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tv   [untitled]    September 11, 2011 12:52pm-1:22pm PDT

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addition to the current 13? >> yes. commissioner hechanova: in turn, those are moving into the fiscal year? >> these are still holdovers from the last year that we needed to hire. we are not allowed to hire our new hires that were agreed to in the budget, until october of this year. any position that we put in the budget for this year we cannot hire until october. commissioner hechanova: so the services to be provided by these individuals, members of the staff, we cannot provide that level until october? >> no, we have 13 now that we can fill, that will be filling existing position that would have been requisitioned for last year. for this year's budget, we will
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not be able to hire any of our anticipated requisitions that we were allowed to hire until october. and just so that everyone knows, the tjpa, their big project, i just signed the purchase orders for those yesterday. those will be coming in in september. we have staff to cover the plan check on those. so we do have staff to cover any and that -- anticipated projects for this year, without the new hires. i also want to bring this to your attention, and it is not a budget item, but the department did receive two awards. one of them was from youth works for our efforts in entering and using intern's as part of our program. another one was a thank you to the department of san francisco
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building inspection from west bay housing corporation and satellite housing for the completion of their project for people with developmental disabilities. this was for octavia court. what we anticipate doing, we were going to provide a display case in the department on the first floor and start putting our rewards that we are getting in the cabinet, displaying them for public view. commissioner hechanova: could you hold it so that it can be well seen on the screen? and similarly the other one? >> the other one is class. -- glas. commissioner hechanova: terrific. -- glass. >> and to remind the commissioners, i will be out on sick leave for approximately two
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months. pam will be taking care of the financial matters for the department and the appointed a 44 the department. >> is there any public comment on the director's report? 6a through 6g? >> talking about the boiler permits, it is great that they can do this online. however, i had a client who had a problem six years ago. he had to pay penalties, so when
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the contractor went to get a permit for the boiler permit online, it was flagged because of a complaint. the amount of money that was paid was applied against the property taxes. housing is now working with me to clean this up. what i'm trying to get at, if we are flagging these, what are we fighting? -- flagging? from what i know, you cannot just removed the flag, so just a suggestion. commissioner hechanova: thank you.
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>> chief plumbing inspector. in response to that, for all complaints that we get across the board, working without a permit, one that -- when that complaint is stated in our computer system, we keep that open until there is some type of work being performed and a permit being obtained to make the corrections. just because a fee was paid the fun in the corrections are made. we do not know if the fee has been paid, if it has gone through the tax board. we have no idea if they are doing the corrections. they might pay the fee, but those correction might never be paid. we keep a flight on that property until a permit is obtained, the corrective work has been done, and then we will update that complaint. it has always been that way. commissioner hechanova: if the fee is paid, at what point is
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there confirmation from the department that inspection would have been rendered? >> if we have a complete that requires a permit for the correction of that work, once that work is corrected, we will go into the system and abate that complaint. if no permit is obtained, that probably means no work has been done. >> the fee is going to the tax collector car for the directors hearing and assess the cost, not for the permit to correct a problem. these that have not been paid -- fees that have not been paid. commissioner hechanova: so the project, in essence, goes in limbo be on the directors hearing, because there is no confirmation that the work had been performed?
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>> the inspector works to see if the work is done. if there is no permit, the work probably had not been done and they were probably tried to get its abated. commissioner hechanova: there always seems to be a lag time with our department. is that always the case? >> i feel on our side, the department, we are trying to get these complaints corrected in a timely manner. by posting correct notifications and sending what is required, once it goes from us to the next set of city attorney, code enforcement, directors hearings, etc., we can only go so far. i understand there is a long
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time line, but unfortunately, something to take longer than others. >> quickly, mr. president. in this particular interest, and the boiler permit trying to be obtained on-line was stopped because there were open housing cases where the work was being done, but the property owner had never paid for the assessment of cost. it went to the tax collector because the board put it on their through a lien, and because they were not paid, they were showing up as open cases. in this case, it was a lack of timeliness on the part of the home and not responding to the assessment of cost. if there is an open case, you cannot put your permit online. that was the issue in this case. commissioner hechanova: [inaudible]
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responsibility of the owner to show that it is completed? >> it goes before the supervisors once a year. if it is not paid, the board will report it on their property tax bill. it appears in the special assessments midsection. i think there was more than one year for this property owner. had he closed those cases out -- which we are now doing for him -- going back to the tax collector to see if he paid those taxes. it had to do with his lack of response for paying for our time to get us to do extended code enforcement. >> is there any additional public comments? >> just in hearing the issue with q-matic, something that came to mind. i have answered a lot of questions about surveys, new things in the housing code,
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things that we have to implement. seeing the responses from our customers, one thing that may need to be considered, i know that there are mine turns on some floors of the department. one thing that was very effective with the brown bag lunches for the videos that were done, which were then displayed on a loop, at any time something new occurs. they can say, this is a new program. it will go through a five-minute loop, and you could also do it in different languages. that would help our customers as they are sitting there waiting. commissioner hechanova: [inaudible] >> [inaudible] watching our customers, that is a quick way to introduce -- i would say and do the writing
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things, too. but if we could give them a visual, that would help them to, as they conduct their business on these various floors. >> any additional public comment? seeing none. item 7. discussion and possible action regarding a public employee appointment building inspection commission secretary. public comment on all matters pertaining to the closed session. >> ann aherne. i would just like to put forward sonya harris, who was my assistant for 6.5 years -- it
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seems like a long time. i know in the last couple of years i did not have heard very much. as far as continuity and keeping things going, having some history of what goes on with the commission, it is very important. when i took over, i had no one to train me. i did not even know there was a aac, boe, code advisory committee, until they came up. i think it is really important to have somebody that understands the department and how it works. thank you. >> is there any additional public comment? >> i am not speaking for the department as a private individual who has been within
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the department since 1990. i just want to commend sonya. i have to work constantly with the commission secretary office, and i just want to commend her professionalism and her protection of you commissioners, try to get information for you. as ann said, i do not think you could make a better choice. commissioner hechanova: insulated. >> 7b. possible action to convene a closed session. >> roll call vote. [roll call] we
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>> this is the building inspection commission. we are now on item 7d. reconvene in open session to vote on whether to disclose any or all discussions held in closed session. commissioner walker: move to disclose. >> aye. >> we are now in open session. commissioner hechanova: i am pleased and proud to announce on a unanimous vote the appointment of sonya to be the new bic secretary. sonya, welcome. [applause] this really is another milestone, but more importantly, leads into another legacy of the
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producing and performing through your mentoring and the category of the challenges that the bic secretary undertakes. we know that you will do a good job. more importantly, that you will always protect our backs. >> thank you. i would just like to thank the commission for the opportunity to serve. i have the honor of being trained by one of the best in ann aherne. i look forward to carrying her porch and working diligently with the commission. commissioner hechanova: thank you. >>item 8. commissioner's questions and matters. 8a. at this time, commission may
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make inquiries to staff regarding various documents, policies, practices, and procedures, which are of interest to the commission. >> is there any public comments? seeing none. 8b. at this time, the commission may discuss and take action to set the date of the special meeting and to determine those items that could be placed on the agenda of the next meeting and other future meetings of the building inspection commission. the next meeting is on september 23, i believe. commissioner murphy: the third wednesday of the month. commissioner hechanova: fall equinox. >> i will be sure to follow up
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on the item that the commissioners requested earlier in the meeting. public comment on items 8a and b? seeing none. item 9. review and approval of the minutes of the special meeting of february 3, 2011. commissioner walker: move to approve. >> minutes are approved. all in favor? item 10 is adjournment. commissioner walker: move to adjourn. commissioner hechanova: all in favor? thank you.
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