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tv   [untitled]    July 20, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT

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next item. >> item 11. allocate up to $57,213,174 in prop k funds, with conditions, to the san francisco municipal transportation agency for the central subway tunnel boring machines and tunnel boring launch box, subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedule and amend the 2009 prop k strategic plan. this is an action item. commissioner mirkarimi: i actually have one question for staff. per my remarks, is there any impact related to the federal government, with regard to this particular phase of funding? >> this particular phase is for the tunnel contract, divided into three pieces. this would fund the first two pieces. right now, the mta is targeting december of this calendar year for the full funding grant agreement with the federal transit administration. the new starts process has always been extremely
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competitive and has always been a process where a local sponsor engages the federal transit administration from the beginning of the project for environmental clearance. so there are many steps throughout this process, working with the fta. assuming you pass all of those steps, it is unlikely the project will not get a full funding grant agreement. there is a real issue about whether the funding comes in, when it is assumed, the timing. that is why, a few months ago, the mta, and we, took action for backup. for instance, the state bond funding. with the federal funding, and the mta has been working with the comptroller's office.
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you may recall that this is the way that it is historically done. i think that this will be funded at all levels requested. commissioner mirkarimi: very good. discussion? public comment? >> i am the planning manager at chinatown cdc. we have been working on this project for a 15to 20 years -- 15 to 20 years and we would like to come to you to ask for support. san francisco is a transit first city. we are all working on transit inclusion and access for everyone. it has been mentioned that federal money is becoming increasingly more difficult to obtain, and that we are so close to the finishing line, after 15 years of work, from the mta,
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city community, and we want to use this opportunity to lock in the infrastructure benefits for our neighborhoods. lastly, to point to some of the economic benefits and job gains -- one of the businesses that relocated, they moved two weeks ago, and they have already hired local small-business people. i just want to point that out as for the small business development. keep this project going and help us to fill this community dream. commissioner mirkarimi: any other public comment? >> i am a consultant, working with state muni san francisco. you should not pass this today. there was a lot of gobbledygook
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by the young lady who spoke on the initial part, but what she said, if you listen to it, is the full funding agreement may not be available. in case any of you have not read the newspapers, you probably are not aware that the republicans in the house have a different agenda than the fta. the fta may think this project is a good one -- i doubt it, because it is not. but the republicans in the house are targeting new starts projects, good, bad, or indifferent. we do not know what is going to happen in washington. it makes no sense to commit the city to $57 million on the way to $200 million, now without
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that full funding agreement in your pockets. you are being irresponsible if you do it, and you will subject yourself to a taxpayer's lawsuit. commissioner mirkarimi: thank you. any other public comment? >> my name is david. westin addition housing advocates. three days ago, i was in orange county, at a private party, with a bunch of orange county republicans. i happen to meet congressman ed royce. i am not much of a liar, and i admit and then i was in nancy pelosi's district. they were telling me a whole bunch of things, including
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talking about this project. they were very much against it and they will do everything possible to embarrass pelosi. as far as i heard, nancy, i really like her a lot. i heard she is neutral on this project. the only reason she is for it is because local politicians are for it. i would appreciate, that whenever action is taken by this board, will not embarrass her. aside from this, i heard from the republican that they believe this is a boondoggle, and they are born to take advantage of it. that is all i will say. commissioner mirkarimi: any other public comment?
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>> since the question on the impact on chinatown came up, i think i should say a few things. if i really thought this was a major benefit to chinatown, i would be for this. when i first heard about the subway, why not? it is the best place. unfortunately, the concept has been ruined. let me give you a couple of figures that come from the mta, as officially submitted to the federal government. we found out, because the fta, they have caused the early claims of the mta to be brought down closer to reality. there is 76,000 riders today that use the three bus lines that go along stockton streets. chinatown someplace station will
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attract 8000, an additional 10%. that is an indication that the subway only the tracks 5 the new riders a day. washington street is not tied down. it is the southern third of chinatown. the rest of chinatown is not helped, nor are all the people to the north and west. finally, according to the newspapers, the chinatown community development center is about to get about $9 million in grants and consulting fees, as a part of this project. so it is not quite right to say that they represent all of chinatown. there are a lot of people who have been working with us to oppose the project. commissioner mirkarimi: thank
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you. any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, same house, same call? so moved. next item. >> item 12. amend the prop k 5-year prioritization program for signals and signs maintenance and renovation. this is an action item. commissioner mirkarimi: any discussions? seeing none, discussion is closed. public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. same house, same call. so moved. next item. >> introduction of new items. this is an introduction item. commissioner mirkarimi: discussion? public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. next item. >> item 14. public comment. commissioner mirkarimi: public comment about public comment? >> commissioners, you have heard
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from some very astute people here talking about the transportation system with empirical data. that makes a difference from the very general. the third street light rail, when it was first brought to our attention, was supposed to perform in a certain way. it has not. it is very slow. we have issues of safety. we can bring to your attention the best information. our local newspapers are reduced
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to trash. we do not get good information. papers likthe huffington post ar publications are doing a better job. we call ourselves a liberal city. supervisors, business is not going to be as usual if you keep dumping millions of millions of dollars, as you did with hunters point, other projects that i could name, but i will not name. in the end, it is left to you all. at one time, being a politician was a respectful career. it is not because of such types of decisions.
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thank you. commissioner mirkarimi: thank you. any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. next item. >> adjournment. commissioner mirkarimi: have a good rest of the day. meeting is adjourned. captioned by the national captioning institute
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>> [laughter] nice treat. supervisor mar: the morning, everyone. welcome to the regular meeting of the transportation authority finance committee. today i am joined by supervisor farrell, [reads names] i but like to thank [unintelligible] at sfc tv for providing access. >> item #one. approval of -- item number two, approval of minutes of the may 10, 2011 meeting. supervisor mar: any corrections? seeing no one, let's open this to public comment. seeing no one, public comment is
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closed. without objection, madam clerk, please call the third item. >> item #3. recommend award of two-year consultant contracts to nelson\nygaard consulting associates, fehr & peers, and dowling associates, inc., in a combined total not to exceed $400,000, for travel demand management professional services, with an option to extend for one additional year, and authorizing the executive director to negotiate contract terms and conditions. >> good morning, commissioners. item #3 begins on page 7 of your packet. this is a procurement for travel demand management services. the need was driven by a number of servicers, chief among them was the demand management project, an inter-agency funding project we have received in partnership with sfmta. this procurements also
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supported the authority development of strategic long- range countywide planning updates. and other studies that the session is undertaking. emerging at the local and regional level to better manage the transportation system in a time when resources are limited and cooperation with major agencies is critical. for this procurement in april the evaluation panel consisted of representatives appointed by [inaudible] conducted interviews with all of the teams, recommending that awards be put with that the three highest ranked teams. the disadvantaged business enterprise school received eight%.
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we will use and on call approach similar to the one used by the modeling session. it is the most advantage to the authority work program. including numerous sub projects that overlap that required the authority to engage in specialized -- supervisor mar: what was that again? >> travel demand management. initiating and conducting contract negotiations for a complete contracts with the three highest returns. the staff memo details the current process in greater details and i can answer any questions. thank you. supervisor mar: with any members
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of the public like to be heard on this item? [unintelligible] >> supervisors, you just heard an introduction that is very technical in nature. it is about how [unintelligible] and transportation flows. the government's is talking about some company, some contract linked to the southeast center, for example. for the last 10 years we have had serious insufficiencies in providing reasonable transportation. not only on the third street
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corridor, but the proposed 10,500 homes. the other 900 units at hunters view. i would advise whoever wins the contract that we have many full meetings in the community, especially in those areas where people take the routes i have mentioned. and the areas i have mentioned. what happens is that prior to any project being executed, they have others that are chosen to do the projects to sometimes do
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not study the environmental impact reports. and some of the dubious transportation documentation that was provided before. we have to learn to connect the dots. bringing to your attention, especially to the chair, that this documentation is available, again and again in all of the major environmental impact reports the flaw has been the transportation document. i repeat, the flaw has been the transportation document. of which transportation management is very critical. i know a lot about this. when i went to the city of san francisco, they put emphasis on
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quality transportation management. which gives you a lot of statistics. but what i received was from empirical data. thank you very much. supervisor mar: would anyone else from the public like to speak? public comment is closed. mr. malkovich? >> [unintelligible] just a quick note. i cannot emphasize how important this effort is. this is the kind of work that you could summarize by doing more with what we have, doing more with that, it is about connecting all of the resources already in the community that can be used more effectively. in this era of shrinking budgets, being able to not only get more by sharing resources,
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be they owned by community inventions, or services that are already being provided on the health care side, moving through the neighborhood visitors aside, also proving to have an eye to responsible, sustainable climate change results. so, i think that this is the sort of stuff that people go crazy about when resources are not being coordinated. we finally have the support of the region to do that kind of work. the ones that are most underserved, where the resources are otherwise not in. frankly it is also an opportunity to connect to the big infrastructure investments that do not get a big rap -- good wrap all the time.
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you have a community where everyone lives on the trunk line. at the end of the castro shuttle or the parallel line, being in good shape, people farther out have a hard time accessing that service. these are projects that i intend to connect the dots in that way. to provide flexibility in the areas of bayview or hunters point. the more difficult or challenging areas and so on. comparatively speaking, this is not billions of dollars. this is taking the resources in the community and organizing them better. this could very well be worth of the research work that would have been through these
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consultant contracts in collaboration with that the agencies so that we can do more with the services that we have. >> it sounds like -- supervisor mar: it sounds like from public comment that these contracts are very important for the bayview hunters point mobility study. it looks like there were four different firms that responded to the rp and three of them are being chosen. any other comments, colleagues? >> and just about the selection and how you cast your net to find who you are targeting. >> we have a broad database of qualified consultants. not necessarily seeking a
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specific scope of work, interests for specific qualifications on skills and experiences with the finance administration section for the dde requirements to which this procurement is subject. there was a special opportunity to reach out to communities of concern, including posting ethnic language newspapers and targeting those businesses that make sure that the lead firms have members of the team that fulfilled as needed. supervisor cohen: what were the results that were yielded to you? >> in terms of? >> businesses that represent communities of interest.
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>> it was 8% for this contract. a goal that comes from the federal highway administration and studies that have been done to identify certain groups of concerned. i will defer to the director of finance on this question. >> i believe that you are asking -- are you asking how many funds we reached out to? or how we selected which firms? >supervisor cohen: both of those questions. >> we look at both caltrans and ubde databases.
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any consultants or interested parties that would be aware of or interested in these different types of rfq would be a part of our e-mail when it was initiated. so, he also talked about what he described as community-centric. >> i did not mean geographically, but there are specifics. >> groups that you are talking about. >> yes. look at page 10 of your packet. following federal procurement requirements for this procurements, they have defined as a owned by african-americans, native americans, and women, and asian pacific americans. supervisor cohen: how many have been awarded this contract?
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>> i do not have that information in front of me. supervisor cohen: gracious. beyond this. how many? take a guess. >> i am not comfortable answering. i can break it down in terms of requirements. supervisor cohen: i am interested in investigating a piece of the action. >> i can break down which consultants are helping to meet that requirement. and of the percentage of proposals from that contractor and whether they are ubde or local business enterprises. supervisor cohen: let's hear which you have got. >> 10% to 15% of that contract for ubde is a women-owned firm based in oakland.
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ktl lennoz is a disadvantage to this -- disadvantaged business enterprise in the area. a graphic design and marketing firm is also dbde as well and women owned. transportation ltd. is another partnership that is ubde, ddde, and women around. on the switch point planning for nelson niagara, it meets the lbe and women requirements. red hill group and trans-metro are small business enterprises that fit sbde requirements. delling associates fulfills dbe and lbde requirements. supervisor cohen: these are people that qualified or people that have received the contract? >> received.
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and as far as how this will work in terms of awarding actual work, none of these are guaranteed anywhere. it is a matter of work being assigned on a task-order basis. they will need to maintain and week that 8% hiring goal of work being assigned to them with each task order. supervisor cohen: so, who manages the tasks and work orders? >> the authority. supervisor cohen: the authority. my friends over here. i guess my message to the authority is that, you know, i sit here, we pass contracts and have a lot of money. there are a lot of things happening. a lot of changes happening. but we have a lot of businesses. women, minorities. i need you to make