tv [untitled] September 5, 2011 11:30am-12:00pm PDT
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to thank everybody for coming out on such short notice. on behalf of the 49ers, i just want to say that the behavior that was exhibited by a small number of people on saturday night is not acceptable to the san francisco forty-niners, for the city of san francisco. we have had a great relationship with the city of san francisco and a great relationship with this community. despite one of events on saturday, this has been a great place to watch football games and a great community to be part of, and we want to continue to make sure that we are part of this community in a positive way. the degenerate behavior that happened on saturday will not be tolerated. if that means we need to make a business decision to not sell a ticket to someone that is going to be there and impact negatively the fan experience and the game experience that people love and cherish at candlestick, then that is something we are going to do. we will not allow this type of behavior to happen at our football games. i am happy to be here with mayor
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lee and chief sur and jim mercurio from my team to make sure everyone gets their questions answered and you have an opportunity to hear what we are going to do. this is a game where you have a rivalry situation, and unfortunately, you have the worst segment from -- a very small segment from both fan bases that brings about this type of an event, and it is our belief that we should recommend to the nfl that this game is at least postpone for some time, and we will continue to work with the nfl and work with the raiders to make sure we have the right decision and make sure that everybody had a 49ers game going forward has the experience that they deserve. i would like to turn it over to mayor lee. mayor lee: thank you. good afternoon, everyone.
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i want to thank the management of this team in working closely with the city. right when we were first observing these horrible incidences, and we were both mutually looking at it, we were communicating. we immediately got in touch with our police chief, who is here today, and also our recreation and park director. we have been on the communications very constantly since those times. these were very horrible incidents is, once that not only do we need to express our very strong abhorrence to, but that we need to go forward and take steps to prevent them. we immediately have been working -- our staffs with the police chief and the security team -- have been working specifically on ideas to make sure that we can implement it. not only is there a great level of intolerance for these types of activities, but steps need to be taken to make sure that
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people know that they will be caught and prosecuted for these violent acts. what we have to do is to prevent them, so we will be emphasizing things like early texting and emphasizing to all the fan base for a ride that if they observe anything that may even make them uncomfortable, that they feel -- and they should feel -- comfortable texting bad and getting the security of both police and on-site security, wherever they may be, to be intervenors -- comfortable texting that. they are here to be enjoyed by the families and the kids and the responsible adults that are here. we want to make sure that there is more information shared to prevent these things from happening. there will be focused on alcohol management and making sure, as we announced today some steps
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that will be taken to do the. there will be more accountability with respect to season-ticket holders who may not be paying attention to whom they provide their tickets to end their seats to, and that has to be a higher level of accountability. we're looking at all these aspects in cooperation with the 49ers to make sure both in the stadium as well as around the stadium is at a higher level of attention and that people work together to prevent this. that is how other cities have approached these kinds of challenges. working at a higher level of cooperation, even though we know that for the most part, the games here at candlestick have been fairly safe -- very safe. there is, as of this week, an aberration to that, and i have asked the chief to personally attend this saturday's upcoming game to give me even more focus on what we can do to help make these games even more safe, and
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we will be announcing -- the chief will be there for that as well, and we will go into a lot more details. of course, i want to let the chief have an opportunity to explain what we have been discussing any specific steps going forward. >> i want to emphasize again that coming to a 49ers game is a family event. it is as much fun as i have ever had, and i have been coming out here my whole life. i encourage everyone to come out, and saturday night will be no different. last saturday night was different. it was an aberration. to that fact, let me just give you some numbers from last saturday's game. there was approximately 47,000 people in attendance. that is about 1/3 less than a regular-season game here in the game started off with 10% more officers, and as the game deteriorated as early as the second quarter, 30% more officers were added. as the game progressed, there
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were 30% more san francisco police officers assigned to saturday night's's game is any other game of the regular season. this is in addition to 49ers security, which we have a tremendous working relationship in making the stadium as fan- friendly as any in the league. by saturday nights and in addition to the more serious incidents that have been reported in this, we were on a typical day -- where on a typical game, we make one in two criminal arrests, 12 had been made. we normally issued no citations other than scalping. eight were issued. the san francisco police department documented 70 rejections, not counting those that were not allowed in or that were thrown out where we did not have the time to document because we were busy breaking up some other occupation, and that is not in addition to those made by csc, and they usually exercise the right of dejection more than we do. there were 19 public
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intoxication arrests, when normally we make six to eight. there were 90 medical calls the service. 50 were ambulance calls for service. we normally get seven to 10. 10 ambulance runs were made to the hospital, where normally, we have doubled our radio traffic on events and incidents concern by officers on call for service. again, i have to emphasize, this was with a third as many people in attendance with a fourth more officers. this game was like no other i can remember, and i have been a 49ers and my whole life. >> i want to make sure that you talk to the guy that heads up our stadium operations. he will be able to go through what we have done to make sure
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that candlestick remains a safe place to watch a football game. >> i appreciate your support. i echo the response from the chief. candlestick park can and will be a safe place to come to a game. all of you fans out there who are nervous about that, please do not be. the level of dedication that the 49ers have and the santa tesco police department is tremendous. please, we ask you to come back. -- san francisco police department is tremendous. i want to go through some security initiative that we have in place, have had in place, and additions. with events like this, sometimes things get lost in the shuffle. of all the officers, the countless number of security guard that work the event for us, they performed admirably and
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in many cases, absolutely outstanding with what they have had to deal with. in my 19 years of doing this, i have never, never had to do with the amount of calls for service, the amount of fights, behavior that is absolutely not accepted at our stadium, or quite frankly, at any other sporting event across the country. hats off to you, chief, and your team, security, a shares, ticket takers who had to endure the behavior of people that i do not think should be called fans. for those of you coming to the games, it does not matter which team you support. the behavior of saturday night is not welcome. do not come. you are absolutely not welcome. we are reviewing cameras and any
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footage that we have on the internal camera system we have here at candlestick park. all of it will be turned over to the san francisco police department's to do their thing, with the support of the mayor's office, to prosecute any of those individuals on film. that includes any season-ticket holders. any season-ticket holder that was caught, witnessed, viewed, acting in a way that we saw saturday night, your tickets will be revoked. if you are giving your tickets to clients, business folks, those and not the people we are concerned about. it is the people that you do not know who you are giving your tickets to. so we are asking you to support us by preventing those types of papers from taking place -- behaviors from taking place.
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a couple of all the things i want to talk about insecurity, going forward, things that we do on a game by game basis. after each game, and prior, we conduct what we call a stadium'' operation and security briefing. we take every incident that we know about, we review it, scrutinize it, whether there are things we can do better, things that we did not know about. we will continue to do that and more. moving forward, additional alcohol management teams will be surveying the stadium. we will review some of our strategies we have with respect to police and private security we have within the stadium and parking lot. we will have much more visibility with respect to police vehicles and staff in the parking lot, inside the stadium,
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including roving patrols in our restaurants, restrooms, and other areas where people tend to congregate. tailgate parties, things that take place in the parking lot, moving forward, if you come to tailgate -- and we want you to -- we just need you to do it within the rules and regulations of the park. four hours prior to kickoff is when you will be allowed inside the stadium gates, the parking lot. anyone who lined up outside of the gate, with the assistance with the san francisco police department, will be asked to leave or will be cited. four hours prior to kickoff is when tailgating will be allowed. in terms of tailgating during the event and post, no longer. if you have a ticket to the game, you are encouraged to go in the stadium. if you do not have a ticket to
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the game and you are in the parking lot, you will be asked to go home. if you have a ticket and remain in the parking lot after kick off, you will be asked to go into the building or a ropor go. additional roving will also take place on foot, bike, on motorcycle, and for this upcoming game and any other night game, to ensure lighting is not a problem -- there was a question about lighting in the parking lot. we will make sure that the lights will be even brighter than they have already been. lastly, with ticket responsibility, it is a regular practice to revoke season tickets. we started this program last year and will be continuing the program on a more robust basis. the mayor talked about texting.
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we have and have had our texting number, 69050. the key word is bad fan. we also have a campaign, if you see something, say something. and that is with all types of behavior. whether it is no smoking in the facility, bad behavior, anything that makes you uncomfortable. we incurred due to use that -- we encourage you to use that so that we can respond quicker. if there are any other questions, chief, if you have any other statements -- >> of course, we will support the additional measures put in by the forty-niners. if you happen to be in line waiting to get into tail gate, there will be no public consumption of all on city streets. there will be strict enforcement
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that you can start only once you are inside the parking lot, not outside. there is no place for weapons at candlestick park or at any sporting event in san francisco. it is unconscionable that anybody would bring a weapon anywhere near where there would be families coming to enjoy a game. leave any such things at home. if you are found with any such items, we will make a case against you as swiftly as possible and refer them to the fullest prosecution that we can get. >> we will support all the of the other initiatives that the 49ers have put in place, and there will be dui checkpoints going home after every game. i would urge people, after leaving the game, especially after alcohol sales cease, there is no tailgating after the game,
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so go home. >> with the dui point, i wanted to make clear, we have had a designated driver program at the stadium for years. we have booths set up around the stadium that will allow people to get home safely. this is about keeping people safe in our facility and at our games. the nfl security department has been absolutely critical in assisting us with these measures which we have been undertaking and will continue to undertake, but we certainly appreciate whatever help our season ticket holders can provide. and for those buying free tickets, understand the rules and regulations of the park. there is an extensive list on our website.
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we will continue to educate our fans, whether season-ticket holders or not, as to what those policies are. i would absolutely appreciate the support of our season-ticket holders. and here is the thing. a growing percentages out is difficult, but for the most part, 98% of the people that come to our events in san francisco are good, hard-working citizens that come to the game to enjoy what we have to offer, what our product is about. it is really a handful of people that tend to ruin the experience for all those 98%. so i extend an apology for you for the rules and regulations that will be put in place that will affect you, but done so in the name of safety and security for you, your family, for my family. so i appreciate your support. i do apologize if this is going
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to affect you, but the inconvenience, in our opinion, is well worth the safety and security of your family. >> we will open it up for a few questions now. >> [inaudible] >> with the preseason series, the nfl selects three of the games, we select one. we have always selected the chargers. of those three games that we do not have power over controlling, our recommendation would be that we postpone the series between the forty-niners and raiders. >> for how long? >> we want to continue to work with their team official. in the past few years when we
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have gotten together, attention has built up over the past few years. we want to make sure that we coordinate together. we have played them a lot in the preseason, done scrimmages together. i think maybe we will focus on smaller scrimmages with the raiders. that is our recommendation to the nfl. >> [inaudible] what about last year's regular- season against the raiders? >> last year, the numbers were still lower. higher than a regular game, but again, it was played as a day game. absent this preseason game, i would strongly urge the leak and anybody with an impact on that decision, that the game be played during the day. >> you said the numbers were higher than a typical game in
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terms of arrests and medical calls. >> correct. instead of having 70 rejections, we were in the 50's. >> it sounds like you had more officers than you normally would even though it was a third the size of the crowd. why was it this way? [inaudible] >> traditionally at night time, games get -- the crowd is older, the kids do not come as much to the evening games. rivals have been problematic in the past but never to this agree -- degree. we have happily guided five super bowl champions through, so we have had some very large, happy celebratory crowds here. we are used to it, we know how to handle it, but nobody could have been prepared for what happened on saturday night. >> could you talk about the investigation around the individual that were seriously
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injured? >> i am happy to report all three victims are recovering in the hospital. they were reported to be in fair condition just previous to this conference. there is one person of interest in the shooting but i cannot comment further until we get some tests back. all the investigations are proceeding. in addition to the information line provided, anybody with any information on any acts of violence, especially in these incidents, please call the sfpd tipline. we would appreciate any information. we know, anecdotally, that there were people around as the suspect left the scene. we would appreciate any and all information that you could give us. >> [inaudible]
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1 of the victims or assailants was wearing a 49ers t-shirt. do you have any details on that? >> i do not. >> there is a weekend game this weekend at 5:00. are you planning any changes to that? >> we are working collaborative with sfpd to make sure we have the proper measures in place, which we just went through. you will see them implemented in this game, and we will continue to abound with them, as we do after every game. what can we do to make sure that this is a fun environment so that families can come out and enjoy candlestick park? >> i will be at the game myself and them very much looking forward to it. >> [inaudible] the number that were there on saturday night? >> no. >> do you know if the raiders perhaps agree with your thoughts on postponing the game? >> we have talked about that.
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this is our recommendation. we will continue to talk to the raiders about this as a pro- active steps to make sure that these incidents do not happen. >> a lot of the tickets that were picked up were going pretty cheap on the internet. the mayor talking about season- ticket holders being partly responsible. they are selling them on the internet, which is why you have the crowds. >> we need them to be responsible to whom they sell to. we need to hold them responsible as well, to a large degree. season-ticket holders could be dispersing their tickets, but the need to pay attention to how their tickets are being exchanged. we want to be forthright on that because i think it might make a difference. >> i would say one other thing. with a preseason game, you see a
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lot more tickets sold on the open market like that than you would for a regular-season game. that is something that would need to be addressed. when you have two preseason games at home, you do not necessarily have your season- ticket holders coming into the game. you know, more or less, who is in the building, but if it comes to me, and it is between bringing the wrong element into our stadium and not selling the ticket, we would choose not selling a ticket. >> there is also a ticket exchange, which is a way to sell your ticket to another person. it gives us more of a control, so to speak. we understand that you cannot make every game, or that you will give them to other folks, but if there was a way to be more responsible about how you do that, there is an opportunity to do that through the service that we provide.
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>> [inaudible] how many did you end up provoking? -- revoking? >> i would have to look back at the numbers, but i think the number was around 30. we started to see a trend in behavior that was unacceptable. there is no question that we are a business, it will not be at the sake of safety for our fans. that is why we decided to make that adjustment. we do not want that kind of element here. >> [inaudible] made the decision to postpone the preseason series. could you talk to that? >> i do not know anything about that. we will continue to work with the nfl. you have heard our recommendation with the police department. we will continue to work collaborative lee with them for
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this game and to make sure that every game is safe. i want to make sure that you hear -- that you do not hear that this is just a raiders issue. it is not. every single time fans come to the stadium, they need to feel safe and welcome. >> [inaudible] >> longer than probably anybody in this room. on saturday night, what did you see that was so different from this crowd, that you had not seen before? >> it appeared very early on that the people were not here to see the game. they were more inclined to engage with other people in the ground than to enjoy the game. coming to the games, i come to watch the football game. many of these changes being discussed will not impact those who come to enjoy the game. again, it is one of the best then use in the league.
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>> could you elaborate more about alcohol management in the future? >> in most cases, alcohol is terminated after the third quarter. we started to implement those soma bit earlier in some cases. you can expect to see a lot more presence in and out of the stadium, roaming through up the stands, the stadium, concourse and parking lot. whether it is off-duty law- enforcement, under cover enforcement, san francisco pd on foot, bike, motorcycle, it will be all of those. >> conversations with the nfl about the nature of the preseason setup? a lot of season-ticket holders
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do not go to these games and frankly give away a lot of these tickets. >> i said earlier, this is one of the reasons why the nfl is looking at an 18 and 2 season because you have little interest in the preseason. the more you have casual fans, attendees at are not even fans in general, just looking for a place to start trouble, that happens when you can buy a ticket for cheap on the internet because your regular season ticket holder will not be there. that is something that the league has worked on and will continue to work on. >> thank you all. if you have any interview requests, come see me. requests, come see me.
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