tv [untitled] July 24, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm PDT
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alternatives for pedestrians and traffic calming improvements in the area. these begin in july and include approaches such as storefront window displays and a community meeting the va. the van ness brt study is going nicely. we hope to release to the public draft environmental review impact statements in december -- september. we worked with a number of our partner agencies in the city to provide comments to caltrans on its complete street guideline, a supplement to the highway design manual. this is a huge step for us. this is a positive step in the right direction and will hopefully pave the way for other projects along the 19th avenue
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corridor. lastly, we are working on improving our business processes internally and on customer service. we are working on an internet portal for prop k issues. this is intended to make life easier for project sponsors and to do easier analysis and report production. this is being led by our capital projects division. i wish you all well when august recess arrives. we will be working on year end closing activities. congratulations to the director of finance and administration, when they return home from the honeymoon period commissioner mirkarimi: thank you. any questions? ok. any public comment on any one of the reports?
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please step up. >> supervisors, i paid very careful attention to the chair's reports, and the assistant directors report's report. as you know, we are not going to get too much of what we desire from the federal government, more because our point persons, nancy pelosi, dianne feinstein, and george miller, barbara boxer, so on and so forth, are not there to pull strings so that we get what we want as far as transportation is concerned. even though you have, in general terms, stated something about the central subway, we need to
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work very hard to find out if we really need that central subway. i would like to bring to your attention, having worked for a long time as an advocate, to make sure that the constituents, those at speak english, and those that speak other languages, understands the amount of money that is going to be put into that system. i would like you to remember the more than $700 million that was put into the third street light rail which has not worked. having said that, i attended the plans and programs meeting, some other meetings, and there was a lot of dillydallying going on at
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that meeting. as you heard from the assistant director, she spoke about over 30 different factors but the people at home cannot make heads or tails of what is happening. we need this report to be summarized on line so that people know what is happening in our fair city. commissioner mirkarimi: thank you. any other public comment? please. >> my name is jerry coffin. i am a professional engineer, with the save muni program. i have to talk about the federal numbers. infrastructure in the u.s. has
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crumbled, yet, thousands of why they needed improvement projects are languishing for the lack of funds and attention. therefore, it is doubly damaging when scarce infrastructure is wasted on a week projects. today, you are being asked to approve the first phase of a $200 million tunneling contract. next december, if the federal government approves the full funding grant agreement, which is by no means assured, the currently recommended new starts grant for 2012 is $200 million. the problem is, even if the republicans in the house of representatives approves the full funding grant agreement, the $200 million is not insured either. it may or may not remain. if san francisco does receive the $200 million, the mta can probably finish the tunneling contract.
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however, they would still remain hundreds of millions of dollars short to complete the project and put the subway into operation. you have a big hole in the ground and no operation. if the republicans should cut that $200 million, even if they agree to full funding agreement, then there would not be enough to finish the tunneling contract itself. so, i think, in these tight times, you need to be guided by prudence. that money did not come to the city easily and it needs to be protected. thank you. commissioner mirkarimi: is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. please read the next item. >> item 5. award two-year consultant contracts to nelson\nygaard consulting associates, fehr & peers, and dowling associates, inc., in a combined total not to exceed $400,000, for travel demand management professional services, with an option to
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extend for one additional year, and authorize the executive director to negotiate contract terms and conditions. this is an action item. commissioner mirkarimi: we are in to work from the finance committee. questions or discussion? public comment? please. come on up. >> and when i was at the plans and programs committee meeting, this issue was delivered it at great length. i just want to state one concern, one factor that was brought out. that is diversity and helping minorities, in the true sense of the word. we know, right now, if you are a white woman, you are considered
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a minority. under that front, a lot of injustice is done. this, of being a city that knows how to remedy and put their best foot forward, we need to understand that this sector is impacting a lot of lbe's and dbe's. you could play a leading role, and you could pull on the sleeves of your colleagues here who really know what is happening with contrasting, and do a better job. commissioner mirkarimi: is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. we have a different house. please read roll-call. >> [roll call]
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11 ayes, the item passes. commissioner mirkarimi: next item please. >> item 6. authorize the executive director to negotiate and execute annual contract renewals with city and county of san francisco departments and exercise contract options for on-call modeling services, in an amount not to exceed $297,536. this is an action item. commissioner mirkarimi: comments? any public comment on this particular item? seeing none, public comment is closed. same house, same call. so moved. next item. >> item 7. authorize the executive director to exercise the second one-year option of the professional services contract with cordoba/zurinaga joint venture by $1,000,000, to a total amount not to exceed $4,574,000, to provide on-call project management and oversight services and authorize the
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executive director to negotiate the contract terms and conditions. this is an action item. commissioner mirkarimi: any conversation on this particular action item? any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. same house, same call. so moved. next item. >> item 8. adopt positions on state and federal legislation. this is an action item. commissioner mirkarimi: i know that this was well-bedded in committee. any other conversation? public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. can we take this same house, same call? very good. now we move into plans and programs committee. next item. >> item 9. reappoint rosie west to the citizens advisory committee. this is an action item. commissioner mirkarimi: discussion? seeing none.
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public comment? >> at the plans and programs committee, and the issue came up about representation. when i say representation, i am talking about the citizens advisory committee. whenever we appoint people to represent -- and earlier today you heard about the projects in the southeast area. we need the representatives from the citizens advisory committee to be present. it is very important. it is also very important that when the citizens advisory committee, or some representative, has to give a report, that they be present, no excuses.
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i say this because transportation plays an important role. as you can see, and there is a tendency, when this commission meets, -- you are supervisors, but you call yourselves commissioners in this meeting -- but there is a tendency to pass millions and millions of dollars, hopefully, for the benefit of this great city and county of san francisco par, bue need to deliver it. we need line item accounting. that is the way that we can have transparency. this needs to be transported to our representatives. do not appoint representatives for the sake of appointing representatives. representatives have to represent. they have to put their best foot
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forward. commissioner mirkarimi: thank you. any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. same house, same call? so moved. next item. >> item 10. allocate $270,819 in prop k funds, with conditions, to the san francisco municipal transportation agency for one project and $1,275,900 in prop k funds, with conditions, to the department of public works for two projects, subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedules, and amend the relevant 5-year prioritization program for curb ramps. this is an action item. commissioner mirkarimi: discussions? public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. same house, same call. so moved. next item. >> item 11. allocate up to $57,213,174 in prop k funds, with conditions, to the san francisco municipal transportation agency for the central subway tunnel boring machines and tunnel boring launch box, subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedule and amend the 2009 prop k strategic plan. this is an action item. commissioner mirkarimi: i
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actually have one question for staff. per my remarks, is there any impact related to the federal government, with regard to this particular phase of funding? >> this particular phase is for the tunnel contract, divided into three pieces. this would fund the first two pieces. right now, the mta is targeting december of this calendar year for the full funding grant agreement with the federal transit administration. the new starts process has always been extremely competitive and has always been a process where a local sponsor engages the federal transit administration from the beginning of the project for environmental clearance. so there are many steps throughout this process, working with the fta.
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assuming you pass all of those steps, it is unlikely the project will not get a full funding grant agreement. there is a real issue about whether the funding comes in, when it is assumed, the timing. that is why, a few months ago, the mta, and we, took action for backup. for instance, the state bond funding. with the federal funding, and the mta has been working with the comptroller's office. you may recall that this is the way that it is historically done. i think that this will be funded at all levels requested. commissioner mirkarimi: very
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good. discussion? public comment? >> i am the planning manager at chinatown cdc. we have been working on this project for a 15to 20 years -- 15 to 20 years and we would like to come to you to ask for support. san francisco is a transit first city. we are all working on transit inclusion and access for everyone. it has been mentioned that federal money is becoming increasingly more difficult to obtain, and that we are so close to the finishing line, after 15 years of work, from the mta, city community, and we want to use this opportunity to lock in the infrastructure benefits for our neighborhoods. lastly, to point to some of the economic benefits and job gains -- one of the businesses that
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relocated, they moved two weeks ago, and they have already hired local small-business people. i just want to point that out as for the small business development. keep this project going and help us to fill this community dream. commissioner mirkarimi: any other public comment? >> i am a consultant, working with state muni san francisco. you should not pass this today. there was a lot of gobbledygook by the young lady who spoke on the initial part, but what she said, if you listen to it, is the full funding agreement may not be available. in case any of you have not read the newspapers, you probably are
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not aware that the republicans in the house have a different agenda than the fta. the fta may think this project is a good one -- i doubt it, because it is not. but the republicans in the house are targeting new starts projects, good, bad, or indifferent. we do not know what is going to happen in washington. it makes no sense to commit the city to $57 million on the way to $200 million, now without that full funding agreement in your pockets. you are being irresponsible if you do it, and you will subject yourself to a taxpayer's lawsuit. commissioner mirkarimi: thank you. any other public comment? >> my name is david.
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westin addition housing advocates. three days ago, i was in orange county, at a private party, with a bunch of orange county republicans. i happen to meet congressman ed royce. i am not much of a liar, and i admit and then i was in nancy pelosi's district. they were telling me a whole bunch of things, including talking about this project. they were very much against it and they will do everything possible to embarrass pelosi. as far as i heard, nancy, i really like her a lot.
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i heard she is neutral on this project. the only reason she is for it is because local politicians are for it. i would appreciate, that whenever action is taken by this board, will not embarrass her. aside from this, i heard from the republican that they believe this is a boondoggle, and they are born to take advantage of it. that is all i will say. commissioner mirkarimi: any other public comment? >> since the question on the impact on chinatown came up, i think i should say a few things. if i really thought this was a major benefit to chinatown, i
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would be for this. when i first heard about the subway, why not? it is the best place. unfortunately, the concept has been ruined. let me give you a couple of figures that come from the mta, as officially submitted to the federal government. we found out, because the fta, they have caused the early claims of the mta to be brought down closer to reality. there is 76,000 riders today that use the three bus lines that go along stockton streets. chinatown someplace station will attract 8000, an additional 10%. that is an indication that the subway only the tracks 5 the new riders a day.
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washington street is not tied down. it is the southern third of chinatown. the rest of chinatown is not helped, nor are all the people to the north and west. finally, according to the newspapers, the chinatown community development center is about to get about $9 million in grants and consulting fees, as a part of this project. so it is not quite right to say that they represent all of chinatown. there are a lot of people who have been working with us to oppose the project. commissioner mirkarimi: thank you. any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, same house, same call? so moved. next item. >> item 12. amend the prop k 5-year prioritization program for signals and signs maintenance and renovation.
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this is an action item. commissioner mirkarimi: any discussions? seeing none, discussion is closed. public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. same house, same call. so moved. next item. >> introduction of new items. this is an introduction item. commissioner mirkarimi: discussion? public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. next item. >> item 14. public comment. commissioner mirkarimi: public comment about public comment? >> commissioners, you have heard from some very astute people here talking about the transportation system with empirical data. that makes a difference from the very general. the third street light rail,
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when it was first brought to our attention, was supposed to perform in a certain way. it has not. it is very slow. we have issues of safety. we can bring to your attention the best information. our local newspapers are reduced to trash. we do not get good information. papers likthe huffington post ar publications are doing a better job.
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we call ourselves a liberal city. supervisors, business is not going to be as usual if you keep dumping millions of millions of dollars, as you did with hunters point, other projects that i could name, but i will not name. in the end, it is left to you all. at one time, being a politician was a respectful career. it is not because of such types of decisions. thank you. commissioner mirkarimi: thank you. any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. next item. >> adjournment. commissioner mirkarimi: have a good rest of the day.
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other officials gathered at the hospital to cut the ribbon and welcome the public into a beautiful new state-of-the-art facility. >> 3, 2, 1. [applause] >> in has been 10 years since voters approved the measure for the new building. >> when they cast the vote, we have an exciting opportunities to rethink how art is done in a hospital setting. >> replacement program generated approximately $3.9 million in art enrichment funds for a comprehensive art program that contributes to the quality of life at the hospital by enhancing the environment and supporting the hospital's needs and therapeutic goals. artists were commissioned to
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create 100 original works of art. as was for the gardens and courtyard areas. >> be artwork does more than just hang on the wall. it will enhance the therapeutics of the hospital and will include sensory stimulation, orientation, social interaction. >> it was set into like boxes to create color filled areas in the hospital. inspired by nature, the signature painting of native san francisco birds, clouds, and the surface of the ocean waves were translated into a variety of media including glass mosaic and tapestry. the playful clock encourages
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memory stimulation among the patients. they used the theme of the four elements as they relate to vocation. it is a direct homage to the historical murals in the original laguna honda building. it features to large tile walls. by observing residents, the gardens created a public artwork in the form of the handrail. in one of the outdoor courtyards, the circular grouping of -- with a
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