tv [untitled] August 15, 2011 8:30pm-9:00pm PDT
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o'leary. >> good afternoon. i just had some eye work done, so i can see you now. you all look great. >> probably everything looks great, at this point. >> i wanted to touch on a few thoughts, like kezar. maybe we could do just an expediting-type of repair work there. i would not be inclined to tear out the entire floor. if we did something like what they use with ping-pong paddles -- carbon fiber on the inside, would on the outside. -- wood on the outside.
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i understand the word is getting too thin. but if we had this on top, and then you had the finishing top surface wood on top, it would just be repair. it adds strength and adds bounce. structurally, it is more stable. it is a classic example of how in architecture they use plywood instead of plank wood. we did repair work there that would have that carbon fiber player going across. and on the top, top sheet wood. that could take the abuse of the extensive use in the facility. that was one part.
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another part of wanted to bring in has to do with the repair work at the chinese playground. i have been tried to get that tennis court done for a long time. it has been patched up, the borders are over elevated from pavement work. i wonder what it never gets done. i talked to dr. lee about it, and he wants to hit tennis balls there, has been a long time chinatown tennis club member. a lot of people want to use the facility, but it is not really up to grade. will it ever be up to grade? and when you did the roofing work at the chinese playground, the same facility, when i looked at it, you are doing repetitive work that has been done many
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times. every time, it comes down to the same thing. >> thank you. >> andrea. >> hello again. some of you say you do not understand the downtown bond. there are a lot of us who do not understand the job order contract in process. it was sold to us as being a cheap and easy process for small projects. these are large projects we are talking about. i am not really sure how this applies, in particular, there is no public participation in this project. but most of these projects are over $50,000. 10 out of 12 on the list are.
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it used to be, anything of that cost came before the commission for approval. this joc process, as we are told, it eliminates that. they can do whatever they want to @ whatever cost. now that we have had this surplus issue, i have something to compare it to in my mind to figure out how this process might work. this is a contingency fund from the open space. these are major design-build kind of issues. therefore, i can understand how you need a huge contingency. they are going to do some of these floors and find dinosaurs. they need a larger contingency to do that. these small projects, which is what the joc is -- these are
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things like picnic tables. you can just drop it there. there should not have to be a contingency. in particular, in a project like ours, we already paid contingencies. this deferred maintenance, there is a 1% to 3% project management fee. in our area, it is more like 8%. jocc, what is the job opportunity contract fee? you pay these people to do this work, but there is a 5% fee on these projects. we are also paying another 10% contingency on top of our contingency. i can understand you are going to find problems. there are a lot of little things like this that are unclear about how this is supposed to work.
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this is neither cheap, easy, nor quick. there are issues about how our money is being spent and we have no way to check into it, no way of accounting for it. >> thank you. >> is there anyone else that would like to make public comment on this item? being none, public comment is closed. >> move to approve. seconds. >> all those in favor indicate by saying aye. opposed? hearing none, it is unanimous. >> we are on item number eight. marina green kiosk request for proposal.
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soliciting an operator for the marina green kiosk. the kiosk was built in 1938. it serves snacks and light refreshments to visitors to little marina green. the department entered into a lease in 2008 with a three-year lease with an extension -- expiring in april of this year. there was an extension that the current operator chose not to exercise. the department would like to put out to bid the rfp that was solicited. an operator that would offer quality beverage and food at the kiosk. the rfp would require respondents to submit proposed
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rent, including the greater of the monthly and a guarantee or percentage of gross revenue. it would also require -- stipulate that the proposed payments are not final and that there would be negotiations with rpd, and then they would increase with cpi, and the maximum lease term would be five years in length. in soliciting an operator, we are soliciting an opera with the following minimum qualifications. five years of operating a similar business, including some with a background in food service, a catering, and retail services. sufficient financial capacity to undertake this opportunity. and the ability to obtain all required insurance policies and other permits. should the commission approved
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the release of this rfp, we would issue the proposal later on today. we would have a deadline of august 22, 2011, with hopefully bringing the selection of the responded back to the commission in september and then having the rec and park commission approved the lease in november. no lease would commence in december 2011. -- the lease would commence in december 2011. should the commission approve this rfp, the financial benefit to the city would be the greater of the proposed mag that the department receives or the exact amount payable as rent. one thing that we have changed in our rfp over the last months or years, we have now added a
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process in our solicitation. if the department received no acceptable rents from any of the respondents, we can ask all of the respondents to submit higher rents. that is language that is in this rfp, has been in previous ones. that will ensure the department receives the best financial deal available. we have done to give it an outrage on this proposal, including contacting all people who were previously interested in the 2008 concession opportunity. we have reached out to marine of merchants, the national recreation area, the two yacht clubs out there, and a number of entities that are active in the marina.
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so with that, we would ask for your approval. >> is there any public comment on this item? being none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner harrison. >> i am in favor of this proposal, but i'm starting to look at the larger picture. we have the kiosk and now we are planning -- what do they call the building over there? [unintelligible] then we have mobile trucks, then we have a warming hut just inside the presidio. it seems to be getting crowded out there. >> i would agree, if all those were operating at the same time. in our permits for the food trucks that operate out there, we have written in those permits in a way that once the marina degaussing begins, we would terminate those permits and move those uses from the site.
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the food trucks could be seen as an interim use until that marine and degaussing project is complete. >> exactly what i was looking for, thank you. >> so when the do you expect the degaussing station to put up a bit? >> i believe it is out to bid at the moment. proposals are due sometime next month. we will have a better sense once those proposals are received on the timeline. >> so you are looking at bringing in an operator for the balance of the year? >> for the marina degaussing station, that is a complicated project that will need capital and a number of entitlements. i am not the project manager. i would be hesitant to give an exact time line. i think we can expect that work
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would not immediately begin. >> my point is, the trucks that are there would only be there for about six months. >> and perhaps a little bit longer, yes, but not years and years. definitely an interim years. >> ok, i will entertain a motion. moved and seconded. is there any public comment on this item? hearing none, it is unanimous. >> item 9. general public comment continued. patricia delgado. >> i just wanted to add my voice to the 17th and folsom park. i just want to bring to your
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attention that this is in the old industrial zone coming from 16th to 23rd. all of that area was originally the industry of san francisco. up the street from me, at the corner of 23rd and harrison was the old winfield paper manufacturing plant. that was resolved and now we have 56 apartments there. the old penske lot, alabama, florida, 14th and 19th. that is all now low-income housing. and when willie brown was our mayor, a lot of work came in on harrison street. so that whole area is changing.
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then it was the third round. in the 1970's, the neighborhood said, let us build a park there. then in the 1980's, when we first moved in, somebody once again brought it to our attention. it got as far as the drawings and then fell into the blue void also. and then we started working with the neighborhood, rec and parks, and then we had lots of meetings. after a year and half of talks, we finally got our park. it is build it and they will come, and they have not stopped coming. i am sure that is what will happen at 17th and folsom.
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definitely an area that could use open space. >> it iis there any other member of the public that would like to comment on this item? being none, public comment is closed. commissioner's matters? is there any public comment on this item? being none, public comment is closed. item 11. new business, the agenda setting. is there any public comment on this item? being none, public comment is closed. item 12. communications. is there any public comment on this item? being none, public comment is closed. item 13 is adjournment. >> is there a motion? >> moved and seconded. all those in favor. so be it. thank you.
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hello, and welcome to the department of elections ranked-choice voting instructional video. this video is part of the department of elections' ranked-choice voting outreach campaign and is designed to educate san francisco voters about ranked-choice voting. today we will learn what ranked-choice voting is, and who is elected using this new voting method. we will also talk about what the ranked-choice ballot looks like and how to mark it correctly.
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finally, we'll see how the ranked-choice voting process works and show you an example of an election using ranked-choice voting. so, what is ranked-choice voting? in march of 2002, san francisco voters adopted a charter amendment to implement ranked-choice voting, also known as the instant run-off voting. san francisco voters will use ranked-choice voting to elect most local officials by selecting a first-choice candidate in the first column on the ballot, and different second- and third-choice candidates in the second and third columns respectively. this makes it possible to elect local officials with a majority of votes, more than 50%, without the need for a separate run-off election. in san francisco, ranked-choice voting applies to the election of members of the board of supervisors, the mayor, sheriff, district attorney, city attorney, treasurer, assessor-recorder, and public defender.
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ranked-choice voting does not apply to elections for local school board and community college board members, nor the election of state or federal officials. ranked-choice voting does not affect the adoption of ballot measures. when voters receive their ballot, either at a polling place or as an absentee ballot in the mail, it will consist of multiple cards. voters will receive cards that contain contests for federal and state offices, as well as for state propositions and local ballot measures. for ranked-choice voting contests, voters will receive a separate ranked-choice ballot card. the design of the ranked-choice ballot card and the instructions to rank three choices are new. the ranked-choice ballot is designed in a side-by-side column format that lists the names of all candidates in each
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of the three columns. when marking the ranked-choice ballot, voters select their first-choice candidate in the first column by completing the arrow pointing to their choice. for their second-choice, voters select a different candidate in the second column by completing the arrow pointing to their choice. for their third-choice, voters select a different candidate in the third column by completing the arrow pointing to their choice. voters wishing to vote for a qualified write-in candidate for any of their three choices can write in a candidate's name on the line provided and they must complete the arrow pointing to their choice. keep in mind a voter should select a different candidate for each of the three columns of the ranked-choice ballot card. if a voter selects the same candidate in more than one column, his or her vote for that candidate will count only once.
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also, a voter's second choice will be counted only if his or her first-choice candidate has been eliminated and a voter's third choice will be counted only if both his or her first- and second-choice candidates have been eliminated. we have talked about how to mark the ranked-choice ballot. now let's look at how ranked-choice voting works. initially every first-choice vote is counted. any candidate who receives a majority, more than 50% of the first-choice votes, is determined to be the winner. if no candidate receives more than 50% of the first-choice votes, a process of eliminating candidates and transferring votes begins. first, the candidate who received the fewest number of first-choice votes is eliminated from the race. second, voters who selected the eliminated candidate as their first choice will have their vote transferred to their second choice.
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third, all the votes are recounted. fourth, if any candidate receives more than 50% of the votes, he or she is declared the winner. if no candidate receives more than 50% of the votes, the process of eliminating candidates and transferring votes is repeated until one candidate has a winning majority. in this example, we have three candidates: candidate a, candidate b and candidate c. in this example, we have three candidates: candidate a, candidate b., and candidate c. after all the first-choice votes are counted, none of the three candidates has received more than 50%, or a majority of the first-choice votes cast. candidate a has received 25% of the votes, candidate b has received 40% of the votes, and candidate c has received 35% of the votes. . because no candidate received a
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majority, the candidate who received the fewest number of first-choice votes, candidate a, is eliminated from the race. voters who picked candidate a as their first-choice candidate will have their vote transferred to their second-choice candidate. of the voters who picked candidate a as their first choice candidate, 15% chose candidate b as their second-choice candidate and 10% chose candidate c as their second-choice candidate. these votes are then applied to candidates b and candidate c and the votes are recounted. we see now that candidate b has 55% of the votes and candidate c has 45% of the vote. candidate b now has more than 50% of the votes and is determined to be the winner. thank you for watching. we hope that you have learned more about ranked-choice voting and who is elected using this method. you have seen the ranked-choice ballot, learned how to correctly mark it, and learned how the ranked-choice voting process works.
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if you have any further questions about ranked-choice voting, please contact us at: department of elections, city hall, room 48, 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place, san francisco, california 94102. call us at: 415-554-4375. visit our web site at: ww i'm the president of friends of mclaren park. it is one of the oldest neighborhood community park groups in san francisco. i give a lot of tours through the park. during those tours, a lot of the folks in the group will think of the park as very scary. it has a lot of hills, there's a lot of dense groves. once you get towards the center of the park you really lose
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your orientation. you are very much in a remote area. there are a lot of trees that shield your view from the urban setting. you would simply see different groves that gives you a sense of freedom, of being outdoors, not being burdened by the worries of city life. john mclaren had said that golden gate park was too far away. he proposed that we have a park in the south end of the city. the campaign slogan was, people need this open space. one of the things that had to open is there were a lot of people who did a homestead here, about 25 different families. their property had to be bought up. so it took from 1928 to 1957 to buy up all the parcels of land that ended up in this 317 acres. the park, as a general rule, is heavily used in the mornings and the evenings.
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one of the favorite places is up by the upper reservoir because dogs get to go swim. it's extremely popular. many fights in the city, as you know, about dogs in parks. we have 317 acres and god knows there's plenty of room for both of us. man and his best friend. early in the morning people before they go to work will walk their dogs or go on a jog themselves with their dogs. joggers love the park, there's 7 miles of hiking trails and there's off trail paths that hikers can take. all the recreational areas are heavily used on weekends. we have the group picnic area which should accommodate 200 people, tennis courts are full. it also has 3 playground areas. the ampitheater was built in
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1972. it was the home of the first blues festival. given the fact that jerry garcia used to play in this park, he was from this neighborhood, everybody knows his reputation. we thought what a great thing it would be to have an ampitheater named after jerry garcia. that is a name that has panache. it brings people from all over the bay area to the ampitheater. the calls that come in, we'd like to do a concert at the jerry garcia ampitheater and we do everything we can to accommodate them and help them because it gets people into the park. people like a lot of color and that's what they call a park. other people don't. you have to try to reconcile all those different points of view. what should a park look like and what should it have? should it be manicured, should it be nice little cobblestones around all of the paths and like that.
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the biggest objective of course is getting people into the park to appreciate open space. whatever that's going to take to make them happy, to get them there, that's the main goal. if it takes a planter with flowers and stuff like that, fine. you know, so what? people need to get away from that urban rush and noise and this is a perfect place to do it. feedback is always amazement. they don't believe that it's in san francisco. we have visitors who will say, i never knew this was here and i'm a native san franciscoan. they wonder how long it's been here. when i tell them next year we'll get to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the park,
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