tv [untitled] August 21, 2011 8:30pm-9:00pm PDT
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neighborhood parks fund, clean and safe neighborhood parks bond. let's get started. i wanted to review again the goals that we set out to work with the community, to come up with a long-term plan for this very complex and beautiful asset in our system, which is glen canyon park. it was important to work with the community to sign a long-range vision and also figure out what we could build with the funding we have at this time. which is $5.8 million. and determine what the best way is to proceed. the park is really special. it has both a natural beauty of glen canyon and the creek located in the heart of the city, array of amenities including hiking trails, children's play area, tennis courts, athletic fields, and a wreck center, which attracts a variety of users. we are trying to balance both preserving and maximizing those things with the constraints of
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having limited funding at this time. we wanted to make sure whatever we spend money on now we don't rip out. we want to do something better in the future. and also trying to balance both the natural area's needs and recreational amenities needs. i have a slide here, can i show you, the canyon itself is special in a sense because it is in fact a canyon and it has limited flat area. flataire is areas usually used for ball fields and athletic fields and other facilities that serve active recreation, and most of the canyon is quite steep and offers natural environmental resource that is we want to make sure we don't harm. i want to talk about the outreach. again we had a series of community meetings. six public community meetings. in addition we had three trail planning workshops. a trail walk, several focus groups, an online park youth
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survey where we got hundreds of responses, in addition we had over 100 email comments and written comments that provided feedback as we went through the process. and we had internal reviews with operations and recreation staff throughout the process to try and make sure that whatever we were developing would work from an operational and a long-term perspective. here are the dates of those meetings and the flyers that went out. in addition, we actively used our online, our new website and all of those online tools. we had a bulldog which we regularly updated. we also provided, here's a screen shot of the fact that after every meeting we posted the materials from the meeting, the drawings, the plans on the website and with contact information that we could circulate both in the meetings and online. that allowed us to continue to get feedback from people that weren't able to attend those meetings. here's some photos of some of
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the workshops. you can see some, our design team there. in addition you can see community members who are putting stickers on images that they liked and also weighing in and discussing with their neighbors the pros and consequence different things we were evaluating. here's an image of one of the trail walks, the group that started on a trail walk one day. it's a very large park. over 66 acres. and again has both natural landscapes and creek that runs through the middle of it and under the portion of the park and lower part of the site active recreational elements which will go into more detail. so the lower part of the park is the part that i think a lot of people think of when they go with their families and engage in sports and those kinds of activities. the lower part of the park includes both a main entry,
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children's play air areas, tennis court, wreck center, and athletic field. it was our desire through this process to find a way that we could improve those features and also not compromise them. currently the fields are a bit under sized and they are right up against the tennis court. the play ground is quite small. and does not meet current safety recommendations. and we have major pedestrian and traffic issues for the silver tree day camp along elk street. here i zoom in a bit to show you a little more detail of the play area which is in yellow. the tennis courts and the ball fields. in our meeting with actually the athletic folks that use the ball fields, use both for baseball and for soccer, at times they a rife and use the sime face flexably at different times of day. in our conversation we actually talked about rotating the ball fields, seeing if there was a
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way we could maximize the space available. in the end they felt like they liked the existing location of the ball fields and also our permits person who permits the individual soccer teams also really liked the way the layout works. it allows for the most different options in the future. the area highlighted in red is the area that we are focusing on with the first $5.8 million of bond funding that includes the new expanded play area, a new entrance with a dropoff zone which allows families to drop off their children for the silver tree day camp, and also improving access. currently it's there but not as optimal as it might be for park maintenance and the entrance for a.d.a. we also one of the major items we are going to be doing is adding a new rest room that's
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located inside the wreck center by the same level as the park and can be open even with when the wreck center is closed. it's certainly closed one day a week but the rest room can be available for the public seven days a week and that way -- and also a.d.a. accessible. there is work we need to do on the gym and its foundation. i'd like to show you some of the different options that we studied. we came to the community with several different option that is addressed different concerns. as you can see, a few of the images we show actually daylighting and the second image you can see we show daylighting the entire creak behind the ball fields. that would require the reconfiguration of the ball fields. we show possibly daylighting the creek a little bit north of the wreck center. we evaluate -- rec septre. we also evaluated reloath kating the rec center to different parts of the site which would
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mean removal and replacement of the rec center. in the end most communities said there wasn't a better location for the rec center. the current location seemed to be the best location. and the w.p.a. facility. in the end renovation of that facility seemed to be the best thing from everyone's point of view. in addition, i can show you some images of these facilities. this is the -- some copies of some of the ways people provided feedback on the different option was colored dots. standard practice. red being good. i'm sorry, green being good. then here identify -- these are the identified improvements we are recommending going forward with with the clean and safe neighborhood parks which is $5.8 million which we would continue to work with community to develop, design further detail that proposal this fall and implement that first phase. it means we'll have the new entry which will greatly improve the appearance of the park from elk street, drop off, new
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pathway, new playground, rest room, and the new tennis court. here's an image of the long-term view of the other elements that can also be included as we move forward. this is an image looking down on that new pathway. so the new pathway in this image and the playground would be included. we don't know what exact playground features will include. that will be part of the community process that will go forward this fall. to work with them in detail what this first portion of the project, the funded portion of the project will include. you are seeing some ideas for the way the rec center can be reenvisioned and made better for the community. here's an image of the glade and creek area which we are proposing hooned the rec center. this is an opportunity to daylight a portion of the creek
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and bring some additional habitat and sort of another special resource that this park can offer. again we have $5.8 million in place right now. and we are -- one of the really -- one of the real privileges of working with public land and bringing the resources to provide funding for the outreach process is that more of that $5.8 million will be used for physical work in the park as opposed to paying for the planning process and then we have less of a budget to work with. that really meant that we could do more. there is also the trails program which would be doing the trail improvement work which is on the consent calendar before you today. and the future renovations for the rest of the park which include the improvement and full renovation of the rec center, creek and storm water work, and tree improvements and that can
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total between $20 million and 30d million in the future depending on the funding. i think there are a lot of aspects of the project that are very attractive to grant funders. so we are going to be trying to pursue grant funding. in addition bond funding and other partnerships might help us get towards that goal. this fall again our plan would be po proceed with community workshops to finalize the detail deseen for the playground, for the landscaping, those other improvements, and start construction as soon as possible. we estimate that to be approximately summer of 2012. summer of next year. and again i really like to extend our heartfelt thanks to chellsa who is here and everyone at trust for public lands and the california conservation -- coastal conservancy who funded a portion of that outreach through the trust for public lands.
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i'm also going to send around letters you saw previously from jane from the glen ridge preschool, the glen park association board, which provided a letter of support, and the coastal conservancy just submitted this in support of the project. i'm going to submit copies to all of you. i also like to mention the last time this was heard at the capital committee, julie wanted me to reiterate the supervisor's participation and support of the process and also we are going to continue to work with both the m.t.a. and the p.u.c. to try and make -- find funding to -- add as many improvements as we can to the first portion of the project. the p.u.c. may be very interested in funding some of the daylighting of the creek and the ball field renovation, guess there's an opportunity to provide water storage for
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further irrigation, store water to irrigate the ball fields. that's something they are interested in partnering with us on. the m.t.a. would like to partner with us for some of the improvements. thank you. commissioner buell: thank you. commissioner harrison? commissioner harrison: just a question. i noticed that there's some concern about tree removal. >> he yes. commissioner harrison: how have you addressed that? >> great. i have a couple of slides. this is an image of existing tennis court and some of the undermining of the adjacent structural walls around the tennis courts. more close up image of the park.
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here's the current entrance to the park. let me see if i can get to one of the ones. so the relocation of the tennis courts would affect this set of trees in a thin strip of two access roads between the park, between the tennis court area and upper area. there's a series of seven trees. two trees have already fallen. one on to a house across the street and one across the tennis court. jim clark has gone out and looked at these trees. they are problematically swailted for that reason, but also the -- situated for that reason, but also the tennis court situation which would open up this area.
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so this came up at the last community meetings and we discussed it. in addition the glen park association asked myself and t.p.l. to come out an speak to the community about this. we talked about the fact that with the relocation of the tennis court, a few trees would be affected. would be he removed. and we provided these images on the website, on that bulldog -- blog i talked about to discuss the fact that this would result in that. as you can see currently the tennis courts are located just right beside the ball field. so by pushing them back we would affect these trees. at the same time we provide new trees that are more appropriate to the area. because right now those large eucalyptus drop on to the tennis court right a bit. and again one has fallen across the tennis court and one has
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fallen on the street. it's one of the houses you can see in that image. here's the new playground in yellow and the new tennis courts in green. . there's the location of the old tennis courts. commissioner harrison: thank you. >> we do have public comment. ashley hathaway. >> good morning, commission. i'm here basically as a representative from the glen park association board of directors. of which i am a member of the board. as park and recreation co-chair. you-all have a copy of our letter in support of these improvement plans.
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both for the trails and for the general park improvement plan. we just as a board want to reiterate that we support. we are generally in support of these plans. however we do recognize there are some community concerns. which we have tried to state as clearly as possible in this letter. some community concerns have sort of come up post drafting of this letter. some of which are these concerns about the trees. we also just want to reiterate that these comments are -- the position of the g.p.a. board and they are not an official position of the membership of the association, which is an important distinction. however we do recognize also that we feel there is a general overall positive reaction from
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the community members that we have seen at these meetings. in just recognizing that the general community also does support these plans. commissioner buell: thank you. >> is there anyone else who would like to make public comment on this item? these come forward. >> hello. my name is frank. i had the pleasure of attending eight of the nine meetings between the trails and the renovation. i could say that all of them were extremely well attended. i would say that the first one was sort of a frustration venting in that everyone brought up what they thought was wrong with the park. and after that we kind of broke down into focus groups. and through teamwork tried to come up with some consensus of
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what should be done. the priority it should be done. i can tell you that -- we agonized about the location of the tennis courts. there is no way you can ever please everyone, unfortunately. i think by and large these well attended meetings came up with basically very good plan. as karen pointed out, the emphasis is going to be on the entrance of the fields to start with. unfortunately the building itself is fairly dilapidated and i think there is a hope that with a bond issue next year maybe some funds will come to work on the building. the only thing i would add is that in my opinion that it would be wise to retain some amount of funding to paint the exterior of the building and fix the roof if the bond issue doesn't come through next year, because to have a grand entrance to a rundown building is not much interest to anyone. by and large i strongly support the plan. i think it was well-done. i think the community turned out
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very well for it. and i think we did agonize over the issues that are being discussed today. thank you. commissioner buell: thank you. >> is there anyone else who would like to comment on this item? richard? >> richard, i just want to tell all of you i'm in favor of this project. i have looked it over and i like it very much. one -- i like when you plant new trees you get them down deep enough so they get into that water shed you got around there and the soil and everything else. and there was another having to do with direction, north, south, tennis courts. and selection of trees and such. maybe could try and see the general manager's stroke is any
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good. thank you. commissioner buell: thank you. >> is there anyone else who would like to make public comments on this item? being none, public comment is closed, commissioners. commissioner buell: commissioner lee, this came before your committee. came out unanimously in favor. commissioner lee: yes. we viewed it as our committee and we heard from members of the community. and i know that the subject of the tennis courts and where they are located and particularly with either the sun rise, i think that was the issue, with so many differing opinions, i think the plan that we have in front of us is probably closest to when we'll have some community consensus. i think this is a good plan and i -- it deserves our support. commissioner buell: thank you.
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commissioner harrison. commissioner harrison: i would like to commend karen for her outreach. these obviously in numbers that you did and the people that were there obviously did a good job. i thank you for that. commissioner buell: seeing no other comment, can i have a motion? >> so moved. commissioner buell: moved. seconded. all those in favor? opposed? hearing none, it is unanimous. >> item eight, the rest room bond program. >> good afternoon, commissioners, dan mauer with the capital division, i'm standing in for marvin yee who is the manager for the rest room program. as margaret alluded to, this particular item on the agenda is to award a construction contract for the renovation groups one
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and two of this multiphased program. what i passed to margaret is some additional information that came to us after we submitted the package to you for your review. essentially it's a summary of bid results that came in as part of this process. and it also includes h.r.c. review of the bid from their aspect. as part of this we sent this package out which included six rest room facilities at six different facilities -- parks, and the term renovation work with respect to the program is basically to renovate the interior spaces of these rest rooms to bring them up to code and freshen them up so they meet the neighborhoods' needs. as part of this bid process we received nine proposals on the front cover sheet of the application you can see the range of bid prices. we had d.p.w. staff and h.r.c.
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review the top three in anticipation one would be the appropriate contractor. of the top three the lowest bidder, ahave a lon, and the third lowest bidder, alpha bay, did not adhere to h.r.c. requirements so they were disqualified. and so we are focused today on asking for your approval a ward this contract to cogent construction in the amount of $550,000 d.d. $550,100 for -- $550,100 for all these projects which is underneath the engineer's estimate which was set at $579,000. ask for your recommendation to approve. commissioner buell: thank you. >> is there any public comment on this item? being none public comment is closed commissioner buell: commissioner lee? commissioner lee: we didn't hear
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this at capital? >> yes. you heard it as a general item. commissioner lee: thank you. commissioner buell: entertain a motion? >> so moved. commissioner buell: seconded. all those in favor. opposed? hearing none, it is unanimous. thank you. >> we are on item 9, a gift acceptance from henry mayo newhall foundation. >> good morning, commissioners, nicole avril. i'd like to present a gift of $15,000 from the henry mayo newhall foundation in support of camp azure, a summer camp for children on the autism spectrum. every family -- every summer families of children with autism in san francisco face a critical challenge. the well structured environment provided during the academic year has come to an end and the need to maintain and improve upon the skills gained turing the year is crucial. unfortunately the expensive summertime options are despairing. at the same time the need for
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services is growing as rates of autism increase. in response to this community need, r.p.d. created and incorporated camp azure into its regular camp programming. it is based on the philosophy that all children, regardless of ability, can successfully participate in and benefit from community-based recreation activities if they have the support. the mission of camp azure is meet the individual and diverse needs of children on the autism spectrum so they can enjoy the benefits of a safe, supportive, challenging, and fund day camp experience. in appreciation of this need and the mission of camp azure, the henry mayo newhall foundation hasen isly supported camp azure with a gift of 15d,000. the san francisco bay foundation was created in 1963 by fourth generation desendsents of california entrepreneur and pioneer henry mayo newhall. the foundation's purpose is to fund projects that improve the quality of life within the geographical areas associated with the career and legacy of
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henry mayo newhall. since its inception the foundation has awarded grants to more than 14u7bd organizations in communities where mr. newhall originally established his businesses or where those enterprises are active today. since the fall of 2010 the department has actively cultivated support for the camp. in addition to this gift from the newhall foundation, the department has received a $50,000 grant over two years from the city's department of children youth and their families, 84 -- $8,430 from autism fund bay area, $1,500 from c.v.s. care mark, and of $5,315 from various donors. together these gifts totaling $80,245 have fully funded camp azure. on that note i would like to recognize a camp azure parent and a musician who did a benefit concert which raised considerable funds for the camp.
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i'd also like to introduce vicky, camp azure's manager, who has extensive expertise working with children on the autism spectrum and moved here from tennessee specifically to run the camp program. >> thank you. i don't know if your teleprompter will pick up on a southern accent or not, but we'll give it a try. i want to thank you for the opportunity to come here today. i humbly accept the donation on behalf of the recreation and parks department. when i started working with children with autism 15 years ago, the statistics showed that one in 600 children were being diagnosed on the autism spectrum. currently it's 101 in 120 children. and of that 75% are boys. and of the 32 families that we
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were able to provide respite care of over 2,200 hours this summer, four of our campers were female. you can see that the statistics hold true that three out of four boys of the 120 of the autism spectrum are males. it's amazing of the families that we worked with how appreciative and how grateful they were of the opportunity to be able to be in the outdoors and participate in the setting. i think we did reach our mission. i wanted to share just a few comments. i was receiving emails even as early as this morning from parents when i sent a request could you share some outcomes that you have seen in your family as a result of camp azure.
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and i won't take much time, but some of the comments, and i'll just read a few, my son roger is initiating conversations. asking how are you rather than just saying hello, because of camp azure. he is more social and using please and thank you and generally has more appropriate social skills. and he only attended two weeks. thank you for the great summer. my son julian had at camp. every day since it ended julian says he wants to go to camp and asks when he can go back there. i think he had a really great experience and look forward to having one next summer. he attended four weeks. elijah has never slept as well as he's sleeping this summer. camp azure has moved to the top of his favorites. it used to be swimming and the trampoline. now it's camp, swimming, and the trampoline. my child's endurance was so low the first day he fell walki
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