'll look at this and maybe a little later in the interest of time, we could go back to it. >> great. thank you. any further questions for the
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chief? ok. move to line item 2-b. >> it is the o.c.c. director's report, a review of recent activities. >> good evening, director hicks. >> good evening, commissioners and members of the audience. you have before you the o.c.c. comprehensive statistical report through june 30. it should be on your desk. and for comparison purposes a comprehensive statistical report through june 30, 2010. you also have pending case reports and how cases were received reports. as of june 30 of this year, 92 complaints were filed with the o.c.c. -- i should say 92 complaints were filed with the o.c.c. in june of this year and through june 30, 2011, 418 complaint has been filed year to date. this is a 12% decrease from complaints filed through the same period june 30, 2010.
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s of june 30, 2011 the o.c.c. closed 417 cases and we had 427 pending cases. this is a rather high number of pending cases but we have a low number of investigators. we're in the process of hiring additional investigators and hope to have three new investigators in place by the beginning of september. we sustained 36 cases, as of june 30 and that's a 9% sustained rate, the same sustained rate we had through june 30 of 2010. also as of june 30, the o.c.c. facilitated the conduct of 33 mediations, and as of this time last year, we had only conducted 17 mediations due to the unexpected leave of our mediation coordinator.
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and thankfully through the budget process, her position was saved. on august 10, at your august 10 meeting, i will provide you with the second quarter to thal report which is more detailed and what i have just given you this evening. >> great, thank you, director hicks. the good news is you said you'll be able to hire three new investigators so how did you fare in the budget process? >> we maintained all of our positions in the budget process. and when i say we will be able to hire three new investigators , that is simply to keep us at our statutory charter mandated minimum based on the number of police officers and at this point it is 15 investigators that we should have in place. so we have through the first
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half of this year suffered with a less investigators than we need due to some long-term absences, some retirements and some resignations but we do hope to be fully operational by september 1, and when i'm safely operational, i mean we have the statutory minimum of investigators. >> thank you. any further questions for director hicks? ok. let's move on to line item 3-c. commission reports. >> item 2-c is the commissioner reports. the first is the commission president's report followed by the individual commission reports. >> i have nothing to report this evening. commissioner? >> just that i'm going on a ride-along soon in the tenderloin and will be happy to report how it goes for the crisis intervention training and want to know what's happening so we can build on it. >> great. i encourage all the commissioners, i know
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commissioner kingsley has done it but it's a good thing to do to put things in perspective. the ride-alongs are very interesting. let's move to line item 2-d. yes. >> before you move on, the line item to the next line item, i do want to report that on monday night i was privileged to attend the alice b. toklus club where chief and members of the command staff addressed the membership of the club and they started off with a discussion about the perspective between the police department and the lbgt community and discussed various aspects of how the relationship has changed and some of the current events that happened during the calendar year which police presence is required for some of the events and how the cooperation and relationship had grown and changed over the year. it was an informative evening.
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i have to tell you that it was much appreciated to see how the relationship between the police and the lbgt community has flourished in a very positive way and i want to commend the chief and members of the command staff that were present there and they enlightened the crowd about procedure, about the history of the events and as a police department and they made sure that people walked away from that meeting understanding that the police department has a great deal of respect for the lbgt community, especially those within the department as well as without and i want to commend the chief and command staff for their presence. thank you very much, chief. >> great. thank you. nothing further from the commission? ok. let's go to line item 2-d, commission announcements and scheduling of items identified for consideration in future commission meetings. commissioner chan? >> i want to see if you want to do the honors. we've been talking for a while about what we should pursue
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next as an important matter of priority for the commission hand has come back over and over to us again we need to address officer leave especially with regards to mental health and response to trauma and crisis and it is linked but different from our crisis intervention work and is something in memphis they actually have a separate focus point on so when an officer has been involved in an incident it doesn't just have to be a shooting but any incident that could cause trauma or mental health concerns for the officer that that officer, they're debriefed and services are provided the officer. and officers in this department do get services but i think there is a lot of room for improvement and we as a commission, if we focus on that i think it will be quite a rewarding endeavor if all of us. >> commissioner chan and i talked about it and first came up when we had the folks from memphis here and they have a strong model and worked both sides of it and we discussed what our officers were going through and were going through some serious incidents involving many suicides and all
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the other issues we're starting to see when we dig deeper and say why did this officer suddenly start doing things like this. and generally there's a traumatic incident at the base of it so we want to make sure our officers are getting what they need because what they deal with on a daily basis, most people don't realize or understand, you do, chief, because you've been in it for 30 years but we want to support the officers so commissioner chan and i had this conversation so we'd like to hear from the department what exactly we're doing and hear from others what are best practices, what can we do for our officers because we expect a lot out of them and want to give back to the officers. commissioner kingsley? commissioner kingsley: i think that sounds like a terrific topic we need to address, officers' need and we would be supportive in that in following up, though, along the same lines, i'd like the commission to address our priorities, once again, and see how we want to finish the year and go into the next year in terms of our evaluation last october at our
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retreat, and we did indicate that we were going to do this a few weeks ago but were going to postpone it until people were finished with vacations and able to focus and i'm wondering since most of us have probably given lieutenant falvey our vacation schedules, lieutenant falvey, do you have a date that this item would be -- that it would be good to discuss the item of our priorities and actions going forward in terms of attendance? >> i believe august 10. i don't think anyone here is going to be out. are you? commissioner kingsley: i'll be here. >> the 24th and 31st of august, the city hall staff are going to be changing the sound system in the room so we're not going to be having our meetings here. we're scheduled for the 31st of august to have one in the community at the richmond district and the 24th in all
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likelihood will have to go dark. >> the 10th would be good dates for this? is that what we're down for? >> sounds about good. commissioner kingsley: two other items and these may be more appropriate for closed discussion, in fact closed session. in fact i know one s. and that is an item that the city attorney was going to present to us maybe a month or two ago and couldn't for a number of reasons. and i think that that is an important item that we ought to again put on our calendars so that all the commissioners are aware of it and that we can make a collective discussion and decision around this item. and also for closed session, we have a personnel matter that we are discussing tonight, and it's a bit of an unusual case, and since we can't -- president
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mazzucco: probably should save that for closed session. commissioner kingsley: except the calendar to take action or discussion at a future meeting since we don't have that calendared in closed session, the discussion of calendarring it, i'm bringing it up at this point so that i think you get, mr. president, i think you know where i'm going with this, so if we can just bring that up appropriately at this point and then say that we're going to calendar it for a closed session in the future. i think that will handle this matter. president mazzucco: ok. all right. commissioner kingsley: what would be a good date for that, lieutenant falvey? >> we schedule closed session items in closed sessions. commissioner kingsley: that's great. appreciate that. president mazzucco: what date do you think we should schedule this? commissioner chan, we were thinking maybe on the 24th --
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excuse me. >> 24th of august? president mazzucco: no. >> what time are you talking about? commissioner chan: i think it's going to be -- >> commissioner turman: i'd like to get a priority list done first. because, you know, the whole thing is to figure out what we're going to do and if we keep usurping, then it become as moot point. so i just -- you know, let's decide kind of what we're going to do before we schedule it. that would be my concern, trying to follow protocol. commissioner chan: i have a suggestion because i knew that would come up and makes sense to organize our priorities. and knowing the way c.i.t. worked and the way other things worked is that we should first get a presentation from the department, not a long one but a short one, where are we, how
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much staff do we have, what are the services, it can be a short presentation and after that we can discuss -- after our priorities we can discuss what we want to do knowing what the department status is. i think that's fine. we often ask about the status of various departments and procedures and that's not us taking action. it's just asking for a presentation as a part of the chief's report. commissioner turman: indeed it probably will be a priority because if you're going to p it on august 24 it will come after our august 10 meeting and be there anyway. i'm fine with that. i want to make sure we put it on the list. president mazzucco: i was thinking july 28. commissioner chan: prior to the chief's report. president mazzucco: give us a little background. let's do july 28. how does the commission feel about july 27th. july 27th. nobody wants to come on the 28th. july 27. >> the 27th, commissioners? president mazzucco: the 27th. yes.
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ok. any public comment regarding line items 2, a, b, c or d? ms. grove. >> my concern is simple. i want my protection and to have my protection, that means my officers have to be protected. if you want to give them a presentation on how nut cakes act, habitually when trying to accost an officer, try to kill an officer, wound or maim an officer when an officer isn't supposed to respond because the nut cakes in control, i think you better think again. the officer's life is much more important than any twit that wants to be pretending he wasn't taking his very education -- his medication so he can't be held responsible for any of his actions. that is the latest thing that is set forth here. there are so many false statements coming forth from
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the psychiatric profession, i consider them entirely fraud. the officers are to be protected, and i think the citizens are to be protected. they want to go around like last week with a broken bottle and knife and you get shot dead, well, too bad for him. there was an officer being buried over across the bay with on the same day they tried to have a nut cake routine on the freeway, gee, that didn't work either. he got shot dead. that's the way it should be handled if they want to attack an officer. thank you. president mazzucco: any further comment? hearing none, next item. item 3. >> item 3 is public comment on all matters pertaining to item 5 below, closed session disciplinary cases including public comment on the vote whethero hold item 5 in closed session. president mazzucco: commissioner chan asked a question about a department bulletin. follow up?
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>> so the difference in the bulletin, if you look at the fourth paragraph, the district attorney -- we agreed with the district attorney's office that permission would be obtained in writing on the permission to search form prior to executing the search and that any oral permission would be audio taped. so in the past, sometimes permission would be given and then if you didn't have the form or you didn't have the tape recorder, when you got back to the station, you would ask the person to sign the format the time, no problem, or you would ask them, hey, i'm going to put you on tape, we're going to have a conversation, remember, you gave me permission to search and you do it after the fact. so now we're requiring it to be in writing on the form or orally and on tape beforehand. if you forgot the form, go get the form. if you don't have the tape recorder, get the tape recorder and get it down before you go in. the final paragraph, the fifth paragraph is a reminder of the new requirement that came out
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in department bulletin 11077 where we've made so many great cases starting with the mrs. chin case at third and palu that the video we're requiring that the officers survey an area for any and all video even if it might be hand-held by a witness via cell phone and if you cannot find any video to actually put a line in the police report so that the officers know that they have to at least do everything they can do to find it. if they locate video they have to take all measures they can to secure the video as best evidence. otherwise the rest of the bulletin is pretty much just a reminder boilerplate language of our obligations. president mazzucco: commissioner turman? commissioner turman: thank you. chief, i've read the bulletin. in fact, you borrowed mine. but i just want to point out and be clear on this, that i think that obtaining a record
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of the actual consent is a very -- it's a good idea, it's a good practice. also, it is tempered, however, by practice considerations of circumstances, is it not because there may be circumstances we are not for one reason or another able to obtain the necessary writing or audio recording. i'm not saying we should excuse it in any way but we need to make sure that we understand that we're requiring this and that there might be circumstances in which this can't be practically accomplished. is that correct? >> yes, it is. but the district attorney wants us to understand that he is saying it's a requirement so we have to understand that if he decides not to proceed because we didn't comply with this bulletin that that's an expense we may incur, however we would still try to make the case as best we can at the time. commissioner turman: thank you.
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president mazzucco: any follow-up public comment? hearing none, public comment is closed. we can move to line item 3 which was previously announced which is public comment regarding closed session matters. as we discussed earlier, these are disciplinary mattered protect bid copely versus strength decision and the police officers bill of rights s. there public comment regarding the closed session matters? hearing none, public comment is closed. please call line item 5. >> item 4 is a vote whether to hold item 4 in closed session. >> so moved. >> second. president mazzucco: all in favor. aye. ladies and gentlemen, we're now moving to closed session.
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