tv [untitled] September 12, 2011 10:52am-11:22am PDT
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collaborative process with supervisor chu's office, and i am very grateful to her. there is a panel of lawyers that have all attended training and know-how to represent businesses and give you some expert advice. >> when we were first looking at the issue and working with different systems, we realize that there was an issue with how you get loans to be able to make those improvements, how you get expertise to help walk you through what you're supposed to respond to. one of the components we saw that was missing was that legal component. how do we find lawyers -- where can i find quick information -- it is not very typical that someone already automatically knows a lawyer who can help them, so they might not know who to reach out to. they really put together a huge effort to train their lawyers
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that they become experts in this topic. that is something that i think is really important. as julie manchin, there is a $35 consultation that is available -- as julie mentioned. >> any other questions? there are multiple languages available. vietnamese, tagalog, chinese. just to let you can receive assistance from some very qualified individuals. >> any other questions? if not, thank you very much for coming. [applause]
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in 1970, we opened the organization to expand our geographical reach to over 4000 east and families each year. it is heartwarming to see some many of our friends, colleagues, and supporters to share this special day with us. we are also honored and humbled by so many of our city and state officials from our funding agencies and foundations. thank you up for being here. and now, it is my privilege to invite mayor lee to say a few words. >> thank you, sarah, for your leadership here and jamie for
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your board leadership as well. i'm here along with board president david chiu, supervisor cohen, who represents his district, community leaders that are here, extremely valuable city officials, police chief, juvenile probation official as well. i see tom. welcome, welcome. [applause] tom has historically been a big supporter of young and thank you very much, tom, for being here too. i am part of a growing course of people who are appreciative of this fantastic decision that was made by c.y.c., in concert with bay view residents to open up an office here in the middle of the bay view district. you know, when you look around and perhaps if you look at the last few years, maybe other people decided they would leave. maybe they felt comfortable, this wasn't a place for them.
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and then the violence started about a year and a half ago. i know all of the supervisors came with me to start forming solutions, some of the solutions started coming out. we started the community ambassador's program, that has focused on the hot spot, transit lines that occurred. we worked very closely with our new police chief, who was then captain of the bay view station, to make sure we were making sure all of the conditions here were concerned with safety and the officers paying attention to what was going on in the street. we have gotten great dialogue within the city family. i want to register my appreciation to the board of supervisors for having such a dedication issues on issues of youth. we reflected that in the way we decided issues in the budget. we did that have a lot of input from members of the public to make sure our youth programs,
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employment programs that would lead to leadership, better leadership, less truancy, less violence in our streets, programs that would help youth do that and make sure that it was led by youth and youth advocacy programs. we did that in the budget and today, with the opening of this office, is yet another reflection that we made those right decisions. i want to thank our supervisors. i want to thank the community that's have been here for many, many years. sharing their concerns that youth want to go in a different direction in the city. i just came from, by the way, a technology center called rocket space. and that was a center where we had a lot of new technology coming out, creating new jobs. but they also said, what about the youth of san francisco? i looked to hide ra -- hydra
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every single week to advise me what programs to support and increasing with our school district, whether it's anti-truancy programs, whether it's ending violence, whether it's increasing educational opportunities and getting all of the gaps covered. and we know i did -- we did a very, very good move, we found several hundred thousand dollars to make sure there was summer school for kids that weren't able to pass math and science classes. that's a new requirement in order for them to go on. that's made all of the difference in the world. i don't know if their youth was appreciative. assuming their parents are. we're on a very, very good track. as your mayor, i want to make sure we celebrate the opening of this office. we know the very first programs coming out will be the c.y.c. bay view youth advocates that started this program right away. they're here in the presence of all of us as a witnessed to fact that when we have challenges for
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any community, our youth want to be part of the solution and this is inclusive of all youth. bay view youth, youth that will be here many, many years. they want a safety community. they also want their community to grow. that's why c.y.c. is here. they want to help grow this community and grow it the right way. so thank you for the commitment. thank you for the initial trust that you're building but also thank you for being a part of this great community. and i'm here to celebrate that. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you, mayor lee. and now greetings on behalf of the c.y.c. board of directors, please welcome our board chair. >> good morning. on behalf of the c.y.c. board of directors, i'm joined with my board members joseph and victoria looper. welcome to the ground opening of the bay view office.
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as many of you know c.y.c. has been servicing youth and their families for over 40 years throughout san francisco. but it isn't until today that we actually have a physical location in the neighborhood of the bay view where the youth and their families can come to be service in their own neighborhood. we're very confident in the leadership staff that we have that would be based in the bay view to work with the community because the bay view is such a vibrant and diverse community and we're so excited to be here. we believe that the services that will be provided out of here will continue the mission and the vision of c.y.c. to motivate our youth to be the future leaders of tomorrow. we're very confident in this location. we know they're very successful. some of you may or may not know supervisor malia cohen. this was her campaign headquarters and look at where she is now. [applause] so thank you so much for coming.
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>> thank you, jean, and all of the c.y.c. advisory members for your commitment and support to us for so many years. at this time please welcome the honorable david chiu, president of the san francisco board of supervisors, to make his remarks. thank you, david. [applause] >> good morning, everyone. it's great to see the diversity of san francisco here in this room. i am so pleased to be part of this announcement, in part because this is an organization that has been doing tremendous work in my neighborhood, in district 3. c.y.c. was actually located literally a half of block from where i live on poke -- polk street. they are currently so many people, asian-american youth and diverse youth. it is wonderful to finally come here to the bay view. last year i know there were many community leaders here working
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in the aftermath of a couple highly publicized incidents of crime. and this uncovered, frankly, decades worth of frustration in how our community is dealing with public safety and how we're making sure our young people are part of the solution. c.y.c. has really helped to model for the rest of us how we need to do conflict resolution, mediation, lordship training and i really just want to thank the staff, board members and supporters of this great organization for doing what you're doing. and, frankly, i want to join all of us for coming together. our mayor, board of supervisors, our community leaders representing the african-american, the asian-american, latino communities. i want to thank our wonderful state assembly men and your leadership in trying to get funding for programs for young people. all of the representatives from our city agencies and our nonprofit partners. it takes a village to make sure we are safe and c.y.c. is now a proud part of the village that is here in the bay view and we
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look forward to years of your service and leadership. i do have with me a certificate of honor that is signed not only from my colleagues jane kim and malia cohen but from every member of the board in recognition of c.y.c.'s grand opening for your continued leadership in providing conflict mediation, educational enrichment and job readiness program to our youth of san francisco. we at the board want to extend our highest accommodation, our appreciation and our thanks. congratulations.
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>> we appreciate the support we have received from you and all of the supervisors. supervisor malia cohen has been especially supportive and generous with her time and energy to the establishment of this office. please join me in welcoming supervisor cohen. >> good morning, good morning. hi, everyone, friends and neighbors. it's wonderful to see this place packed. i haven't seen it as packed as this time last year, as a matter of fact. i think this place has spacial anointing. we're definitely going to be victorious as we continue to go on and go forward in unifying our community. i just have a few words that i just want to leave on you. i want to publicly acknowledge sarah and eddie and jane. these are my new friends.
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i recently met them but i worked with janery for many years in the community and it's an honor to continue to work with you, especially implementing such an important message. the beautiful thing being out here on thursday -- you guys in the media realize this because you're out here every week, but we have been coming out here and doing thing as long third street on a weekly basis. this is a commitment that mayor ed lee has made with -- to me in january and he's been continuous in honoring this moving forward. i also want to acknowledge my colleagues here. this is not the first time, nor will it be the last time we are here. a few weeks ago when we had our town hall meeting with the kenneth harding shooting, my colleagues were here. i think that today is important because what it represents is that we have a city that is starting to come together and act like a city. no more will you find district feuds but everyone is caring -- everyone is considerate and compassionate about the people here in the southeast part of san francisco. and i especially would like to
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say thank you to assembly men tom ammiano. thank you so much for being here today. it's an honor to see you. i'm very excited and extremely optimistic about all of the wonderful things that c.y.c. is going to be -- programs they're going to be putting forward along the third street quarter as well as bay view. i have one request, i hope we will be able to get language classes here, just basic classes. i see some of my community leaders in here, i say walton and vivian. wouldn't it be to see jackson on the mic saying ni hao ma. i think that would be wonderful for members in the community to be welcoming and this is the world -- the world is becoming smaller as we listen to the news and how technology connected us, and it's our humanism and it's our human compassion that
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connects us. and i'm looking forward to the culture exchange we will have, vivian. i will be looking for you to hold some dance classes here. i hope to see you next year -- doing the lion's dance next year. this is really the beginning of such a wonderful partnership. as our family continues to grow, i look forward to welcoming more businesses that are going to be thriving on the merchant quarter and i look forward to any nonprofit that wants to partner with the city. our arms are open and we're ready to work. thank you so much. [applause] >> thank you, supervisor cohen. and we will also like to have honorable assemblyman tom ammiano say a few words and make a few remarks. [applause] >> thank you very much. i'm very very, happy to be here.
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i worked in this district a long time when i was on the school board and board of supervisors and watching it develop and watching it grow has really been gratifying. we are passing the torch now to the younger generations. our kids are meeting kids of different cultures and races. the thing i liked about district elections is the thing that we disproved in theory, if you have district elections, then everybody will be out for their own district. this really is a testimony to that not happening. it's a great dynamic. it's true it does take a village. in san francisco, it kind of takes a village of people. but you know, which is another dynamic. all of our communities are going to embrace. i did ask ed lee, i said how do you say congratulations in chinese? he said -- monthsle toff. -- monthsle tov -- mozel tov. >> at this time i would like toint deuce our good friend and supervisor to come here and say a few words as well.
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>> thank you. i actually got to get to know the work of c.y.c. and meet the amazing staff of c.y.c. ten years ago when i started out as youth organizer in chinatown. it's really been amazing to watch the growth of this organization but also to actually see personally the difference they've been making for young people throughout the city of san francisco. something we all know that do youth work, they migrate services. and many of the young people i work with live in district ten. there's a need in district ten for more community-based organizations to be here to serve this community. it's great that c.y.c.'s finally opening here. one thing that president chiu had talked about is that there is a reality our communities are moving closer together. bay view's been historically an african-american community and there's a growing asian-american community that's coming to live in this neighborhood. we cannot shy away from that. we talk a lot about public safety. last year when i was working on the lawyer's committee for civil rights went had several
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incidents happening on third street, you know, ed lieu zhang, malia cohen, many leaders of the african-american community came together to talk about how can we bring our communities together? when we talk about a safer neighborhood, a safer neighborhood is a united neighborhood. we can't improve our neighborhoods, we can't bring -- we can't make this a neighborhood for everyone unless we're a united neighborhood. i know c.y.c. is committed to doing the community building and community bridging. our communities have more in common then less. and it's something i know as asian-american that's really important to me is the importance of african-american contribution to this country and building our civil rights. we would not be here if not for that movement. and it's really important as communities of colors come together living in the bay view that we acknowledge our common history and our common struggle. i know c.y.c. will be a part of that dialogue. thank you.
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>> thank you. to make this branch office possible can't be happening without funding support. we first must acknowledge the california endowment for supporting our vision of the establishment of this branch office. and we must acknowledge and thank the mayor's office for the continuing staff support we have received over the years. at this time i would like to interdue brian chiu, director of community development for the mayor's office of housing, to say a few words. >> i just wanted to say what a pleasure it was for our office to receive the community development programming for the city and be able to offer c.y.c. a $50,000 grant, seed money really, to kick off this program. i have been familiar with the great work c.y.c. has done since my community activist days in the 1990's. for a number of years, sarah and i have been talking about the need to bring c.y.c. into the southeast, to recognize the changing demographics of the
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city. and we were really looking to support and agency that was really committed not just -- not to just bringing the same kind of programming that c.y.c. has been doing in chinatown but to actually create a new model of interaction. and we feel that c. dwrrks c. -- c.y.c. at a part is a model of a social aggressive organization that could really take the leadership of all of the people in this room and change it i think into a dynamic model of what this city needs it to be. again, we're really honored we can be a part of this great celebration and we look forward to seeing you next year when we have our one-year anniversary and we hope this room will be even more packed with excitement for the great work that sarah and her team has done here. thank you. [applause] >> at this point i would like to introduce friends and c.y.c. supporter to give a brief remark. >> thanks.
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thank you, sarah. i'm proud to be joining many of my elected city officials here today and just begin thanking c.y.c. for coming into this neighborhood and really offering much, much needed services. if you look at how much need there is in district 10, district 11, throughout the east of san francisco and then map out how many agencies and how many community groups are here, it really doesn't fit nearly the amount of need. i'm here with anybody nells our city government to just celebrate and thank c.y.c. for their wonderful work. we know during these very challenging times, youth need a place to go. youth need activities that they can participate in. positive, focused. conservative workers. i'm so proud and happy to support it. thank you, sarah. >> thank you. we're rare very fortunate to have staff that work tirelessly to make dreams a reality. please welcome c.y.c. project
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manager, eddie zhang. >> thank you very much, everyone. i'm very grasteful for all of your presence because all of you represent the models that we need to follow as city officials, as community based organization leaders and as he people who want to make positive results in our community. because without you, there will not be any one of us left y? we have to come together. this is definitely an historical moment for all of us. one of the things i know is that there are a lot of historical drama in this community. while many of the people don't know about the suffering of african-american communities, suffering of asian community and the latino community, who really are the nucleus of this community, then we don't know about each other's history. we don't know about what we go through all the time. starting the youth, hopefully
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they will lead by example to really create this program grow and as we want to step forward and create racial harmony. the philosopher with the journey of a thousand miles to begin with a single step. this will be a single step to reach out to the community, to create racial harmony, to provide resources for our underserved youth in the community. so i hope that we will continue to have this partnership with our african-american community leaders in our community. also i want to introduce one of our youth advocates, who will be joining us to make this happen. and i want to welcome brandy wyndham from our baby youth advocate program. [applause] >> hello, my name is brandy
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wyndham. i'm 15 years old attending thurgood marshall as a junior. have i been living in bay view all of my life, witnessing and experiencing many thing that's have taken place in my community. what i like about my community is we're able to relate to one another with similar views and do our best to stick together as a community. bay view is facing bad publicity because of the thing that's go on within it. i can personally say bay view needs a huge change. this community lacks support in different areas. teens walk around streets with low self-esteem and no hope so they decide to run to the streets with their friends. they barely have anyone to go to for help, guidance or encouragement. violence is also one of the main problems in bay view since jobs and programs aren't really available. they have nothing to do besides run to the streets and the things that i believe can be change dd and improve with the help from the community and
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government officials. also, i feel like we don't have no one to really believe in us. like there's no type of encouragement, and we basically being let down because of the things that are happening and there's not really many people to help us bring it up into a better living, in a better now. my community, i can't help impact my community by showing there is a way. c.y.c. can influence this neighborhood to try a different path if they are willing to. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, brandy. it's young people like brandy who will be the future of our community. she may be the next board of supervisor after malia cohen.
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