tv [untitled] September 9, 2011 10:52am-11:22am PDT
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-- and now imagine the kind of restriction being put on our buses. and something that we have the power to lift. just like that. i do not see what would be so confusing. what the concern from the cac was in regards to what to do. you have to have paid a fair. it is not that confusing. when you get on any of the cars, you do not need the citation. you are on the approval of payments on. it is not the confusing. with respect to ticket vending machines, we have mobile ticket vending machines on every single one of our coaches, that is where we can pay if we do not have approved payment to get onto the back doors. i do not think we have the luxury to delay this anymore
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than we have to. we're constantly being burdened with shortcomings in terms of meeting our budget and attracting and increasing more revenue. this is one way i feel we can save so much more money. the folks that we're concerned about, the scofflaws that are cheating the system, whether or not there is a perfect payment system in placer not, there will continue to cheat the system. we're held hostage on account of a few folks. there are some folks that might be nervous or paranoid that someone is not paying their fair. that would be up to the inspectors to work out. i want to emphasize the urgency on this. i think we are burning money. it is the same kind of i feel the delays we have when our packed buses are forced to sit in traffic and not have dedicated lanes. even if they are not permanent.
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if there are dedicated lanes that are not being enforced or if are -- they are not temporary. we do not have the luxury of waiting and working through to the perfect and sacrificing the good as a result. if we can move forward as fast as we can. i would appreciate it and the riders would. thank you. >> we do have members of the public. >> i would ask if somebody could put slide 13, the one that is on the powerpoint on the screen for the viewing audience. that illustrates the safety concern i have sent to you folks year after year after year after
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year. it is the same safety concern that is not mentioned in this report. the same safety concern that not one of the impact upon. take a look at that picture. there is to very unusual things about it. first, the report says you are going to put signage telling people, let's everybody get off before you get on a back door. that is not happening. there are signs saying, do not get on the back door. you have a communication reliability problem. second, and worse, it is the issue that the director raised. the buses at the curb. when it is not at the curb, the rear doors are higher of the payment. -- off the pavement. i was at a major retirement home. i had to take the second. the front door that kneeled,
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when you do not have the buses pulling in to the curb and it is higher, there is a greater chance that someone will slip and fall. when you're out passengers pushing on into the back door while others are getting out, you have an injury problem. previous times, have set this, even your counsel took note. -- previous times when i have said this, even your council tosel took note. do not do this until you know you will get compliance. >> howard strassner, howard wong, robert boden. >> i can support the generality
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of all door boarding as fast as possible and smoothly as possible. one of the things that came up, why do we have a differential for cash fair. i am glad this discussion we have had more from all door boarding 20 cash and complete clipper cards. if the cash fair became instant of $2 you had to pay three or $4, everybody would find out where to get their clipper card. everybody. you do the same thing for seniors, we would find the clipper card dispensary and it would not have to put so many machines in. the hotels would tell people, if we have one in the lobby, you go down to the walgreens or there is one where you get off the airport. there will be a clipper card and you had better get it. it will cost extra. every gstr system -- fare system
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would be on the card. that would be part of your clipper card. i am happy that it morphed into this. doesn't assure you the need for well-designed buses? even now if disabled folks need the bus that nails, they will go in the front. the rest of us can jump higher in the back. all this will work. this will take pr and a lot of discussion. the cash fair -- fare will cost
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more. >> i got mixed up with the agenda items. i support the out -- all door boarding. also what was being mentioned about the curbside buses not pulling in to the curb. i live in a residential out of sunset. one aboard the bus especially when the hybrid buses when the rap deploys onto the street, many times i mentioned it to you guys. i am concerned about the safety of these buses.
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i do not know we can do about it as far as creating more bus zones in these neighborhoods. to board safely, we need to look into that. more curbside parking. like noriega, judah, balboa. all of them are mixed use. maybe we can work together to find out how we can make it more safe for people with disabilities. it is not just people with disabilities, it is everybody. everybody has to go out on the street level to board.
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everyone has to stand on that and hopefully you guys can support it. thank you. >> next speaker. >> robert boden, jim frank, mario tenev. >> i am here to represent the members of the san francisco wrote transit riders union -- san francisco transit riders union. we are in full support. our membership supports this and we're pleased that the sfmta is considering it. you have a win-win-win. it is not just good for riders, it is good for the agency. we have done it on the rap on -- on the system already.
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it is an example of how things can work. i had some quick points here. we can shorten the troubled times. i read an article that 20% of the time, muni spends time boarding people. it is poor service for customers. it is amazing when you can speed up service and have quicker trips and also save the agency money. it is a great idea. we have this in place with a light rail system. there are not ticket vending machines at every stop. a lot of issues that have been brought up as problems, they do not exist on the light rail system. the system has among the highest percentage of paying riders. on the bus system, people know
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there will be rarely fare inspectors. they can get away without having to pay the fare. to increase -- we ask you expeditiously implement this. preferably the winter of 2011 or 2012. >> our next speakers. >>chairman nolan: the afternoon. >> i am a member of the transit riders union. i am fighting for the rider. a few basic points about all door boarding. we totally supported. this is great for the drivers because they can focus more on driving rather than worry about it someone pay or not pay? it will address some of the fare evasion issues. in the ideal, it would be consistent enforcement.
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it would be on the bus. when you get on, you know that you have the potential the fair inspector will be there. it will be comfortable. five or six doors open up, you get on and it is quick. people get off, you know how to do it. but the new people get on. the buses can be the same way. that would be nice. it works in lots of different places. los angeles, new york city, vancouver, toronto, ottawa, all across europe. as many places as use this, it does work. chairman nolan: next speaker. >> i am also with the san
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francisco transit riders union. when we ask riders with the one most, the tops -- thing is always reliability. -- the tough thing is always reliability. all door boarding will provide high reliability and will do it in two ways. by speeding up trips and decrease the variants of the running time. the second way is by speeding up trips, some equipment will be released. resources will be released and can be reused for redundancy and improving the schedule on-time arrival. i would want to emphasize again that ticket vending machines will be great at some intersections. conditioning is further delayed. we would like to see a ruled out for people who already use clipper and everyone else can board through the front. to those concerns, the
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expectation of the writers -- riders is most important. they have their fair ready and -- fare ready and evasion is lower. i urge you to implement all door boarding as soon as possible. >> our next speakers. i read some comments on line on this issue. i do have to say, i already like the directors reality check. he tells the truth. i am telling you, there is a lot of issues that have to be dealt with before you implement it. so, the one issue i have is
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when people need to get off the bus, you have people crowding around the back door, you cannot get off the bus. how do you do with that issue? that is discouraging for people trying to leave the bus. the enforcement part is with the inspectors. if you do not have enough inspectors or do not focus them properly, or you only do discrimination with certain nationalities or ethnic groups where they live or travel, you have problems. i was hoping you would do a pilot program.
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forth, back and forth. i want someone to make up their minds. either they will move forward with it or not. because at the end of the road, your drivers, my members are the ones in the front. but if we keep shifting from one policy from one time to another time and you have been here, mr. nolan longer than some other directors and we have that issue a lot. i do not want to see that issue again. on the other hand, what other policy you guys agree, please let us know in advance. not to find out that i have got it here. this issue was brought up. the other issue i have and this has to be worked out. there are logistics' that have to be worked out. those buses we have, they cannot take the punishment you are willing to give them. we need to reinforce them.
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we need to look at everything. not on safety. -- not just performance. >> i am also a member of the san franci am a member of the geary group. i urge you to support all door boarding. it will put us in the same ranks as many other cities across the board -- country and many of the parts of the world. i want to address some things. one of them as education. i find that one of the things i have issue with, a lot of times, the rider is not educated. as to what is happening. i would urge you if you do all door boarding to do a really
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great educational campaign to let them know what is going on. obviously the back door, you will have to take off that thing that says you cannot come in the store. -- this door. they do things in other cities to better inform riders. they will be of better. there is an issue of people getting on and off the bus as we speak today. that is kind of because people are not educated as to the basics of getting on and off the bus. you did at dawn until people have come off. what happens now is people try to get on the bus at the same time people are trying to get off. if we were to educate people that is not necessary, you wait until people get off to get on, we would alleviate that difficulty. i want to say that i agree with several people here. it is important to be
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consistent about our inspection periods it is at issue that people have been inconsistent. i urge you when you do the inspection and to be consistent, this is the best thing. this is one of those things where they benefit the most. >> our next speakers. >> good afternoon. for the handicapped boarding on any bus, it truly concerns all of us. here in this nation that has seemingly gone insane, here is my message is simple and plain. knowing how most religions cater to pigeons, as politicians to
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bankers and morticians, the people, the workers, the students are looking for heaven, the general strike be slighted and will be set and we will began this 9-11. 40 days and 40 nights, let's be clear. the strike continues until we free leonard peltier. comes now the power to seize man in his great and all of the antwerp. i have a message here for steve jobs. you have made zillions selling air as the economy that does lead. accept this deal that you may heal. speak publicly these truths about lying. for the chinese prisoner does not have a chance but for some reason, the almighty provided you with a reason to dance. tell them for 30 years and delivering 24-7 subliminal sub- phonics into every cranial
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cavity. so the message remain on their asses as man is blind. tell them for the media bows to you. tell the public why, house selling air such wealthy did occur. i dare you to act mystified or deny these tricks now told. i made you looking so you shall say the technology was 50 years old. it is about mind control programs that have been implemented in everybody is mine. we wonder why we talk about king and gaudy and chavez but in 40 years, things are worse. it is time to cease this curse. put away your foolish miss chains. listen to your heart and to yourself and it is time for york general strike. i have said it, it shall be so. chairman nolan: next speaker, please. >> former member of rescue --
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i have fantasies, this would apply to the jersks at the financial district to evade the fares. what can we do? an extreme fantasy. they wrestled to the ground and get electrocuted if they do not pay their fair share. you cannot do that. the human rights violations would be flagrant. we would never been relieved from lawsuits. one way i think we can do it. this because there are limited fair inspectors. it can increase the amount. you can rotate the fair inspection. they can be random. maybe it once a week there would be in california and sacramento
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and polk street. another time they will be a powerful and gary. they should be rotated and random so no one can be sure that if they invade the fear there will not be cited. if you do randomly, the word will not get out. i am sick and tired of people coming onto the bus without paying their fares. i cannot stop them because i do not want to be punched out or something by these elevators. in order to avoid this, let's and force it on a random basis so no one can be sure as to whether there will be cited for fare evasion. this is one way of making use of limited personnel. we should have more fair inspections. thank you. chairman nolan: next item. >> item 14.
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authorizing the director of transportation to execute an agreement to conduct implementation consulting insurgences foexecute services t effectiveness project not to exceed four years. >> it is an excellent report. very comprehensive and detailed. i know you spend quality time with us this afternoon. i know members, we have a couple of speakers. we can hear from the speakers. ok? would you like to hear from the speaker's first? >> the only people who have turned in the speaker card. >> the tfe was approved a few
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years ago and the irs is starting. there is some delay there. i would like to encourage the mta to whatever can be expedited, what ever does not need to go under ceqa to get done as soon as possible. within one or two years. thank you. chairman nolan: thank you. mr. cabrera? >> when i saw this piece of paper, the review, i stopped and think prior to today, last time, there was an firman to review, what -- the mta called for a fiscal emergency. i am afraid of doing that again. some communities lost some service.
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because the fiscal emergency grants to that. to pass the ceqa. please do not let that happen again. you are the keepers of transportation for all citizens. i'm not against approving this consultant for $2 million. i want to make sure our communities are aware of what is going on. not to find out after the fact like we did before. thank you. >> herbert weiner. the last to turn in a speaker card. >> the transit effectiveness project should be called a transit elimination project. what has happened is the [unintelligible] has been truncated.
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i believe it has been proposed to reroute the six masonic. the haight-ashbury line. what is going to happen is, if you reroute that line and it was proposed it goes straight through haight street, and not go up masonic avenue, what will happen is, you are going to have people who are elderly and frail. how do you expect them to get to their homes? are they going to have to crawl? right now, people are inconvenienced with the 2 clement line. you have to walk to california street and that is a long block. why do you on the board tried to walk that walk on a walker? suppose you are on oxygen. suppose you have hiv.
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it is a gross injustice to do this and i have brought this to the attention of people. they simply ran this thing through. this has been an ill-fated idea to begin with. you need more buses and need more drivers. $2 million for contractor, you can have it for the buses. if you can get those lines downtown, you can get them through the clement. you have six digit salaries. this is a disgrace and it is cruel to the most probable in san francisco. this has to stop. this is a twisted idea from the world go -- word go. >> the report you are
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