tv [untitled] August 25, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm PDT
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if not more than a timely way the immediate rebecs -- effects will be revolution. thank you. and >> item 6, directors report. item six6a. >> pamela anders. we are about $200,000 over when you compare the revenue this year versus this time last year. i decided what i would focus on is how we ended the year for 2010 and 2011. i want to make sure that everyone realizes that the year in terms of the accounting entries is not over.
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in fact, departments are still making entries through the 24th of august, and then at the comptroller's office will make entries. so we have not gone through and booked our accruals. some of the departments have not billed out all of their expenses. so that really affects what we end up with work orders. the work orders historically have been one of those things where until we get closer till september or october time frame, we will not know how much they will bill us out. what we are looking at is that our charges for services are up this fiscal year. our refunds have been significantly lower than they were three years ago, which was over $1 million. now they have reduced to
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$250,000. we project the revenues will be refunds of about $5 million, $4.9 million greater than that which was but it did -- which was budgeted. do not grab the revenues yet, because we need to talk about those in a minute. in terms of the expenditures, we know we had many vacancies this fiscal year, so that resulted in the a surplus of money of expenditures that were less than budgeted. non-personal services, a lot of those are due to vendors that have not submitted their bills yet, so there is open building for that, and we usually have to
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carry forward money in years for that. that number will definitely change. the materials and supplies, we have historically budgeted a significant amount of money for things like computers and small i t items that are less than $5,000. -- small it numbers that are less than $5,000. we budgeted based on replacement need, but we have not impacted any of the services that we need to provide. in other words, we did provide new computers and new printers and other types of i t devices to people this fiscal year, but
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we still have savings in there. services of other departments is primarily due to the fact that the bills are usually late. this number definitely will change. we do not have -- we are low on -- the city attorney has not done their billing for the fourth quarter. the controllers had not done all their billing for the whole services by the time that we produce this report. there are going to be changes. our best guess was or best estimate was that we would end the year in terms of expenditures compared to budget by about 3.9 million, resulting in the balance of 8.9 million.
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this is expenditures versus budget. let's talk about the revenues. i think you all had heard the explanation that we have to make sure that we set aside sufficient funds to cover the work that people paid for. in other words, permits can last for four years. there can still be a lot of work that needs to be done. people come in and they pay before. we have to set aside funding for that. >> don't the term holders pay for an extension? >> that is if they're in extension if they have a situation where the life of the permanent is over. what i am saying is you come in and you have standard kind of
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project where you are going to have to do demolition and you will have to do -- you will have to rebuild an area, a house. you say, ok, so you are paying for planned review, you are paying for -- let's say you are past the agenda. you were paying for the work that you do for the planned review. you are paying for the work that s group will do in terms of inspections. that does not occur the day you pay. that will occur over the time. >> i understand that. you pay that on the day it is issued. let's say the project does not start and lingers on for two or
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three years, and you need an extension. >> you come in and pay. >> i do not understand what you're saying. >> it is essentially like an attorney -- >> i know exactly what it is. is not making sense what she is telling me. that is all i am saying. it does not make sense to me. >> you come in on monday, and you come in the october and you paid for the fees for all of your projects, most of the activities of the project happens in november or december, after the recording time. there is still a pot of money that is available for your project that is on our books, because we have not staff yet, but the inspection will happen in november or december. it is essentially like a trust. you pay for all of the work, and that happened some of the beginning and some at the end.
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it will cover for the cost of the things that have already been paid for but the work has not been done yet. >> can we identify the projects that are in the case, identify the major projects instead of calling it as a lump-sum? >> sure, but the report is over 100 pages. >> have we identified the major projects? we do not have to give them numbers, it is a saying these are the major projects. >> it was started four years ago or longer and continuing to go on. the idea is we do not to continue the current revenues to pay for the projects that have been going on for several years. >> there would be a certain percentage of what is the projected revenue that will save at least -- at least identify 60% of the projected revenue
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will come from the top five projects of a volume that will be 60% of the current project revenue. >> it is not career revenue. -- current revenue. the current year, the projects that come in now, this is setting aside for people who have brought it in prior to the current year. i would be glad to provide a list, and i would be glad to provide the revenues that we get from the extension fees, but the extension fees just keep the permit alive. it does not pay for the work that was anticipated originally. >> in the words of mr. commissioner lee, at least the level of information should be provided to us so that we are not talking globally in a way
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that we can now get into the specifics. >> i would be glad to. it is the. it is very deep in terms of the statistics. -- it is deep. we need to make sure we do not get into a situation like we have been in, which is having money if the economy stalls or if we have a major occurrence. . >> i understand that, but if we could at least make a reference to understand where we're headed. i want to reiterate the comptroller's office does look at all that we do, and they are annualizing -- analyzing the
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whole information for deferred credit. faugh to go right to have a question. -- >> if i do have a question. should we be encouraging them to do their billing faster, or is this standard procedure? >> it is standard. when you are non-profit and have very few finance staff and are providing information to a lot of entities that you are getting funding for, it is expected that you what not -- there would be a
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delay. i have seen that every place i have work that has non-profit. >> thank you. one last question. under revenue, interest and investment, those are based on what we have in place and those are the current and projected? it is category 300 on page 1 of 1. >> pay interest in investment is not posted by the comptroller's office. it has not been posted -- it will not be posted until after the 24th. that is the best protection based on what we have. -- best projection based on what we have. >> we are under expending by 1.6. right. >> meaning we have a cushion of
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1.6. >> this is last year. what that means is we have a more vacancies last year than were budgeted. that was because a lot of it was to be prudent. and because of the recruitment process through the mayor's office. >> on the category of review and services, the incoming projects that will be the large projects, will we have staff in place to take care of those projects since it will most likely take up the engineers and all those other categories that come to place? >> we added staff two years ago, started adding staff so that we would have enough on board. we do have engineering
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vacancies. they are in dhr. they have been approved by the mayor's office to fill. i believe we can go ahead and do recruitment. >> again, this was my question earlier of for the projected big projects are for where the projected need would be and where we would be on a timely basis and address that accordingly, instead of it lagging, because the sooner we could provide that service, that is where the availability of the project comes into play. >> >> commissioners? >> if there is additional information where you would like statistical information, i would be glad to answer that. to go cashier's? -- >> cashier's?
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>> with six that are starting this monday. -- we have six letters starting this monday. >> any more questions? thank you. >> i the item 6b, update on legislation. take a we have several that will be currently reviewed by the code advisory committee. some of those are coming in from the program and will be assigned to the structural subcommittee. another one that will be signed to the administration and legislation. we will get you copies of those as soon as they are in draft form. we will provide this to you in the next package.
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>> any comments? item 6c. >> as you know, we have been negotiating the tracking system contract, beginning on june 1st. and at that time in june at the meeting i presented to you a labyrinth of steps that we have to go through to actually get a contract executed. we had said that we hoped we would go through the labyrinth and three months. i do not think there is a good time of year to actually negotiate a contract, but because it was summer there were absences by the city and the vendor, and we are now -- we will have to have a contract executed by us on september 23. we are very close to that.
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there has to be some legal work done between our city attorney and the attorney at the vendor. and we have done everything we can to keep on their radar screen that needthis needs to ba priority. we have been telling them we need to make sure -- we elevate to being first when it comes through so that we will get this executed. >> we have started thinking about the kickoff, and one of the things that we want to do is halve an opportunity for the commissioners, along with members of the public, other departments, to view what the commercial system looks like, and what it can do, so we are
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working on ideas of coming up with that type of menu. then we will also have the kickoff that will be strictly for moving forward in the project with the staff. even though right now the project is sitting in the city attorney's office, we are looking in working for wofowardh the venue. i have something that is still in a format that i do not think will satisfy what you want, but i am asking them to go back and revise it in mixture it is in some sort of format that -- make sure it is in some sort of format that is not directed singhalese at it people. -- sinfullingly directed only a
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people. we think everything will go smoothly now, but we do not know. >> thank you. >> item 6d, update on disaster coordination unit and in the update provided. -- any update provided. >> good morning, commissioners. ed sweeney. i would like to bring tony greco and that grain to talk directly to you next month, but i can
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give you background. the disaster coordination unit, we had this during the lay off about two or three years ago, that was one of the casualties. we restarted it two or three months ago. we put two or three people in there, tony greco and that grain. -- and matt green. we have policies and procedures written, but they are three or four and sometimes five years old. they are cast with rewriting all of that. there also cast with the plugging into the city family. we had one meeting yesterday with the department of emergency service, and they want to know and the event of an emergency what was went to happen, who was going to take care of the buildings, and they felt that when an earthquake happens within five or six hours they will be tasked with hohousing fr a great number of people.
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before they are allowed into the building, one of our staff member would have to certify it. there was a lot of, talk about a program. it is a system within the city. the engineers go in and walk through the building and make a number of observations. they work through the station engineers on site. they get an earthquake plan to restart the building after an event. this program is just getting going. we're working to establish the policy of how you work of building and to is going to do it. the city buildings, dpw have a lot of engineers.
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that is essentially what they're working on now. they also work with mod, dpw, mayor's office, police and fire, and they provide a lot of training. for instance this month and last month they gave disaster coordinator training to every employee in the department. we had done it, but we have not have that training in five years. everyone was very rusty. tony and that gave a very good presentation, and everyone went through it and is recertified. -- tony and matt gave a very good presentation, and everyone went through it and is recertified. basically they are getting really caught up on the two or three-year lapse where the rest
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of the departments have moved on. they eventually wrote the book on the disaster coordination. for the next four or five months, six months, that is really all they will do. i plan on having one of the gentleman coming here and take questions next month. to go i will take into contemplation what you just said. >> i will take into contemplation what you just said. the reason the president wanted it on the agenda is what you just said. i certainly feel battlbetter abt it. i think the public needs to know where we're at with that. that is it. >> i think when mr. gecko and
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mr. green show up at the next meeting, that they would provide what seems to be a practical and real time line for them to achieve these goals that they might have revised. it there just shipping papers around, i think we need to be objective and say what are the true goals. the time clock for the disaster is a big shadow that is on the city. right now we can say we're not prepared. >> we have a lot of work to do. we are tasked with the safety of all buildings of san francisco. not being in with the city family when the planning was going on for who was born to do what do to budget problems -- for who was going to do what,
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has made a very difficult. we are getting up to speed, and we will make that presentation to you. >> let's say we had an earthquake next week. what is the chain of command? the mayor's office? >> the eoc on turk street. that is were everything funnels from. all of the information is brought in their, and it is brought into the different departments. >> can we have a chart that basically shows a flow chart of responsibilities? >> they exist. yes. >> thank you. >> item 6e, update on cue- mattock and status of activation. -- q-mattic.
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>> one of the things we need to do is hire the cashier's that commissioner murphy was disgusting. -- q-matic. we have six starting on monday. in order to be able to roll out the program and be able to provide the information you have been discussing that you need about the system and the public, what we needed to do was to get real life feedback from our customers. last week i sent out to the public advisory committee are request that if anyone was coming in this week and they would agree to have us meet them and go through the system and have them pulled a ticket and have the number called and have them go from the first floor to the pit floor in back, the
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traveling between the floors, all of the things that are concerns of people to work on that and see where the bugs are, see where we need to provide additional information, to see if what is on the screens for q- matic gave enough information so that you knew you did not need to go to this area, you needed to go to fifth floor directly. all that information. we want to continue doing that type of testing with real-light situations before the prwe rolls out. because of that out reach we did, and we will do more outreach and discussion tomorrow during the meeting, that out reach we have done, we have had three customers, two were
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scheduled to come in but then they canceled it. anything could happen. they could say i am going to come down and the morning and then something come up and they do not come down monday morning. we routed customers to the first floor at the central permit hero to the second floor to the information center, information counter to the fifth floor and to where it says the building plan would check plan. the third customer went from information counter to the fifth floor, and then went to the building plan check with plans. went to mechanical, tried to go to puc and permit issuance. and the folks were not there, and we cannot reach them, so that points out where there is a problem with the system it
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people are not there, and what the impact is on the system and whether someone can pay. so there are a lot of things -- we learned all of this with three customers. we learned that we need to have a list of the services where it can be directly issued. so someone can come up and see these are the services. we knew we needed to provide these anyway. what we needed to do is see what level we needed to provide to the people and customers. we have an issue where it says one thing -- it is not contradictory, but the screen that says that you do not need to pull a ticket for this instance, but we need to make sure w
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