tv [untitled] September 10, 2011 2:52am-3:22am PDT
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>> you mentioned that the cable strands were made in china. what else is made in china that is going into this bridge and how the work over there went? >> there are a number of countries and states that participated in fabricating elements of the bridge. as far as the suspension is concerned, the deck sections were fabricated in shanghai, championship, as well as the tower sections. and fujon cable, different company, fabricated the strands for the main cable. the saddles that these sit in, the deviation saddles you saw at the end and on the eastern end, were fabricated in japan at japan steel works. the saddles for each one of these 114 different spender
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cables were fabricated in the u.k. at good win steel. if you look at the entire eastern span, we have most of the piles and the foundations, these massive footing boxes that the bridge sits in come from exotic places like vallejo, california, corpus christi, texas, and up in oregon and washington. so there are a number of different place that is contribute to providing different structural elements. if you are looking at steel in particular, there is more domestic steel in the entire eastern span than any other foreign steel component. if you look at the final bridge, a little over 75% of the steel for the eastern span is fabricated in some u.s. mill. >> is there some updated total
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for the price tag for this project? is it still $6 billion for the price tag? >> it is about that, $6.3. the toll bridge oversight committee, which consists, caltrans and others, and they put out reports that says how we are doing financialally. along with that, there is a $900 million contingency. that is all downloadable from the bay bridge site? >> are you shooting for 2013? >> late 2013 is when we expect the prinl to be open. [inaudible question] >> it depends. it is very hard to put a date on when this bridge is going to be completed. but the september-november time frame is what we potentially see if you look in the report. but we are doing everything we can to get the bridge open as soon as possible.
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if we have the opportunity, we will open it as early as we can. but 2013 is when we will open. >> is the america's cup something you are taking into consideration? >> well, i think when it opens, it opens. i think safety is the primary concern for the bridge. but we are going to be working very closely with the america's cup. as we mentioned in the presentation today, there will be a full bridge closure associated with the opening of this bridge. so we will be working with the entire region and state when that time comments, and america's cup as well because i know they are expecting a number of folks in the region for those races. so we will be in contact with them. again, seismic safety is the main concern of this project. >> have there been any facilities or serious injuries in the construction? >> so far on the construction project of the eastern bay bridge, we have not had a
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fatality, safety is a prime concern for all of our contractors. it is something we take very seriously, and we hope to continue. >> 33 people died from building the old bay bridge. >> very different time. a lot of safety implementations have happened since the 1930's, but yeah, something like that. >> 280,000 vehicles go across the binge on average. it is one of the busiest bridges in the world and in the nation. >> can you tell us, when did construction start on the bridge? and going back to the videos that were shown earlier, are those both the video of the steel coming through under the bridge and the archival footage is downloadable? >> both are downloadable. that is the shipment arriving yes. you can download that.
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what was the part of the question? >> when construction began compared to when it is finished in 2013. >> the bay bridge is actually a series of making projects -- of mega projects. our project began in 2000 with -- in 2002 with the trucks of the skyway. what are you looking at? >> that is just for the s.a.s., the self anchored suspension portion of the bridge. that is as long as it is. the entire eastern span is 2.2 miles long, made up of oakland
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touchdown, a sky way portion and the spans. then we have the other spans on the western side that were retrofitted thrurg the 1990's and 2000. the entire bridge is eight miles long. >> any idea how much steel that would have for the whole thing? >> did i just say no? it would be a lot. i have no way to quote how many steel is in the suspension. >> how many construction workers will work on it? >> it varies depending on time. it is thousands literally when you look at all of the projects together. at any one time we could have a couple of hundred working at any one location. that is what you see here with the folks at pier 7 and out
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there. any other questions? >> i didn't quite understand how you guys measure the factors. >> most folks talk about a richter scale, but that is hard when building a bridge. richter scale merchandise an epicenter. what we did was consider what the potential ground motion would be from the fault lines. projecting that forward, we had to figure out what to build for this bridge. there were things we had to innovate that did not exist, and you about playbook at those on our website. any other general questions? thanks, everybody.
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it more accessible to residents in san francisco. supervisor avalos: present. supervisor campos: present. supervisor chu: present. supervisor cohen: present. supervisor farrell: present. supervisor kim: here. supervisor mar: present. supervisor mirkarimi: present. supervisor weiner: present. >> all members are present. president chiu: please join me in the pledge of allegiance.
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we should have copies of several sets of minutes. >> items one through four compose the consent agenda. a matter of maybe a severed and considered separately. president chiu: i understand item three needs to be severed for our deputy city attorney to explain. please call the roll on the others. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mar: aye. supervisor mirkarimi: aye. supervisor weiner: aye. supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. supervisor chu: aye.
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supervisor cohen: aye. supervisor elsbernd: aye. supervisor farrell: aye. president chiu: those ordinances are passed. >> item 3 is an ordinance amending the and ministry to code, section 1610, to allow the use of time-limited paid administrative leave for employees under certain circumstances. president chiu: i understand there is a technical amendment we need to make. >> the actual title should be 16.17. it is not a change to the body of the text. this could be moved on second reading. president chiu: could i have a motion to amend to make that technical change? by supervisor csampos, s -- campos, seconded by farrell.
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same house, call? without objection, the ordinance is passed. >> item 5 amends the administrative code, limiting the hours of overtime worked in a fiscal year by any employee to 20%, asking departments to implement a reporting mechanism. supervisor elsbernd: i would like to ask this item be continued for one week for proper meat and confirm. -- meet and confirm. president chiu: seconded by commissioner avalos. continued to next week, september 13, without objection. item six. >> an ordinance amending the police, planning, and business tax regulations codes, limiting live performance permits. supervisor mirkarimi: i want to
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think supervisors -- thank supervisors mar, weiner, and campos for" sponsoring. this is aimed at helping the restaurants to cannot obtain the current permit because of how cost prohibitive the process is. it is typically the larger night clubs who are the only ones able to afford the permit. for the hundreds of restaurants and cafes that would like to spice up their particular business model and operation, this allows for a permit of $385 versus the cost of $2,000 of the original permit. this also helps put musicians and performance artists to work. i want to thank everybody for the unanimous support. i think the entertainment
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commission for their resounding support. the small business commission as well, and the planning commission. thank you. president chiu: colleagues, a roll-call vote. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mar: aye. supervisor mirkarimi: aye. supervisor weiner: aye. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. supervisor chu: aye. supervisor cohen: aye. supervisor elsbernd: aye. supervisor farrell: aye. >> there are 11 ayes. president chiu: item 7. >> an ordinance amending the municipal elections code to require the director of elections to establish a process that permits voters to choose to receive the voter information pamphlet and associated materials by electronic means instead of paper mill.
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supervisor mirkarimi: this is a common sense law that tries to walk our green proclamations in making the city more cost conscious and more green sensitive. we have elections almost every year in san francisco. at heavy cost, we send out election booklets every year as well. if we can help create a new consciousness, that is what this law intends to do. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mar: aye. supervisor mirkarimi: aye. supervisor weiner: aye. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. supervisor chu: aye. supervisor cohen: aye.
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supervisor elsbernd: aye. supervisor farrell: aye. >> there are 11 ayes. president chiu: this ordinance is passed. please call items 8 through 13, which have to deal with the selling various groups and councils. >> item 8 repeals the outdated reference to the telecommunications commission. item nine dissolves the drug abuse advisory and city what alcoholism advisory board. i contend dissolves the presidium neighborhood representative work group. -- item 10 dissolves the presidio neighborhood or group.
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items 11, 12, and 13 dissolve the criminal justice council, a children's collaborative tax course, and our task force. -- arts task force. [roll is called] there are 11 aye. president chiu: resolutions adopted. we have six special orders at 2:30, which we will wait to start 12 more minutes. it is my understanding the first four have been resolved and we will get to those quickly, leaving us the last two to consider. i will allow roll-call for introductions. supervisor kim: i submit. supervisor weiner: today, i am
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introducing legislation, public health related legislation to do with public nudity in san francisco. particularly in the castro, which a represent, in recent years there has been a significant increase in public nudity in the neighborhood. there are a lot of different opinions on whether public nudity is appropriate or inappropriate, whether it should be banned or encouraged. this legislation does not go there. that is a different debate for a different day. what this does do is tell people -- require art people show some basic courtesy and decency toward their fellow citizens when they are naked. one would hope we would not need to legislate this, but unfortunately we have seen behavior that requires
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legislation. first, if you are naked in public, this legislation would require that if you sit down on public seating, you have to cover the seating. most people would know to do that as a matter of common respect. but we have seen for a good examples of people not doing that -- we obscene frequent -- we have seen frequent examples of people not doing that. the second is if you enter a restaurant whose primary business is to sell food, you have to cover up. again, the public health issue. the rest, i submit. supervisor farrell: 1 in memorial today for a woman named deborah who passed away on august 8 after a courageous
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battle with breast cancer. she is the beloved mother of a fifth grader here in san francisco and a husband. she was going on march 16, 1965, and is survived by her husband, brothers, a daughter, and sister-in-law. she is considered by many to be a symbol of inspiration and hope. she is well known in our committee and will be missed by many. supervisor chu: i have a number to submit and and in memorialist -- memoriam. supervisor mirkarimi: i am making a request for a hearing at the public safety committee on the department of children and youth and family report on youth violence. a renewed statistic has come out
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for 2011. local youth homicide rates are nearly twice the statewide rate. in 2009, many cases of neglect resulted in homicides. there are recommendations for community violence prevention and intervention before the plan is finalized and implemented. we hope to have that scheduled within the month. president chiu: today, i am proposing that our city take an important step toward a more open and transparent government by helping create a more open and transparent budget. this requires the creation of a searchable, user-friendly online
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database of the use of all public funds by the city and county of san francisco. as we all know, we have an enormously complicated $6.80 billion budget. it is hard for even public officials to get a clear idea of where we are spending the public's money. we have new tools. we all understand the importance of local government. transparency would help increase confidence in our government and allow them to serve as a better informed critics. this is a database that will hopefully lead to a more informative dialogue between the public and our government. there are many states and cities around the country that have already implemented some version of an online database. some laws have already been passed in california. we will have to work this out with various of the
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government's, as well as issues around privacy and confidentiality. our controller has made some progress with an online database. members of the public want to learn more about how we spend our money. the rest of my items i submit. supervisor campos: i have an in memoriam that i would like to introduce along with supervisors avalos, mar, and kim. i would ask that we do it on behalf of the entire board. that is for eric quesada, who passed away on august 24, 2011. i know that to truly provide an appropriate recognition for everything he has done that we on the board will follow up in the next couple of weeks and do
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something longer here at the board of supervisors. i want to take this opportunity to wish his wife and entire family, including his daughter michelle, our condolences. as the supervisor for district 9, it has been an honor for me to get to know eric. i do not know that anybody has the words to fully express what he has meant. his spirit lives on. it is important for us here in city government to recognize the tremendous contributions of this individual. mayor edwin lee has ordered the flag to be displayed at half staff from 2:00 to 2:30 p.m. in
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his honor. i know other colleagues will have words again. president chiu: without objection, in memoriam unanimously. supervisor campos: that loss has touched me very deeply as well. the whole community throughout san francisco and beyond is deeply troubled by his loss and inspired by his life work. someone i have known for almost 20 years in the city, someone i have always looked up to the someone who has been part of the good fight for the latino community, the immigrant community, housing rights, and housing justice. he has meant so much to so many people. he struggled for over seven years against cancer.
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his perseverance was inspiring. how quick it was, his endurance of cancer -- he is survived beyond what anyone expected of him. the great community he had around him is emblematic. his partner has such incredible spirit as well. that gave him a lot of sustenance and a lot of community to help keep him going. his daughter is a very beautiful young girl. my thoughts go out to the family. i look forward to getting together with the greater community to celebrate his life and continue on his work. it is a great loss to the city. that is where my words and, right there.
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-- end, right there. i have environmental legislation i am introducing, addressing the ongoing liability we have had as a city at sharp park, where we have two in danger of species -- the california redleg fraud as well as the san francisco garter snake. -- frog as well as the san francisco garter snake. we need to create a long-term management agreement with the national park service, along with a finance road map. there are urgent infrastructure needs. this is accomplished by transitioning recreation at sharp park to a new public park emphasizing trail recreation, managed by the park service. this is been a longstanding issue for the city.
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i want to thank supervisor mirkarimi for his work as well, addressing a study for the recreation and park department to look for alternatives. sharp park falls within the golden gate recreation area. it is very fitting that we can find a form of recreation that can be broader than the current golf needs that are probably impeding on the ability of endangered species to continue at the park. i know this is a controversial issue. the work to create national parks in san francisco -- this would be a national park -- has been met with resistance and controversy. but i do feel th
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