tv [untitled] July 19, 2011 5:00am-5:30am PDT
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thank you. >> thank you, supervisor. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you, madame clerk. i am introducing two resolutions and an ordinance, very straightforward. i am introducing resolutions to facilitate the prison realignment process in san francisco and to keep the city and compliant with state law regarding the shift of prisoners from the state of california to california cities like san francisco. it is well-known governor brown signed legislation in april and now signed a budget that redirects low-level adult offenders convicted of non- serious, non-violent, and non- sexual offenses to counties and cities like san francisco. we are expected to supervise 6000 prisoners and probation participants annually. part of preparing to see these
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inmates -- we are making plans and following state requirements. two of those requirements are addressed in the resolutions that i am introducing. one appoints the san francisco department of public health to sit on the executive committee of the community corrections partnership, the body developed to help develop a plan for this realignment. the second designates the san francisco adult probation department as a county agency responsible for supervision until an ordinance we have in the queue designates a department that could be considered and adopted by the board of supervisors. these resolutions need to be introduced today to modify -- to notify the state by august 1 that the city plans to designate adult probation for this duty. the next is an ordinance amending the body the board of supervisors sponsors so that for
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the first time on the reentry consul -- consult, it is representative of all of the people who represent criminal justice, including those who are formerly incarcerated. we would now like to add seats for victims that should sit on the re-injury and -- reentry council. president chiu: today i am introducing legislation to help our city better manage tour bus parking. this is a set of rules to help ease congestion and make it easier for tour buses to operate. given that we live in one of the world's most popular tourist destinations, tour buses are often congesting our streets, specifically in my district. passenger loading zones are often crowded. we have buses that stay longer
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than necessary and encourage other buses to double park. with few places to park what customers are visiting destinations, some buses and of circling city streets for hours. the plan i am introducing -- and i want to thank mta staff for the work they have done on this -- include creating additional tour bus passenger loading zones, improving time limit enforcement, providing metred tour bus parking spaces where tour buses can wait while their passengers visit the tourist area, helping to create overnight parking areas, and developing a permit system to better enforce tour bus parking and loading. i want to thank supervisor farrell, who also represents neighborhoods where there are many tour buses, for helping with this legislation. supervisor campos: i have one resolution which is urging the
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san francisco municipal transportation agency to reconsider and abandon its decision to shift the burden of credit card merchant charges whenever someone uses a taxicab in san francisco, and abandon its current policy to shift that burden to cabdrivers and instead go back to that burden going back to the cab companies. the rest i submit. supervisor mar: i have several items today. the first am happy to co- sponsoring with mayor lee, in support of green s.f.'s at nonresidential program. it allows approved owners of non-residential properties and residential properties with five or more units to finance eligible green improvements on privately-owned buildings. the owners must consent to a special access assessment and agree to repay the finance
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amount on the property tax bill. green finance sf will arrange an owner-arranged paid financing model as a vehicle to deliver capital for energy efficiency and water conservation retrofits. on a lighter note, i was happy to join the san francisco city and the arts commission on saturday during sunday streets for their free performance in the park. the performance or ski, rimsky- korsakov, and "night on bald mountain." they perform beethoven's fifth. there were lots of children. it was wonderful. i would like to plug their upcoming free performance on sunday, july 24. i hope to see lots of people out there. just as a plug for community programming of the san francisco symphony -- they provide music education for every single first through fifth
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grade student at every public school in the city. they were especially great in providing curriculum to -- my daughter went to the ventures in music program, and it is a wonderful program. i hope everyone supports the summer symphony performances. i will be out there for the symphony on thursday night. i know there is an interesting performance coming up of abba music. and there is a symphony performing music from "casablanca" as they show the film. supervisor avalos: thank you. i am actually introducing a request for the office of legislative analyst's to look at how the city and county of san francisco invest our money in banks. i want to ask the legislative analyst to explore the creation of a municipal bank and different varieties of ways we could invest our money that
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could encourage local banks to create greater investment in small businesses and for residents and single-family homeowners. i think our budget is worth $6.80 billion. i am sure that means a lot to local banking entities. if we have a way to incentivize greater investment to support small businesses and single- family homeowners and other entities in the city that need a leg up, especially in this economy, it would be a great boon to the city and our local economy. i will be sending that to the legislative analyst today. i want to thank him ahead of time for all the work they will be doing in their office. >> seen no other names on the roster, that concludes roll call for introductions. president chiu: thank you. why don't we go back to general public comment and hear from our first speaker?
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>> [unintelligible] [speaking a foreign language] ladies and gentlemen, i am very happy to be here today. after three weeks, i get to show up. i am happy to see you. i am glad to see the man with courage. his name is ediwn lee -- edwin lee. he is here with you not for being good looking but for his good action toward you. i like this man for his courage.
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also, i like him because he is discussing with you how we can work together, president and supervisors, to solve the problems we have in san francisco. our lady and gentlemen -- he has the courage to be with us three times, not only today. i also have the courage as an egyptian with stopping him outside to ask him when he is going to run for mayor. he is smart. he gives me a good smile and laughs. but he does not give me the answer yet. guess what? i am going to be the problem-
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maker for him. i will follow him every place he goes and will tell him until i see his name coming. we have 37 people running for the city. some of them are yours. some of them are outside, who never know anything about them. but i know something about edwin lee, the man with courage. he is not afraid of you. you are not afraid of him. but we have to work together to resolve the problem. that is the reason i am here, to solve the problem with you. god bless you. [inaudible] >> good afternoon, supervisors. stop the rape of the public library. do not give money to the friends at foundation. fairness and equal treatment did
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not last long. part of the message of the institution is how little it is received by the citizens. yet the private fundraisers are allowed by the city of san francisco to present themselves as representatives of the public. they have to ignore the accountability created to protect the public and refuse to acknowledge the harm caused by the so-called public-private partnership. the citizens voted for a bond issue based on a commitment that it would cost $1.60 million -- $106 million and be finished january 2010. all but five are completed and by this fall all but two will be completed. the public has expanded $144 million. eventually the public experience -- expenditures are expected to reach $200 million. the foundation claimed they would raise $16 million. they have only raised 7% of that
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commitment. during the time since the branch program began, the branch raised $31.70 million, which means the friends and family foundation have only provided 3.4% of what they have raised. in this system, private money is its own reward. the city has to predict -- protect that money. the friends would not answer questions from the finance committee. how is this allowed to happen? the overarching problem is the vanity of mindless politicians. these mindless politicians just want to go to library openings and have their picture taken cutting a ribbon. that is the damage i am referring to when i say the lies cost more.
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>> my name is ray hart, and i am director of san francisco open government. i am calling for a public apology from the city attorney because i believe the current and past members of the sunshine ordinance task force -- the statement recently appeared in a local newspaper. the spokesman for the city attorney's office said in an e- mail the task force has degenerated into a rowboat, lawless jury that beats up on city departments and tries to get conscientious city employees fired. this is from a recently issued said the grand jury report. because of the ethics commission's lack of enforcement, no city employee has been disciplined for failing
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to adhere to the sunshine ordinance. the commission has allowed some city officials to ignore the ruling of the sunset ordinance taskforce. second false statement. city public officials said they spent an extraordinary amount of time and resources complying with the ordinance. they described the task force hearings as tedious kendrew court. the fact from the civil grand jury report -- since october 2004, there have been 18 cases where the sotf has asked the ethics department in force this. the facts did not support the findings of willful violation. the others who were dismissed because the facts did not support the finding of violation -- none of these cases were heard before the ethics
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commission. denigrating public servants who volunteered to serve on boards in front of this committee does not belong to public officials. >> today, you witnessed a number of people come here from the bayview to talk about injustice on our allies. the reason why i am here is there was a young man called david henderson and deshawn marmon, who was mentioned today.
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they both played for the brown bombers. once a year, i throw an event where i feed over 1000 young people, parents, whatever. i remember these young men. i knew them when they were very young. i saw them when they played high school football. i do not know if you honored david henderson, but you all do know that deshawn marmon, whose mother is here, who i do not know very well, but she knows of me, and that is all that matters, and i did express my sympathies to hurt. deshawn came to see his friend here for the funeral. that is how he got entangled in this airline fiasco of sorts.
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but there is a point of want to make, and that is san mateo county and how when they call those police how they react with people of color. we have to take some action on that. thank you very much. [applause] president chiu: thank you. we do have a role in the board chamber of not expressing either applause or opposition to statements made by speakers, to show respect to our speakers and move the conversation along quickly. >> ♪ i can see the budget looking fat in its faded jeans and it's a hard looking budget you've been kind to me -- even kind of mean sometimes i feel it's a sin when
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the budget is losing again sometimes i think it's a shame when i feel that the budget there is no change i can picture a budget that a committee can make getting lost in your spending is your first mistake sundown, you'd better take care if i find you then creeping around city hall there ♪ if you get a chance,," billy elliott." ♪ billy elliott makes you feel like dancing going to dance the night away he makes you feel like dancing, dancing dance the night away ♪ and don't you think it is about time, city? ♪ you and i should be as one
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imperialists, fascist diplomacy. the naturally, sapient ethnicity of largely state-based means of exchange, capital currency for commodities that creates a class system divide of intent to psychological use, meaning gender and ethnicity. they are both dictated to education of the financial cost. the basic need -- evading public ownership of means of production. between 2002 and 2011, in san francisco a man called out, "i hate you believing i hate you." a man speaking at that anyone wearing a skirt -- not a full "of his end-word. -- quote of his n-word. as the state deconstructs, fascism is in the usa.
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1776 until 2011. this reading given two minutes. then there is international ballot and, where a historical educated intelligence of humanity collectively and cooperatively constructs evaluation, creativity as public ownership of means of production. it is to fortify its trust in evolution. constitutional means of labour exchange, labor time, and medical disability, to define basic needs will labor as union skills organized and nature sensitivities are respected. president chiu: next speaker. >> good afternoon. thank you so much for allowing
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me to express upon the resolution on each of your laps. deshawn is a family member. with the situation at hand, i plead with each and every one of you that you not define your decision upon the saggy pants issue and look beyond that. one should not be defined by what they drive, what they wear. if you go to any corporate organizations such as apple, one does not have to come in wearing a suit or tie. it is not enough to define what is inside one's head and how the act. we have watched the media coverage and it is plain in seeing his rights were violated. as proudly as you stand and sit behind that flag of the united states of america, i know all of you were sworn in to uphold the
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resolution that supervisor cohen has put in front of you, to send out a message it is not just african-americans that have done this. each and everyone of you have family members. i think you to ask a question before you vote on this resolution. how would you feel if it was one of the members of your family, knowing how they are? you have seen them since they were a child, growing up. he is a proud representative of not just the bayview hunters point area, of the city of san francisco. if the lord is willing, bless him to go on to pursue his career not just academically but athletically. do not wait to ask him to come to speak at each and every one of their districts to help raise money. please stand up and do the right thing now. thank you. [applause] >> good afternoon, supervisors.
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it is a fantastic day in san francisco, california. aren't we glad we live in america, where we have the freedom of choice? i am dr. annette shelton, third vice president of the san francisco branch naacp, and 83- year-old organization in the city and county of san francisco. i rise to ask you to support the resolution that has been submitted to you by supervisor cohen that surrounds the issue of the mr. marmon. your voice is important to our community. as the speaker before me said, the saggy pants issue is picked up by other nationalities of youth. but this has nothing to do with saggy pants in the underlying situation. it is about justice for all.
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that is justice for all. thank you. president chiu: next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i would like to take this time to think supervisor -- thank supervisor cohen for your support, for your endless time that you have put into this situation with this. by the way, the whole family -- our family is related to the family. also, espinosa jackson is related as well. so you never know whose family member you are doing these types of things to. as i reflect back on the homeless issue, i have seen so
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many people who may not fit right. they do not necessarily come with a belt. they have a homeless individual. they have pants donated to them and they sag. are we going to arrest them as well? this has gone too far. this racism is so prevalent in the place i thought was a melting pot. supervisor doris ward told me when i was a lot younger -- she said black does not melt. i was saying to her they do. she told me. she said when you go anyplace, you walk in the room and you are any other nationality and are not black, they do not know if you are italian, if you are russian. but if you walk in the room and a black, they see you are black.
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that is what happened at u.s. airways. deshawn is highly educated. he went on that plane and they saw he was black. not only was he black, but thank you so much for your time. i have something for you later. thank you so much. president chiu: thank you. [applause] >> i wanted some assistance. i have just two minutes. i just wanted to play. when the mayor came to the bayview and supervisor cohen was there and mom and jackson was there, a lot of city officials can there. thank you, supervisor cohen. you're doing a wonderful job. ♪ ♪
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