tv [untitled] August 9, 2011 12:30pm-1:00pm PDT
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positive step. the issue that's have been raised are important issues but they're not new issues, and that's what's frustrating here. >> commissioner mirkarimi? >> commissioner mirkarimi: i think what we have learned over the last three years on this stop and start and stop and start process in terms of us being able to activate the file c.c.a. process for approval before this government is the fact that it works well or better when there's a certain amount of hand holding. and when there is sort of this detachment because we feel a sense of confidence in both the p.u.c. and lafco working together and their ability to try to foster the proper vision by both sectors, then that makes us happy going into it but the by-product seems to fall apart
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at this particular time. and there's so many variables happening at the same time, especially time sensitive variables that those issues seem to be -- and that understanding seems to be subordinate for whatever reasons to the p.u.c.'s whatever their interest or agenda is. i would assume, director harrington, would love to get this off his plate by now. i just would assume that after everything he's done to evolve with this process. and we appreciate his stick to itness in years, mr. campbell, and p.u.c., but lafco, we're dogged about this. so to not expect this conversation to take this total quality would be fool hearty foolhardy because this is the year this must be done. this is a time where i think people will appreciate the contrast between what woe have to offer and what pg&e cannot.
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and i think this is absolutely the right time, where sentiment i think in the public, general public, would be i think receptive to something we had to offer. there's nothing stopping this from this program succeeding but that must require these two organs of sfee hall to come together. and there's something that seems to be amiss every time we get to this one place. it worries me. so the commission, if it's a new p.u.c. commissioners, i'm feeling like this is the dog ate my homework excuse. get them in the room with us so we can make sure that we have a meeting of the minds together. and i just told the commissioner compos, chair, that i insist this driver should not be a p.u.c. commission. it's being co-driven. exactly what i had expected when i was chairing this body as well too. so i'm hoping that we fix this
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before labor day. i really do. thank you. and thank you for your indulgence of my whining. supervisor campos: commissioner smeltser? >> thank you. and i think this is really just more about where we find ourselves today and where we address the staff who are here in front of us, who have been working. i would assume as hard as they possibly can and don't enjoy having their work dragged out any more then the rest of us would if they were in their position. so i think everybody is frustrated, i think that also bears remembering that our frustration is i think wrongly directed at the people who are here today rather than the people who took the action at the meeting, who are not in front of us today.
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so with that -- supervisor campos: thank you, commissioner. that's a good point. i don't think anyone is taking it out on mr. campbell or the p.u.c. staff. i think the frustration is with the p.u.c. as a commission not acting when we expected them to act. but obviously, we are grateful to staff for the work that they do but that's not within their control. in terms of moving forward, miss miller, when will we know if there is a possibility for a joint meeting or is there a possibility of the special meeting at the p.u.c. where this action could be taken? >> i would suggest -- i made that request on tuesday. i would suggest that we send a letter to the chair insisting on a joint meeting. i can give them, you know, late august, depending on your calendars through september for
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that as well as the -- the -- insisting on the special meeting for them to have questions answered. would i also have in that letter staff of lafco would be contacting them to meet to discuss questions and issues. so i think that's one thing. when i will know, you know, i actually think that it also will be helpful if i have you contact the chair of the s.f. p.u.c., in addition to me contacting ed again. supervisor campos: sure. i did speak to mr. harrington and expressed the frustration that we have with this development. >> and i will have our clerk check in with their clerk daily, and i've asked jason to contact the s.f. p.u.c. daily to find
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out any updates on a date. supervisor campos: colleagues, do you have any comments or questions? why don't we open this piece up to public comment. >> good afternoon yet again, commissioners. eric brooks. i'm here representing san francisco green party and local grass roots organization in our city. i would policeman phi the err of frustration but take a slightly different trajectory, as i think a lot of us as advocates, i'm sure you have seen in the media, we have our own concerns about how the s.f. p.u.c.'s program may be moving forward, what the term sheet might look like. we have for several months gone back with s.f. p.u.c. staff and s.f. p.u.c. commissioners about
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the specific concerns. and i think that we've reached a point in that process where since the term sheet is just sitting at the s.f. p.u.c., it's become an insillar process and it's gone forward about as well as it can go. so i would agree that it's time now that ab-117 makes the board of supervisors the implementing body for this policy. it's time now for the term sheet to move from the s.f. p.u.c. and get to the board of supervisors, where we as advocates feel like we can in a new forum that's working actually to make this policy happen immediately, where we can work with the board of supervisors on the concerns that we have and actually flushing out this term sheet so it actually makes sense for everybody. especially to the extent as we
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said before, we think a lot of the concerns raised by s.f. p.u.c. commissioners and that are raised by us will be addressed by moving forward the scope of work that's in your next item, expeditiously so we can develop a very solid and big body of work for the potential or real local, renewable efficiencies being built here in san francisco to create economic engines which will strongly impact the kind of concern that's were raised in the s.f. p.u.c. and the kind of concerns we're raising about how the s.f. p.u.c.'s process might have some laps in it. but i strongly agree with the commissioners it's time for this to move out of the s.f. p.u.c. and be put in the hands of the board of supervisors so we could have that real dialogue between the organizers and at the board and get the term sheet and the buildout work moving together so
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they can inform each other. but as you say, if we just leave this sitting in the s.f. p.u.c., it's not moving much. it's time for them to just express their concerns and then grant the real decision-making body, the board of supervisors, the next crack at this immediately so we can get a better understanding. thanks. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker. >> hi. jean brashear, green energy director at global exchange. and we do have some concerns and questions about the specific term sheet. but we do like what's most important for it to move forward at this point so the board of supervisors can engage about it. we do think it's very important for clean power s.f. to be moving forward and be moving forward in a timely manner. of course, that is because of the great potential that clean power s.f. has for what it can do for building local renewable
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generation in our city and the economic boost that would bring and the green careers it could provide and all of that, that it could bring. the city, we do see we really do need to have the preparatory work of planning the local buildout to be happening now seriously so it can operate in parallel to inform the procurement process and be working in parallel with that. so we hope that the s.f. p.u.c. will get the special meeting. actually, we're encouraging the p.u.c. to get that special meeting scheduled for august so it doesn't have to be delayed any longer. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, commissioners. josh arsey with bright line. i wanted to echo the same sentiments with as far as the term sheet being in a place where it should go from the p.u.c. to the board of
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supervisors, whatever you can do today to help make that happen. the special meeting, the letter, anything you can do, i think it's time to do that and just commissioner mirkarimi's point, i'm on the renewable task force that was mentioned with jason freed and barbara hail. we had a number of meetings and the only plan to get to a 100% renewable energy system in san francisco that's on the table is c.c.a. so let's move it forward. supervisor campos: thank you. is there any other member of the public who would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed on this. this specific item. colleagues, we have an item before us, can we have a motion to continue this with the understanding that we also will send a letter requesting action from the p.u.c. at commissioner mirkarimi? >> i'm more than happy to support the motion. i would actually double up on
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the idea if action doesn't take place i would encourage and co-sponsor with you the resolution to the board of supervisors that we move forward from board of lafco and board of supervisors in putting a real expedite on this. supervisor campos: i think there's a very clear message if there is no action on the part of the p.u.c., the board of supervisors will have to step in. so, colleagues, we have a motion. second by commissioner avalos. can we take that without objection? >> without objection. supervisor campos: thank you. madam clerk, please call item number four. >> item number four, authorizing the executive officer turn for local power for services of task and development for r.s.p.'s and other tasks for in-city renewable and demand side technologies consistent with the clean power s.f. program. supervisor campos: miss miller. >> yes, this item is before you for consideration to enter into a contract with local power. they are one of our selected
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consultants under the r.f.q. we issued a few years back to develop the c.c.a. program. since february they have been negotiating with advocates pursuant to a resolution attached to my staff report to you. this is a resolution from the s.f. p.u.c., and local power under contract with them for development of what i will call the renewable portion of the local in-city renewable portion of the c.c.a. program. one of the potential tasks under that contract is they've been attempting to negotiate for that scope for some months now, and it has been a back-and-forth process but one that has not yet resulted in a task being contracted for. so i'm bringing this item to
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you. there are certain of the task in the scope of work that we can contract for. what this is is the work that will be done to prepare the r.f.p. for the in-city renewable portion based on the c.c.a. program. we start the program and we have the ability to layer in our own resources as or our own energy efficiency programs and our own c.c.a. renewable projects. we need an r.f.p. to do that. we need a consultant to be able to plan that type of work. i will say one thing about the budget, which is the budget that is being looked at by the s.f. p.u.c. is $390,000. my authorization to you today is for not to exceed $100,000 for tasks that forth in this scope, tasks one, eight and a portion of nine. the remaining tasks are tasks that we don't have the data to
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be able to provide. it's data that is with the s.f. p.u.c., but it will start the process going. it's basically a way to start activity moving on this particular item. supervisor campos: commissioner schmeltzer? >> yes. i would like to make a motion to continue this item. it seems to me we don't have a term sheet at the moment. we're not exactly sure what the p.u.c. and it sounds like perhaps the p.u.c. is not exactly sure of all of the things it needs at the moment. and if we're actually going to consider this, i would have a lot of other things to say but it seems premature given we don't have a term sheet and perhaps we can wait until we actually know what the terms are before we hire additional consultants to -- to work towards things that would be -- to further the ends of the program.
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>> just in response to that, this is not necessarily reliant upon having a term sheet done. they started talking about these projects back in february. so i don't even think it was the s.f. p.u.c.'s intent that they have the term sheet actually finished, so as long as we have the parameters and we have buy-in from the consultant on those parameters which i do have. i know there are some issues out there about the program which i think speakers have already addressed. but the idea of this particular piece of it is to develop the r.f.p. in conjunction with the development of the term sheet. commissioner schmeltzer: yes, but it seems to me we were developing that thinking that we were already were a lot closer on the term sheet and we knew where it was going and it seems now that's considerably more up in the air than it was.
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do i have a second for that motion from anyone? supervisor campos: i'm sorry, what was your motion? commissioner schmeltzer: to continue this item until we have a term sheet. supervisor campos: second. >> since the budget, the 390 is higher than our existing budget, do they have an idea where they would like the gap to come from? >> well, the --ly let mike address this but under the contract with local power, under their contract with s.f. p.u.c., the amount remaining is $390,000 under that contract. now, i will say we have limited funds. and we have a term sheet approval and then a potential marketing program and a whole lot of things we have to pay for with a limited budget. i think that's been one of the things s.f. p.u.c. has been trying to address in the
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revision of the scope and so far that's not really been successful. but in terms of -- don't think we have extra money, but, you know, i haven't really addressed that since s.f. p.u.c. it's their intention to enter into, they provide a scope of work to the consultant. i think it's just a matter, hopefully, between theff of negotiating that further. if not, i will be back to you with additional requests. s&p mr. campbell? supervisor campos: mr. campbell? >> yes, with the s.f. p.u.c., miss miller is quite right, there's a $500,000 not to exceed contract the p.u.c. has with power, with $390,000 remaining on it. as miss miller notes, every dollar that we can husband will be available for outreach and marketing and potential appropriations that might be
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needed. so there is a very strong interest in keeping consultant costs down to what actually lines up with what we need. on that point, one of the bits of direction we also heard an item similar to this, an item that was related to the extension of the contract, it's now been extended for another 12 months that was approved by my commission last week, last tuesday. it had a clear direction to only be hiring consultants for projects that directly relate to the scope of the program that we are envisioning. there are parts of the proposed scope better currently in discussion with local power and the advocates that do not line up with the existing plan for the program. supervisor campos: supervisor
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mirkarimi? supervisor mirkarimi: miss miller, i am a little unclear on whether would be $390,000 worth of work delineated by 17 different staff members that would lead towards the expense of $390,000. the scope of the work originally stated seems to have changed from the original discussion about what is necessary. it seems like it is going way beyond what we're asking. what am i missing? commissioner miller: i am asking for $100,000 to do some of those tasks. the $390,000 was provided last february. maybe i am missing your question. it is a lot of money. i think some of the tasks,
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particularly the risk and financial analysis could be cut down. there are people we have available at the sfpuc internally and through finance that might be able to do some of that work. i am here before you to ask for $100,000 to start the rfp process to leasfor what we needt couple of years to clear in city renewables. supervisor mirkarimi: i am definitely open to the $100,000 portion of it. i would never agree to the $390,000. absolutely not. it looks like it is trying to manufacture work in search of trying to deplete the remaining amount of the funds that exist.
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i am sorry. that is just wrong. i oversaw a number of those reports in the past. sometimes i was pretty underwhelmed by the analysis provided at a high cost with regard to the fact there was not the level of depth that i was looking for. i want to make sure this is teased in such a way that we're not going to repeat that same situation. i kept asking for more work. with that came the price tag of more money being requested. i do not want to see that happen. i do not want there to be this blind faith of giving x amount of dollars for a report that we are unsatisfied with.
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that would then require more money. i think everybody sort of knows each other now with local power. there needs to be a greater structured protocol so that the work product stands up to the cost. commissioner miller: yes, we have worked with local power before. we work with them through task order. we would not change that. this action before you is to authorize the entering into of a contract. i would not task that work until we have a specific task. the first task i have listed. the rfp has been provided. we would have them provide that for comment.
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we would see that work. i say this with the caveat that i have received communications from the advocates and consultants that the entire region that if the $390,000 is not funded, they do not want to do any work at all. supervisor mirkarimi: let's call the elephant in the room. i am also an advocate. this is where i come from in this regard. whatever the relationship is with the advocates and consultant is an intimate relationship. it is one that is often wielded -- has wielded leverage on the spotty thinking it has to be an all or nothing relationship between a consultant and this body, too. i do not think that is clear or accurate. at some point, we have to stand up and say that on work product itself, at a cost, we want to
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make sure we're getting the best we can for the dollar we're spending. i think that level of service needs to be maintained. the quality control needs to be insisted upon. >> i want to put some context to this. let me say this. the way i have approached the term sheet and build our and the work that needs to be done around both is that i do believe it is important for us to proceed and move forward with the build out on a parallel track. that said, i am going to be the last person to approve any contract where you are talking about manufactured work. i have directed staff to come to us with a recommendation as to what work needs to be done and objectively should be done so
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that we move on parallel tracks and move forward with a clear understanding that no money will be paid unless it is money for services needed and is done in a way that clearly outlines what the bill liberals -- what the undeliverab-- deliverables are. i do not think saying three of $9,000 or nothing is acceptable under any circumstances. we will pay what is needed. i do think it is important for us to make sure that we begin this process. there's also an element of frustration with the puc because this discussion of what the work should be has been ongoing for quite some time. it has been weeks of discussion. we still have not finalized that scope.
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i think it is important for lafco to strike the right balance in san will only pay what is needed. at the same time, we need to make sure we take actions to move the process forward. this action does not guarantee the $100,000 will be spent. is simply authorizes the executive officer to finalize and enter into a contract that specifically provides for work that needs to be done for the bill out. that is all it does. it went beyond that, i would not be comfortable with it. that is why i am comfortable with that. commissioner pimental. commissioner pimental: is local power interested in a negotiation on their proposal? is it an all or nothing proposal? commissioner miller: i have heard both depending on the
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level of frustration. sometimes people say things that they then retract. i also do not know the total answer to that question. i have received in writing and have heard from the advocates that it is an all or nothing issue. i have said that is not how is for us. i am willing to go forward with this particular piece of this. it remains all or nothing, i will not enter into the contract. that is not how we do business. we would be bidding for a contract of that size. we would never just into a full source contract with that amount of money. we would did it, a task it, and go with the lowest responsible bidder. i am comfortable with what i have recommended to you. it is up to you whether you want to wait on that or not.
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i think there is work to be done. i would task it. we're not spending $100,000 in the next month. i would task id. we would have a report back. i do not know if the consultant will take the offer, to tell you the truth. we will see. supervisor campos: supervisor mirkarimi? supervisor mirkarimi: how is it that the quote here is literally the same amount that exists in the pot? commissioner miller: i think the consultant will tell you that it will actually cost them more. they want to keep the contract price where it was. i believe isthat is what the consultant will tell you. i know that is what the advocates will tell you. my scope is more limited than what is before you, then what my scope is more limited than what is before you, then what
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