tv [untitled] July 30, 2011 2:30am-3:00am PDT
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executive director. i had a conversation with him. there will be -- as we progress in this work that we're doing. ameritech'america's cup, word ig out. lots of interest in this community about how to do business with the america's cup. we're working with the event authority. the america's cup organizing committee, through them to start working on a plan of action to start doing our reach.
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what are the needs the have and possibly what is the best means and mechanisms to connect the events with our business, especially small businesses in san francisco. >> i have been asked and i can talk about this in my report. i will be involved with that. >> we also have a workforce component to it and i would like to find a way that we bridge this plan our work force together. for some of our small businesses, they will be able to engage in doing business with the advent which means there will have to be ramped up. how can we connect with our
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workforce so we are meeting both needs at the same time. our license fee consolidation project, that is ongoing. the department right now is collecting their code list for the codes that will be changed by date. this will have -- i will be reaching out to you and to the business community over the next month to start getting feedback about the license fee consolidation project. the permit committee has been -- to make sure that the full commission is up to speed on what is being worked on and proposed during an annual bill
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for businesses with licenses and fees that are paid through the tax and treasurer's office. last month, you received a presentation from the human rights commission around some proposed legislation that they are doing on arrests. there is -- there conducting a public hearing on monday, july 25 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and this one is targeted toward the business community. they want to solicit their input. and feedback as the work on this legislation. we have to put this in our newsletter, this workshop -- it is a hearing, a presentation. we want to encourage commissioners, for you to outrage to the business
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community and let them know as much input the business community can provide. as much information the business community can provide is a good thing. this is not necessarily saying they support the concept. it is better to provide than none. we are having a presentation on our part list. the meeting went long so it is rescheduled and presentations, i have a list of other items and topics that the commission has requested presentations on and we are working on getting those scheduled for august or september. it is dependent on what is on the legislative agenda. and then lastly, the members of the small business community, leaders are interested in doing
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a small-business conference to summarize the goal and objection -- objectives, to assemble policy recommendations to be presented to the leadership of san francisco to work on. this is in its beginning. there has been two meetings, i have attended both and i think -- if there are commissioners who are interested in attending, let me know. we would have to make sure there is no quorum issue. but yes. it -- the formation stays in terms of when and how this will be done. that is the overall concept.
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on june 30 the music and cultural association celebrated its first year. as i mentioned, it is the hearing for -- for business and put. leslee it is not on the report but it is in your binder. we are exploring and having recommendations provided on we talked about a new logo for the office at our commission retreat. we're going to move forward with that. we're working on the redesign for the website so this is a good time to begin to engage in
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what is the identity of the office with the commission and the small business assistance center and taking a look at the way other departments deal with their department identity that has multifacetes to the department. it will go through the outreach committee. i will make sure the commission is briefed on any information as it comes through. that concludes my report. if there is any questions. >> there is implementation in 2012 -- as of that date, we
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will not be seeing these or is it going through further scrutiny? do we know? i am thinking, if that is the end i will see these telephone directories outside san francisco -- i do not think we will see the same numbers. >> my guess is the implementation date is what it is because there is an annual cycle. has there been a legal challenge? >> we have not had any confirmation of that. we can advise you if and when that comes. >> this is making sure that the industry has enough time to make
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sure the transition and plan -- as they transition and plan. >> >commissioners, item 11. >> we heard two items that were not brought with full permission as of this time. i would like to report on those items. the first is the proposed legislation for japan town. a code changed to prohibit medical services or business or professional -- in the in japan start -- we heard it and it
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sounds fine to us. i am not sure where it is going but i went to report we have heard that. the second thing was we heard an item about in the mission, alcohol special use district, a bowling alley would like to open and they would be requesting to be allowed to be put into the special use district saying that the bowling alley that serve food within the physical bowling alley itself would be allowed to serve liquor along with their food items. we felt that seemed reasonable. >> that would be great. >> it is something in the works and previously the would have had to leave the bowling alley and go next door and get their
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food and alcohol. this way, they can have something within the site. we will be getting something new. those are the two items that were not reported to you tonight. >> commissioners, item 12. >> we have nothing to report. >> item 13, our reach committee. >> we did not meet this month and we have no report. thank you. >> item 14. >> nothing to report. >> vice-president report? >> commissioner adams: i will
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be involved and it is important we include small businesses. that is what i consider once in a lifetime. so, yes. other than that, the new castro guide is out. weight distributed 20,000 to hotels and businesses. come and drink and dance and stay in the caster. >> commissioners, item 16. commissioner reports. i attended the council meeting on june 20. i would like to convey from them their heartfelt thanks for our non supportive supervisor -- to our supervisor.
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>> that is appreciated. >> commissioner clyde: i was asked to participate in a panel and i would like to highlight that there were several attendees that were looking at developing business with the america's cup, particularly items made in san francisco either for the event but somehow working with the authority. i suggested they contact the office of small business. i would like to put out there that this is such a great opportunity to highlight san francisco. and then my one take away from the meeting was, wouldn't it be great if we had some outlet in china, and we have an office
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dedicated to working with china sf. china sf has been an initiative that works with large businesses but there is no reason they could not also -- our small businesses and small local manufacturers could not develop some kind of out what in china, particularly as china is developing and interested in things american. >> commissioner adams: next item? >> the general public comment. >> commissioner adams: seeing none,. >> want to -- i want to extend an invitation to you. they are interested in finding
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out what the city is doing in regard to small businesses. i will be meeting with them at 9:30 a.m. to review what we're doing to promote small business. i invite you to attend this meeting. it is in room 201 at city hall. >> commissioner adams: is there a motion to adjourn? >> second. >> commissioner adams: meeting adjourned at 81:15 p.m.
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>> good afternoon. thank you so much for being here. it is really an honor to work with the department of environment on the san francisco home improvement program. we hope it becomes they hit this program in the city. we really are here to talk about the financial, as well as the environmental benefits of going green. in san francisco, as well as across the country, what we
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forget is often our home and the real estate that we own is normally the most valuable piece of wealth that we have in our family. but we also for get that real- estate and buildings also have some of the largest carbon footprint in san francisco, as well as across the country single-family homes are almost 22% of the carbon footprint. in my understanding, we have actually been miscounting the carbon footprint, and we actually undervalued the carbon footprint of real estate in those homes. we're here today to talk about how you can go green with doing some very simple things. some improvement items did you can get a rebate of up to $7,000 just by putting in new water heaters, and doing ventilation, and we have margaret here, who is a homeowner and a contractor,
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just to tell you really how easy it is. it is so important when we're looking at our home. our home is one of the most valuable things we have to continue to invest in. many of these minor investments will make huge returns on investment and a huge savings down the road. on average -- most of you know that i am a huge solar advocate and i have solar panels on my home. the return on solar is even more than the return on energy efficiency. energy efficiency often times will return your investment in three years. it is so fast and so easy. we're really here to encourage energy improvement. we want you to be part of this. we did in the assessor's office, we have an annual noticed of the best evaluation that went out to every single property owner in the city and the county. over two hundred thousand letters, and each of them got a brochure. there is a copy of the brochure
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that we mailed out with this wonderful family here, talking about how you can get $7,000 in rebates just by participating in this, just by going ahead and working with solar city and being a part of this. is it is so important that we take the first step that we can take to become greener in our own lives, because we forget how big an impact just our small little, as on the environment when you add it up with all the people in san francisco. i am honored to be joined by the director of the department. she is going to walk you through the program and talk about the great things they are doing. >> before i talk about the program, i really wanted to thank phil for is leadership on these issues. he has been a champion for solar in san francisco as well as for energy efficiency. we are excited to have partnered with the assessor's office to get this information to
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homeowners in san francisco. my name is melanie, the director of the san francisco department of the environment. in an effort to help our city's homeowners afford energy efficiency in their homes, my department has partnered with energy of great california to develop the san francisco home improvement and performance program. this is a program that does offer financial incentives of up to $7,000 for san francisco homeowners, which is an exce looking to do energy efficiency in their homes. as you all know, making home energy improvements will all to save money on electricity bills, as well as gas bills. doing energy efficiency of grades in a home also makes comes more comfortable as well as more healthy. ultimately, as he said, if you do energy efficiency upgrades in your home, it does increase the value of your home. the first up in terms of
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participating in the sf hip program is to call one of our specially trained contractors who can come out to do an energy assessment, to basically look at what some of the measures are that you could do in your home to see these types of energy savings. this is an apparent factor in the program, because the more energy that you say, the more money that you can receive, up to $7,000. it is here with the percentage of energy that you can save, connected to the rebate that you can get. some of the projects that contribute to energy efficiency that could be part of your home energy upgrade includes adding insulation, air sealing around windows, walls and crawlspaces, upgrading or installing high efficiency heating and cooling systems, as well as a grading a water heater or a boiler. i did want to urge homeowners to take a vintage of these savings now.
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we're offering up to $7,000 in rebates for energy efficiency. after august 21, it will go down by about $1,000, so there really is reasons to participate in the next five weeks. ultimately, by helping homeowners make these upgrades, we're working together with the assessor reporters office to ensure that we can meet our carbon reduction goals here in san francisco. we are working to reduce their carbon emissions in the city by 20% below 1990 levels by the end of next year. that is one of the reasons to put together this program, to aggressively how to do energy efficiency in homes throughout san francisco. ultimately, this program, sf hip is a great example of our commitment to visionary and burn the to programs that help to promote social equity, to protect human health, and to leave their way towards a sustainable future. we're working very hard -- we have more direct -- very hard to get where we are, but to set our
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goals, we need to keep pushing the envelopes thef hip -- we need to continue pushing the envelope. sf hip will help us to do that. thank you. >> thank you. my name is margaret wilson. i have been a resident of san francisco for eight years. my husband and i bought a house. we did it with my daughter and her husband, and we share an old victorian with my husband, daughter, son-in-law, and their three children. since we bought the house, we have had a lot of maintenance just to repair damage and stuff. but we have been also very conscientiously trying to do environmental upgrades. and we had been a solar city customer. we put solar on our house two
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years ago and were able to do so with almost no out-of-pocket expense. and we have seen, you know, basically not a reduction in our energy bill, but flat on our energy bill, and we know that is from solar. so when i received a flier from solar city that announced the energy audits, i talked to my daughter and we decided that we would go and do that right away. so we replied and a requested the energy audit. we had a team of solar city people come into our house and go through the whole house, through the heating, you know, the windows, the drafting, how we used heating and stuff like that. and as a result of that audit, they designed a program for us that included ceiling cracks and
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weather stripping, reducing its draft from a fireplace by putting something in to block the draft. replacing in 1950's vintage heater that i had been told in the past was about 50% effective. they replaced it with a new height efficiency furnace, and in doing that, it also had the asbestos removed from the house. i was delighted to get rid of the asbestos, too. that heating system also allows us to better modulate the temperature in the house because it is a multi-story house. it is very hard to keep both floors comfortable. but the system that puts in allows us to better modulate the temperature and keep the house comfortable. also, as part of the energy
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audit, they identified a very hazardous situation we had with an old stove that is leading carbon monoxide. we planned on replacing dead in the future, but we have now budgeted to do an immediate replacement of that stove, so they identified a very hazardous situation, and we now have the opportunity to correct that. so i have been very thrilled with the work that solar city did. they also completed the work in a timely manner. the people were very pleasant but there was absolutely no mess left. i am delighted in the looking forward to our energy savings. so thank you. >> i will just say a few words about how solar city. it is one of the leading full- service solar energy efficiency and now electrical vehicle charging providers in the united states, and we're delighted to be working with s the environment and energy agreed
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california, providing homeowners with incentives to make it easier for them to make energy efficiency and upgrades to their home. we have about 2000 energy efficiency customers in the u.s. and 15,000 solar projects completed are underway -- or under way. i think margaret wilson as a prime example of a homeowner who has seen comfort and health benefits, in addition to environmental and monetary savings. d want to tell us about some of the rebates from the program? >> absolutely. in addition to the san francisco home improvement program, there's a program called the energy agreed california program, and it is designed to help all want -- homeowners make energy efficiency improvements to the home and offset the cost. up to four thousand dollars for pg&e utility customers available for doing things that you might want to do already, adding insulation or reducing traps in your home, replacing the water europe -- water healeheater.
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not only do you save energy and money and reduce your current footprint, but you'll be much more comfortable in your home. >> grade, thank you. again, in san francisco, we're actually a prime target for this program, because the folks who should consider this program the most are folks who are owning older homes. margaret's home was built in the 1880's. we have a lot of homes built in the 1920's and in 1930's. those homes are prime targets for this program in terms of having a leaky windows and older furnaces and water heaters, all the upgrades we would normally do. in addition to this program, we're also going to be working on a green grade. we are encouraging residents to homeowners to do a certification process through our office, where they can actually get a certification to show that their
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house has gone green. obviously, when people sell those homes or or refinancing those homes, we anticipate that green homes will obviously be more valuable, just like energy- efficient homes of the more valuable immediately once those improvements are made. let me stop there and see if you have any questions for any of us. >> when do you begin recording this information? >> i think we're looking at the next few months to do that. >> so they will have to come to the city and that you guys know about the improvements -- collect just like through commercial properties and their certification. we're looking to do something similar for san francisco. >> are other municipalities already doing this or is this considered the best practice? >> i am not aware of that. >> and no
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