tv [untitled] August 27, 2011 2:00am-2:30am PDT
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we are probably one of the only festivals in the country and maybe the world that all of the food vendors except for one our local restaurants. it is really showing the diversity and the excellence of our food culture here in san francisco. in addition, we have over 30 wineries from northern california. wine is an integral part of the fabric of northern california and we celebrate that with our linwine lands. we added mclaren pass this year, where we had food trucks. we added a whole area with chocolate confections.
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i'm not sure how to say that. we just want to say thank you very much to the city and to rec and park. we are thrilled and we are honored to be able to give $1.4 million to san francisco's rec and park this year. thank you. commissioner buell: thank you. commissioner lee? commissioner lee: i have a question. i have heard from a number of members from the advisory board and i have made our general manager aware of some of the e- mails and phone calls i've received. with regards to the hot line that you have set up, a number of members complained about calling the hot line and not getting through, or talking with a representative of the hot line and not getting any kind of response in terms of the noise
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level. i'm just wondering. when you receive calls to the hot line, how are those calls recorded? how do you respond to them? >> when people call into the hot line -- we are bilingual, as well, so that we can answer questions from non english speakers. we take everyone's phone number down. we take their name and their address. we record their complaint or their comment. some people are asking for directions or asking questions. if it is the parking issue, we direct that to a parking patrol officer. we have officers on two sides of the park. in terms of sound, we log where
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they are. we send a ranger into the neighborhoods, which record the dismal level. after saturday evening, we get together and locate where these complaints are coming in and see if they are a concentrated area. at that point, we will go out into the neighborhoods and take a listen. then we will make adjustments to the sound, to the speaker's that are on the stages. in advance, it's difficult to tell. different weather conditions given different variable conditions on housand houshow sl travel. we did it on saturday morning and saturday evening. as he noted, the calls were significantly different. >> park patrol was in operation.
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alan has described our response exactly right. in 2008, we took ambient sound level readings in many sites around the northern and southern printers of the park to have an ambient reading for comparison of what the normal sound level is in those areas. we were able to compare that, as well. we will be looking at that in the future, as well. it is an art rather than a science in terms of sound in an open-air environment. commissioner lee: my question is really about the response. when people call in, do they get some sort of response? >> of course. we are diligent in advertising this number. as you know, we advertise in "richmond review" and others. we do a resident mailer to
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18,000 people in the richmond and sunset district. we also have information on our web site in multiple languages. commissioner lee: that said, i do commend you on the festival. i'm glad you added friday. last year, we did not have friday. from what i observed, it went well, particularly on sunday. i did notice it was quieter. i lived not far from the festival site. i did note the difference in the sound level. i would urge you next year, as we move forward, perhaps expand the hot line to also include a twitter application. i have heard from a number of
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people that when they report the sound, you know, it's usually within a set. they want to be able to capture where the problem occurred. that may be helpful for next year. >> thank you. >> we will use all of the data and all of the neighborhood concerns and complaints about when the complaint came in and at what stage is it is in for the planning for next year. commissioner buell: thank you. >> my last item, mr. president, if you would indulge me, was a little bit of a recap. it will be brief. we are now two months into fiscal year 2011-2012 and i did want to put a bow on fiscal year 2010-2011 and revisit the seven goals of our department and what we did to meet those goals.
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are you cued up there? monitor, please. just a reminder of our mission statement. i think it is important for us to keep it in mind. foster the well-being of san francisco's diverse community by maintaining the parks and providing enriching recreational activities. our department does all of its planning from year to year on seven core goals, which is to strive for continuous improvement. they are improving the quality of our parks. improving recreational choices. improving our financial capacity or financial sustainability. improving our environmental stewardship. improving our administrative efficiencies. with respect to improving the quality of our parks, parks cores maintained a level of 91%. i am pleased to report that are
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lowest performing areas -- scores increased by 6% 3 overall, been in the 90% range, especially given our staffing shortage, is a reflection of how hard our staff are working to keep our park clean with limited resources and how successful some of our partnerships have been treat our apprenticeship program has been very successful. our volunteer program has been very successful. some of our other neighborhood programs are working. the structural maintenance yard completed 13,851 maintenance work orders last year. this is an increase of 639 from last year. we fixed everything from graffiti, broken water fountains, leaking roofs, swimming pools, irrigation lines, and broken toilets.
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our 311 closeout rate remains at 90%. we are closing out 90% of all calls or concerns that come in. we continue to respond to all urban and forestry emergencies within 48 hours and graffiti reports within 48 hours. during the past year we implemented the first gardeners apprenticeship program. they have been working on various sophistication and improvement projects throughout the city, including in golden gate park, mclaren park and delores park, to name a few. we relied on 130 hours of volunteer time. our on going partnerships with the san francisco police department is also helping us keep our park clean to we partnered with local schools and san francisco general hospital
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to create a moremural to discourage graffiti. a proposed state pakate park atn gate park. with respect to our recreational choices, we've talked a lot about this. we put a lot of focus and energy into our recreational activity and is paying off. we've increased the number of registered hours by 13%, providing more than 76,000 hours of programming to the public. we also had a significant increase of 20% in the total number of program registrations, meaning we have gone -- this year we were at 48,851.
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16,000 alone in our summer camps this year. we've also gotten off the one- size-fits-all programming and we created new and creative programs to the public with significant input. recreation is not one size fits all. we have skateboarding, fishing, serving, kayaking, rock climbing, and biking. we have increased our aquatics programs. we provided programming for l gbtq youth and young adults. we have talked a little bit about our scholarship program. to ensure the program's remain accessible to everyone, we expanded our youth scholarship program by granting over $500 ,000 in programming. this is an increase of 144% from last year.
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programs. we were able to submit a budget that for the first time in a decade included no layoffs, no service cuts, and no fee increases. our public-private partnerships are also contributing to our success. they help provide broadbased support and a sustainable financial model. i am very proud of our partnership units. this year they generated $932,000 in phalanger before our operating programs. that is significant. to put that in context, one year ago, the same team generated $141,000 and philanthropic support. we have quadrupled the number in 12 months. some of the gifts we received were a generous gift from coca- cola. we got a gift to help with the
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golden gate park irrigation of great britain mercedes-benz donated $15,000 for our youth scholarship program. we got a gift from the u.s. soccer foundation for mission soccer field lighting. improving our environmental stewardship. we are committed to being stored of our parks -- being stewards of our parks in many ways. we implemented and they are being installed as we speak, dual recycling in golden gate park. we have continued efforts to reintroduce the mission blue butterfly to twin peaks. also, a dedicated by calling in golden gate park.
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our department was recently the recipient of an award from the department of the environment for these efforts. the department has recognized the water resources conservation pre in partnering with th. we have partnered with the puc to reduce water at 12 of the most water-consuming parks. leed silver certification. we've begun using a variety of alternative fuel, including electric power and compressed natural gas in our vehicles three we have a green. machine -- we have a green steam machine. we have talked a little bit about our efforts with respect to green wheat. the department excels in green waste diversion at a rate of
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96%. we have partnered to denigrate compost giveaway program. san francisco was recently named the most sustainable city in north america after an extensive study by siemens. the area where the city was ranked first was in its commitment to zero waste. rec and park contributes to that effort by partnering with the department of environment. our department has improved management of waste and eliminated 50% of our dumpsters in the late marced area. with respect to our efforts of fostering community loyalty, rec and park hosted a number of city
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family events. we are up to fight even spurrier. we have annual free events in our parks. we took advantage of world cup madness and offered free women's world cup viewing. numerous other smaller community events. we provided 55,000 permits for a variety of events and free community space is provided to the public every week for meetings and other events. the department continues to work on its communications strategies. we've implemented a variety of social media tools to improve communication with the public, including a weekly e-newsletter,
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regular facebook and put your updates, and we've begun micro- blogging about what is happening in some of our neighborhood parks. as you are aware, staff has held numerous community meetings on capital projects, budget, and other issues. we have open office hours every month with community members. our permit office installed a state-of-the-art telephone system to reduce waiting times. we have partnered with a variety of youth-serving agencies to offer teenagers and young adults the opportunity to work alongside rec and park professionals. we offered school-age children and teenagers hands-on bond hearing and learning at our parks. with respect to capital, we
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continue to renovate and replace many of our outdated facilities. we broke ground or opened 13 new facilities in the past year across the city, including the chinese rec center, the marina at iraq arbor, michigan playground -- the marina harbor, and mission playground. phase 2 projects are all in the design process. 140th birthday of golden gate park. fountains, gardens, ball fields, and even trash cans are getting a facelift. the planning team oversaw the completion of the north beach library and secured prop 84 grants.
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bonn programs are under way. last is our commitment to our own administrative deficiencies. as we reported previously, our staff has achieved a $370,000 reduction in workers' comp savings in the last 12 months. we did a very detailed custodian service analysis. custodians were reallocated to better meet needs. we are just beginning a reorganization of our aquatics program that will ensure more and better service to the public. it has been a very full fiscal year 2010-2011. we are looking forward to a fabulous 2011-2012. a very big shout out and thank you to the rec and park staff.
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i can tell you without a doubt that this is the hardest working, most dedicated staff. that concludes the general managers' report. commissioner buell: for being so brief, thank you. [laughter] [applause] i want to acecho the general gratitude. i've come to the conclusion that every resident has a different view. on balance and in total, i think the staff deserves an extra round of applause. [applause] commissioner lee? commissioner lee: i second everything commissioner buell said.
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i want to know to the work our capital staff, don and dan -- i took a tour of the sunset rec center a couple days ago. the work that's been done there -- a $15 million project. it's the largest indoor and outdoor basketball court in the city and heavily used. we had to close this in may. i know many people had to be moved to other facilities. having taken that wertour and seeing what they're doing their, you will be pleased with the results. i was especially amazed at the work they are doing on the foundation, where they have employed a contractor who uses a
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special technique to shore up the foundation by drilling holes every four feet 30 feet down into the ground and filling concrete. i think what you're going to get when we reopen next year is a great facility. thank you fortour. we're all amazed by the work that's been done. commissioner martin: i is what to say you are doing a fantastic job. all the people who have been telling me the wonderful job you guys are doing and stuff like that -- i wish you the best. commissioner harrison." : i would heartily second that. i think our staff is the greatest in the world and
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deserve all the credit. getting away from that, i notice we are not having capital report or open space reports in our agendas for a couple of months. i'd like to see that. thank you. commissioner buell: thank you. i think that includes the general managers' report. >> we have public comment. catherine, jean, and tom. >> good morning, commissioners. catherine howard, golden gate park alliance. i'm here with the annual report. this report is also available through our web site, golden gate park preservation dot org. we have a summary on the first page, but it's always more fun
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to go through and look at the pictures. on -- the second first of all, we did a preliminary walk through. we went through the parts of the park. >> could we please have everybody move away from the door? we need you to take your seats. >> on page two, there is a light standard. the weight was distributed unequally, which could damage the lawn. for some reason, the vip's seem to be the only group that does not understand you cannot park on tree roots. the chain of lakes were closed to parking.
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it looks great. perhaps it's time to start thinking about across-the-park tunnels, as was proposed a few years ago. >> here, here. >> i want to know that the general manager said here, here to the tunnel proposal. some pathways were locked for days even after the concert was done. the complaints that i heard about the sound thing -- some of the gates could have been opened and they were not. it was difficult to get near the polo field at all. we did manage to go around 1 centfence. there was a lot of equipment that was too close. there's so much fencing for this
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event. we could arrange that so the security areas are fenced first and the rest last, that would be great. bikes were still chained to trees and this was right next to the bike parking area. maybe we could get a person in charge of that. the cyprus at the speedway metal has become the dumping ground. that tree can only take so much. we appreciate the measures. commissioner buell: thank you. >> jean? >> good morning and thank you very much for letting me speak this morning. i am a resident of the richmond
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district. i live on 27th avenue and balboa. i'm talking about some of the abuses we've had as a result of this concert. i was the victim of a home invasion last week. that's the way it felt. it was an invasion. it was not an invasion from these people. it was an invasion from another planet. from friday evening until sunday night, i was insulted by rally concertgoers, litter, and worst of all, the enlist noise of a thumping bass and other instruments. simply put, i was trapped and it was awful. one woman measured the sound level at her house at 23rd and california, which is almost a mile from the epicenter of the
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concert. 106 decimals in her house. this is twice the allowable sound level during and the noise in the city of san francisco. most importantly, there was not any community outreach. rec and park had a party in our neighborhood and everybody showed a callous disregard for our hospitality. i'm here to make what i hope is a productive request. i'm here to ask that the outside lands producers and rec and park sit down with us, listen to us, and work with us in the future to mitigate these problems and other concerns caused by the outside lands and other park concert. please let's not go through this again. i also have a letter i am submitting. i will try to read it. summarizes some of my earlier comments. attached are complaints of other residents
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