tv [untitled] August 19, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT
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>> san francisco is home to a renowned civic art collection that includes a comic works -- iconic works by local and national artists integrated into our public buildings and six basis. the arts commission has struggled to take care of the priceless collection because of limited resources. in an effort to gather more funding for the maintenance of the collection, the art commission has joined forces with the san francisco art dealers association to establish art care, a new initiative that provides a way for the public to get involved. the director of public affairs recently met with the founder and liquor -- local gallery owner to check out the first art care project. ♪
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>> many san franciscans are not aware that there is a civic art collection of numbers almost 4000 works of art. preserving the collection and maintaining it is something being addressed by a new program called art care. it is a way for citizens to participate in the preservation of the civic art collection. with me is the creator of the art care program. welcome. the reason we wanted to interview you is that the artist in question is peter volkas. why is he so important to the history of san francisco art? >> he is a very famous ceramic
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ist. knowing the limitations of clay, he got involved in bronze in around 1962. he was teaching at the university of california, berkeley. >> your gallery celebrated the 50th anniversary of continuous operation. you are a pioneer in introducing the work and representing him. >> i have represented him since 1966. i was not in business until 1961. he made a big deal out of working in clay. the things he was doing was something never seen before. >> it is a large scale bronze. it has been sitting here of the hall of justice since 1971. talk about what happens to the work of art out of the elements. >> the arts commission
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commissioned the piece. they did not set aside money for repair. it has slowly changed color. it was black. it has been restored. >> it has been restored to the original patina. >> there was no damage done to its. i do not think there were any holes made in it. they have been working on it for six or eight weeks. it is practically ready to go. i am very excited to see it done. >> over the course of the arts in richmond program, we have added almost 800 works of art into the public space.
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maintaining that is not something that the bond funds allow us to do. this is why you came up with the idea of art care. >> i hope we get the community going and get people who really like to be involved. we will give them a chance to be involved. if you are interested in art, this is a marvelous way to get involved. there is work all over the city where every year ago. -- there is artwork all over the city wherever you go. my idea was to get people in the neighborhood to take care of the pieces and let the art commission have the money for the bigger pieces. >> i was talking to the former president of the arts commission yesterday. the 2% ordnance is something he helped to champion. >> it is all over california and
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other states now. we really were the forerunners. it is a wonderful thing to bring the community into this now. people have seen art being put into the community. this has not been touched by any graffiti. it just faded over time. it is so open here. there is nobody watching this. i think that is a plus to the community. i hope the graffiti people do not go out there now that i am opening of my mouth. >> i want to thank you for the 50 years you have already given to the city as an arts leader. >> i started in to briberon, i's
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only been 45. >> you have championed his work over these years. >> it has been exciting working with him. it is one of the highlights of my life. >> thank you for being part of "culture wire" today. >> to learn more about the program and the list of public arts in need of maintenance, visit the website. thank you for on
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commissioners campos and weiner for their ongoing leadership. the situation is indicative of what we could see from here on for the next coming year. askehas far as state funding is concerned. prop k funds will be even more crucial as they are stretched to keep programs going, keeping our on going for your use in place. this concludes my report. who, on behalf of director milosevic, will give a report? >> maria lombardo. you have the executive reporters report -- directors report on your desk.
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earlier this month, the draft proposal was released to be one bay area grant program. this was the server -- first significant item to come out of the process. it has to do with the programming of the federal servants transportation and air mitigation funds, which make up the bulk of the funds. what is unique about this is that for the first time the region is attempting to tie the allocation of transportation investment funds to land use decisions, particularly, to the provision of housing. there is a proposal that would destroy did the funds to the nine bay area counties that takes into account past and future production of housing as well as a modicum of population formulas. we think this is the right
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direction to go. we have concerns, and of course, the devil is in the details. we will be working closely with commissioners on this. it looks like the region will not adopt the program until the end of the calendar year, so we will bring a discussion on this topic in september. i will not talk about the federal level. i will not at the regional level, preparing for the next round of funding, once it becomes available. one of our staff had been working on the lifeline transportation program. this task force had been comprised of agencies, advocates, and those benefiting from this program, which is targeted at low income persons and communities. one of the more challenging programs to the minister because the goals have not matched with the eligibility requirements. we are pleased to see that mtc is listening.
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many of the recommendations we see coming out of the draft report should get more attention. making sure transit and non- transit programs are eligible. we see a lot of requests for pedestrian improvements. we want to make sure we have flexible funding. we have a number of efforts related to year end closing. on prop k funds, we allocated $80 million. based on the 2009 strategic plan and the 5ypp, 73% of the money that we could have allocated. $74 million of this is from programmatic categories. most of it is in six categories, muni vehicles, guideways, us rapid transit, calming traffic, and muni facilities.
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we have received our first two checks from the vehicle registration fee. we are still paying off the department of the elections. this will be a pay-as-you-go program. we expect to allocate later this year. the summer, we have initiated projects with project sponsors. any eligible public agency that can deliver reliability improvements. we will be working on out region this summer with the planning division through the transportation plan. in september, the proposed schedule and approach for the strategic plan. this was approved with an expenditure plan with a focus on getting improvements on the ground around the city quickly. it will only fund final design and construction projects. we are working with other
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programs to queue up those projects. a number of planning studies have reached milestones. this happens is the transportation plan has finished his analysis of four scenarios, the economy, livability, environment, and infrastructure. there is another round of the out reach planned this summer to communicate those findings to the public. there will also be a second call for projects, which we had mentioned earlier. the back of all and large projects through september. briefly, a couple of studies on upcoming out rich. the intermodal accessed study has the final round of community average planned on alternative connection designs and related findings. that will be on saturday august 13 at 10:00 a.m. at the
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visitation valley branch library. targeted outreach on alternatives for pedestrians and traffic calming improvements in the area. these begin in july and include approaches such as storefront window displays and a community meeting the va. the van ness brt study is going nicely. we hope to release to the public draft environmental review impact statements in december -- september. we worked with a number of our partner agencies in the city to provide comments to caltrans on its complete street guideline, a supplement to the highway design manual. this is a huge step for us. this is a positive step in the
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right direction and will hopefully pave the way for other projects along the 19th avenue corridor. lastly, we are working on improving our business processes internally and on customer service. we are working on an internet portal for prop k issues. this is intended to make life easier for project sponsors and to do easier analysis and report production. this is being led by our capital projects division. i wish you all well when august recess arrives. we will be working on year end closing activities. congratulations to the director of finance and administration, when they return home from the honeymoon period commissioner mirkarimi: thank you. any questions?
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ok. any public comment on any one of the reports? please step up. >> supervisors, i paid very careful attention to the chair's reports, and the assistant directors report's report. as you know, we are not going to get too much of what we desire from the federal government, more because our point persons, nancy pelosi, dianne feinstein, and george miller, barbara boxer, so on and so forth, are not there to pull strings so that we get what we want as far as transportation is concerned. even though you have, in general
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terms, stated something about the central subway, we need to work very hard to find out if we really need that central subway. i would like to bring to your attention, having worked for a long time as an advocate, to make sure that the constituents, those at speak english, and those that speak other languages, understands the amount of money that is going to be put into that system. i would like you to remember the more than $700 million that was put into the third street light rail which has not worked. having said that, i attended the plans and programs meeting, some other meetings, and there was a
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lot of dillydallying going on at that meeting. as you heard from the assistant director, she spoke about over 30 different factors but the people at home cannot make heads or tails of what is happening. we need this report to be summarized on line so that people know what is happening in our fair city. commissioner mirkarimi: thank you. any other public comment? please. >> my name is jerry coffin. i am a professional engineer, with the save muni program. i have to talk about the federal
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numbers. infrastructure in the u.s. has crumbled, yet, thousands of why they needed improvement projects are languishing for the lack of funds and attention. therefore, it is doubly damaging when scarce infrastructure is wasted on a week projects. today, you are being asked to approve the first phase of a $200 million tunneling contract. next december, if the federal government approves the full funding grant agreement, which is by no means assured, the currently recommended new starts grant for 2012 is $200 million. the problem is, even if the republicans in the house of representatives approves the full funding grant agreement, the $200 million is not insured either. it may or may not remain. if san francisco does receive
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the $200 million, the mta can probably finish the tunneling contract. however, they would still remain hundreds of millions of dollars short to complete the project and put the subway into operation. you have a big hole in the ground and no operation. if the republicans should cut that $200 million, even if they agree to full funding agreement, then there would not be enough to finish the tunneling contract itself. so, i think, in these tight times, you need to be guided by prudence. that money did not come to the city easily and it needs to be protected. thank you. commissioner mirkarimi: is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. please read the next item. >> item 5. award two-year consultant contracts to nelson\nygaard consulting associates, fehr &
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peers, and dowling associates, inc., in a combined total not to exceed $400,000, for travel demand management professional services, with an option to extend for one additional year, and authorize the executive director to negotiate contract terms and conditions. this is an action item. commissioner mirkarimi: we are in to work from the finance committee. questions or discussion? public comment? please. come on up. >> and when i was at the plans and programs committee meeting, this issue was delivered it at great length. i just want to state one concern, one factor that was brought out. that is diversity and helping minorities, in the true sense of the word.
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we know, right now, if you are a white woman, you are considered a minority. under that front, a lot of injustice is done. this, of being a city that knows how to remedy and put their best foot forward, we need to understand that this sector is impacting a lot of lbe's and dbe's. you could play a leading role, and you could pull on the sleeves of your colleagues here who really know what is happening with contrasting, and do a better job. commissioner mirkarimi: is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. we have a different house. please read roll-call.
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>> [roll call] 11 ayes, the item passes. commissioner mirkarimi: next item please. >> item 6. authorize the executive director to negotiate and execute annual contract renewals with city and county of san francisco departments and exercise contract options for on-call modeling services, in an amount not to exceed $297,536. this is an action item. commissioner mirkarimi: comments? any public comment on this particular item? seeing none, public comment is closed. same house, same call. so moved. next item. >> item 7. authorize the executive director to exercise the second one-year option of the professional services contract with cordoba/zurinaga joint
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venture by $1,000,000, to a total amount not to exceed $4,574,000, to provide on-call project management and oversight services and authorize the executive director to negotiate the contract terms and conditions. this is an action item. commissioner mirkarimi: any conversation on this particular action item? any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. same house, same call. so moved. next item. >> item 8. adopt positions on state and federal legislation. this is an action item. commissioner mirkarimi: i know that this was well-bedded in committee. any other conversation? public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. can we take this same house, same call? very good. now we move into plans and programs committee. next item. >> item 9. reappoint rosie west to the citizens advisory committee. this is an action item. commissioner mirkarimi: discussion?
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seeing none. public comment? >> at the plans and programs committee, and the issue came up about representation. when i say representation, i am talking about the citizens advisory committee. whenever we appoint people to represent -- and earlier today you heard about the projects in the southeast area. we need the representatives from the citizens advisory committee to be present. it is very important. it is also very important that when the citizens advisory committee, or some representative, has to give a
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report, that they be present, no excuses. i say this because transportation plays an important role. as you can see, and there is a tendency, when this commission meets, -- you are supervisors, but you call yourselves commissioners in this meeting -- but there is a tendency to pass millions and millions of dollars, hopefully, for the benefit of this great city and county of san francisco par, bue need to deliver it. we need line item accounting. that is the way that we can have transparency. this needs to be transported to our representatives. do not appoint representatives for the sake of
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