tv [untitled] September 10, 2011 4:22am-4:52am PDT
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>> thank you, supervisor, you're talking about not changing the direction but moving it down. either way, there is a chimney structure, set to set it back so it is not publicly visible, they cannot that it towards the edge of the building. they start at the edge of the chimney down. i think that is why they physically cannot move it two feet further down. supervisor kim: i was curious about both, but that satisfies my questions. >> this is part of the reason, i believe, that san francisco in the 1990's put in the measurement requirements for anyone who lives within 25 feet, precisely to provide that information on what the levels are and to provide a comfort level, as well, as to how much below the standard it really is.
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supervisor kim: ok, thank you. >> on the drawings, this one points out those on the building, 97 plus feet in one direction and 240 feet in another, so you can see when we were looking at the distance between the octagonal dead and over here, we are a little behalf of the width of the building, and the building is 91.7 feet, so there really is not an opportunity to be as wrong as was suggested. was that a helpful description? there is a scale here, as well. the scale shows that it is on the order of 56 feet, and that was confirmed by an actual tape measure from the deck. >> i just wanted to give a legal
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answer to what happens if the levels are exceeded. they are shut down. it is a really big deal. thank you. president chiu: supervisor mar? supervisor mar: i do not know the technology of the antennas. are they moveable after they are installed, or are they never changed from that direction? >> the are fixed in that one direction at the time they are installed. somebody could loosen them and rearrange them and do something, but that is partly why at&t crank's them down so tight. the are fixed in one direction, the antenna, the intended direction, and that would apply to all of the antennas. supervisor mar: it was mentioned that there are two other
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antennas on other streets, so i have a question of the accumulation effect of the radiation. those are the two closest ones. how many are there within a half mile radius or several blocks? that is within one block, those two other ones, but just for cumulative impacts and for me to understand how many are on the rooftops near mr. sanders' home with his two children. >> i do not know how many there are, but we can figure out the distance. each of the carriers have their own network, so there are maybe some that are not done by at&t but done by another carrier, and those are taken into account. the department of public health requires measurements, as well as measurements within 10 days afterwards. those are not just the at&t energy. it is the total energy of all facilities at that time, so if
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there is something across the street, it would be included. if it was something from pc bell, -- opa -- pac bell, they would be included. >> some of those will be removed, and the measurements were confirmed last week as to the cumulative rf. president chiu: supervisor co hen? supervisor co -- cohen: did you look at the alternatives? >> that would be outside what i do. >> we considered and analyzed whether those would be feasible. we looked and a preference on site. we would work with the city, for
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the fire department, for putting in -- we're trying to serve the caltrans station, so as close as that would be, we would do that, but it is not possible. the sites are simply not tall enough, or that are blocked by much taller buildings. supervisor cohen: thank you. president chiu: colleagues, any further questions? why do we not move to members of the public who want to speak on the side of the party of interest? yes, please. police stepped up. -- please step up. >> good afternoon, supervisors and president chiu. my name is katharine webster.
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i am a small-business owner in the area of fourth and townsend, and i do support the efforts of at&t to improve the cell phone coverage in the area. this is one of trying to create business. that is it. president chiu: are there any other members of the public wish to speak on the party of interest? ok. >> some of the main no that i went to a law school nearby here. president chiu: speak into the microphone, please. >> they are currently meeting at the supreme court's inner or later. i wanted to make a brief point in this regard. president chiu: excuse me, is
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this in regards to this particular appeal? >> this is according to the city of san francisco. president chiu: there will be time for general public hearing. we will have two hearings, and then we will get to general public comment. ok? are there any other members of the public wish to speak in regards to at&t? >> i sure do. i was listening to alex jones, and he says our cell phones, every single cell phone that you have since the fall of 2001 is a two-way tracking device and a two-way microphone, whether it is on or off. if the battery is in, somebody can hear what you are saying, and it is an awful invasion of privacy, the fourth amendment for privacy, if and he was
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singing, alex jones is really the best talk show potus -- post there is. -- host there is. the fcc required all cell phone manufacturers to become compliant as 2-1 tracking devices and listening devices, so here we are. it is like we are the united soviets states of america. a huge orwellian police state, really. i do not know what we can do about it, president chiu, but i would hope you will do something about it. can you imagine that? reports of the soviet union and how communism took over there. this huge at&t telephone
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companies working together with the government, and that is why basically we do not have any news media. they are all whole -- hiding the fact. we are coming up to 9/11. it is unbelievable. i just cannot begin. president chiu: thank you very much. are there any other members of the public who wish to speak? seeing none, why do i not invite back the appellant for a revival of up to three minutes? >> thank you. it is three antennas, not one, just so you know, and all three are appointed in the same direction. that is number one. number two, they are still
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inaccurate in their measure. if you look in front of the octagon, it is the stairway that leads up into the deck, and that is -- the black and decker tape measure does not lie. 56 b is a bit of a red herring because that is the actual octagon, -- 56 feet is a bit of a red herring. this goes out to the octagonal desk. that is point number two. point number three, neither at&t nor the consultant addressed one of the earlier comments, which is they were completely stolid. again, they suppressed this.
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number four, i think you might want to push a little bit harder on a window washer and having the ability to turn off the antennas, and, in fact, unlike the plants here, the boxes that are going to control the antennas are no longer going to be placed on the roof. they're going to be in the basement of the building, and they will absolutely not have access to those, and the last comment is at&t, while they commented on the firehouse and caltrans, a couple of things they mentioned, there are polls that antennas can go on to raise them above one story. that is number one, and number two, they were completely silent on whether or not they try to place these on the beacon, and both of these provide the perfect height. this gives them the exact same coverage area that they are looking for. thank you.
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president chiu: thank you. colleagues, any further follow- up? supervisor of -- supervisor campos? supervisor campos: justify look question. who can turn these off? if a worker has to do work, how does that happen? >> this is outside of our jurisdiction as far as ceqa review. d p h is the one that monitors the installations and activation, so as far as -- i know there is a master switch. i do not know where, but d.h. would no more. -- dph would no more. >> to the extent that someone has to be in that area, who turns it off?
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-- supervisor campos: to the extent that someone has to be in that area, who turns and off? that is one of the things that i find frustrating. it is not entirely clear what the process is, and i think it is helpful for us to have a very clear picture of how that works. i know that there the issues before us that are very narrow in nature, but at the very same time, we need to have a sense of the mechanism that is followed, and if it is something that is followed, it should be easy to provide that information. >> would you like me to describe this to the best of my knowledge? supervisor campos: it is up to you if you think that is responsive. >> we go over the report with
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the planning department and make sure there is a review of the existing emissions, and then we make sure that it would comply with the fcc regulations. we also go for aesthetic review. dph, as part of their review, they do a health report showing the projected output as well as the existing cumulative rf levels and more once they are turned on, and that includes radio frequencies that are more harmful than cell phones. they have a higher density. after installation, dph goes out to find that if it was consistent with what is projected, and then not only do we do those immediately after they are installed, but there
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are periodic measurements every two years to confirm that the readings are appropriate for part of the ongoing monitoring. president chiu: any other questions, colleagues? ok, if you could please respond to the last question? >> the question is what is the actual procedure if a worker needs to be in that area. typically, every antenna has a sign on it that has an 800 number for the people who control left, and we have tested it. you can call the 800 number, and there is information, send you can call up and identify what you are doing and so forth, and that system works. for somebody washing the windows, they have done it before because they are working on the same window. the first time it may take awhile, but afterwards, it is a straightforward process. supervisor: that is very
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helpful. thank you. president chiu: at this time, this meeting was held in closed. supervisor kim: i want to thank everyone for coming to speak. i am aware of the concerns for you and your family. moving to a further entwinement the review on this issue, i do not see ground on which to support this appeal. however, i am a little disappointed that at&t did not have a spokesperson themselves to answer these questions. i know this is not within kind of the discussion of what we are discussion -- discussing today, but i would like to hear further about the placement of this antenna. i know there are several, but those that are closest to the
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appellant's balcony -- i think there would have been a good dialogue to have, and i hope we can continue to have that after this appeal, regardless, and i also would like a follow-up within 10 days of the readings of the levels, just to assure that all safeguard measures are taken regarding the appellant's concerns, so i will not be supporting this debate, but i will keep working with you, mr. standards, to make sure that we can assure that once they are in place we can also support year if these levels are higher than expected in removing them. i think this is a larger issue to come before the board. it is a tough issue. i know that people have concerns, because there is a lot of conflicting research, and
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there is nothing more important than your own children and the health impacts. i know this is the continuing dialogue before the board. thank you. president chiu: thank you, supervisor. do you have a motion? supervisor kim: i am sorry. recess. to table 30 and 31. president chiu: 32 and 33. supervisor kim: 32 and 33. thank you, supervisor chiu, for your support. president chiu: is there a second? supervisor elsbernd. is there a roll-call vote? clerk: supervisor mirkarimi,
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supervisor elsbernd, supervisor campos, supervisor kim, supervise avalos, supervisor chu, supervisor farrell. there are 11 ayes. today, i am excited to present an award to the artist's guild in commemoration of their 50th anniversary. they were founded in 1961 by pioneering artists who wanted to exhibit their works independently. 50 years later, the guild and the longest running outdoors year-round art exhibit in the united states and has developed into a venue that supports
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professional art gallery quality artists. the guild currently shows at 7 park sites and presents more than seven five free fine art shows. the estimated annual attendance is nearly one quarter of a million individuals. in as a supervisor that represents the district that includes union square, which includes many of the guild prominent shows. i know how important is that they bring art and artists to our public space. they're hoping to speak to explain technical issues pertaining to the cards and many dealing with producing a painting and sculpture, and i want to congratulate you for all that you are doing. we're having a celebration in union square. today, i would like to welcome the leadership of the artists guild, and i want to thank you for everything you have been doing. congratulations. >> thank you so much. i am carol more, the president
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of the artists guild, and i want to thank all of your supervisors and president chiu. we're not only showing what locals and tourists with our art, being able to show a fine art in the public parks, but also helping many, many local artists to become viable business people in the city and continue to beginning -- to create there are in san francisco. we are really grateful and thankful for your support. >> thank you. we will look forward to another 50 years. congratulations. [applause]
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madam clerk, why do we not go to items 34 and 35? clerk: a public hearing on item 35 regarding the street vacation order and a jurisdictional transfer of mandan avenue and a portion of cayuga avenue. president chiu: is there someone here to give us information? >> director of real estate. i am also accompanied by the
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recreation and parks staff. if you have any question about the park improvements involved. this lies along the southern edge of interstate 280 in the southwestern corner of the city known as cayuga park. in may 1946, through resolution 54068. -- 54 -- 5468, on the map, this is an exploded year. this recognized rights of way. unfortunate, they were never transferred to the park. the park has been subsequently built and maintained by recreation and park since that date. the ordinance will align this with reality, transferring it. secondly, we are taking the remaining part of cayuga, shown on that map , and vacating that, as well. this will allow recreationb and
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parks to finish improvements to the port -- park. one condition of the transaction and the vacation is to deal with existing private sewer laterals, adjacent parcels. we have an easement that is in your package that is part of your approval, and we approve of easement rights today. this matter was unanimously approved by the recreation and parks commission. that was in may 2011. the planning department issued their planning referral, which you have in your package, in march 2000 level, and a significant -- it was determined that the project is categorically exempt from environmental review underclasses 1, 3, and four of ceqa guidelines.
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i will answer any questions that you have about this. president chiu: colleagues, any questions? ok, seeing none, why do i not see if there is any member of the public who wishes to speak for or against this? ok, seen there are none, this hearing has been closed, and supervisor avalos? supervisor avalos: i want to voice my support. this is in district 11. this is an area that often has a lot of unsafe activity, and by bringing this street into the park, expanding the park will have a great deal of impact to create safety in the neighborhood, and it is supported by the neighborhood folks, who are here, waiting in the back, and i urge you,
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colleagues, to support this. thank you. president chiu: colleagues, can we take this item, same house, call? this item is passed on the first hearing. that concludes these. why do we not move to general public comments? clerk: this is an opportunity for members of the public to address the board for up to two minutes, excluding items which have been considered by a board committee. speaker [[using trans [[assistant [will be allowed 20 [= out of time. if members of the public would like a document'to be'''splay'a on'the 0'overhead projector'', please states out and say when the screen should return to live coverage of the meeting. president chiu: all right, it looks that we have quite a few folks with public comment today. if you could line up in one line, that would help with proceedings. why do we not hear from the first speaker?
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hosni mubarak. [speaking foreign language] alibaba. [speaking foreign language] ladies and gentlemen, after five weeks, we miss you. after five weeks, we are coming back to give you a hard time, as usual. today, i am very glad to see this all of our supervisors when i talk for you. supervisors, i am not going to give my vote to anyone who is good-looking or wherever he is. my city needs one mayor, not 40 people running for mayor, but we need to see each one of you what you are going to do to protect my people behind me now of this
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isl city from 9/11? i am not afraid. we are not scared, but we need to see what kind of plan you make to protect us, to protect our bridges, to protect and to open another small business. i have decided to go after four years back to where i came from in egypt with my family for the rest of my life. i miss my country. i miss my country, but i live in this country 30 years. i love each and everyone of you. i -- my sister and my brother. please, to everyone of them, nd
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