tv [untitled] August 5, 2011 9:00am-9:30am PDT
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the contract to do this buildout because one of the things that hasn't been stated that we've had seven meetings that resulted in near armageddon with the puc and community advocates about the fact that the program was you moving forward without a plan without a local buildout. without local buildout, the program does not work. i say that because we've gone out over the past few months to test that proposition and we find it to be true. so i don't know -- i don't even know what the tasks are other than if the tassbs are no move the conversation and move the plan to do a local build wouth this program then that's what we need to do. the scope that nancy mentioned, you know, we've had seven meetings with the contracter, the sfpuc staff maybe 14 hours of dialogue that led to the
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scope that's before you. yes, the p.u.c. did put out its own scope believed what it is the local buildout. but when we tested it, it was a failure. it went nowhere. and so the scope that's been developed now and i suppose there could be more conversation in the next couple of weeks is calculated to work. when we took that as a community group and said this is the plan to build if your neighborhood to deliver tangible results after we begin with this kind of first flavor of this program, that gets people excited. so if you don't have this buildout, if you don't have the plan if you don't start doing the work and don't get it done, the plan is not calculated to succeed because if you don't have a local buildout there's no plan. this is what we're most excited about and we've been here on these two parallel tracks. we want to do this type of
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work, to have the local 3wil8dout. i'm sure you'll have these conversations with your local vendor. other than having these conversations with barbara heal, well, the first one he blessed them with his hand. that's how this scope is formed. it's feedback. it's exciting. so we've got to have a plan for local buildout. it will's move forward to do that. and i think that's the decision for you. supervisor campos: thank you. is there any other member of the public? >> good afternoon, commissioners jeremiah dean, sierra club. i don't have much more to add to what my fellow advocates have said today. they pretty much laid out the plan why it's beneficial to the community, to california, to sacramento, to san francisco. everyone needs to know that clean power is the way to go.
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we need to get to renewables. i would love to see san francisco get to 100% as soon as possible. and not 100% green to just 70,000 customers. i would like to see everybody in san francisco have the ability to have 100% clean renewable energy. and the way to get to that zpwole through this scope of work. we need that local buildout. it's going bring jobs. it's going to bring an amazing boom to green technology. we're going to see that if we get this scope to move forward. sierra club, san francisco would like to see the resolution today from ms. miller move forward. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. is there any other member of the public that would like to speak? seeing nothing, public comment is closed? commissioner america rimmy? -- merkarimi.
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>> i'm supportive that we do this on an increment staff recommendation. based on the conversations that took place before public comment, you know, i think it's important as what we're buying here. i've become accustomed to how they write and what they propose and what the product is based on what's been contracted. and so i'm very clear that what i think we invest in, we should be able to insist with high expectation with -- what that work product should be. when i see that the eight key points in their treatise in their percent speckive to us, one involving wholesale procurement. number two, data collection and analysis. number three program financial
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analysis. number five risk review. number five, regulatory and policy review. number six contract term sheets. number seven, development of proposals. and number eight developing r.f.p. really none of this speaks to green jobs. and in this development proposal right now if that is one of the primary goals then there needs to be, i think a more robust expectation that that's something that we need to see spoken to. because i don't think the city does a very good job with green jobs whatsoever. and the reliances on this program to deliver green jobs then i would hope that that component be well applied to
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this particular contract or with another contractor. ms. miller? >> yeah, there is a co ponent of the development of green -- component of the development of green jobs that was submitted and is part of task seven and eight. so it's in the body of the -- of the document. it's not a separate line item. it wasn't separately numbered. >> but what i'm saying is it didn't wow me. it didn't wow me at all. we have gone through p.u.c. we've gone through recurrent energy. we've gone through the solar city contracts. we have gone through -- i cannot tell you how many dozens and dozens of hours of debate through the budget committee and board of supervisors and being with the understanding that this would yield green jobs. and i still don't think the city has come to scratching the surface of yielding jobs for
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disadvantaged communities. it's frankly underwhemming. so in this case what i read beyond the eight key points of this percent speck us to, same thing. i don't see it, i don't feel it. so i want to make sure that if we invest in this, that we're getting something that we absolutely need and they absolutely can deliver on so that it is a quality prict. not just to satisfy but poll dicks or the advocacy because i feel the same need. and if it's local hiring, i mean, then, it's double, i think the standard since this is not a local company. it's not fran-based. so i would expect -- san francisco-based. so i would expect there would have to be double the expectations that gives us something that we hope that they deliver. since we're only talking to one
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company in this case, an a company that we're familiar with. then we should see a brokering of what should come out in the final reporting. >> ok. we have a motion to continue. i don't know if it's been seconded. let me say that now that we have a full compliment of the commission. i was open to the idea of continuing but again i believe that it's important for us to move this forward. i appreciate the comments from the commissioner. i think it's important to be dealt with every penny that we spend and that we provide specificity in terms of the deliverables and that we don't spend anymore than we need to.
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to strike a balance in terms of moving forward with the understanding that we will not spend more than what is needed. and with the understanding that it's been agreed that the p.u.c. will do this work. i would ask for a motion to accept staff's recommendation to aprove, give the executive officer approval or authority to enter into a contract up to an amount of 100,000 but that's not necessarily the amount that will be spent. so is there a motion? motion by commissioner avalos. is there a second. >> second by commissioner mikarimi. [voting]
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>> mr. chair, we have three ayes and one no. >> the motion passes. madam clerk can you call item number five? >> item number five, executive officer's report. >> ms. miller? >> i have no report, thank you. >> but, i'm sorry, i do want to introduce -- i'm going to have jason interview our new intern. i just wanted to get the opportunity to introduce our intern for the summer. last summer, she had different tasks to do. she is currently going to u.c. davis and is looking to do green type work in her future. i just wanted to welcome her do our internship program.
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thank you. >> thank you very much. >> colleagues, any questions? is there any public comment on this item? any money -- body wanting to speak? public comment is closed. madam, can you call item number six. it's within the jurisdiction of the commissioner. seeing none public bhick comment is closed. item seven? >> item number seven, future agenda items." >> colleagues any member of the public that would like to speak? seeing none, public comment was closed. >> just a quick question in terms oaf the join meeting with the -- of the joint meeting with the p.u.c., do you need specific dates for us. >> i want to know if you want to meet in august as well.
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a regular meeting is the fourth friday which is august 26th. so i'll potentially try for a joint meeting on that date. >> so if people have any concerns if you can let ms. miller know. >> thank you. >> man clerk, final item. >> item number eight adjournment. thank you. meeting is adjourned. nice weekend.
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>> [roll-call] >> thank you. >> as a reminder, please turn off all electronic devices that may sound off during the proceedings. if you would like to have a conversation, we ask you take them outside in order for the meeting to proceed as efficiently as possible. if you would like to speak on an item today, please complete a blue card, unless announced by the president of the commission,
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anyone wishing to speak will have three minutes on each item. please address your comments to the item being heard. if you would like to speak under general public comment, that is either item four or nine. last, a drescher comments to the commission during public comment in order to allow equal time for all, neither the commission are staff will respond to any questions during public comment. the commission may ask questions of staff after public comment is closed. with that, we are on item number two, which is the president's report. >> thank you. very briefly, i would like to welcome back commissioner arata and welcome her new baby. what is it? 10 weeks? >> 10 weeks. >> in the summer, it's nice to be out in places like golden
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gate park and celebrate the carrousel being renovated. we had a wonderful time out there. i congratulate the staff and everyone involved. we also had a nice presentation of a check from coca-cola in the amount of about a quarter of a million dollars. the general manager may say more about that later. behind the scenes, the san francisco planning and urban research association has been helping with a committee of concerned folks on the budget and future financial soundness of recreation and parks department. i appreciated and i look forward to a preliminary report shortly. with that, commissioner lee, you had some comments? >> yes. i went up to camp made their on wednesday. there was a page one story in the chronicle about a stomach
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flu outbreak, focused on berkeley campus but also mention to camp maither. i'm happy to report it was minimally affected, if at all. there are cases not all related as far as i can tell speaking to the outbreak in berkeley. things were very well run. the camp is taking extra precautions in terms of urging all of the guests to use hand sanitizer, the kitchen staff is taking extra precautions and it is probably safer now than it has ever been. i want to make sure the public
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knows and those campers who have signed up for the coming weeks, they have nothing to worry about. every precaution is being taken. it was a little bit on the chilly side for this time of year, but otherwise the streams were spectacular. there are waterfalls everywhere. i would encourage my fellow commissioners to go up and have a look. the camp is beautiful with all of the water. everything is green. there was a late spring fall which turned all of the grass and leaves green, which is a change from the last six times i've been up there, where it was
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largely yellow because of the drought conditions. i think you would really enjoy it. the campus very well-run and i want to allay any concerns people may have generated from that article. the concern is there, but the story made the problem much larger than it actually is. i would urge the public to take that into consideration. the other observation about the camp is that this year more than any other, i was really pleased to see some many young families
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going up. i noticed the week went there were a lot of younger kids, people with babies, so perhaps this is something commissioner arata might consider. i ran into a family with a new board of just a few months and it was their first trip up. i would encourage you to go. >> thank you. that concludes my report. >> is there any public comment under the president's report? >> good morning, commissioners. i'm with the golden gate park preservation alliance. i would like to let the public know the spur worked on through the recreation department will be available and i recommend contacting spur for the report. there will be a noontime meeting to talk about the report and i
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encourage the public to attend the meeting and submit comments. >> thank you. >> would anyone else like to comment under the president's report? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> good morning, commissioners. we have been celebrating national parks and recreation month in july. my report for this month is a reflection and celebration of all we do. i have a few an quarterly employee recognition and a video highlights for the month. play day on the green. the san francisco parks track and recs & parks will host a -- will host -- your families -- something else to do with your
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newborn, you are invited to join us. we hope to see a big crowd out there. mcclaren by park design meeting #two. a second design meeting is scheduled for thursday july 28th, from 6:00 to 8:00 at the mcclaren elementary school cafeteria. participants will take part in a visiting session for the session. this saturday, july 23rd, joined dolores park works and the recreation and park department for recreation day and picnic. help beautify one of the city's most popular parks. we will meet no. of 19th street at 10:00. after-school program enrichment begins this saturday, july 23rd. the programs continue to be some of the most affordable options in the city, offering affordable activities for kids grades kindergarten through
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fifth. you can log on to our web site. rated -- registration begins on august 6th. i would like to take a moment to recognize a few of our recent retirees from this quarter. as employes retire, we want everyone to know whether you have been with us for five years or 40 years, you always be part of the family. we thank the following staff -- harbour master, larry white -- [reading names] thank you very much all for your service. it gives me no pleasure to pass on a bit of sad news. one of our long time employees and died of last week. he was a talented musician and artist and worked with our
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recreations division and our sincere condolences go out to the family. on a slightly brighter note, i would like to welcome our human- resources director to do this quarter's recognition presentation. >> thank you. good morning, commissioners and general manager. i'm the human-resources director for the recreation and parks department. i am proud to be here today to introduce an award, the recipient of the quarter recognition program. before introducing the recipient, i would like to review the criteria used to evaluate the nominees and select the participas of t award. for an accomplishment that improves procedures, customers service, deals with community, displays innovation and provides a model for consistent worked
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excellence and shows leadership, is timely and improved morale. a recipient of the individual work started herreer in 1998 as an assistant recreaon sh progressed through the ranks and became the facility coordinator at the eureka valley center in 2010. in the past, she has worked at some of the more challenging assignments, jackson playground and others. in each of her assignments, she established a welcoming environment and gain the respect of her colleagues. it was due to her outstanding personality and ethics that she is nominated by her colleague. she is currently one of the prairie staff members involved in the renewal of the recreation use space for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and
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questioning community. she and her co-workers have established a use space as a safe haven for the city's lgtb and questioning use. she works with the food bank to give healthy foods and vegetables and augmented the menu. she has been a great role model assign to leisure services by entering them into their professional roles. everyone knows york's hard and cooperatively with oliver fellow employees. the recreation and park department is honored to have such a dedicated and motivated employee. on behalf of the department, we thank her for her dedication and look forward for her continued success. congratulations. [applause]
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>> one of the upcoming events this month to continue to celebrate national parks and recreation month takes place in the polo field. it is our first ever city-wide kick ball tournament. it is taking place this weekend, i believe, that i get that right? yes, it is. it's just one of the amazing activities being organized and sponsored by our leisure services division of the recreation and parks department. leisure services is comprised of outdoor adventure recreation and today we thought we would to a brief presentation highlighting some of the great work our team is doing. i want to call up jim wheeler
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and the team to make a brief presentation and show a short video highlighting some of the amazing activities we have done. >> good morning, commissioners and general manager. it's a pleasure to be with you. we have a short video to show you because we believe a picture is worth a thousand words. i would like to tell you briefly i'm blessed to have one of the most dynamic and hard-working staff within the new recreation model and you are going to see the fruits of all their labor. thank you. [applause] ♪
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