tv [untitled] September 12, 2011 8:52pm-9:22pm PDT
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vote is a candidate. any candidate that receives a majority, more than 50% of the first choice to vote, is determined to be the winner. if no candidate receives more than 50% of the first choice votes, a process of eliminating candidates and transferring votes begins. first, the candidate who received the fewest numbers of first choice votes is eliminated from the race. second, voters who selected the eliminated candidate as their first choice will have their vote to transfer to their second choice. there, all the votes are recounted. fourth, if any candidate receives more than 50% of the votes, he/she is declared the winner. if no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, the process of eliminating candidates and transferring votes is repeated until one candidate has a winning majority. now let's look at an example of
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an election using ranked choice of voting. in this example, we have three candidates. candidate a, b, and c. after all the first choice votes are counted, none of the three candidates has received more than 50%, or a majority of the first choice vote cast. candidate a g-205% ofb the votes% received 40%. and c received 35% of the boats. because no candidate received a majority, the candidate who received the fewest number of first choice votes, a candidate a, is eliminated from the race. voters to pick a candidate a as their first choice candidate will have their but transferred to their second choice. and the voters to pick and a, 15% chose candidate b as their second choice, and 10% chose c as their second choice.
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these votes are then applied to b and c, and the votes are recounted. candidate b now has 55% of the votes. candidate c as 45%. candidate b has more than 50% of the votes and is determined as the winner. >> thank you for watching. we hope you have ranked choice learned ranked choice of voting and was elected. you have seen the ballot, learned how to market, and learned how the voting process works. if you have any further questions about ranked choice voting, please contact us at department of elections, city hall, room 48, 1 dr. carlton be good lit place, sentences go, california, 94102. or 415-554-4375. visit our website,
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wiener. clerk: please turn off all of your devices. supervisor mar: and i want to thank sfgtv for being with us again today. madam somera, could you please read the first item? clerk somera: i'd in number one, planning code, the zoning map, establishing the lombard and scott street affordable housing special use district. supervisor mar: i have heard that something has been filed against this. we can conduct a public hearing as we are expected to, and as an administrative meeting, we can pass it to the full board,
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continue the item or table the legislation, so i suggest that we move forward with the public hearing, keeping these limitations in mind. also, and, again, cheryl adams is our city attorney. she has advised us that eight used appeal has been filed against this. today's hearing is not about the merits of the project. -- she has advised us that a u.s. appeal -- a use appeal has been filed. we all have to keep an open mind until we have seen input from the conditional use hearing, which will be held before the full board. today is about a special use district, a piece of zoning legislation that could accommodate the proposed project. the hearing is about not whether the proposed project and design is or is not a good thing. we should proceed with this hearing with those limitations in mind, and thanks to the city
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attorney's office for that advice. so with that, colleagues, i would like to call up -- we have a number of people who are going to present for about 15 to 20 minutes. i just want to call up ann marie rogers from the planning department. >> i am also joined by the planning department. as chairman mar said, this is just this for the transitional, foster care, and getting ready for adult life. since the project is not before the committee today, i will address later at hearings of the full board on the commission findings that the price it is necessary and desirable for the community as well as compatible for the neighborhood, -- that the project is necessary and desirable.
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the secret document, we will discuss at a later hearing -- the ceqa document. this would make four changes to the existing planning law. first, it would permit up to 24 housing units in one manager's unit, where 16 units and one manager's unit would be permitted as a right. it would also eliminate the rear yard requirements, where the existing rear yard what otherwise be required, and number three, it would eliminate the open space requirements, or otherwise a minimum 675 sq. ft. of private open space and about 875 square feet of, open space would otherwise be required, and lastly, it would modify the housing units that do not face the street or alley. on june 14, the board president chiu and other board members, including kim, mar, and
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mirkarimi made suggestions. some contended that this would allow too many post-foster-care youths to remain. about 16 group housing units, each of which would have two beds and one on site manager. therefore, up to 32 full-time occupants would be permitted as a right. while the associated project proposes one on-site manager and 24 housing units, or eight more units than currently allowed in the code, each unit in the proposal would only contain one bed, not two beds as allowed by the planning. there would be eight less occupants than currently allowed by the code, and one manager would be permitted at the property with this sud.
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this means that while this does allow eight more housing units, the project will house eight less occupants than permitted by the code. furthermore, under the state density, a sponsor could have applied for a density increase of up to 30% over the permitted number of housing units for affordable housing. under this density, the board could have been considering a to 34 full-time occupants. however, the project sponsor chose not to pursue this avenue, and instead, what is before you is the commission-approved projects for 24 occupants as allowed by this sud, nearly half the size that could have been permitted under law. the planning department us down the density is permitted, and we recommend that the board approve the sud, and staff is available if you have questions. supervisor mar: thank you.
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i know from the community housing, which have some people here, and there are others. i also wanted knowledge in the audience is someone from the mayor's office on housing, in case there are questions that come up, as well. >> good afternoon. my name is gail, with the housing. as some of you are aware, the premier provider of housing here in san francisco. we currently own or operate 1000 units, ranging from treasure island to one-third of the western addition. it was requested that people come forward, and there were some requirements. they asked that the building be small, between 20 and 30 units. they asked it would be in an untraditional neighborhood, giving preference points to
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projects that were not cited in the tenderloin south of market or mission neighborhoods. they also asked that it be in a community near transit and open space. community housing partnerships scoured the city, and we found a property located at scott and lombard street, and you may say, why this building? we thought this building was perfect for this, with the understanding we would have to seek the sud. the building is being delivered vacant. there is no displacement of tenants, since it was operating as a bed and breakfast. this area is a low-crime neighborhood. i would like to enter into the record the crime statistics from september through december 2009 comparing this to the intermission and tenderloin. we also felt that the open space and transit lines, the presidio, the multiple bus routes along lombard street really made this
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an ideal location for young people at risk of homelessness and exiting, and we were sure you how the redesign of the building will make it ideal. there will be 24-hour staffing at the building, lobby services from 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., where every guest entering or leaving -- entering the building will have to sign in. we will have a live in manager. we have been recognized nationally as being the premier provider of property management services. we also picked a service partner who is uniquely poised to help these youth transition to adulthood and the rest of their lives, and we thought would folks paying rent that this would not be a free ride, a perfect platform for those stabilizing their lives. we really feel that this project will be successful, and to shorten the work and planning
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we put into the design of the building, i would actually invite of wayne barcelona, are architect, to walk you through aspects of the property. -- our architect. >> thank you, gail. my name is wayne. i with architects here in san francisco, and we have renovated over 1400 affordable housing units in san francisco, and there are for a moderate 50 more units on board for affordable housing, so that is basically what we do. there is a site plan, going directly to the basement plan. on the basement floor plan, this is a space that is available in the building, which we are making accessible through the use of an elevator, which will connect the residential floor and the first floor with the basement. on the basement, there will be in common-use a room, which we will call the "community room,"
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which will be for a variety of uses for the residents in the building. we also have a restroom and bicycle storage, which we think is part of the transit plan for this building and the occupants. there will also be a laundry, and the blue part of the plan shows a limited use/limited access elevator. supervisor mar: mr. barcelona, can you again talked about the use? there is some community space for the basement that would be one of the alterations that came from some of the community recommendations? >> yes, basically, the basement is unoccupied, basically storage for the building, and by having an elevator access to the basement, we make it accessible and usable by the residents. the areas in yellow are the other common-use elements. the bathroom. the laundry. the community room. dtv area, a television lounge in that level -- the tv area.
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supervisor mar: and then there is the bicycle storage and other places. this was one of the suggested changes, and this is something you are planning for the basement? >> yes, yes, and the reason for that is to relieve the pressure on the rest of the building, a small building, but it allows for more functional use, which you will see in the next drawing. when you go to the next four, this would be the ground floor. the major change to this for would be at the bottom of the drawing. -- the major change to this floor. we are relocating that approximately half way up a lot on the scott street location. what that allows us to do is take up the five different levels on the ground floor and make it single level for that for.
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it makes the building accessible. there is quite a bit of work being done on the ground floor to make this an entirely accessible floor. on this floor is the primary community with spaces for the residents. if you look on the right side of the dry, you see there is a dining area and a lounge area -- on the right side of the drawing. these are kind of self- explanatory for the residence. as you enter through the door on scott street, there is a reception desk, and that is referred to as the point of entry for people to come in to make sure that they are appropriately check in and that they belong in the building. there is also a property manager offices -- office adjacent for the property management needs. in the center of the drawing are the basic youth services and tenant services. there are two areas, a work area
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with a copier, and there is an area which is very important that will provide for a lot of the needs of the residents, either in group activities, educational programs, training sessions, and meetings, which will occur in conjunction with the youth services area next to that. in the upper left-hand corner is the resident manager's apartment. that is an accessible unit also in the building. associated on the kitchen side, there will be a trash room. there is a staff bathroom. which is kind of obvious in the plan. so if i can take you to the next drawing, we will take you to the residential floor. supervisor mar: mr. barcelona, dementia and accessibility, and i know that the issue of the number of accessible units has been discussed, but can you talk about what the ada and tails --
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mr. barcelona, you mentioned accessibility? >> we have four units which exceeds that. 5%. two is 5%. we have provided four units that are accessible, plus the manager. the plan with all of the blue bathrooms basically, the blue rooms, those are the rooms that have been made accessible on the second floor. this is as far as the elevator goes. the axis elevator only goes to the second floor. it serves the second, first, and basis. that is why we chose to have the accessible units on the lowest residential floor. this is also a safety thing. it is to accommodate rescue and issues with anybody who might be having problems in accessible units. so those rooms are expanded.
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they are reconfigured to make them accessible unit. you go to the next plan, the next plan i will call the standard for more. basically, it is taking their regular floor that is there and making minor modifications to make those units usable. there is no a accessible units on this for more, but there will be a significant amount of improvements to these units, both for livability, air quality, and function on the third floor of the building. i have covered the full building. if you have any questions, i could answer. supervisor mar: colleagues, are there any questions? cell, seeing none, thank you for the presentation. -- so, seeing none. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. i am the executive director of youth services. i want to talk about what the young people will be doing. several years ago, there was a
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task force established by then mayor newsom to look at the transition-aged youth. one of the key recommendations that came out of that was the need to increase housing. we talked about 100 people as part of that task force report, and all of them talked about housing as their first-priority needs. some of the work was done, and the city had planned to add 400 units of housing by 2015, ideally, so this project is a part of that plan. the importance of having 24 units to 16 units is that at this time, there are an estimated 5700 people at risk for homelessness each year, and we are unable to meet that need. we have maybe 400 units of housing for youth, with more coming on line in the next few years, but, obviously, we do not have enough to meet the need. they will be supporting services
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on site. they will be engaged in a case management support, so each of them will meet individually with a case manager, and in addition to the case manager, there will be another step position there, whose goal will be to do life skills work with the young people with art-related activities or external activities. there might be outdoor activities. they might go to the opera or the symphony or kind of what ever else they want to go to, but we work together to create that's about youth are both learning the skills that they need, i e going to school, going to work, learning how to cook, manage their own finances and relationships, but also working together as a community to build an extensive connectiveness and the building and also so that they can be good members of their community and the neighborhood, said that would be the -- so that would be the work complimenting the existing -- existing staff.
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the staffing was increased at the request of the neighbors, and we think it is good for the young people in addition to what services they would get on site at edwards the second, all of the people we serve also having access to all of the education employment programs, the medical care we have on our other side, and other things that larkin street provides. supervisor mar: thank you for your work with larkin street, as well. you mentioned the staffing levels. i think he said that besides a full-time case manager, there is a full-time rather than a half time counselor, and that is part of the recommendations that were made? >> yes. on the part of chp. we also increase the support
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services staffing -- we also increased the support services staffing. we feel that now has a good staffing pattern that will be able to meet the needs of young people, in addition to accessing other kinds of services. >> -- supervisor mar: what happens when the property manager is off-site? what happens during that time? >> there is a property manager and desk services that will be there from 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m., and then the larkin street has people. we will stagger the staffing pattern to ensure that there is basically at minimum one, most often two people on site at all times. supervisor mar: thank you. >> at thank you. -- thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors.
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